921 resultados para Microsoft Office


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El tema de planeación estratégica aplicado a las Mypes es de gran importancia, para el desarrollo de la economía nacional ya que genera crecimiento de estas a través de la implementación de estrategias y una adecuada planeación, en tal sentido es necesario brindar herramientas de este tipo para las empresas del sector avícola. Por lo anterior, es importante que estas entidades conozcan de un documento que contenga definiciones básicas, una breve descripción sobre la temática y su utilidad; así como también los controles internos básicos, ventajas y desventajas. La investigación se desarrolló utilizando el método descriptivo, mediante el cual se pudo obtener un panorama más preciso de la magnitud del problema o situación y consecuentemente lograr una respuesta a la investigación de campo, en razón de que estudia y narra la realidad, utilizando datos numéricos concretos que sirvan de base al proceso estadístico de descripción, auxiliado de la recolección, tabulación, presentación y estudio de los mismos. Para el análisis e interpretación de los datos se utilizó el programa de Microsoft office Excel, el cual contiene muchas facilidades tanto para la tabulación como la elaboración de gráficos, que muestren los resultados obtenidos del cuestionario. El estudio mostró que la mayoría de los encuestados, no conocen sobre la aplicación de “Planeación Estratégica “en sus empresas, y el resto dijeron conocerla de forma conceptual; por consiguiente el desarrollo de un plan estratégico en el sector avícola, es una forma de ampliar su competitividad, pues la mayor parte de granjas son familiares. De acuerdo a lo mencionado anteriormente se hace necesario contar con un plan estratégico adecuado que las haga tener ventaja sobre su competencia, por medio de la obtención de la información sobre el mercado, la economía, para tomar oportunamente las decisiones correspondientes.


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ANTECEDENTES: Conocer el funcionamiento del sistema auditivo es de interés para los profesionales, por esto la detección temprana de hipoacusia es importante. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la incidencia de hipoacusia y su relación con factores de riesgo, en pacientes del Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital Latinoamericano, Cuenca - Ecuador, 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Es un estudio prospectivo analítico, la muestra de 50 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, los factores de riesgo se recolectaron en un formulario elaborado por los autores. Para la formulación y análisis de tablas estadísticas se utilizó Microsoft Office Excel 2007 y SPSS. Medidas Estadísticas: Riesgo Relativo, Índice de Confianza, y valor de P. RESULTADOS: La incidencia de hipoacusia detectada por OEA fue de 20 (40%) de 50 pacientes. El grupo etario con mayor incidencia de hipoacusia fueron pacientes entre 1 y 5 días de nacidos. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron PREMATURIDAD y APGAR al minuto deprimido, ambos con 28 casos (56%). El sexo MASCULINO con un 60% del total de hipoacusias detectadas fue el de mayor incidencia. Los factores de riesgo estadísticamente significativos, fueron MANIFESTACIONES NEUROLÓGICAS, con un RR=3.31 (IC95%: 2.10 – 5.21) y valor p = 0.001 y MALFORMACIONES CONGENITAS con un RR=2.88 (IC95%: 1.94 – 4.27) y valor p=0.021. CONCLUSIONES: Determinar la incidencia de hipoacusia mediante OEA es importante para llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo mediante la prueba de Potenciales Evocados y lograr un tratamiento temprano y adecuado, además de un control epidemiológico propio para detectar factores de riesgo asociados


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A epilepsia é uma doença crónica considerada um problema de saúde pública que atinge pessoas em todo o mundo, independentemente da raça, sexo, idade, cultura, e religião. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de entender como é feito o acompanhamento do doente epilético no setor de saúde pública em São Vicente. É um estudo de caráter quantitativo direcionado aos doentes epiléticos que frequentam o BUA e nos CS em São Vicente. Nesta ótica participaram 30 doente epilético que estão a controlar a epilepsia no sistema de saúde público. As informações foram colhidas através do inquérito por questionário e os dados tratados no Microsoft Office Word Excel 2007. Através do estudo verificou-se que a saúde do epilético evidencia, nesta ótica, uma grande necessidade de atenção e de intervenção a nível do incentivo principalmente nas áreas de: consultas, educação e comunicação, intervenções que devem ser feitas na prevenção e desde o diagnóstico da epilepsia, com o intuito dos doentes abrangerem mais informações possíveis sobre a doença e aceitação do tratamento, para que possam melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos apontam que: não são todos os epiléticos que vão às consultas de controlo, apresentam um alto índice de falta de informações sobre a doença e não estão consciencializados de que as consultas de controlo são importantes para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida, constatou-se também que o sistema nacional de saúde deve incidir sobre a melhoria das intervenções, e repensar a forma como podem educar os doentes para os cuidados de saúde como, recrutar mais recursos humanos na medida que de acordo com os participantes, profissionais da saúde são insuficientes para darem a resposta a satisfação das necessidades dos doentes crónicos (epiléticos). Revelando assim a necessidade de: Transmitir informações de forma mais claras e com maior regularidade aos doentes e familiares para que possam ser alcançados resultados mais eficientes e eficazes; Apostar na educação para a saúde do doente epilético realizando encontros para a formação de forma articulada e com maior regularidade/frequência; Estabelecer possíveis parcerias, entre os CS e BUA no que tange ao encaminhamento dos doentes epiléticos, para darem a continuidade do seu tratamento; Investigar mais sobre esta temática em Cabo Verde.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se estudar a execução "cruzada” de produtos/aplicações, particularmente de aplicações num sistema para o qual não foram concebidas. Em concreto, pretende-se analisar a execução de programas nativos do Windows em ambiente Linux e vice-versa. Na exploração desta tese foi seleccionado um conjunto representativo de diferentes aplicações, desde produtos genéricos como o Microsoft Office, soluções ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) e software mais utilizado em ambientes académicos e científicos. Para a execução de aplicações-Windows no Linux utilizaram-se essencialmente dois tipos de ferramentas: a camada de tradução Wine (capaz de executar programas nativos do Windows) e máquinas virtuais, como a VirtualBox e VMWare Player. Para a componente inversa deste trabalho (a execução de aplicações Linux em Windows), fez-se uso essencialmente dessas mesmas máquinas virtuais contendo embora (tendo­lhes sido adicionadas) as distribuições Linux, o Ubuntu 10.04 e OpenSUSE 11.3. ABSTRACT: This work intent to examine the "crossed “execution of products / applications, particularly in an operative system for which such products and applications were not designed. More specially, the purpose of this work is to analyze the performance of native Windows programs under within Linux and vice versa. Throughout the development of this thesis we selected a representative set of different applications, from generic products such 88 Microsoft Office, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and software mainly used in academic and scientific environments. For the execution of Windows applications in Linux, we used essentially two types of tools: the translation layer Wine (capable of running native Windows programs) and virtual machines, such 88 VirtualBox and VMWare Player. For the reverse case, running Linux applications in Windows, the main solution was the use of virtual machines, added with Linux distributions, Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenSUSE 11.3.


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In this session we'll explore how Microsoft uses data science and machine learning across it's entire business, from Windows and Office, to Skype and XBox. We'll look at how companies across the world use Microsoft technology for empowering their businesses in many different industries. And we'll look at data science technologies you can use yourselves, such as Azure Machine Learning and Power BI. Finally we'll discuss job opportunities for data scientists and tips on how you can be successful!


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Cloud computing is usually regarded as being energy efficient and thus emitting less greenhouse gases (GHG) than traditional forms of computing. When the energy consumption of Microsoft’s cloud computing Office 365 (O365) and traditional Office 2010 (O2010) software suites were tested and modeled, some cloud services were found to consume more energy than the traditional form. The developed model in this research took into consideration the energy consumption at the three main stages of data transmission; data center, network, and end user device. Comparable products from each suite were selected and activities were defined for each product to represent a different computing type. Microsoft provided highly confidential data for the data center stage, while the networking and user device stages were measured directly. A new measurement and software apportionment approach was defined and utilized allowing the power consumption of cloud services to be directly measured for the user device stage. Results indicated that cloud computing is more energy efficient for Excel and Outlook which consumed less energy and emitted less GHG than the standalone counterpart. The power consumption of the cloud based Outlook (8%) and Excel (17%) was lower than their traditional counterparts. However, the power consumption of the cloud version of Word was 17% higher than its traditional equivalent. A third mixed access method was also measured for Word which emitted 5% more GHG than the traditional version. It is evident that cloud computing may not provide a unified way forward to reduce energy consumption and GHG. Direct conversion from the standalone package into the cloud provision platform can now consider energy and GHG emissions at the software development and cloud service design stage using the methods described in this research.


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With the accelerated trend of global warming, the thermal behavior of existing buildings, which were typically designed based on current weather data, may not be able to cope with the future climate. This paper quantifies, through computer simulations, the increased cooling loads imposed by potential global warming and probable indoor temperature increases due to possible undersized air-conditioning system. It is found from the sample office building examined that the existing buildings would generally be able to adapt to the increasing warmth of 2030 year Low and High scenarios projections and 2070 year Low scenario projection. However, for the 2070 year High scenario, the study indicates that the existing office buildings, in all capital cities except for Hobart, will suffer from overheating problems. When the annual average temperature increase exceeds 2°C, the risk of current office buildings subjected to overheating will be significantly increased. For existing buildings which are designed with current climate condition, it is shown that there is a nearly linear correlation between the increase of average external air temperature and the increase of building cooling load. For the new buildings, in which the possible global warming has been taken into account in the design, a 28-59% increase of cooling capacity under 2070 High scenario would be required to improve the building thermal comfort level to an acceptable standard.


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The following paper considers the question, where to office property? In doing so, it focuses, in the first instance, on identifying and describing a selection of key forces for change present within the contemporary operating environment in which office property functions. Given the increasingly complex, dynamic and multi-faceted character of this environment, the paper seeks to identify only the primary forces for change, within the context of the future of office property. These core drivers of change have, for the purposes of this discussion, been characterised as including a range of economic, demographic and socio-cultural factors, together with developments in information and communication technology. Having established this foundation, the paper proceeds to consider the manner in which these forces may, in the future, be manifested within the office property market. Comment is offered regarding the potential future implications of these forces for change together with their likely influence on the nature and management of the physical asset itself. Whilst no explicit time horizon has been envisioned in the preparation of this paper particular attention has been accorded short to medium term trends, that is, those likely to emerge in the office property marketplace over the coming two decades. Further, the paper considers the question posed, in respect of the future of office property, in the context of developed western nations. The degree of commonality seen in these mature markets is such that generalisations may more appropriately and robustly be applied. Whilst some of the comments offered with respect to the target market may find application in other arenas, it is beyond the scope of this paper to explicitly consider highly heterogeneous markets. Given also the wide scope of this paper key drivers for change and their likely implications for the commercial office property market are identified at a global level (within the above established parameters). Accordingly, the focus is necessarily such that it serves to reflect overarching directions at a universal level (with the effect being that direct applicability to individual markets - when viewed in isolation on a geographic or property type specific basis – may not be fitting in all instances)