958 resultados para Membrane-associated proteins
Die neuronale Signalübertragung beruht auf dem synaptischen Vesikelzyklus, der durch das koordinierte Zusammenspiel von circa 400 verschiedenen Proteinen reguliert wird. Eines der Hauptproteine des synaptischen Vesikels ist Synaptophysin (SYP), das zu den tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins (TVPs) gehört. Es wird vermutet, dass es zahlreiche Funktionen der Exo- und Endozytose moduliert, wenngleich die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen bisher größtenteils unverstanden sind. Ziel der Arbeit war daher die Identifizierung von Interaktionspartnern von SYP, um zum Verständnis der vielen ungeklärten Prozesse im synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beizutragen. Mit dem Split-Ubiquitin Yeast Two-Hybrid System, das eine direkte in vivo Interaktion von Membranproteinen erlaubt, konnten in der vorliegenden Arbeit bekannte, aber auch neue SYP-Bindungspartner identifiziert werden. Ein bekannter Interaktionspartner war Synaptobrevin2 (SYB2), das zu den stärksten im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System identifizierten Bindeproteinen zählt. Zu den neuen starken SYP-Interaktionspartnern gehören die TVPs Synaptogyrin3 (SYNGR3) und SCAMP1. Somit konnten erstmals heterophile Interaktionen zwischen den verschiedenen TVP-Genfamilien nachgewiesen werden, die für eine universelle Funktion der TVPs sprechen. Die Validierung der im Split-Ubiquitin Y2H System ermittelten Interaktionspartner wurde auf eine Auswahl von Proteinen beschränkt, die vermutlich am synaptischen Vesikelzyklus beteiligt sind. Dabei konnte eine immunhistologische Kolokalisierung von SYP mit SYB2, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, Stathmin-like3 (STMN3), Rho family GTPase2 (RND2), Phospholipid transfer protein, Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B homolog, Arfaptin2 und Profilin1 in den Synapsen-reichen Schichten der Retina beobachtet werden. Die SYP/SYB2- und SYP/SYNGR3-Komplexe konnten zudem sowohl aus Synaptosomen-Lysat als auch aus cDNA-transfizierten Epithelzellen koimmunpräzipitiert werden, wohingegen dies für die anderen Interaktionspartner nicht gelang. Da Koimmunpräzipitation die Struktur der Proteine durch Solubilisierung mit Detergenzien beeinflusst, wurden die in der Hefe beobachteten Interaktionen noch mittels Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer überprüft, mit dem Proteinwechselwirkungen in der nativen Umgebung nachgewiesen werden können. Ein positives FRET-Signal konnte für SYP mit SYB2, SYP, SYNGR3, SCAMP1, STMN3, RND2 und Arfaptin2 detektiert werden, lediglich für SYP mit Phospholipase D4 (PLD4) gelang dieser Nachweis nicht. Ferner zeigten FRET-Analysen von Synaptophysin-Mutanten, dass der zytoplasmatische C-Terminus für die Interaktion mit zytoplasmatischen und membranassoziierten Proteinen benötigt wird. Durch in vivo FRET-Studien mit der SH2-Domäne der Src-Kinase, die an phosphorylierte Tyrosine bindet, konnte eine Tyrosin-Phosphorylierung des zytoplasmatischen C-Terminus von Synaptophysin und von Synaptogyrin3 detektiert werden. Viele der neu identifizierten Synaptophysin-Interaktionspartner sind im Lipid-Metabolismus involviert. Vermutlich rekrutiert der zytoplasmatische und durch Phosphorylierung modifizierbare C-Terminus diese Partner in spezifische Lipoproteindomänen, die an der Feinabstimmung der synaptischen Vesikelendo- und -exozytose beteiligt sind.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand das große L-Hüllprotein (L) des Hepatitis B - Virus. L bildet eine ungewöhnliche duale Topologie in der ER-Membran aus, welche auch im reifen Viruspartikel erhalten bleibt. In einem partiellen, posttranslationalen Reifungsprozess wird die sogenannte PräS-Region von der zytosolischen Seite der Membran aus in das ER-Lumen transloziert. Aufgrund seiner dualen Topologie und der damit verbundenen Multifunktionalität übernimmt L eine Schlüsselfunktion im viralen Lebenszyklus. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag deshalb darin, neue zelluläre Interaktionspartner des L-Hüllproteins zu identifizieren. Ihre Analyse sollte helfen, das Zusammenspiel des Virus mit der Wirtszelle besser zu verstehen. Hierfür wurde das Split - Ubiquitin Hefe - Zwei - Hybrid System eingesetzt, das die Interaktionsanalyse von Membranproteinen und Membran-assoziierten Proteinen ermöglicht. Zwei der neu identifizierten Interaktionspartner, der v-SNARE Bet1 und Sec24A, die Cargo-bindende Untereinheit des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transports, wurden weitergehend im humanen Zellkultursystem untersucht. Sowohl für Bet1 als auch für Sec24A konnte die Interaktion mit dem L-Hüllprotein bestätigt und der Bindungsbereich eingegrenzt werden. Die Depletion des endogenen Bet1 reduzierte die Freisetzung L-haltiger, nicht aber S-haltiger subviraler Partikel (SVP) deutlich. Im Gegensatz zu Bet1 interagierte Sec24A auch mit dem mittleren M- und kleinen S-Hüllprotein von HBV. Die Inhibition des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transportweges durch kombinierte Depletion der vier Sec24 Isoformen blockierte die Freisetzung sowohl L- als auch S-haltiger SVP. Dies bedeutet, dass die HBV - Hüllproteine das ER CoPII-vermittelt verlassen, wobei sie aktiv Kontakt zur Cargo-bindenden Untereinheit Sec24A aufnehmen. Der effiziente Export der Hüllproteine aus dem ER ist für die Virusmorphogenese und somit für den HBV - Lebenszyklus essentiell. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit basierte auf der Interaktion des L-Hüllproteins mit dem ER-luminalen Chaperon BiP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob BiP, ähnlich wie das zytosolische Chaperon Hsc70, an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt ist. Hierfür wurde BiP durch die ektopische Expression seiner Ko-Chaperone BAP und ERdj4 in seiner Substrat-bindenen Kapazität manipuliert. ERdj4, ein Mitglied der Hsp40 - Proteinfamilie, stimuliert die ATPase-Aktivität von BiP, was die Substratbindung stabilisiert. Der Nukleotid - Austauschfaktor BAP hingegen vermittelt die Auflösung des BiP - Substrat - Komplexes. Die Auswirkung der veränderten in vivo-Aktivität von BiP auf die posttranslationale PräS-Translokation wurde mit Proteaseschutz - Versuchen untersucht. Die ektopische Expression des positiven als auch des negativen Regulators von BiP resultierte in einer drastischen Reduktion der posttranslationalen PräS-Translokation. Ein vergleichbarer Effekt wurde nach Manipulation des BiP ATPase - Zyklus durch Depletion der zellulären ATP - Konzentration beobachtet. Dies spricht dafür, dass das ER-luminale Chaperon BiP, zusammen mit Hsc70, eine zentrale Rolle in der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins spielt. rnZwei weitere Proteine, Sec62 und Sec63, die sich für die posttranslationale Translokation in der Hefe als essentiell erwiesen haben, wurden in die Analyse der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins einbezogen. Interessanterweise konnte eine rein luminale Ausrichtung der PräS-Region nach kombinierter Depletion des endogenen Sec62 und Sec63 beobachtet werden. Dies deutet an, dass sowohl Sec62 als auch Sec63 an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt sind. In Analogie zur Posttranslokation der Hefe könnte Sec62 als Translokon-assoziierter Rezeptor für Substrate der Posttranslokation, und damit der PräS-Region, dienen. Sec63 könnte mit seiner J-Domäne BiP zum Translokon rekrutieren und daraufhin dessen Substrat-bindende Aktivität stimulieren. BiP würde dann, einer molekularen Ratsche gleich, die PräS-Region durch wiederholtes Binden und Freisetzen aktiv in das ER-Lumen hereinziehen, bis eine stabile duale Topologie des L-Hüllproteins ausgebildet ist. Die Bedeutung von Sec62 und Sec63 für den HBV - Lebenszyklus wird dadurch untermauert, dass sowohl die ektopische Expression als auch die Depletion des endogenen Sec63 die Freisetzung L-haltiger SVP deutlich reduziert. rn
Upon its genesis during apoptosis, ceramide promotes gross reorganization of the plasma membrane structure involving clustering of signalling molecules and an amplification of vesicle formation, fusion and trafficking. The annexins are a family of proteins, which in the presence of Ca(2+), bind to membranes containing negatively charged phospholipids. Here, we show that ceramide increases affinity of annexin A1-membrane interaction. In the physiologically relevant range of Ca(2+) concentrations, this leads to an increase in the Ca(2+)sensitivity of annexin A1-membrane interaction. In fixed cells, using a ceramide-specific antibody, we establish a direct interaction of annexin A1 with areas of the plasma membrane enriched in ceramide (ceramide platforms). In living cells, the intracellular dynamics of annexin A1 match those of plasmalemmal ceramide. Among proteins of the annexin family, the interaction with ceramide platforms is restricted to annexin A1 and is conveyed by its unique N-terminal domain. We demonstrate that intracellular Ca(2+)overload occurring at the conditions of cellular stress induces ceramide production. Using fluorescently tagged annexin A1 as a reporter for ceramide platforms and annexin A6 as a non-selective membrane marker, we visualize ceramide platforms for the first time in living cells and provide evidence for a ceramide-driven segregation and internalization of membrane-associated proteins.
Cytokinesis in bacteria depends upon the contractile Z ring, which is composed of dynamic polymers of the tubulin homolog FtsZ as well as other membrane-associated proteins such as FtsA, a homolog of actin that is required for membrane attachment of the Z ring and its subsequent constriction. Here we show that a previously characterized hypermorphic mutant FtsA (FtsA*) partially disassembled FtsZ polymers in vitro. This effect was strictly dependent on ATP or ADP binding to FtsA* and occurred at substoichiometric levels relative to FtsZ, similar to cellular levels. Nucleotide-bound FtsA* did not affect FtsZ GTPase activity or the critical concentration for FtsZ assembly but was able to disassemble preformed FtsZ polymers, suggesting that FtsA* acts on FtsZ polymers. Microscopic examination of the inhibited FtsZ polymers revealed a transition from long, straight polymers and polymer bundles to mainly short, curved protofilaments. These results indicate that a bacterial actin, when activated by adenine nucleotides, can modify the length distribution of bacterial tubulin polymers, analogous to the effects of actin-depolymerizing factor/cofilin on F-actin.
ATP, which is present in the extracellular matrix of multicellular organisms and in the extracellular fluid of unicellular organisms, has been shown to function as a signaling molecule in animals. The concentration of extracellular ATP (xATP) is known to be functionally modulated in part by ectoapyrases, membrane-associated proteins that cleave the γ- and β-phosphates on xATP. We present data showing a previously unreported (to our knowledge) linkage between apyrase and phosphate transport. An apyrase from pea (Pisum sativum) complements a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) phosphate-transport mutant and significantly increases the amount of phosphate taken up by transgenic plants overexpressing the gene. The transgenic plants show enhanced growth and augmented phosphate transport when the additional phosphate is supplied as inorganic phosphate or as ATP. When scavenging phosphate from xATP, apyrase mobilizes the γ-phosphate without promoting the transport of the purine or the ribose.
Ubiquitination appears to be involved in virus particle release from infected cells. Free ubiquitin (Ub), as well as Ub covalently bound to a small fraction of p6 Gag, is detected in mature HIV particles. Here we report that the p6 region in the Pr55Gag structural precursor polyprotein binds to Tsg101, a putative Ub regulator that is involved in trafficking of plasma membrane-associated proteins. Tsg101 was found to interact with Gag in (i) a yeast two-hybrid assay, (ii) in vitro coimmunoprecipitation by using purified Pr55Gag and rabbit reticulocyte lysate-synthesized Tsg101, and (iii) in vivo in the cytoplasm of COS cells transfected with gag. The PTAPP motif [or late (L) domain] within p6, which is required for release of mature virus from the plasma membrane, was the determinant for binding Pr55Gag. The N-terminal region in Tsg101, which is homologous to the Ubc4 class of Ub-conjugating (E2) enzymes, was the determinant of interaction with p6. Mutation of Tyr-110 in Tsg101, present in place of the active-site Cys that binds Ub in E2 enzymes, and other residues unique to Tsg101, impaired p6 interaction, indicating that features that distinguish Tsg101 from active E2 enzymes were important for binding the viral protein. The results link L-domain function in HIV to the Ub machinery and a specific component of the cellular trafficking apparatus.
Cleavage of membrane-associated proteins with the release of biologically active macromolecules is an emerging theme in biology. However, little is known about the nature and regulation of the involved proteases or about the physiological inducers of the shedding process. We here report that rapid and massive shedding of the interleukin 6 receptor (IL-6R) and the lipopolysaccharide receptor (CD14) occurs from primary and transfected cells attacked by two prototypes of pore-forming bacterial toxins, streptolysin O and Escherichia coli hemolysin. Shedding is not induced by an streptolysin O toxin mutant which retains cell binding capacity but lacks pore-forming activity. The toxin-dependent cleavage site of the IL-6R was mapped to a position close to, but distinct from, that observed after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. Soluble IL-6R that was shed from toxin-treated cells bound its ligand and induced an IL-6-specific signal in cells that primarily lacked the IL-6R. Transsignaling by soluble IL-6R and soluble CD14 is known to dramatically broaden the spectrum of host cells for IL-6 and lipopolysaccharide, and is thus an important mechanism underlying their systemic inflammatory effects. Our findings uncover a novel mechanism that can help to explain the long-range detrimental action of pore-forming toxins in the host organism.
Remorins form a superfamily of plant-specific plasma membrane/lipid-raft-associated proteins of unknown structure and function. Using specific antibodies, we localized tomato remorin 1 to apical tissues, leaf primordia and vascular traces. The deduced remorin protein sequence contains a predicted coiled coil-domain, suggesting its participation in protein-protein interactions. Circular dichroism revealed that recombinant potato remorin contains an alpha-helical region that forms a functional coiled-coil domain. Electron microscopy of purified preparations of four different recombinant remorins, one from potato, two divergent isologs from tomato, and one from Arabidopsis thaliana , demonstrated that the proteins form highly similar filamentous structures. The diameters of the negatively-stained filaments ranged from 4.6-7.4 nm for potato remorin 1, 4.3-6.2 nm for tomato remorin 1, 5.7-7.5 nm for tomato remorin 2, and 5.7-8.0 nm for Arabidopsis Dbp. Highly polymerized remorin 1 was detected in glutaraldehyde-crosslinked tomato plasma membrane preparations and a population of the protein was immunolocalized in tomato root tips to structures associated with discrete regions of the plasma membrane.
Platelets are small blood cells vital for hemostasis. Following vascular damage, platelets adhere to collagens and activate, forming a thrombus that plugs the wound and prevents blood loss. Stimulation of the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) allows recruitment of proteins to receptor-proximal signaling complexes on the inner-leaflet of the plasma membrane. These proteins are often present at low concentrations; therefore, signaling-complex characterization using mass spectrometry is limited due to high sample complexity. We describe a method that facilitates detection of signaling proteins concentrated on membranes. Peripheral membrane proteins (reversibly associated with membranes) were eluted from human platelets with alkaline sodium carbonate. Liquid-phase isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis were used to identify proteins that changed in levels on membranes from GPVI-stimulated platelets. Immunoblot analysis verified protein recruitment to platelet membranes and subsequent protein phosphorylation was preserved. Hsp47, a collagen binding protein, was among the proteins identified and found to be exposed on the surface of GPVI-activated platelets. Inhibition of Hsp47 abolished platelet aggregation in response to collagen, while only partially reducing aggregation in response to other platelet agonists. We propose that Hsp47 may therefore play a role in hemostasis and thrombosis.
The yeast genome encodes seven oxysterol binding protein homologs, Osh1p-Osh7p, which have been implicated in regulating intracellular lipid and vesicular transport. Here, we show that both Osh6p and Osh7p interact with Vps4p, a member of the AAA ( ATPases associated with a variety of cellular activities) family. The coiled-coil domain of Osh7p was found to interact with Vps4p in a yeast two-hybrid screen and the interaction between Osh7p and Vps4p appears to be regulated by ergosterol. Deletion of VPS4 induced a dramatic increase in the membrane-associated pools of Osh6p and Osh7p and also caused a decrease in sterol esterification, which was suppressed by overexpression of OSH7. Lastly, overexpression of the coiled-coil domain of Osh7p (Osh7pCC) resulted in a multi-vesicular body sorting defect, suggesting a dominant negative role of Osh7pCC possibly through inhibiting Vps4p function. Our data suggest that a common mechanism may exist for AAA proteins to regulate the membrane association of yeast OSBP proteins and that these two protein families may function together to control subcellular lipid transport.
The membrane-associated protein SCG10 is expressed specifically by neuronal cells. Recent experiments have suggested that it promotes neurite outgrowth by increasing microtubule dynamics in growth cones. SCG10 is related to the ubiquitous but neuron-enriched cytosolic protein stathmin. To better understand the role played by SCG10 and stathmin in vivo, we have analyzed the expression and localization of these proteins in both the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb in developing and adult rats, as well as in adult bulbectomized rats. The olfactory epithelium is exceptional in that olfactory receptor neurons constantly regenerate and reinnervate the olfactory bulb throughout animal life-span. SCG10 and stathmin expression in the olfactory receptor neurons was found to be regulated during embryonic and postnatal development and to correlate with neuronal maturation. Whereas SCG10 expression was restricted to immature olfactory receptor neurons (GAP-43-positive, olfactory marker protein-negative), stathmin was also expressed by the basal cells. In the olfactory bulb of postnatal and adult rats, a moderate to strong SCG10 immunoreactivity was present in the olfactory nerve layer, whereas no labeling was detected in the glomerular layer. Olfactory glomeruli also showed no apparent immunoreactivity for several cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins. In unilaterally bulbectomized rats, SCG10 and stathmin were seen to be up-regulated in the regenerating olfactory epithelium at postsurgery stages corresponding to olfactory axon regeneration. Our data strongly suggest that, in vivo, both SCG10 and stathmin may play a role in axonal outgrowth during ontogenesis as well as during axonal regeneration.
Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) plays an essential role in the formation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex. It is a relatively poorly characterized integral membrane protein predicted to comprise four transmembrane segments in its central portion. Here, we describe a novel determinant for membrane association represented by amino acids (aa) 40 to 69 in the N-terminal portion of NS4B. This segment was sufficient to target and tightly anchor the green fluorescent protein to cellular membranes, as assessed by fluorescence microscopy as well as membrane extraction and flotation analyses. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance structural analyses showed that this segment comprises an amphipathic alpha-helix extending from aa 42 to 66. Attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy and glycosylation acceptor site tagging revealed that this amphipathic alpha-helix has the potential to traverse the phospholipid bilayer as a transmembrane segment, likely upon oligomerization. Alanine substitution of the fully conserved aromatic residues on the hydrophobic helix side abrogated membrane association of the segment comprising aa 40 to 69 and disrupted the formation of a functional replication complex. These results provide the first atomic resolution structure of an essential membrane-associated determinant of HCV NS4B.
Dynamic assembly and disassembly of microtubules is essential for cell division, cell movements, and intracellular transport. In the developing nervous system, microtubule dynamics play a fundamental role during neurite outgrowth, elongation, and branching, but the molecular mechanisms involved are unknown. SCG10 is a neuron-specific protein that is membrane-associated and highly enriched in growth cones. Here we show that SCG10 binds to microtubules, inhibits their assembly, and can induce microtubule disassembly. We also show that SCG10 overexpression enhances neurite outgrowth in a stably transfected neuronal cell line. These data identify SCG10 as a key regulator of neurite extension through regulation of microtubule instability.
CARMA1 is a lymphocyte-specific member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family of scaffolding proteins, which coordinate signaling pathways emanating from the plasma membrane. CARMA1 interacts with Bcl10 via its caspase-recruitment domain (CARD). Here we investigated the role of CARMA1 in T cell activation and found that T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation induced a physical association of CARMA1 with the TCR and Bcl10. We found that CARMA1 was constitutively associated with lipid rafts, whereas cytoplasmic Bcl10 translocated into lipid rafts upon TCR engagement. A CARMA1 mutant, defective for Bcl10 binding, had a dominant-negative (DN) effect on TCR-induced NF-kappa B activation and IL-2 production and on the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (Jnk) pathway when the TCR was coengaged with CD28. Together, our data show that CARMA1 is a critical lipid raft-associated regulator of TCR-induced NF-kappa B activation and CD28 costimulation-dependent Jnk activation.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A is a membrane-associated multifunctional protein harboring serine protease and RNA helicase activities. It is an essential component of the HCV replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention. Here, we show that membrane association and structural organization of HCV NS3-4A are ensured in a cooperative manner by two membrane-binding determinants. We demonstrate that the N-terminal 21 amino acids of NS4A form a transmembrane alpha-helix that may be involved in intramembrane protein-protein interactions important for the assembly of a functional replication complex. In addition, we demonstrate that amphipathic helix alpha(0), formed by NS3 residues 12-23, serves as a second essential determinant for membrane association of NS3-4A, allowing proper positioning of the serine protease active site on the membrane. These results allowed us to propose a dynamic model for the membrane association, processing, and structural organization of NS3-4A on the membrane. This model has implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex, proteolytic targeting of host factors, and drug design.