451 resultados para Mesostructured Lamellar Aluminophosphates
The small size of micropores (typically <1 nm) in zeolites causes slow diffusion of reactant and product molecules in and out of the pores and negatively impacts the product selectivity of zeolite based catalysts, for example, fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts. Size-tailored mesoporosity was introduced into commercial zeolite Y crystals by a simple surfactant-templating post-synthetic mesostructuring process. The resulting mesoporous zeolite Y showed significantly improved product selectivity in both laboratory testing and refinery trials. Advanced characterization techniques such as electron tomography, three-dimensional rotation electron diffraction, and high resolution gas adsorption coupled with hysteresis scanning and density functional theory, unambiguously revealed the intracystalline nature and connectivity of the introduced mesopores. They can be considered as molecular highways that help reactant and product molecules diffuse quickly to and away from the catalytically active sites within the zeolite crystals and, thus, shift the selectivity to favor the production of more of the valuable liquid fuels at reduced yields of coke and unconverted feed.
The conducting self-doping copolymer poly(aniline-co-ABA) preserves its redox activity at pH values as high as 7. This observation was the starting point to synthesize an organic–inorganic hybrid composite able to electrochemically oxidize ascorbic acid molecules at that pH. The inorganic part of the catalytic element was an ordered mesoporous electrodeposit of SiO2, which has been used as the template for the electrochemical insertion of the self-doping copolymer. The oxidation of ascorbate ions at a fixed potential on this composite was studied by means of the kinetic model proposed by Bartlett and Wallace (2001). It was observed that the effective kinetic constant KME increased significantly but, simultaneously, k′ME remained almost constant when the composite was employed as the electrocatalytic substrate. These results were interpreted in the light of two combinations of kinetic constants, which strongly suggested that the increase in KME should be ascribed to the improvement in electronic conductivity of the copolymer induced by the highly ordered silica template.
Surfactant-templating is one of the most versatile and useful techniques to implement mesoporous systems into solid materials. Various strategies based on various interactions between surfactants and solid precursors have been explored to produce new structures. Zeolites are invaluable as size- and shape-selective solid acid catalysts. Nevertheless, their micropores impose limitations on the mass transport of bulky feed and/or product molecules. Many studies have attempted to address this by utilizing surfactant-assisting technology to alleviate the diffusion constraints. However, most efforts have failed due to micro/mesopore phase separation. Recently, a new technique combining the uses of cationic surfactants and mild basic solutions was introduced to synthesise mesostructured zeolites. These materials sustain the unique characteristics of zeolites (i.e., strong acidity, crystallinity, microporosity, and hydrothermal stability), including tunable mesopore sizes and degrees of mesoporosity. The mesostructured zeolites are now commercially available through Rive Technology, and show superior performance in VGO cracking. This feature article provides an overview of recent explorations in the introduction of mesoporosity into zeolites using surfactant-templating techniques. Various porous materials, preparation methods, physical and catalytic properties of mesostructured zeolites will be discussed.
Investigations made at the New York State Veterinary College.
Without introduction of any stabilizer, the mesoporous nanocrystalline zirconia with lamellar and MSU structure was obtained via solid state reaction coupled with surfactant templating method. The phase, surface area and pore structure of zirconia prepared with this novel method could be designed, tailored and controlled by varying synthesis parameters. The phase transformation was controlled by particle size. The mesostructure possesses nanocrystalline pore wall, which renders it more thermally stable than amorphous framework. The results suggest strongly that in solid state synthesis system mesostructure formation still follow the supramolecular self-assembly mechanism. The lamellar and reverse hexagonal structure could be transformed at different OH-/Zr molar ratios in order to sustain the low surface energy of the mesophases. The lamellar structure was preferred at higher OH-/Zr molar ratios but reverse hexagonal was at low ratios.
Financial support of this research by The Royal Society, UK (IE121116), The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, UK (Trust Reference 31747) and DFG (PI 785/3-2, PI 785/1-2), Germany, is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr. S. Roy (KIT) for providing the microstructure images and Professor I. Tsukrov (University of New Hampshire, USA) for helpful discussions.
The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.
Fabrication of nanoscale patterns through the bottom-up approach of self-assembly of phase-separated block copolymers (BCP) holds promise for nanoelectronics applications. For lithographic applications, it is useful to vary the morphology of BCPs by monitoring various parameters to make “from lab to fab” a reality. Here I report on the solvent annealing studies of lamellae forming polystyrene-blockpoly( 4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP). The high Flory-Huggins parameter (χ = 0.34) of PS-b-P4VP makes it an ideal BCP system for self-assembly and template fabrication in comparison to other BCPs. Different molecular weights of symmetric PS-b-P4VP BCPs forming lamellae patterns were used to produce nanostructured thin films by spin-coating from mixture of toluene and tetrahydrofuran(THF). In particular, the morphology change from micellar structures to well-defined microphase separated arrangements is observed. Solvent annealing provides a better alternative to thermal treatment which often requires long annealing periods. The choice of solvent (single and dual solvent exposure) and the solvent annealing conditions have significant effects on the morphology of films and it was found that a block neutral solvent was required to realize vertically aligned PS and P4VP lamellae. Here, we have followed the formation of microdomain structures with time development at different temperatures by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The highly mobilized chains phase separate quickly due to high Flory-Huggins (χ) parameter. Ultra-small feature size (~10 nm pitch size) nanopatterns were fabricated by using low molecular weight PSb- P4VP (PS and P4VP blocks of 3.3 and 3.1 kg mol-1 respectively). However, due to the low etch contrast between the blocks, pattern transfer of the BCP mask is very challenging. To overcome the etch contrast problem, a novel and simple in-situ hard mask technology is used to fabricate the high aspect ratio silicon nanowires. The lamellar structures formed after self-assembly of phase separated PS-b-P4VP BCPs were used to fabricate iron oxide nanowires which acted as hard mask material to facilitate the pattern transfer into silicon and forming silicon nanostructures. The semiconductor and optical industries have shown significant interest in two dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) as a potential device material due to its low band gap and high mobility. However, current methods for its synthesis are not ‘fab’ friendly and require harsh environments and processes. Here, I also report a novel method to prepare MoS2 layered structures via self-assembly of a PS-b-P4VP block copolymer system. The formation of the layered MoS2 was confirmed by XPS, Raman spectroscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy.
Meso-/microporous zeolites combine the charactersitics of well-defined micropores of zeolite with efficient mass transfer consequences of mesopores to increase the efficiency of the catalysts in reactions involving bulky molecules. Different methods such as demetallation and templating have been explored for the synthesis of meso-/microporous zeolites. However, they all have limitations in production of meso-/microporous zeolites with tunable textural and catalytic properties using few synthesis steps. To address this challenge, a simple one-step dual template synthesis approach has been developed in this work to engineer lamellar meso-/microporous zeolites structures with tunable textural and catalytic properties. First, one-step dual template synthesis of meso-/microporous mordenite framework inverted (MFI) zeolite structures was investigated. Tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) and diquaternary ammonium surfactant ([C22H45-N+(CH3)2-C6H12-N+(CH3)2-C6H13]Br2, C22-6-6) were used as templates to produce micropores and mesopores, respectively. The variation in concentration ratios of dual templates and hydrothermal synthesis conditions resulted in production of multi-lamellar MFI and the hybrid lamellar-bulk MFI (HLBM) zeolite structures. The relationship between the morphology, porosity, acidity, and catalytic properties of these catalysts was systematically studied. Then, the validity of the proposed synthesis approach for production of other types of zeolites composites was examined by creating a meso-/microporous bulk polymorph A (BEA)-lamellar MFI (BBLM) composite. The resulted composite samples showed higher catalytic stability compared to their single component zeolites. The studies demonstrated the high potential of the one-step dual template synthesis procedure for engineering the textural and catalytic properties of the synthesized zeolites.
Shrinkage porosity as a volume change related casting defect in lamellar cast iron was reported in theliterature to form during solidification in connection to the dendrite coherency. The present work includesan experimental study on dendrite coherency – also called columnar-to-equiaxed transition in lamellar castiron using thermal analysis and expansion force measurements. Investigation was carried out in order tostudy the mechanism of dendrite coherency formation. Cylindrical test bars were cast from the same alloywith different pouring temperature, amount of inoculant and time between the addition of inoculant andstart of pouring the samples. Cooling rate and expansion force was recorded as a function of time. Anumerical algorithm based on temperature differences measured under solidification was used to inter-pret the solidification process. Three different methods have been compared to determine the columnarto equiaxed transition. The compared methods were based on registered temperature differences, basedon registered expansion forces during the volume change of the solidifying samples and based on the cal-culated released latent heat of crystallization. The obtained results indicate a considerable influence on theformation and progress of coherency due to variation of casting parameters. It has been shown that thecoherency is not a single event at a defined time moment rather a process progressing during a timeinterval.
Relationships among floral biology, floral micromorphology and pollinator behaviour in bird-pollinated orchids are important issues to understand the evolution of the huge flower diversity within Orchidaceae. We aimed to investigate floral mechanisms underlying the interaction with pollinators in two hummingbird-pollinated orchids occurring in the Atlantic forest. We assessed floral biology, nectar traits, nectary and column micromorphologies, breeding systems and pollinators. In both species, nectar is secreted by lip calli through spaces between the medial lamellar surfaces of epidermal cells. Such form of floral nectar secretion has not been previously described. Both species present functional protandry and are self-compatible yet pollinator-dependent. Fruit sets in hand-pollination experiments were more than twice those under natural conditions, evidencing pollen limitation. The absence of fruit set in interspecific crosses suggests the existence of post-pollination barriers between these synchronopatric species. In Elleanthus brasiliensis, fruits resulting from cross-pollination and natural conditions were heavier than those resulting from self-pollination, suggesting advantages to cross-pollination. Hummingbirds pollinated both species, which share at least one pollinator species. Species differences in floral morphologies led to distinct pollination mechanisms. In E. brasiliensis, attachment of pollinaria to the hummingbird bill occurs through a lever apparatus formed by an appendage in the column, another novelty to the knowledge of orchids. In E. crinipes, pollinaria attachment occurs by simple contact with the bill during insertion into the flower tube, which fits tightly around the bill. The novelties described here illustrate the overlooked richness in ecology and morphophysiology in Orchidaceae. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.