87 resultados para Mesopotamia


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The site of Bakr Awa is situated in north-eastern Iraq, in the Plain of Shahrizor. Excavations were undertaken in 1960/61by the Iraqi Department of Antiquities and 2010/11 by the University of Heidelberg/Germany. Occupation layers from the beginning of the Early Bronze Age tothe Ottoman period were uncoveredin the lower city and on the citadel. Archaeological evidence from the secondmillennium B.C. shows the most intensive settlement activities and apparent prosperity at Bakr Awa. Several forms of pottery, small finds and architecture reflect dynamic processes of cultural and political transformation at this site located in an area of transition between northern and southern Mesopotamia and western Iran.


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William Osler (1849-1919): America’s Most Famous Physician (Robert E. Rakel) The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Neurosurgeon’s Eyewitness Account of the Medical Aspect of the Events of November 22, 1963 (Robert G. Grossman) Making Cancer History: Disease and Discovery at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (James S. Olson) The History of Pathology as a Biological Science and Medical Specialty (L. Maximillian Buja) “Medicine in the Mid-19th Century America” (Student Essay Contest Winner) (David Hunter) The Achievements and Enduring Relevance of Rudolph Virchow (Nathan Grohmann) Medicine: Perspectives in History and Art (Robert E. Greenspan) What Every Physician Should Know: Lessons from the Past (Robert E. Greenspan) Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia (Sajid Haque) The History of Texas Children’s Hospital (B. Lee Ligon) Visualizing Disease: Motion Pictures in the History of Medical Education (Kirsten Ostherr)


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Sannai-Maruyama is one of the most famous and best-researched mid-Holocene (mid-Jomon) archaeological sites in Japan, because of a large community of people for a long period. Archaeological studies have shown that the Jomon people inhabited the Sannai-Maruyama site from 5.9-4.2 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P. However, a continuous record of the terrestrial and marine environments around the site has not been available. Core KT05-7 PC-02, was recovered from Mutsu Bay, only 20 km from the site, for the reconstruction of high-resolution time series of environmental records, including sea surface temperature (SST). C37 alkenone SSTs showed clear fluctuations, with four periods of high (8.4-7.9, 7.0-5.9, 5.1-4.1, and 2.3-1.4 cal. kyr B.P.) and four of low (-8.4, 7.9-7.0, 5.9-5.1, and 4.1-2.3 cal. kyr B.P.) SST. Thus, each SST cycle lasted 1.0-2.0 kyr, and the amplitude of fluctuation was about 1.5-2.0 °C. Total organic carbon (TOC) and C37 alkenone contents, and the TOC/total nitrogen ratio indicate that marine biogenic production was low before 7.0 cal. kyr B.P., but was clearly increased between 5.9 and 4.0 cal. kyr B.P., because of stronger vertical mixing. During the period when the community at the site prospered (between 5.9 and 4.2 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P.), the terrestrial climate was relatively warm. The high relative abundance of pollen of both Castanea and Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis supports the interpretation that the local climate was optimal for human habitation. Between 5.9 and 5.1 cal. kyr B.P., in spite of warm terrestrial climates, the C37 alkenone SST was low; this apparent discrepancy may be attributed to the water column structure in the Tsugaru Strait, which differed from the modern condition. The evidence suggests that at about 5.9 cal. kyr B.P, high productivity of marine resources such as fish and shellfish and a warm terrestrial climate led to the establishment of a human community at the Sannai-Maruyama site. Then, at about 4.1 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P., abrupt marine and terrestrial cooling, indicated by a decrease of about 2 °C in the C37 alkenone SST and an increase in pollen of taxa of cooler climates, led to a reduced terrestrial food supply, causing the people to abandon the site. The timing of the abandonment is consistent with the timing (around 4.0-4.3 cal. kyr B.P.) of the decline of civilizations in north Mesopotamia and along the Yangtze River. These findings suggest that a temperature rise of ~2 °C in this century as a result of global warming could have a great impact on the human community and especially on agriculture, despite the advances of contemporary society.


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The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was one of the first great civilizations in prehistory. This bronze age civilization flourished from the end of the fourth millennium BC. It disintegrated during the second millennium BC; despite much research effort, this decline is not well understood. Less research has been devoted to the emergence of the IVC, which shows continuous cultural precursors since at least the seventh millennium BC. To understand the decline, we believe it is necessary to investigate the rise of the IVC, i.e., the establishment of agriculture and livestock, dense populations and technological developments 7000-3000 BC. Although much archaeologically typed information is available, our capability to investigate the system is hindered by poorly resolved chronology, and by a lack of field work in the intermediate areas between the Indus valley and Mesopotamia. We thus employ a complementary numerical simulation to develop a consistent picture of technology, agropastoralism and population developments in the IVC domain. Results from this Global Land Use and technological Evolution Simulator show that there is (1) fair agreement between the simulated timing of the agricultural transition and radiocarbon dates from early agricultural sites, but the transition is simulated first in India then Pakistan; (2) an independent agropas- toralism developing on the Indian subcontinent; and (3) a positive relationship between archeological artifact richness and simulated population density which remains to be quantified.


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This salinization simulation enables irrigation salinity, capillary rise, rainfall, leaching, salt mitigation strategies via fallowing, and other functions that are addressed in a coupled social-environment model applied to southern Mesopotamia. The simulation is applied to the Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems Project supported by the University of Chicago, Durham University, and Argonne National Laboratory. The simulation can be used for other regions.


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This computational model of irrigation agriculture is used to study the effects of salinization in Mesopotamia. Scholars have long suspected that central and southern Mesopotamia present environments which limited agricultural production over long-term periods. In regions such as central Mesopotamia, where salinization likely affected settlement in different periods but was more manageable than in more southern regions, fallowing regimes, natural and engineered leaching, and decisions made on when to crop were strategies applied in order to limit the effects of salinization. The model is used to assess the effectiveness of these coping strategies by incorporating projected climate, soil, and landscape conditions with agricultural practices. The simulation results not only demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of techniques to inhibiting progressive salinization but can be compared with the archaeological record in order to determine if the results correspond to past events and help to interpret past settlement history.


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El siguiente Trabajo Fin de Master se divide en tres partes, siempre, alrededor de la identificación biométrica. Esta ciencia aprovecha que existen ciertas características biológicas o conductuales singulares e inalterables, por lo que pueden ser analizados y medidos para crear una huella biométrica. Estas características son difíciles de perder, transferir u olvidar y son perdurables en el tiempo. En la primera de las partes se ofrecerá una visión sobre la importancia histórica de esta ciencia, desde los primeros vestigios humanos, en la zona de Mesopotamia, pasando por los grandes innovadores y precursores de la identificación biométrica, como Bertillon, Galton, Vucetich, etc. auspiciados por una finalidad mayoritariamente criminalística o policiaca, hasta la gran revolución a finales del siglo pasado, en las que técnicas que parecían ciencia ficción se hicieron realidad. En el siguiente apartado se analizaran las 6 principales técnicas que se usan actualmente, realizando una mirada más profunda en los principios naturales, fisiológicos y físicos sobre los que se basan se expondrán las tendencias futuras sobre las que trabajara la industria para el desarrollo de técnicas más seguras, menos invasivas y más transparentes para los usuarios finales. Estas como ha pasado a lo largo de la historia sonaran increíbles, pero una vez más la raza humana conseguirá materializarlas e introducirlas en su día a día. Para finalizar y después de este estudio en detalle, se intentará realizar una comparación y análisis basados en las más importantes características para las técnicas biométricas, fiabilidad, facilidad, usurpación, aceptación y estabilidad, etc. ABSTRACT The following Master's Thesis is divided into three parts, always, about biometric identification. This science fail that certain biological or behavioural characteristics unique and unchangeable, so it can be analysed and measured to create a biometric fingerprint. These features are hard to miss, or forget to transfer and are enduring in time. In the first part a vision of the historical importance of this science are offered, from the earliest human remains in the area of Mesopotamia, to the great innovators and pioneers of biometric identification, such as Bertillon, Galton, Vucetich, etc. . sponsored a largely forensic or detective purpose, until the great revolution in the late nineteenth century, in which techniques that seemed science fiction became reality. The following section will analyse the 6 main techniques currently in use, making a deeper look at the natural, physiological and physical principles on which future trends are based on the industry to work for the development of techniques will be discussed more safer, less invasive and more transparent to end users. Such as has happened throughout history sounded amazing, but once again the human race get materialize and introduce them in their day to day. Finally and after the study in detail, and try to make a comparison based on the most important features for biometric technologies, reliability, ease, alienation, acceptance and stability analysis etc..


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A pesquisa tem por objetivo trabalhar o evento da Revolta de Jeú, em conjunto com a Estela de Dã, tendo como ponto de partida para tal, a exegese da perícope de 2 Reis 10-28,36. A história Deuteronomista apresenta o ato da Revolta de Jeú como sendo um feito demasiadamente importante, na restauração do culto a Javé em Israel, a partir de um contexto onde o culto a outras divindades, em Israel Norte, estava em pleno curso. No entanto, a partir da análise conjunta da Estela de Dã, que tem como provável autor o rei Hazael de Damasco, somos desafiados a ler esta história pelas entrelinhas não contempladas pelo texto, que apontam para uma participação ativa de Hazael, nos desfechos referentes a Revolta de Jeú, como sendo o responsável direto que proporcionou a subida de Jeú ao trono em Israel, clarificando desta forma este importante período na história Bíblica. Para tal análise, observar-se-á três distintos tópicos, ligados diretamente ao tema proposto: (1) A Revolta de Jeú e a Redação Deuteronomista, a partir do estudo exegético da perícope de 2 Reis 10,28-36, onde estão descritas informações pontuais sobre período em que Jeú reinou em Israel; (2) Jeú e a Estela de Dã, a partir da apresentação e análise do conteúdo da Estela de Dã, tratando diretamente dos desdobramentos da guerra em Ramote de Gileade, de onde se dá o ponto de partida à Revolta de Jeú; e por fim (3) O Império da Síria, onde a partir da continuidade da análise do conteúdo da Estela de Dã, demonstraremos a significância deste reino, além de apontamentos diretamente ligados ao reinado de Hazael, personagem mui relevante no evento da Revolta de Jeú.


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Sculpture, Roman, Late Imperial; H: 1 ft. 1 1/2 in.; copper alloy


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Contiene : Livre I-Livre XXIV.


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Latin translation--known as Acta Archelai--of a Greek work by Hegemonius which purports to be a relation by one Archelaus, bishop of Caschara in Mesopotamia, of a disputation between himself and Mani, the founder of Manichaeism. The fragments of the original are included.


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La prima guerra dei Romani nella Mesopotamia.--Commio Atrebate.


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Half-title: Descriptive catalogue of the collection of Greek coins formed by Sir Hermann Weber....