982 resultados para Methadone-maintenance Patients
Over the past decade fatal opioid overdose has emerged as a major public health issue internationally. This paper examines the risk factors for overdose from a biomedical perspective. while significant risk factors for opioid overdose fatality are well recognized, the mechanism of fatal overdose remains unclear. Losses of tolerance and concomitant use of alcohol and other CNS depressants clearly play a major role in fatality; howeve, such risk factors do not account for the strong age and gender patterns observed consistently among victims of overdose. There is evidence that systemic disease may be more prevalent in users at greatest risk of overdose. We hypothesize that pulmonary and hepatic dysfunction resulting from such disease may increase susceptibility to both fatal and non-fatal overdose. Sequelae of non-fatal overdose are recognized in the clinical literature but few epidemiological data exist describing the burden of morbidity arising from such sequelae. The potential for overdose to cause persisting morbidity is reviewed.
This article discusses the ethical justification for and reviews the American evidence on the effectiveness of; treatment for alcohol and heroin dependence that is provided under legal coercion to offenders whose alcohol and drug dependence has contributed to the commission of the offence with which they have been charged or convicted. The article focuses on legally coerced treatment for drink-driving offenders and heroin-dependent property offenders. it outlines the various arguments that have been made for providing such treatment under legal coercion, namely. the over-representation of alcohol and drug dependent persons in prison populations; the contributory causal role of alcohol and other drug problems in the offences that lead to their imprisonment; the high rates of relapse to drug use and criminal involvement after incarceration; the desirability of keeping injecting heroin users out of prisons as a way of reducing the transmission of infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis; and the putatively greater cost-effectiveness of treatment compared with incarceration. The ethical objections to legally coerced drug treatment are briefly discussed before the evidence on the effectiveness of legally coerced treatment for alcohol and other drug dependence is reviewed. The evidence, which is primarily from the USA, gives qualified support for some forms of legally coerced drug treatment provided that these programs are well resourced, carefully implemented, and their performance is monitored to ensure that they provide a humane and effective alternative to imprisonment. Expectations about what these programs can achieve also need to be realistic.
The research examines general practitioners attitudes and how these effect the management of drug misusers within their practice. The methodology is quantitative in approach. The instrument used is a structured postal questionnaire. Participants include all general practitioners within the North East region of Ireland. Anonymity and confidentiality of all respondents are guaranteed. Data was collected over a six week period, under the following headings - attitudes and beliefs, factors influencing treatment, treatment options, training and demographics. Attitudes and beliefs towards drug users were measured using a five point Likert scale ranging from strongly agrees to strongly disagree. The data was analysed with the aid of a computer package, SPSS allowing descriptive statistics to be presented. Results indicate that the majority of respondents are male. There appears to be sympathy towards drug users and that treatment approaches should be holistic. However, there appears to be a major lack of confidence in treating and managing drug misusers. Patient, social and practice factors all influence the decision to the drug misuser. Treatment options are varied, ranging from methadone maintenance to referral for residential treatment. However, a number of respondents offer no treatment for drug misusers. General practitioners do not feel adequately trained in treating and/or managing this client group. Results indicate that improved communication, ongoing education and more research is needed in this area.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Introduction: Malgré des taux d’efficacité comparable du traitement antiviral de l’hépatite C (VHC) entre utilisateurs de drogues par injection (UDIs) et non-UDIs, il y a encore d’importantes barrières à l’accessibilité au traitement pour cette population vulnérable. La méfiance des UDIs à l’égard des autorités médicales, ainsi que leur mode de vie souvent désorganisé ont un impact sur l’initiation du traitement. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner les liens entre l’initiation du traitement du VHC et l’utilisation des services de santé chez les UDIs actifs. Methode: 758 UDIs actifs et séropositifs aux anticorps anti-VHC ont été interrogés durant la période de novembre 2004 à mars 2011, dans la région de Montréal. Des questionnaires administrés par des intervieweurs ont fourni des informations sur les caractéristiques socio-économiques, ainsi que sur les variables relatives à l’usage de drogues et à l’utilisation des services de santé. Des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés et testés pour les anticorps anti-VHC. Une régression logistique multivariée a permis de générer des associations entre les facteurs relatifs aux services de santé et l’initiation du traitement contre le VHC. Resultats: Parmi les 758 sujets, 55 (7,3%) avaient initié un traitement du VHC avant leur inclusion dans l’étude. Selon les analyses multivariées, les variables significativement associées à l’initiation du traitement sont les suivantes: avoir vu un médecin de famille dans les derniers 6 mois (Ratio de Cote ajusté (RCa): 1,96; Intervalle de Confiance à 95% (IC): 1,04-3,69); plus de 2 ans sous traitement de la dépendance à vie, sans usage actuel de méthadone (RCa: 2,25; IC: 1,12-4,51); plus de 2 ans sous traitement de la dépendance à vie, avec usage actuel de méthadone (RCa: 3,78; IC: 1,85-7,71); et avoir déjà séjourné en prison (RCa: 0,44; IC: 0,22-0,87). Conclusion: L’exposition à des services d’aide à la dépendance et aux services médicaux est associée à l’initiation du traitement du VHC. Ces résultats suggèrent que ces services jouent leur rôle de point d’entrée au traitement. Alternativement, les UDIs ayant initié un traitement du VHC, auraient possiblement adopté une attitude proactive quant à l'amélioration de leur santé globale. D’autre part, l’incarcération ressort comme un obstacle à la gestion de l’infection au VHC.
Deux paradigmes se côtoient dans le traitement de la dépendance au Québec. Tout d’abord, il y a le paradigme de l’abstinence avec un modèle d’intervention souvent basé sur les Alcooliques Anonymes. Avec ce modèle, l’alcoolisme (ou la toxicomanie) est défini comme une maladie. En ce qui a trait à la réduction des méfaits, cette dernière vise la réduction des effets néfastes de l’usage de drogues plutôt que l’élimination de leur usage (Brisson, 1997). Nous nous sommes intéressés à une intervention inscrite dans ce paradigme soit le programme de substitution à la méthadone. Cette étude avait comme but de connaître les perceptions de personnes inscrites à ce programme, comprendre comment est vécu le rétablissement à travers la participation au programme et connaître les perceptions de ces personnes en ce qui a trait aux conséquences de la dépendance. Un cadre théorique s’inscrivant dans la perspective de l’interactionnisme symbolique a été choisi. Plus précisément, les processus de transformations normatives de Maria Caiata Zufferey, la théorie de l’étiquetage d’Howard Becker et le concept de stigmate d’Erving Goffman ont été retenus. Ensuite, dix entrevues semi-dirigées auprès d’hommes et de femmes majeures inscrites à un programme de substitution à la méthadone ont été réalisées. En ce qui a trait au chapitre portant sur les résultats, il a mis en lumière différents rapports à la méthadone vécus par les participants. Pour ce faire, trois figures construites à l’aide de l’analyse typologique ont été développées. Il ressort que pour certaines personnes, la méthadone fut décrite comme un substitut nécessaire, pour d’autres, elle correspondait à une aide dont ils veulent se débarrasser et pour une minorité, elle suscitait de l’ambivalence. En définitive, bien que la substitution demeure le traitement de choix pour la dépendance aux opioïdes, il est difficile de parler de sortie du monde de la drogue à l’aide de la méthadone puisque ce traitement apparaît comme étant presque aussi stigmatisé que la dépendance à l’héroïne (Lauzon, 2011). À première vue, la méthadone permet de prendre une distance avec le monde de la drogue (l’argent facile, les vols, la prostitution) et permet de se reconstruire une existence sur la base de repères stables, mais à bien considérer les choses, elle confine les personnes interrogées dans une situation d’ambivalence puisqu’elle les rattache à une identité de toxicomane. Mots-clés : dépendance, programme de substitution à la méthadone, perception, participant, réduction des méfaits, stigmatisation.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dexmedetomidina, agonista alfa2-adrenérgico com especificidade alfa1:alfa2 1:1620, não determina depressão respiratória, sendo utilizada no intra-operatório como sedativo e analgésico. Esse fármaco tem sido empregado com os opióides em anestesia de procedimentos com elevado estímulo doloroso, como os abdominais intraperitoneais, não havendo referências sobre seu uso como analgésico único. Comparou-se a dexmedetomidina ao sufentanil em procedimentos intraperitoneais, de pacientes com mais de 60 anos de idade. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 41 pacientes divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: GS (n = 21), que recebeu sufentanil, e GD (n = 20), dexmedetomidina, ambos na indução e manutenção da anestesia. Os pacientes receberam etomidato (GS e GD) com midazolam (GD) na indução, isoflurano e óxido nitroso na manutenção da anestesia. Foram avaliados os atributos hemodinâmicos (pressão arterial média e freqüência cardíaca), tempos de despertar e de extubação ao final da anestesia, locais onde os pacientes foram extubados - sala de operação (SO) ou sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA), tempo de permanência na SRPA, necessidade de analgesia suplementar e antiemético na SRPA, complicações apresentadas na SO e SRPA, índice de Aldrete-Kroulik na alta da SRPA e a necessidade de máscara de oxigênio na alta da SRPA. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença quanto à estabilidade hemodinâmica e GD apresentou menor tempo de permanência na SRPA e menor necessidade de máscara de oxigênio na alta da SRPA. CONCLUSÕES: A dexmedetomidina pode ser utilizada como analgésico isolado em operações intraperitoneais em pacientes com mais de 60 anos, determinando estabilidade hemodinâmica semelhante à do sufentanil, com melhores características de recuperação.
This exploratory study assesses the utility of substance abuse treatment as a strategy for preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission among injecting drug users (IDUs). Data analyzed in this study were collected in San Antonio, TX, 1989 through 1995 using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data included ethnographic interviews with 234 active IDUs; quantitative data included baseline risk assessments and HIV screening plus interviews follow-up interviews administered approximately six months later to 823 IDUs participating in a Federally-funded AIDS community outreach demonstration project.^ Findings that have particularly important implications for substance abuse treatment as an HIV prevention strategy for IDUs are listed below. (1) IDUs who wanted treatment were significantly more likely to be daily heroin users. (2) IDUs who want treatment were significantly more likely to have been to treatment previously. (3) IDUs who wanted treatment at baseline reported significantly higher levels of HIV risk than IDUs who did not want treatment. (4) IDUs who went to treatment between their baseline and follow-up interviews reported significantly higher levels of HIV risk at baseline than IDUs who did not go to treatment. (5) IDUs who went to treatment between their baseline and follow-up interviews reported significantly greater decreases in injection-related HIV risk behaviors. (6) IDUs who went to treatment reported significantly greater decreases in sexual HIV risk behaviors than IDUs who did not go to treatment.^ This study also noted a number of factors that may limit the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment in reducing HIV risk among IDUs. Findings suggest that the impact of methadone maintenance on HIV risk behaviors among opioid dependent IDUs may be limited by the negative manner in which it is perceived by IDUs as well as other elements of society. One consequence of the negative perception of methadone maintenance held by many elements of society may be an unwillingness to provide public funding for an adequate number of methadone maintenance slots. Thus many IDUs who would be willing to enter methadone maintenance are unable to enter it and many IDUs who do enter it are forced to drop out prematurely. ^
Aims The present study extends the findings of a pilot study conducted among regular amphetamine users in Newcastle, NSW, in 1998. It compares key features between current participants in a state capital city (Brisbane) and a regional city (Newcastle) and between the 1998 and current Newcastle sample. Design Cross-sectional survey. Setting Brisbane and Newcastle, Australia. Participants The survey was conducted among 214 regular amphetamine users within the context of a randomized controlled trial of brief interventions for amphetamine use. Measurements Demographic characteristics, past and present alcohol and other drug use and mental health, treatment, amphetamine-related harms and severity of dependence. Findings The main findings were as follows: (i) the rate of mental health problems was high among regular amphetamine users and these problems commonly emerged after commencement of regular amphetamine use; (ii) there were regional differences in drug use with greater accessibility to a wider range of drugs in a state capital city and greater levels of injecting risk-taking behaviour outside the capital city environment; and (iii) there was a significant increase in level of amphetamine use and percentage of alcohol users, a trend for a higher level of amphetamine dependence and a significant reduction in the percentage of people using heroin and benzodiazepines among the 2002 Newcastle cohort compared to the 1998 cohort. Conclusions Further longitudinal research is needed to elucidate transitions from one drug type to another and from recreational to injecting and regular use and the relationship between drug use and mental health in prospective studies among users. Implications Intervention research should evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at: preventing transition to injecting and regular use of amphetamines; toward reducing levels of depression among amphetamine users and interventions among people with severe psychopathology and personality disorders; and toward reducing the prevalence of tobacco dependence among amphetamine users.
n early 2001 there was a dramatic decline in the availability of heroin in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, where previously heroin had been readily available at a low price and high purity.1 The decline was confirmed by Australia's strategic early warning system, which revealed a reduction in heroin supply across Australia and a considerable increase in price,2 particularly from January to April 2001. This "heroin shortage" provided a natural experiment in which to examine the effect of substantial changes in price and availability on injecting drug use and its associated harms in Australia's largest heroin market,2 a setting in which harm reduction strategies were widely used. Publicly funded needle and syringe programmes were introduced to Australia in 1987, and methadone maintenance programmes, which were established in the 1970s, were significantly expanded in 1985 and again in 1999.
Periodic public concern about heroin use has been a major driver of Australian drug policy in the four decades since heroin use was first reported. The number of heroin-dependent people in Australia has increased from several hundreds in the late 1960s to around 100000 by the end of the 1990s. In this paper I do the following: (1) describe collaborative research on heroin dependence that was undertaken between 1991 and 2001 by researchers at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre: (2) discuss the contribution that this research may have made to the formulation of policies towards the treatment of heroin dependence during a period when the policy debate crystallized around the issue of whether or not Australia should conduct a controlled trial of heroin prescription; and (3) reflect on the relationships between research and policy-making in the addictions field, specifically on the roles of investigator-initiated and commissioned research, the interface between researchers, funders and policymakers: and the need to be realistic about the likely impact of research on policy and practice.
Background: Injecting drug use (IDU) and associated mortality appear to be increasing in many parts of the world. IDU is an important factor in HIV transmission. In estimating AIDS mortality attributable to IDU, it is important to take account of premature mortality rates from other causes to ensure that AIDS related mortality among injecting drug users (IDUs) is not overestimated. The current review provides estimates of the excess non-AIDS mortality among IDUs. Method: Searches were conducted with Medline, PsycINFO, and the Web of Science. The authors also searched reference lists of identified papers and an earlier literature review by English et al (1995). Crude. mortality rates (CMRs) were derived from data on the number of deaths, period of follow UP, and number of participants. In estimating the all-cause mortality, two rates were calculated: one that included all cohort studies identified in the search, and one that only included studies that reported on AIDS deaths in their cohort. This provided lower and upper mortality rates, respectively. Results: The current paper derived weighted mortality rates based upon cohort studies that included 179 885 participants, 1 219 422 person-years of observation, and 16 593 deaths. The weighted crude AIDS mortality rate from studies that reported AIDS deaths was approximately 0.78% per annum. The median estimated non-AIDS mortality rate was 1.08% per annum. Conclusions: Illicit drug users have a greatly increased risk of premature death and mortality due to AIDS forms a significant part of that increased risk; it is, however, only part of that risk. Future work needs to examine mortality rates among IDUs in developing countries, and collect data on the relation between HIV and increased mortality due to all causes among this group.
Alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use together pose a formidable challenge to international public health. Building on earlier estimates of the demonstrated burden of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use at the global level, this review aims to consider the comparative cost-effectiveness of evidence-based interventions for reducing the global burden of disease from these three risk factors. Although the number of published cost-effectiveness studies in the addictions field is now extensive ( reviewed briefly here) there are a series of practical problems in using them for sector-wide decision making, including methodological heterogeneity, differences in analytical reference point and the specificity of findings to a particular context. In response to these limitations, a more generalised form of cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is proposed, which enables like-with-like comparisons of the relative efficiency of preventive or individual-based strategies to be made, not only within but also across diseases or their risk factors. The application of generalised CEA to a range of personal and non-personal interventions for reducing the burden of addictive substances is described. While such a development avoids many of the obstacles that have plagued earlier attempts and in so doing opens up new opportunities to address important policy questions, there remain a number of caveats to population-level analysis of this kind, particularly when conducted at the global level. These issues are the subject of the final section of this review.
We report five cases where fluvoxamine (FLVX) was added to maintenance treatment with methadone (MTD) in addict patients with affective disorders. In view of the implication of FLVX in several metabolic drug interactions, MTD plasma levels were measured before and after treatment with FLVX. A slight increase (approximately 20% of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio) occurred in two cases. In the remaining three patients, the interaction was more pronounced (40-100% increase of the MTD plasma level/dose ratio), with clinical manifestations of opiate withdrawal after stopping FLVX therapy in one case. Caution is needed when starting or stopping treatment with FLVX in patients receiving maintenance treatment with methadone.
BACKGROUND: Before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), CMV retinitis was a common complication in patients with advanced HIV disease and the therapy was well established; it consisted of an induction phase to control the infection with ganciclovir, followed by a lifelong maintenance phase to avoid or delay relapses. METHODS: To determine the safety of CMV maintenance therapy withdrawal in patients with immune recovery after HAART, 35 patients with treated CMV retinitis, on maintenance therapy, with CD4+ cell count greater than 100 cells/mm³ for at least three months, but almost all patients presented these values for more than six months and viral load < 30000 copies/mL, were prospectively evaluated for the recurrence of CMV disease. Maintenance therapy was withdrawal at inclusion, and patients were monitored for at least 48 weeks by clinical and ophthalmologic evaluations, and by determination of CMV viremia markers (antigenemia-pp65), CD4+/CD8+ counts and plasma HIV RNA levels. Lymphoproliferative assays were performed on 26/35 patients. RESULTS: From 35 patients included, only one had confirmed reactivation of CMV retinitis, at day 120 of follow-up. No patient returned positive antigenemia tests. No correlation between lymphoproliferative assays and CD4+ counts was observed. CONCLUSION: CMV retinitis maintenance therapy discontinuation is safe for those patients with quantitative immune recovery after HAART.