918 resultados para Migration of systems
During tissue inflammation, infiltrated leukocytes may have physical contacts with fibroblasts. We observed that neutrophils and B lymphocytes adhered in a larger proportion than T cells on cultured fibroblasts. Microscopy showed that adhesion was also characterized by leukocyte engulfment by the fibroblasts. In migration assays, only neutrophils and B lymphocytes were selectively able to migrate through a fibroblast barrier. Adhesion and migration were increased by stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Antibodies against ICAM-1/beta2 integrin blocked the interaction of neutrophils to fibroblasts. For B lymphocytes the couple VCAM-1/alpha4 integrin was also involved in this interaction. Human skin fibroblasts presented similar adhesion characteristics as rat cardiac fibroblasts. By measuring the distance between the border of migration holes and cadherin-positive adherens junctions, more than 65% of the holes correspond to the transcellular route over the paracellular route. Furthermore, vimentin staining revealed that the migration holes were highly nested by intermediate filaments in accordance with the transcellular route. Our results demonstrated that engulfment of neutrophils and B lymphocytes by fibroblasts resulted in selective passage by a transcellular route.
We investigate the influence of the driving mechanism on the hysteretic response of systems with athermal dynamics. In the framework of local mean-field theory at finite temperature (but neglecting thermally activated processes), we compare the rate-independent hysteresis loops obtained in the random field Ising model when controlling either the external magnetic field H or the extensive magnetization M. Two distinct behaviors are observed, depending on disorder strength. At large disorder, the H-driven and M-driven protocols yield identical hysteresis loops in the thermodynamic limit. At low disorder, when the H-driven magnetization curve is discontinuous (due to the presence of a macroscopic avalanche), the M-driven loop is reentrant while the induced field exhibits strong intermittent fluctuations and is only weakly self-averaging. The relevance of these results to the experimental observations in ferromagnetic materials, shape memory alloys, and other disordered systems is discussed.
La presència de la química teòrica i computacional està augmentant en quasi tots els camps de la recerca en química. Els càlculs teòrics poden ajudar a entendre millor l'estructura, les propietats i la reactivitat de compostos metàl·lics d'àrees tan diferents com la química inorgànica, organometàl·lica i bioinorgànica. No obstant això, és imprescindible utilitzar la metodologia adequada per obtenir resultats teòrics fiables. Els estudis d'aquesta tesi es poden dividir en dos grups diferents. El primer grup inclou l'estudi teòric del mecanisme de reacció de diversos sistemes que contenen coure i tenen diferents estructures Cun-O2. Aquests estudies s'han dut a terme amb l'objectiu de profunditzar en la natura dels processos oxidants químics i biològics promoguts per sistemes que contenen coure. En la segona part de la tesi, s'estudia la fiabilitat de diferents tècniques utilitzades per estudiar l'estructura electrònica i la reactivitat de sistemes que contenen coure, ferro i altres metalls de transició.
Esta tesis está enfocada al diseño y validación de controladores robustos que pueden reducir de una manera efectiva las vibraciones structurales producidas por perturbaciones externas tales como terremotos, fuertes vientos o cargas pesadas. Los controladores están diseñados basados en teorías de control tradicionalamente usadas en esta area: Teoría de estabilidad de Lyapunov, control en modo deslizante y control clipped-optimal, una técnica reciente mente introducida : Control Backstepping y una que no había sido usada antes: Quantitative Feedback Theory. La principal contribución al usar las anteriores técnicas, es la solución de problemas de control estructural abiertos tales como dinámicas de actuador, perturbaciones desconocidas, parametros inciertos y acoplamientos dinámicos. Se utilizan estructuras típicas para validar numéricamente los controladores propuestos. Especificamente las estructuras son un edificio de base aislada, una plataforma estructural puente-camión y un puente de 2 tramos, cuya configuración de control es tal que uno o mas problemas abiertos están presentes. Se utilizan tres prototipos experimentales para implementar los controladores robustos propuestos, con el fin de validar experimentalmente su efectividad y viabilidad. El principal resultado obtenido con la presente tesis es el diseño e implementación de controladores estructurales robustos que resultan efectivos para resolver problemas abiertos en control estructural tales como dinámicas de actuador, parámetros inciertos, acoplamientos dinámicos, limitación de medidas y perturbaciones desconocidas.
Research into transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) diseases has become a high priority worldwide in recent years yet remarkably little is known about the behaviour of TSE infectivity in the environment. The resilience and stability of prion proteins could lead to soils becoming a potential reservoir of TSE infectivity as a result of contamination from activities such as infected carcass burial or the dispersion of effluents from slaughter houses, or by contamination of pastures by infected animals, (e.g. scrapie in sheep). Knowledge of the fate of prion proteins in soils, and associated physico-chemical conditions which favour migration, can be used to help prevent re-infection of animals through grazing, to protect watercourses and develop good management practices. In two consecutive experiments of 9 and 6 months, the migration of recombinant ovine PrP (recPrP) in soil columns was followed under contrasting levels of microbial activity (normal versus reduced), under varying regimes of soil water content and redox potential, and in two different soil types (loamy sand and clay loam). At each analysis time (1, 3, 6 or 9 months), in both soil types, full-length recPrP was detected in the original contaminated layer, indicating the resilience and stability of recPrP under varied soil conditions, even in the presence of active soil microbial populations. Evidence of protein migration was found in every soil column at the earliest analysis time (1 or 3 months), but was restricted to a maximum distance of 1 cm, indicative of limited initial mobility in soils followed by strong adsorption over the following days to weeks. The survival of recPrP in the soil over a period of at least 9 months was demonstrated. In this study, recPrP was used as an indicator for potential TSE infectivity, although infectivity tests should be carried out before conclusions can be drawn regarding the infection risk posed by prions in soil. However, it has been demonstrated that soil is likely to act as a significant barrier to the dispersion of contaminated material at storage or burial sites. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article has been written in memory of Norbert Wiener and is dedicated to him. Takes a look at how cybernetics provides an extremely useful framework for the control and operation of real-world systems. With the true advent of computers and simple communications, many more processes can and will be viewed from a systems standpoint. Examples are given of how cybernetics can be applied to industrial processes and how it is seen as an important, integral part of future systems science.
Phase studies have been performed for quaternary systems composed of egg lecithin, cosurfactant, water and oil. The lecithin used was the commercially available egg lecithin Ovothin 200 (which comprises ≥ 92% phosphatidylcholine). The cosurfactants employed were propanol and butanol, and these were used at lecithin/cosurfactant mixing ratios (Km) of 1:1 and 1.94:1 (weight basis). Six polar oils were investigated, including the alkanoic acids, octanoic and oleic, their corresponding ethyl esters and the medium and long chain triglycerides, Miglyol 812 and soybean oil. All oils, irrespective of the alcohol and the Km used, gave rise to systems that produced a stable isotropic region along the surfactant/oil axis (designated as a reverse microemulsion system). In addition, the systems incorporating propanol at both Km and butanol at a Km of 1.94: 1, generally gave rise to a liquid crystalline region and, in some cases, a second isotropic non-birefingent area (designated as a normal microemulsion system). The phase behaviour observed was largely dependent upon the alcohol and Km used and the size and the polarity of the oil present.
The field of systems thinking is both broad and diverse. This paper tries to provide assistance to outsiders wishing to find out what systems thinking is and also to insiders interested in exploring areas of the systems movement other than their own. A selection of books, papers and articles is given. Each has a full reference and a brief annotation, this being an account of, and a critical comment on, its content. The selection does not aim to be definitive or authoritative and obviously displays the predilections of the authors. However, the hope is that it will convey a sense of the intellectual and practical endeavours that, to the authors, constitute systems thinking and that it may aid the exploration of the range of holistic ideas that people have found useful in thinking about and acting in the world.
As a model for brain inflammation we previously studied transcriptional profiles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)treated U373 astroglioma cells. In previous work we were able to demonstrate that the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1, SCYA2, CCL2, MCAF) expression in U373 cells was inducible by TNF-alpha treatment. Demonstrably MCP-1 mRNA and protein expression in U373 cells was sustainable over time and at the highest level of all genes analyzed (Schwamborn et al., BMC Genomics 4, 46, 2003). In the hematopoietic system MCP-1 is a CC chemokine that attracts monocytes, memory T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. In search of further functions in brain inflammation we tested the hypothesis that MCP-1 acts as a chemokine on neural stem cells. Here we report that MCP-1 activates the migration capacity of rat-derived neural stem cells. The migration of stem cells in a Boyden chamber analysis was elevated after stimulation with MCP-1. Time-lapse video microscopy visualized the migration of single stem cells from neurospheres in MCP-1-treated cultures, whereas untreated cultures depicted no migration at all, but showed signs of sprouting. Expression of the MCP-1 receptor CCR2 in neurosphere cultures was verified by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Supernatants from TNF-treated U373 cells also induced migration of neural stem cells.
Aluminium (Al) has been measured in human breast tissue, and may be a contributory factor in breast cancer development. At the 10th Keele meeting, we reported that long-term exposure to Al could increase migratory properties of oestrogen-responsive MCF-7 human breast cancer cells suggesting a role for Al in the metastatic process. We now report that long-term exposure (20–25 weeks) to Al chloride or Al chlorohydrate at 10−4 M or 10−5Mconcentrations can also increase themigration of oestrogen unresponsiveMDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells as measured using time-lapse microscopy and xCELLigence technology. In parallel, Al exposure was found to give rise to increased secretion of active matrixmetalloproteinaseMMP9 as measured by zymography, and increased intracellular levels of activated MMP14 as measured by western immunoblotting. These results demonstrate that Al can increase migration of human breast cancer cells irrespective of their oestrogen responsiveness, and implicate alterations to MMPs as a potential mechanism worthy of further study.