999 resultados para Metastable phase


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A Monte Carlo simulation of Ising chains with competing short-range and infiniterange interactions has been carried out. Results show that whenever the system does not enter a metastable state, variation of temperature brings about phase transitions in the Ising chain. These phase transitions, except for two sets of interaction strengths, are generally of higher order and involve changes in the long-range order while the short-range order remains unaffected.


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Recently, a novel stress-induced phase transformation in an initial < 100 >/{100} B2-CuZr nanowire has been reported for the first time [Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. Following this, a martenisitic phase transformation in Cu-Zr nanowire was shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)] using the same idea (Sutrakar and Mahapatra, Mater. Lett. 63, 1289 (2009)]. The pseudoelastic recovery of the bct phase of Cu-Zr by unloading has also been shown [Cheng et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 021911 (2009)]. They also tested the epitaxial bain path [Alippi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3892 (1997)] and reported that the bct phase in the nanowire is metastable, whereas the bulk counterpart is unstable. This aspect is re-examined in this comment with corrected results.


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Attempts are made to measure activities of both components of a binary alloy (A�B) at 650 K using a solid-state galvanic cell incorporating a new composite solid electrolyte. Since the ionic conductivity of the composite solid electrolyte is three orders of magnitude higher than that of pure CaF2, the cell can be operated at lower temperatures. The alloy phase is equilibrated in separate experiments with flourides of each component and fluorine potential is measured. The mixture of the alloy (A�B) and the fluoride of the more reactive component (BF2) is stable, while (A�B) + AF2 mixture is metastable, Factors governing the possible use of metastable equilibria have been elucidated in this study. In the Co�Ni system, where the difference in Gibbs energies of formation of the fluorides is 21.4 kJ/mol, emf of the cell with metastable phases at the electrode is constant for periods ranging from 90 to 160 ks depending on alloy composition. Subsequently, the emf decreases because of the onset of the displacement reaction. In the Ni�Mn system, measurement of the activity of Ni using metastable equilibria is not fully successful at 650 K because of the large driving force for the displacement reaction (208.8 kJ/mol). Critical factors in the application of metastable equilibria are the driving force for displacement reaction and diffusion coefficients in both the alloy and fluoride solid solution.


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Texture evolution in h. c. p. (alpha) phase derived from aging of a differently processed metastable b.c.c. (beta) titanium alloy was investigated. The study was aimed at examining (i) the effect of different b. c. c. cold rolling textures and (ii) the effect of different defect structures on the h. c. p transformation texture. The alloy metastable beta alloy Ti-10V-4.5Fe-1.5Al was rolled at room temperature by unidirectional (UDR) and multi-step cross rolling (MSCR). A piece of the as-rolled materials were subjected to aging in order to derive the h. c. p. (alpha) phase. In the other route, the as-rolled materials were recrystallized and then aged. Textures were measured using X-ray as well as Electron Back Scatter Diffraction. Rolling texture of beta phase, as characterized by the presence of a strong gamma fibre, was found stronger in M S C R compared to UDR, although they were qualitatively similar. The stronger texture of MSCR sample could be attributed to the inhomogeneous deformation taking place in the sample that might contribute to weakening of texture. Upon recrystallization in beta phase field close to beta-transus. the textures qualitatively resembled the corresponding beta deformation textures; however, they got strengthed. The aging of differently beta rolled samples resulted in the product alpha-phase with different textures. The (UDR + Aged) sample had a stronger texture than (MSCR + Aged) sample, which could be due to continuation of defect accumulation in UDR sample, thus providing more potential sites for the nucleation of alpha phase. The trend was reversed in samples recrystallized prior to aging. The (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample showed stronger texture of alpha phase than the (UDR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This could be attributed to extensive defect annihilation in the UDR sample on recrystallization prior to aging. The (MSCR + Aged) sample exhibited more alpha variants when compared to (MSCR + Recrystallized + Aged) sample. This has been attributed to the availability of more potential sites for nucleation of alpha phase in the former. It could be concluded that alpha transformation texture depends mainly on the defect structure of the parent phase.


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Atomistic simulation of Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt FCC metallic nanowires show a universal FCC -> HCP phase transformation below a critical cross-sectional size, which is reported for the first time in this paper. The newly observed HCP structure is also confirmed from previous experimental results. Above the critical cross-sectional size, initial < 100 >/{100} FCC metallic nanowires are found to be metastable. External thermal heating shows the transformation of metastable < 100 >/{100} FCC nanowires into < 110 >/{111} stable configuration. Size dependent metastability/instability is also correlated with initial residual stresses of the nanowire by use of molecular static simulation using the conjugant gradient method at a temperature of 0 K. It is found that a smaller cross-sectional dimension of an initial FCC nanowire shows instability due to higher initial residual stresses, and the nanowire is transformed into the novel HCP structure. The initial residual stress shows reduction with an increase in the cross-sectional size of the nanowires. A size dependent critical temperature is also reported for metastable FCC nanowires using molecular dynamic, to capture the < 110 >/{111} to < 100 >/{100} shape memory and pseudoelasticity.


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Aqueous solutions of acetates and nitrates of zinc and cobalt have been spray decomposed to study the production of extended solid solutions in the ZnO-CoO system. Examination of the products of a variety of synthesis conditions indicates that up to 70% CoO may be retained in the solid solution in the wurzite phase, even though a comparison of the equilibrium solubility in the phase diagram might be expected to favor the formation of a rock-salt-based solid solution.


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Amorphous thin films of different Al–Fe compositions were produced by plasma/vapor quenching during pulsed laser deposition. The chosen compositions Al72Fe28, Al40Fe60, and Al18Fe82 correspond to Al5Fe2 and B2-ordered AlFe intermetallic compounds and α–Fe solid solution, respectively. The films contained fine clusters that increased with iron content. The sequences of phase evolution observed in the heating stage transmission electron microscopy studies of the pulsed laser ablation deposited films of Al72Fe28, Al40Fe60, and Al18Fe82 compositions showed evidence of composition partitioning during crystallization for films of all three compositions. This composition partitioning, in turn, resulted in the evolution of phases of compositions richer in Fe, as well as richer in Al, compared to the overall film composition in each case. The evidence of Fe-rich phases was the B2 phase in Al72Fe28 film, the L12- and DO3-ordered phases in Al40Fe60 film, and the hexagonal ε–Fe in the case of the Al18Fe82 film. On the other hand, the Al-rich phases were Al13Fe4 for both Al72Fe28 and Al40Fe60 films and DO3 and Al5Fe2 phases in the case of Al18Fe82 film. We believe that this tendency of composition partitioning during crystallization from amorphous phase is a consequence of the tendency of clustering of the Fe atoms in the amorphous phase during nucleation. The body-centered cubic phase has a nucleation advantage over other metastable phases for all three compositions. The amorphization of Al18Fe82 composition and the evolution of L12 and ε–Fe phases in the Al–Fe system were new observations of this work.


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A novel size dependent FCC (face-centered-cubic) -> HCP (hexagonally-closed-pack) phase transformation and stability of an initial FCC zirconium nanowire are studied. FCC zirconium nanowires with cross-sectional dimensions < 20 are found unstable in nature, and they undergo a FCC -> HCP phase transformation, which is driven by tensile surface stress induced high internal compressive stresses. FCC nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions > 20 , in which surface stresses are not enough to drive the phase transformation, show meta-stability. In such a case, an external kinetic energy in the form of thermal heating is required to overcome the energy barrier and achieve FCC -> HCP phase transformation. The FCC-HCP transition pathway is also studied using Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) method, to further confirm the size dependent stability/metastability of Zr nanowires. We also show size dependent critical temperature, which is required for complete phase transformation of a metastable-FCC nanowire.


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Sol-gel processing followed by H2 reduction is used to produce dispersions of nanosized Pb in amorphous SiO2 and ultrafine γ Al2O3 matrices. A depression of 3–5K in Pb melting point is reported. The size and shape of these metastable particles in molten and solid state are discussed in the light of the experimental observations and expectations from the intersection group theory for equilibrium shape.


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Aqueous solutions of Al and Mg nitrates have been spray pyrolysed at 673 K to synthesize powders with compositions varying between MgO and MgAl2O4. This has been carried out with the aim of studying phase selection and phase evolution in this system. The powders have been subsequently heat treated and the sequence of phases characterised by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Metastable extensions of the different phase fields have been calculated based on functions which predict the equilibrium phase diagram accurately. The appearance of phases is closely related to the temperature and to the non-stoichiometry in different compositional ranges of the system. The sequence of phase evolution has been correlated to the thermodynamics of nucleation in the system.


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A systematic x-ray and neutron powder diffraction study of the giant tetragonality multiferroic (1-x) BiFeO3-(x) PbTiO3 have revealed that the compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary present two different structural phase transition scenarios on cooling from the cubic phase: (i) cubic -> tetragonal (T-2) + tetragonal (T-1) -> tetragonal (T-1) and (ii) cubic -> tetragonal (T-2) + tetragonal (T-1) + rhombohedral (R3c) -> tetragonal (T-1) + rhombohedral (R3c). The comparatively larger tetragonality (c/a - 1) of the T-1 phase as compared to the coexisting isostructural T-2 phase is shown to be a result of significantly greater degree of overlap of the Pb/Bi-6s and Ti/Fe-3d with the O-2p orbitals as compared to that in the T-2 phase. The formation/suppression of the minor metastable rhombohedral phase seems to be governed by subtle play of local kinetic factors. In the scenario when the minor rhombohedral (R) phase is formed along with the tetragonal phases it is able to accommodate the large transformation stress in the system due to formation of the tetragonal phases, and prevent the solid from disintegration into powder after sintering. When the metastable rhombohedral phase is not formed, the large transformation strain ruptures the grain boundaries leading to fragmentation of the dense solid to powder. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4792215]


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Microstructural changes resulting from isothermal decomposition of the beta-phase have been studied in Cu-rich binary Cu-Al and ternary Cu-Al-Sn alloys containing up to 3 at.% Sn at temperatures from 873 to 673 K. Results are presented as TTT diagrams. The decomposition occurs in several stages, each of which involves the establishment of metastable equilibrium between beta and one or more of the product phases alpha, beta(1) and gamma(2). Addition of Sn has been shown to increase the stability of the ordered beta(1)-phase in relation to beta. In alloys containing more than 2 at.% Sn, the beta(1) emerges as a stable phase. At low Sn concentrations beta(1) is metastable. An important new finding is the existence of three-phase equilibrium microstructure containing alpha, beta(1) and gamma(2). Increasing addition of Sn alters the morphology of beta(1) from rosettes to dendrites and finally to Widmanstatten needles.


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Phase equilibria in the Cu-rich corner of the ternary system Cu-Al-Sn have been re-investigated. Final equilibrium microstructures of 20 ternary alloy compositions near Cu3Al were used to refine the ternary phase diagram. The microstructures were characterized using optical microscopy (OM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), electron probe microanalysis and transmission electron microscopy. Isothermal sections at 853, 845, 833, 818, 808, 803 and 773 K have been composed. Vertical sections have been drawn at 2 and 3 at% Sn, showing beta(1) as a stable phase. Three-phase fields (alpha + beta + beta(1)) and (beta + beta(1) + gamma(1)) result from beta -> alpha + beta(1) eutectoid and beta + gamma(1) -> beta(1) peritectoid reactions forming metastable beta(1) in the binary Cu-Al. With the lowering of temperature from 853 to 818 K, these three-phase fields are shifted to lower Sn concentrations, with simultaneous shrinkage and shifting of (beta + beta(1)) two-phase field. The three-phase field (alpha + beta + gamma(1)) resulting from the binary reaction beta -> alpha + gamma(1) shifts to higher Sn contents, with associated shrinkage of the beta field, with decreasing temperature. With further reduction of temperature, a new ternary invariant reaction beta + beta(1) -> alpha + gamma(1) is observed at similar to 813 K. The beta disappears completely at 803 K, giving rise to the three-phase field (alpha + beta(1) + gamma(1)). Some general guidelines on the role of ternary additions (M) on the stability of the ordered beta(1) phase are obtained by comparing the results of this study with data in the literature on other systems in the systems group Cu-Al-M.


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Although weak interactions, such as C-H center dot center dot center dot O and pi-stacking, are generally considered to be insignificant, it is their reorganization that holds the key for many a solid-state phenomenon, such as phase transitions, plastic deformation, elastic flexibility, and mechanochromic luminescence in solid-state fluorophores. Despite this, the role of weak interactions in these dynamic phenomena is poorly understood. In this study, we investigate two co-crystal polymorphs of caffeine:4-chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid, which have close structural similarity (2D layered structures), but surprisingly show distinct mechanical behavior. Form I is brittle, but shows shear-induced phase instability and, upon grinding, converts to Form II, which is soft and plastically shearable. This observation is in contrast to those reported in earlier studies on aspirin, wherein the metastable drug forms are softer and convert to stable and harder forms upon stressing To establish a molecular level understanding, have investigated the two co-crystal polymorphs I and II by single crystal X-ray diffraction, nanoindentation to quantify mechanical properties, and theoretical calculations. The lower hardness (from nanoindentation) and smooth potential surfaces (from theoretical studies) for shearing of layers in Form II allowed us to rationalize the role of stronger intralayer (sp(2))C-H center dot center dot center dot O and nonspecific interlayer pi-stacking interactions in the structure of II. Although the Form I also possesses the same type of interactions, its strength is clearly opposite, that is, weaker intralayer (sp(3))C-H center dot center dot center dot O and specific interlayer pi-stacking interactions. Hence, Form I is harder than Form IL Theoretical calculations and indentation on (111) of Form I suggested the low resistance of this face to mechanical stress; thus, Form I converts to II upon mechanical action. Hence, our approach demonstrates the usefulness of multiple techniques for establishing the role of weak noncovalent interactions in solid-state dynamic phenomena, such as stress induced phase transformation, and hence is important in the context of solid-state pharmaceutical chemistry and crystal engineering.


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The paper reports phase evolution in mechanically driven Ag-15 at. pct Sn alloy powder starting with elemental powders in order to establish the feasibility of designing nanocomposites of a Ag-Sn solid solution. This alloy lies in the phase field of the hexagonal zeta-phase which is a well-known Hume-Rothery electron compound with an electron-to-atom ratio of about 1.45 and hexagonal crystal structure (a = 0.2966 nm, c = 0.4782 nm). Through a systematic use of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, the results establish the formation of the zeta-phase which co-exists with the Ag solid solution during the initial phase of milling. Mechanical milling for long duration (55 hours) destabilizes the zeta-phase. A complete solid solution of Ag with a grain size of similar to 8 nm could be achieved after 60 hours of milling. Additional milling can induce decomposition of the solid solution that results in a reappearance of zeta-phase. We present a detailed thermodynamic calculation which indicates that complete Ag solid solution of the present alloy composition would be possible if the crystallites size can be reduced below a certain critical size. In particular, we show that both Ag and zeta-phase grain sizes need to be taken into account for determining the metastable equilibrium and the phase change that has been experimentally observed. Finally, we argue that recrystallization processes set a limit to the achievable size of the nanoparticles with metastable Ag solid solution.