993 resultados para Memory -- Testing


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Auditory responses in the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM) of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) forebrain habituate to repeated presentations of a novel conspecific song. This habituation is long lasting and specific to individual stimuli. We here test the acoustic and ethological basis of this stimulus-specific habituation by recording extracellular multiunit activity in the NCM of awake male and female zebra finches presented with a variety of conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations, white noise, and tones. Initial responses to conspecific song and calls and to human speech were higher than responses to the other stimuli. Immediate habituation rates were high for all novel stimuli except tones, which habituated at a lower rate. Habituation to conspecific calls and songs outlasted habituation to other stimuli. The extent of immediate habituation induced by a particular novel song was not diminished when other conspecific songs were presented in alternation. In addition, the persistence of habituation was not diminished by exposure to other songs before testing, nor was it influenced by gender or laterality. Our results suggest that the NCM is specialized for remembering the calls and songs of many individual conspecifics.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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To determine whether the visuospatial n-back working memory task is a reliable and valid measure of cognitive processes believed to underlie intelligence, this study compared the reaction times and accuracy of perforniance of 70 participants, with performance on the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). Testing was conducted over two sessions separated by 1 week. Participants completed the MAB during the second test session. Moderate testretest reliability for percentage accuracy scores was found across the four levels of the n-back task, whilst reaction times were highly reliable. Furthermore, participants' performance on the MAB was negatively correlated with accuracy of performance at the easier levels of the n-back task and positively correlated with accuracy of performance at the harder task levels. These findings confirm previous research examining the cognitive basis of intelligence, and suggest that intelligence is the product of faster speed of information processing, as well as superior working memory capacity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although the n-back task has been widely applied to neuroimagery investigations of working memory (WM), the role of practice effects on behavioural performance of this task has not yet been investigated. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of task complexity and familiarity on the n-back task. Seventy-seven participants (39 male, 38 female) completed a visuospatial n-back task four times, twice in two testing sessions separated by a week. Participants were required to remember either the first, second or third (n-back) most recent letter positions in a continuous sequence and to indicate whether the current item matched or did not match the remembered position. A control task, with no working memory requirements required participants to match to a predetermined stimulus position. In both testing sessions, reaction time (RT) and error rate increased with increasing WM load. An exponential slope for RTs in the first session indicated dual-task interference at the 3-back level. However, a linear slope in the second session indicated a reduction of dual-task interference. Attenuation of interference in the second session suggested a reduction in executive demands of the task with practice. This suggested that practice effects occur within the n-back ask and need to be controlled for in future neuroimagery research using the task.


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Tobacco use is prevalent in adolescents, and understanding factors that contribute to its uptake and early development remains a critical public health priority. Implicit drug-related memory associations (DMAs) are predictive of drug use in older samples, but such models have little application to adolescent tobacco use. Moreover, extant research on memory associations yields little information on contextual factors that may be instrumental in the development of DMAs. The present study examined (a) the degree to which tobacco-related memory associations (TMAs) were associated with concurrent tobacco use and (b) the extent to which TMAs mediated the association of peer and self-use. A sample of 210 Australian high school students was recruited. Participants completed TMA tasks and behavioral checklists designed to obscure the tobacco-related focus of the study. Results showed that TMAs were associated with peer use, and TMAs predicted self-use. We found no evidence that TMAs mediated the association of peer and self-use. Future research might examine the emotive valence of implicit nodes and drinking behavior. The results have implications for testing the efficacy of consciousness-raising interventions for adolescents at risk of tobacco experimentation or regular use.


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Working memory is an essential component of wide-ranging cognitive functions. It is a complex genetic trait probably influenced by numerous genes that individually have only a small influence. These genes may have an amplified influence on phenotypes closer to the gene action. In this study, event-related potential (ERP) phenotypes recorded during a working-memory task were collected from 656 adolescents from 299 families for whom genotypes were available. Univariate linkage analyses using the MERLIN variance-components method were conducted on slow wave phenotypes recorded at multiple sites while participants were required to remember the location of a target. Suggestive linkage (LOD > 2.2) was found on chromosomes 4, 5, 6, 10, 17, and 20. After correcting for multiple testing, suggestive linkage remained on chromosome 10. Empirical thresholds were computed for the most promising phenotypes. Those on chromosome 10 remained suggestive. A number of genes reported to regulate neural differentiation and function (i.e. NRP1, ANK3, and CHAT) were found under these linkage peaks and may influence the levels of neural activity occurring in individuals participating in a spatial working-memory task.


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We were supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/H001123/1 (P.W.), the Medical Research Council grants G0601498 and G1100546/2 (P.W.), Tenovus Scotland Grant G09/17 (A.J.M.) and the University of Aberdeen (P.W.). We thank O. Tüscher for discussion, P. Teismann and the microscopy core facility at the University of Aberdeen for the use of microscopy equipment, L. Strachan, A. Plano, S. Deiana for help with behavioral testing.


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Foundational cellular immunology research of the 1960s and 1970s, together with the advent of monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry, provided the knowledge base and the technological capability that enabled the elucidation of the role of CD4 T cells in HIV infection. Research identifying the sources and magnitude of variation in CD4 measurements, standardized reagents and protocols, and the development of clinical flow cytometers all contributed to the feasibility of widespread CD4 testing. Cohort studies and clinical trials provided the context for establishing the utility of CD4 for prognosis in HIV-infected persons, initial assessment of in vivo antiretroviral drug activity, and as a surrogate marker for clinical outcome in antiretroviral therapeutic trials. Even with sensitive HIV viral load measurement, CD4 cell counting is still utilized in determining antiretroviral therapy eligibility and time to initiate therapy. New point of care technologies are helping both to lower the cost of CD4 testing and enable its use in HIV test and treat programs around the world.


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Episodic memory formation is shaped by expectation. Events that generate expectations have the capacity to influence memory. Additionally, whether subsequent events meet or violate expectations has consequences for memory. However, clarification is still required to illuminate the circumstances and direction of memory modulation. In the brain, the mechanisms by which expectation modulates memory formation also require consideration. The dopamine system has been implicated in signaling events associated with different states of expectancy; it has also been shown to modulate episodic memory formation in the hippocampus. Thus, the studies included in this dissertation utilized both functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioral testing to examine when and how the dopaminergic system supports the modulation of memory by expectation. The work aimed to characterize the activation of dopaminergic circuitry in response to cues that generate expectancy, during periods of anticipation, and in response to outcomes that resolve expectancy. The studies also examined how each of these event types influenced episodic memory formation. The present findings demonstrated that novelty and expectancy violation both drive dopaminergic circuitry capable of contributing to memory formation. Consistent with elevated dopaminergic midbrain and hippocampus activation for each, expected versus expectancy violating novelty did not differentially affect memory success. We also showed that high curiosity expectancy states drive memory formation. This was supported by activation in dopaminergic circuitry that was greater for subsequently remembered information only in the high curiosity state. Finally, we showed that cues that generate high expected reward value versus high reward uncertainty differentially modulate memory formation during reward anticipation. This behavioral result was consistent with distinct temporal profiles of dopaminergic action having differential downstream effects on episodic memory formation. Integrating the present studies with previous research suggests that dopaminergic circuitry signals events that are unpredicted, whether cuing or resolving expectations. It also suggests that contextual differences change the contribution of the dopaminergic system during anticipation, depending on the nature of the expectation. And finally, this work is consistent with a model in which dopamine elevation in response to expectancy events positively modulates episodic memory formation.


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In cognitive tests, animals are often given a choice between two options and obtain a reward if they choose correctly. We investigated whether task format affects subjects' performance in a physical cognition test. In experiment 1, a two-choice memory test, 15 marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, had to remember the location of a food reward over time delays of increasing duration. We predicted that their performance would decline with increasing delay, but this was not found. One possible explanation was that the subjects were not sufficiently motivated to choose correctly when presented with only two options because in each trial they had a 50% chance of being rewarded. In experiment 2, we explored this possibility by testing eight naïve marmosets and seven squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, with both the traditional two-choice and a new nine-choice version of the memory test that increased the cost of a wrong choice. We found that task format affected the monkeys' performance. When choosing between nine options, both species performed better and their performance declined as delays became longer. Our results suggest that the two-choice format compromises the assessment of physical cognition, at least in memory tests with these New World monkeys, whereas providing more options, which decreases the probability of obtaining a reward when making a random guess, improves both performance and measurement validity of memory. Our findings suggest that two-choice tasks should be used with caution in comparisons within and across species because they are prone to motivational biases.


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Across 3 experiments, the effect of different styles of note taking, summary and access to notes was examined for memory for the details contained in a witness interview. In Experiment 1, participants (N = 40) were asked to either take notes or listen as they watched a witness interview. In Experiment 2, participants (N = 84) were asked to either take notes in one of three ways (i.e., conventional, linear, spidergraph) or listen as they watched a witness interview. In Experiment 3, participants (N = 112) were asked to take notes using the conventional or spidergraph method of note taking while they watched a witness interview and were subsequently given an opportunity to review their notes or sit quietly. Participants were then either granted access to their notes during testing or were not provided with their notes. Results of the first two experiments revealed that note takers outperformed listeners. Experiment 2 showed that conventional note takers outperformed those who used organizational styles of note taking, and post-hoc analyses revealed that recall performance was associated with note quality. Experiment 3 showed that participants who had access to their notes performed the best. The implications of these findings for police training programs in investigative interviewing are discussed.


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In this article we use an autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average approach to measure the degree of fractional integration of aggregate world CO2 emissions and its five components – coal, oil, gas, cement, and gas flaring. We find that all variables are stationary and mean reverting, but exhibit long-term memory. Our results suggest that both coal and oil combustion emissions have the weakest degree of long-range dependence, while emissions from gas and gas flaring have the strongest. With evidence of long memory, we conclude that transitory policy shocks are likely to have long-lasting effects, but not permanent effects. Accordingly, permanent effects on CO2 emissions require a more permanent policy stance. In this context, if one were to rely only on testing for stationarity and non-stationarity, one would likely conclude in favour of non-stationarity, and therefore that even transitory policy shocks