473 resultados para Metsä huutaa


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Introdução: Estruturalmente, a marcha é modificada de acordo com as características de cada individuo, sua natureza morfológica, tipo de atividade, idade e a presença de determinadas doenças, entre outros fatores. Devidas as alterações fisiológicas de envelhecimento, o custo energético da marcha normal por si só é superior nos idosos comparativamente com os jovens. Objetivo: Analisar a influência do uso de andarilho com rodas e fixo nos parâmetros metabólicos de indivíduos com mais de 60 anos e em jovens. Metodologia: realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal numa amostra de 21 voluntários, sendo 11adultos jovens (idade compreendida entre 18 e 25 anos) e 10 são adultos com idade superior a 60 anos. Utilizou-se o sistema K4b2 COSMED de forma a recolher os dados relativos ao consumo energético, quociente respiratório e volume de CO2 produzido. Os participantes realizaram os diferentes tipos de marcha (marcha normal, a três pontos com andarilho fixo, a três pontos modificada com andarilho fixo, a três pontos com andarilho com rodas e a três pontos modificada com andarilho com rodas) durante 10 minutos num percurso rectilíneo de 20 metros. Para a análise estatística recorreu-se ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v20 com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: observou-se que á exceção da marcha normal em todos os outros tipos de marcha com andarilho, os participantes com mais de 60 anos, apresentam valores significativamente superiores aos dos jovens, nomeadamente nas marchas com andarilho fixo, a 3 pontos e a 3 pontos modificada e com andarilho de rodas, na marcha a 3ponto modificada. Verificaram-se diferenças apenas no grupo dos jovens, pois a marcha normal apresentou valores significativamente maiores que as restantes. Conclusão: A idade influenciou os parâmetros metabólicos da marcha normal e com andarilhos fixo e móvel apresentando os idosos um maior gasto energético, bem como os METS utilizados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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INTRODUCTION: Metabolic syndrome (MetS), a risk factor for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, is related to an inadequate food intake pattern. Its incidence is increasing among Brazilian adults, including those living in rural areas. Our aim was not only to describe the frequency of MetS in adults with or without MetS but also to compare their food intake pattern as assessed by the healthy eating index (HEI) and serum albumin and C reactive protein (CRP) levels. METHODS: Men and women (n = 246) living in a small village in Brazil were included. MetS was characterized according to the adult treatment panel (ATP III) criteria. Groups were compared by chi-square, student t or Mann-Whitney tests. RESULTS: MetS was diagnosed in 15.4% of the cases. The MetS group showed higher CRP (1.8±1.2 vs. 1.0±0.9 mg/dl) and lower albumin (4.3±0.3 vs. 4.4±0.3 g/dl) serum levels compared to the control group. Additionally, the MetS group showed lower scores (median[range]) in the HEI compared to the control group (53.5[31.2-78.1] vs 58[29.7-89.5], respectively). The MetS group also had decreased scores for total fat and daily variety of food intake. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that adults with MetS displayed chronic mild inflammation and a poorer food intake pattern than the control group.


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RESUMO: Objectivo: O objectivo geral do estudo é analisar a relação entre intensidade da actividade física (AF) realizada pela população idosa com 75 anos ou mais, com a respectiva sensação subjectiva de esforço (SSE). Introdução: Em Portugal, e de acordo o Instituto Nacional de Estatística, em 2011 cerca de 19% da população tem mais de 65 anos. Em 2050, as estimativas apontam que esta percentagem seja de 25%, ou seja, um quarto do país. O envelhecimento propicía um declínio físico e funcional, e para o retardar estão recomendados 150 minutos por semana de AF moderada. A forma como tem sido avaliada a AF tem por base um pressuposto de comparação com valores de gasto energético de uma população com uma média de 40 anos. É fundamental a realização de estudos que analisem a associação entre o nível de intensidade de AF com a SSE, para aferir se esta comparação é transponível para esta faixa etária. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo observacional analítico transversal, com uma amostra constituída por 39 participantes, com uma mediana 77,0 anos de idade (percentil 25: 76,0; percentil 75: 80,0), sendo a mínima 75 e a máxima 86 anos. As variáveis são a SSE e a intensidade de cada actividade realizada. O protocolo de avaliação foi constituído pelo questionário de caracterização sóciodemográfica, Diário de AF e a Escala de Borg RPE 6-20. Resultados: Existe uma associação negativa significativa entre a idade e o gasto energético total (rs = -0,365, p=0,022) e uma associação negativa, moderada e significativa entre a idade e a SSE reportada média (rs = -0,521, p=0,001) e máxima (rs = -0,465, p=0,003). Observou-se uma associação positiva e significativa entre a SSE máxima diária e o tempo total dedicado a actividades físicas (r=0,367 e p=0,022) e o gasto energético total (r=0,569, p<0,001). Verificou-se igualmente que quanto maior o gasto energético total diário, maior a média da SSE (r=0,411; p=0,009). Existe uma concordância moderada e significativa (Kappa=0,475; p<0,001) entre a sensação reportada pelo participante e a classificação atribuída em cada actividade pelo Compêndio de Actividades Físicas (Ainsworth et al, 1993). No entanto, com uma tendência para a subestimação dos MET’s atribuídos a cada actividade Conclusão: Os resultados do estudo sugerem que existe uma associação positiva e significativa entre intensidade da AF realizada e a SSE, aquando da realização da mesma actividade. Apesar desta associação ser moderada, este estudo sugere que a classificação que o Compêndio utiliza não é directamente aplicável à população idosa com 75 anos ou mais.-------------ABSTRACT: Purpose: The overall objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between intensity of physical activity performed by the elderly population with 75 years or more with their subjective feeling of effort. Background: In Portugal, according with data from Instituto Português de Estatística, in 2011 aproximately 19% of the population has more than 65 years old. In 2050, estimates suggest that this percentage will be 25%, which means a quarter of the country. The way in which physical activity has been evaluated is based on a comparing assumption with values of energy expenditure in a population with an average of 40 years. It is critical to conduct studies to examine the association between the level of intensity of physical activity with the subjective feeling of effort, to assess whether this comparison is applied to this age group. Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study with a sample of 39 participants, with a median age of 77.0 years (25th percentile: 76.0; 75th percentile: 80.0), with the minimum age 75 years and maximum age 86 years. The variables are the subjective feeling of physical effort and intensity of each activity. It was applied one protocol evaluation consisting of a questionnaire of sociodemographic characteristics, A journal of physical activities and Borg RPE 6-20 scale. Results: There is a significant negative association between age and total energy expenditure (rs = -0.365, p = 0.022) and a negative, moderate and significant association between age and average (rs = -0.521, p = 0.001) and maximum subjective feeling of exertion reported (rs = -0.465, p = 0.003). There was a significant positive association between the subjective feeling of daily maximum effort and total time spent on physical activity (r = 0.367 and p = 0.022) and total energy expenditure (r = 0.569, p <0.001). It was also found that the higher the total daily energy expenditure, the higher the average of the subjective sense of effort (r = 0.411, p = 0.009). There is a moderate and significant correlation (kappa = 0.475, p <0.001) between the sensation reported by the participant and the rank assigned to each activity by Compendium of Physical Activities (Ainsworth et al, 1993). However, there is a tendency to over-estimate the subjective feeling of effort, or underestimation of METs assigned to each activity Conclusion: Study results suggest a positive and significant association between the level of intensity of physical activity and the subjective feeling of exertion, within the same activity. Even though this association is moderated, this study suggests that the Compendium of Physical Activities rating doesn’t suit for individuals with 75 years old or more.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as variáveis clínicas e hemodinâmicas obtidas pelo teste ergométrico em idosos >75 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudados 100 indivíduos de 75-94 anos (80±4 anos), submetidos a teste ergométrico sintoma limitante, sendo 65% assintomáticos, 25% com dor torácica não anginosa e 10% com precordialgia típica, 32% eram homens, 50% hipertensos, 36% dislipidêmicos, 14% diabéticos e 9% com doença arterial coronariana prévia. O protocolo utilizado foi uma adaptação para rampa, do protocolo de Bruce, acrescido de 1min de aquecimento com velocidade de 1,0mph sem inclinação. RESULTADOS: Não houve complicações e 92% dos testes foram eficazes. Os pacientes atingiram em média 95% da freqüência cardíaca máxima prevista. A duração do exame e os equivalentes metabólicos alcançados foram, em média, respectivamente: 6,8 ±2min e 6,6 ±2,3 METs. Apresentaram resposta inotrópica hiperreativa 11 dos pacientes e observadas arritmias ventriculares e supraventriculares não complexas em 37% da amostra. Foram positivos para isquemia miocárdica 18% dos testes. Os pacientes com precordialgia típica apresentaram mais respostas isquêmicas do que os com dor torácica não anginosa e assintomáticos: 70% vs 16% (p<0,001) e 70% vs 10% (p<0,01), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O teste ergométrico sintoma limitante é útil, seguro e eficaz para analisar as respostas isquêmicas e hemodinâmicas, mesmo no indivíduo muito idoso.


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FUNDAMENTO: Na insuficiência cardíaca, o teste ergométrico (TE) avalia capacidade funcional, um determinante de prognóstico. A cintilografia com I¹²³ MIBG mostra a ativação simpática cardíaca. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre as variáveis do TE e as alterações da cintilografia com I¹²³ MIBG. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos 23 pacientes (FEVE < 45%) à cintilografia com I¹²³ MIBG e separados em: G1) taxa de Washout < 27%; G2) > 27%. Esses pacientes realizaram TE, onde foram analisadas: pressão arterial sistólica no pico do esforço (PASP), frequência cardíaca no pico do esforço (FCP), variação da pressão arterial sistólica intraesforço (Δ PAS), reserva cronotrópica e capacidade funcional em METs. Utilizaram-se para a análise estatística, o teste t de Student ou o teste U de Mann-Whitney, o coeficiente de Spearman e o coeficiente de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: A PASP (G1: 181,00 ± 28,01; G2: 153,27 ± 27,71, p = 0,027), a Δ PAS [G1: 64 (47,5-80,5); G2: 36 (25-47) mmHg, p = 0,015], a FCP (G1: 136,91 ± 19,66; G2: 118,45 ± 13,98 bpm, p = 0,018), a reserva cronotrópica (G1: 70,42 ± 17,94; G2: 49,47 ± 14,89%, p = 0,006) e a capacidade funcional [G1: 8,37 (6,47-10,27); G2: 4,42 (2,46-6,38) METs, p = 0,003] foram menores no G2. Houve correlação negativa entre taxa de Washout com PASP (r = -0,505, p = 0,014), Δ PAS (r = -0,493, p = 0,017) e capacidade funcional (r = -0,646, p = 0,001). Após regressão linear, PASP (r = -0,422, p = 0,016) e capacidade funcional (r = -0,804, p = 0,004) foram associadas com taxa de Washout. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, PASP e capacidade funcional foram as varáveis mais associadas com a taxa de Washout.


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FUNDAMENTO: Apesar das inúmeras evidências de aumento da morbimortalidade, a incompetência cronotrópica (IC) ainda não é um diagnóstico rotineiro e bem definido nos protocolos de avaliação cardiológica e sua importância clínica ainda é subestimada. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os parâmetros clínicos e ecocardiográficos associados à IC em pacientes não idosos submetidos à ecocardiografia sob estresse físico (EEF). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 1.798 pacientes com idade média de 48,4 ± 7,5 anos submetidos à EEF entre Janeiro/2000 e Agosto/2009. Pacientes com índice cronotrópico menor que 0,8 foram considerados incompetentes cronotrópicos e comparados aos competentes quanto às características clínicas e ecocardiográficas. RESULTADOS: A duração do esforço físico foi em média de 9,3 ± 2,4 minutos. Duzentos e setenta (15%) pacientes eram incompetentes cronotrópicos. O índice cronotrópico de tal grupo foi de 0,7 ± 0,1 vs. 1,0 ± 0,1 para os competentes. A análise de regressão logística multivariada identificou os seguintes parâmetros como independentemente associados à IC: dispneia no exame [odds ratio (OR) = 4,27; p < 0,0001], dor torácica prévia na história clínica (OR = 1,51; p = 0,0111), maiores valores de índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo nos incompetentes (IMVE) (OR = 1,16; p = 0,0001), equivalentes metabólicos (METs) (OR = 0,70; p = 0,0001), infradesnivelamento do segmento ST (OR = 0,58; p = 0,0003) e elevação da pressão arterial sistólica (ΔPAS) (OR = 0,87; p = 0,0011). Isquemia miocárdica não se associou à IC. CONCLUSÃO: A IC está associada a parâmetros funcionais, tais como: dispneia ao esforço, história de dor torácica e menores valores de METS. Está também associada ao parâmetro estrutural índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo. Além disso, incompetência cronotrópica não parece aumentar a chance de isquemia miocárdica em pacientes não idosos. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)


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Background:The risk factors that characterize metabolic syndrome (MetS) may be present in childhood and adolescence, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood.Objective:Evaluate the prevalence of MetS and the importance of its associated variables, including insulin resistance (IR), in children and adolescents in the city of Guabiruba-SC, Brazil.Methods:Cross-sectional study with 1011 students (6–14 years, 52.4% girls, 58.5% children). Blood samples were collected for measurement of biochemical parameters by routine laboratory methods. IR was estimated by the HOMA-IR index, and weight, height, waist circumference and blood pressure were determined. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between risk variables and MetS.Results:The prevalence of MetS, IR, overweight and obesity in the cohort were 14%, 8.5%, 21% and 13%, respectively. Among students with MetS, 27% had IR, 33% were overweight, 45.5% were obese and 22% were eutrophic. IR was more common in overweight (48%) and obese (41%) students when compared with eutrophic individuals (11%; p = 0.034). The variables with greatest influence on the development of MetS were obesity (OR = 32.7), overweight (OR = 6.1), IR (OR = 4.4; p ≤ 0.0001 for all) and age (OR = 1.15; p = 0.014).Conclusion:There was a high prevalence of MetS in children and adolescents evaluated in this study. Students who were obese, overweight or insulin resistant had higher chances of developing the syndrome.


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Abstract Background: Truck driver sleepiness is a primary cause of vehicle accidents. Several causes are associated with sleepiness in truck drivers. Obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are associated with sleep disorders and with primary risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We analyzed the relationship between these conditions and prevalence of sleepiness in truck drivers. Methods: We analyzed the major risk factors for CVD, anthropometric data and sleep disorders in 2228 male truck drivers from 148 road stops made by the Federal Highway Police from 2006 to 2011. Alcohol consumption, illicit drugs and overtime working hours were also analyzed. Sleepiness was assessed using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Results: Mean age was 43.1 ± 10.8 years. From 2006 to 2011, an increase in neck (p = 0.011) and abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), triglyceride plasma levels (p = 0.014), and sleepiness was observed (p < 0.001). In addition, a reduction in hypertension (39.6% to 25.9%, p < 0.001), alcohol consumption (32% to 23%, p = 0.033) and overtime hours (52.2% to 42.8%, p < 0.001) was found. Linear regression analysis showed that sleepiness correlated closely with body mass index (β = 0.19, Raj2 = 0.659, p = 0.031), abdominal circumference (β = 0.24, Raj2 = 0.826, p = 0.021), hypertension (β = -0.62, Raj2 = 0.901, p = 0.002), and triglycerides (β = 0.34, Raj2 = 0.936, p = 0.022). Linear multiple regression indicated that hypertension (p = 0.008) and abdominal circumference (p = 0.025) are independent variables for sleepiness. Conclusions: Increased prevalence of sleepiness was associated with major components of the MetS.


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Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a prototypic marker of inflammation usually increased in MetS. Women with MetS-related diseases present higher hsCRP levels than men with MetS-related diseases, suggesting sex differences in inflammatory markers. However, it is unclear whether serum hsCRP levels are already increased in men and/or women with MetS risk factors and without overt diseases or under pharmacological treatment. Objective: To determine the impact of the number of MetS risk factors on serum hsCRP levels in women and men. Methods One hundred and eighteen subjects (70 men and 48 women; 36 ± 1 years) were divided into four groups according to the number of MetS risk factors: healthy group (CT; no risk factors), MetS ≤ 2, MetS = 3, and MetS ≥ 4. Blood was drawn after 12 hours of fasting for measurement of biochemical variables and hsCRP levels, which were determined by immunoturbidimetric assay. Results: The groups with MetS risk factors presented higher serum hsCRP levels when compared with the CT group (p < 0.02). There were no differences in hsCRP levels among groups with MetS risk factors (p > 0.05). The best linear regression model to explain the association between MetS risk factors and hsCRP levels included waist circumference and HDL cholesterol (r = 0.40, p < 0.01). Women with MetS risk factors presented higher hsCRP levels when compared with men (psex < 0.01). Conclusions: Despite the absence of overt diseases and pharmacological treatment, subjects with MetS risk factors already presented increased hsCRP levels, which were significantly higher in women than men at similar conditions.


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The prevalence of complicated hypertension is increasing in America and Europe. This survey was undertaken to assess the status quo of primary care management of hypertension in patients with the high-risk comorbid diseases metabolic syndrome (MetS) and/or type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin depending diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)). Data of anti-hypertensive treatment of 4594 Swiss patients were collected over 1 week. We identified patients with exclusively NIDDM (N = 95), MetS (N = 168), and both (N = 768). Target blood pressure (TBP) attainment, frequency of prescribed substance-classes, and correlations to comorbidities/end-organ damages were assessed. In addition, we analyzed the prescription of unfavorable beta-blockers (BB) and high-dose diuretics (Ds). In NIDDM, Ds (61%), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) (40%), and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) (31%) were mostly prescribed, while in MetS, drugs prevalence was Ds (68%), ARBs (48%), and BB (41%). Polypharmacy in patients with MetS correlated with body mass index; older patients (>65 years) were more likely to receive dual-free combinations. TBP was attained in 25.2% of NIDDM and in 28.7% of MetS patients. In general, low-dose Ds use was more prevalent in NIDDM and MetS, however, overall, Ds were used excessively (NIDDM: 61%, MetS: 68%), especially in single-pill combination. Patients with MetS were more likely to receive ARBs, ACEIs, CCBs, and low-dose Ds than BBs and/or high-dose Ds. Physicians recognize DM and MetS as high-risk patients, but select inappropriate drugs. Because the majority of patients may have both, MetS and NIDDM, there is an unmet need to define TBP for this specific population considering the increased risk in comparison to patients with MetS or NIDDM alone.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To measure resting metabolic rate (RMR), activity energy expenditure (AEE), total energy expenditure (TEE) and physical activity pattern, that is, duration and intensity (in metabolic equivalents, METs) of activities performed in late pregnancy compared with postpartum in healthy, well-nourished women living in Switzerland. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Weight, height, RMR, AEE, TEE and physical activity patterns were measured longitudinally in 27 healthy women aged 23-40 years at 38.2+/-1.5 weeks of gestation and 40.0+/-7.2 weeks postpartum. RESULTS: The RMR during late pregnancy was 7480 kJ per day, that is, 1320+/-760 kJ per day (21.4%) higher than the postpartum RMR (P<0.001). Absolute changes in RMR were positively correlated with the corresponding changes in body weight (r=0.61, P<0.001). RMR per kg body weight was similar in late pregnancy vs postpartum (P=0.28). AEE per kg during pregnancy and postpartum was 40+/-13 and 50+/-20 kJ/kg, respectively (P=0.001). There were significant differences in daily time spent at METs<1.5 (1067 vs 998 min, P=0.045), at 2.5< or =METs <3.0 (58 vs 82 min, P=0.002) and METs> or =6 (1 vs 6 min, P=0.014) during pregnancy and postpartum, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Energy expenditure in healthy women living in Switzerland increases in pregnancy compared with the postpartum state. Additional energy expenditure is primarily attributed to an increase in RMR, which is partly compensated by a decrease in AEE. The decrease in physical activity-related energy costs is achieved by selecting less demanding activities and should be taken into account when defining extra energy requirements for late pregnancy in Switzerland.


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OBJECTIVE: Both subclinical hypothyroidism and the metabolic syndrome have been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease events. It is unknown whether the prevalence and incidence of metabolic syndrome is higher as TSH levels increase, or in individuals with subclinical hypothyroidism. We sought to determine the association between thyroid function and the prevalence and incidence of the metabolic syndrome in a cohort of older adults. DESIGN: Data were analysed from the Health, Ageing and Body Composition Study, a prospective cohort of 3075 community-dwelling US adults. PARTICIPANTS: Two thousand one hundred and nineteen participants with measured TSH and data on metabolic syndrome components were included in the analysis. MEASUREMENTS: TSH was measured by immunoassay. Metabolic syndrome was defined per revised ATP III criteria. RESULTS: At baseline, 684 participants met criteria for metabolic syndrome. At 6-year follow-up, incident metabolic syndrome developed in 239 individuals. In fully adjusted models, each unit increase in TSH was associated with a 3% increase in the odds of prevalent metabolic syndrome (OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01-1.06; P = 0.02), and the association was stronger for TSH within the normal range (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.03-1.30; P = 0.02). Subclinical hypothyroidism with a TSH > 10 mIU/l was significantly associated with increased odds of prevalent metabolic syndrome (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.0-5.0; P = 0.04); the odds of incident MetS was similar (OR 2.2), but the confidence interval was wide (0.6-7.5). CONCLUSIONS: Higher TSH levels and subclinical hypothyroidism with a TSH > 10 mIU/l are associated with increased odds of prevalent but not incident metabolic syndrome.


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BACKGROUND: Only a few small studies investigated the association between postmenopausal breast cancer and metabolic syndrome (MetS) as a single entity. Materials and methods: We analyzed the data of two Italian and Swiss case-control studies conducted between 1983 and 2007, including 3869 postmenopausal women with incident breast cancer and 4082 postmenopausal controls admitted to the same hospitals as cases for acute conditions. MetS was defined as the presence of at least three components among diabetes, drug-treated hypertension, drug-treated hyperlipidemia, and obesity. RESULTS: The odds ratios (ORs) of postmenopausal breast cancer were 1.33 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09-1.62] for diabetes, 1.19 (95% CI 1.07-1.33) for hypertension, 1.08 (95% CI 0.95-1.22) for hyperlipidemia, 1.26 (95% CI 1.11-1.44) for body mass index ≥30 kg/m(2), and 1.22 (95% CI 1.09-1.36) for waist circumference ≥88 cm. The risk of postmenopausal breast cancer was significantly increased for women with MetS (OR = 1.75, 95% CI 1.37-2.22, for three or more MetS components, P for trend for increasing number of components < 0.0001) and the risk was higher at older age (OR = 3.04, 95% CI 1.75-5.29, at age ≥70 years for three or more MetS components). CONCLUSIONS: This study supports a direct association between MetS and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.


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BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) associated with psychiatric disorders and psychotropic treatments represents a major health issue. 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) is an enzyme that catalyzes tissue regeneration of active cortisol from cortisone. Elevated enzymatic activity of 11β-HSD1 may lead to the development of MetS. METHODS: We investigated the association between seven HSD11B1 gene (encoding 11β-HSD1) polymorphisms and BMI and MetS components in a psychiatric sample treated with potential weight gain-inducing psychotropic drugs (n=478). The polymorphisms that survived Bonferroni correction were analyzed in two independent psychiatric samples (nR1=168, nR2=188) and in several large population-based samples (n1=5338; n2=123 865; n3>100 000). RESULTS: HSD11B1 rs846910-A, rs375319-A, and rs4844488-G allele carriers were found to be associated with lower BMI, waist circumference, and diastolic blood pressure compared with the reference genotype (Pcorrected<0.05). These associations were exclusively detected in women (n=257) with more than 3.1 kg/m, 7.5 cm, and 4.2 mmHg lower BMI, waist circumference, and diastolic blood pressure, respectively, in rs846910-A, rs375319-A, and rs4844488-G allele carriers compared with noncarriers (Pcorrected<0.05). Conversely, carriers of the rs846906-T allele had significantly higher waist circumference and triglycerides and lower high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol exclusively in men (Pcorrected=0.028). The rs846906-T allele was also associated with a higher risk of MetS at 3 months of follow-up (odds ratio: 3.31, 95% confidence interval: 1.53-7.17, Pcorrected=0.014). No association was observed between HSD11B1 polymorphisms and BMI and MetS components in the population-based samples. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that HSD11B1 polymorphisms may contribute toward the development of MetS in psychiatric patients treated with potential weight gain-inducing psychotropic drugs, but do not play a significant role in the general population.