514 resultados para Medialis Obliquus


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Gurjao, ALD, Goncalves, R, de Moura, RF, and Gobbi, S. Acute effect of static stretching on rate of force development and maximal voluntary contraction in older women. J Strength Cond Res 23(7): 2149-2154, 2009-The purpose of this study was to investigate, in older women, the acute effect of static stretching (SS) on both muscle activation and force output. Twenty-three older women (64.6 +/- 7.1 yr) participated in the study. The maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), rate of force development (RFD) (50, 100, 150, and 200 ms relative to onset of muscular contraction), and peak RFD (PRFD) (the steepest slope of the curve during the first 200 ms) were tested under 2 randomly separate conditions: SS and control (C). Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles also was assessed. The MVC was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the 3 trials of SS when compared with the C condition (control: 925.0 +/- 50.9 N; trial 1 : 854.3 +/- 55.3 N; trial 2 : 863.1 +/- 52.2 N; and trial 3 : 877.5 +/- 49.9 N). PRFD showed a significant decrease only for the first 2 trials of SS when compared with the C condition (control: 2672.3 +/- 259.1 N/s; trial 1 : 2296.6 +/- 300.7 N/s; and trial 2 : 2197.9 +/- 246.3 N/s). However, no difference was found for RFD (50, 100, 150, and 200 ms relative to onset of muscular contraction). The EMG activity for VM, VL, and BF was not significantly different between the C and SS conditions. In conclusion, the older women's capacity to produce muscular force decreased after their performance of SS exercises. The mechanisms responsible for this effect do not appear to be related to muscle activation. Thus, if flexibility is to be trained, it is recommended that SS does not occur just before the performance of activities that require high levels of muscular force.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as características cinemáticas, cinéticas e eletromiográficas do andar de adultos jovens em piso fixo sem colete e com suporte parcial de peso (SPP) de 0, 10, 20 e 30% do peso corporal. MÉTODO: Oito jovens com idade média de 22,2 anos foram filmados andando sobre uma passarela que continha uma plataforma de força na região central para registro das componentes da força de reação do solo. Marcadores refletivos foram posicionados nos principais pontos anatômicos dos membros inferiores para registro dos dados cinemáticos, e eletrodos de superfície foram afixados nos músculos tibial anterior e gastrocnêmio medial para registro da atividade elétrica muscular. RESULTADOS: Diferenças significantes entre as cinco condições experimentais foram constatadas nas variáveis espaço-temporal, nos ângulos máximos e mínimos da coxa, joelho e tornozelo e nas amplitudes das componentes horizontal ântero-posterior e vertical da força de reação do solo. de forma geral, as maiores mudanças ocorreram na condição de SPP de 30% do peso corporal. CONCLUSÃO: É importante considerar as compensações que ocorrem no padrão do andar com SPP no planejamento das intervenções terapêuticas. Ainda, para melhor definir a utilização dos sistemas de suspensão de peso na reabilitação, estudos futuros precisam ser realizados para verificar o comportamento do andar em populações com alteração de movimento em piso fixo.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de dor femoropatelar (SDFP) é um problema comum que afeta uma em cada quatro pessoas. A alteração no tempo de ativação e a intensidade de contração dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO) e vasto lateral (VL) são consideradas fatores importantes na etiologia da SDFP. No entanto, existem poucos estudos sobre a função da porção oblíqua do vasto lateral (VLO) e nenhum sobre o tempo de ativação (onset) do VLO em atividades funcionais em sujeitos normais e com SDFP. OBJETIVO: Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi investigar o tempo de início de atividade eletromiográfica nos músculos VMO, VLO e VL longo (VLL) durante a marcha. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi formada por 15 sujeitos sem e 12 com SDFP. Dados eletromiográficos foram obtidos dos músculos VMO, VLL e VLO durante caminhada na esteira sem inclinação. A diferença relativa no onset (DRO) entre VMO-VLL e VMO-VLO foi determinada a partir da média de três passadas. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença entre os sujeitos com e sem SDFP em relação à DRO entre VMO-VLL. Nos sujeitos com SDFP, a ordem de início da atividade elétrica foi VLL seguida por VLO e após VMO. Nos indivíduos sem a patologia, a ordem foi diferente: primeiro VMO após VLO e, por último, VLL. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que a ativação do VMO após o VLL poderia auxiliar no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da SDFP, enquanto o tempo de ativação do VLO possui menor participação.


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Ambrosia beetles are the predominant Scolytidae in Brazil. Little is known about the attractiveness of exotic conifer tree volatiles to native scolytids. Objectives were to compare the attractiveness of logs with and without bark of Pinus oocarpa Schiede, P. caribaea variety bahamensis Barrett & Golfari, P, car. variety caribaea Barrett & Golfari and P. car. variety hondurensis Barrett & Golfari over time to native scolytids in different pine stands, to compare the relative attractiveness of logs relative to ethanol traps, to determine how long it takes for logs to become attractive to ambrosia beetles and when attraction peaks occur, and to determine if volatiles released by live standing trees would mask volatiles released by logs of the same species. In young stands, Hypothenemus was the predominant insect genus, whereas in older stands Xyleborus predominated. Debarked logs trapped more beetles than logs with bark. Pine log species attractiveness was not influenced by volatiles present in the stand. Beetles were divided into the following 3 groups, based on response to log volatiles and ethanol: (1) species attracted to ethanol and not responding to pine terpenes Ambrosiodmus hagedorni (Iglesia), A. retusus (Eichhoff), X. spinulosus Blandford, Corthylus schaufussi Schiede, Cryptocarenus heveae (Hagedorn), H. obscurus (F.), (2) species attracted to ethanol but responding to pine terpenes Xyleborinus gracilis (Eichhoff), X. affinis Eichhoff, H. eruditus Westwood, Premnobius cavipennis Eichhoff, and (3) species more attracted to pine terpenes and less responsive to ethanol, A. obliquus (Le Conte), X. ferrugineus F,, X. catulus Blandford. Pinus car. ;variety bahamensis was the least attractive pine, P. oocarpa the most attractive. The attraction peak varied according to the season; logs were not attractive to beetles 10 wk after cutting.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the electromyographic (EMG) signal behavior of rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps femoris (caput longum) (BFCL) from nine women during fatiguing dynamic and isometric knee extensions tests and to determine their EMGFT (Electromyographic Fatigue Threshold). Surface electrodes, biological signal acquisition module, analogical-digital converter board and specific software were used. The RMS (Root Mean Square) values obtained from concentric phase (80 to 30 degrees) of the dynamic knee extension andfrom isometric contraction were correlated with time on each load by linear regression analysis. The respective slopes were correlated with the correspondent load to determine the EMGFT. Force (Kgf) and median frequency - MF (Hz) obtained during MIVC (Maximal Isometric Voluntary Contraction) performed before and after the fatiguing tests were calculated in Matlab environment. The results demonstrated that the endurance time decreases with higher loads the EMG amplitude increase with time and was greater at higher loads, between muscles in dynamic exercise the RF and VL showed higher slopes, and in isometric exercise the VL showed the same behavior The EMGFT values were similar in both exercises; the force values predominantly decreased after fatiguing tests; however the MF only decreased after some loads. The protocols proposed allowed standardizing protocols at least to induce the fatigue process and to determine the EMGFT as an endurance indicative, which may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitative or training interventions indicated to reduce muscle weakness and fatigue.


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It is usual to find athletes that can perform de curl up test easily, but are unable to maintain the stabilization of the low back during the double straight leg lowering (DSLL). In spite of having strong abdominal muscles, its stabilization role seems not to be effective. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify the relation among individuals with strong abdominal muscles and the ability in perform posterior pelvic tilt (PPT); the ability to stabilize the low back during the DSLL and the eletromyographic activity of the abdominal muscles. Eighteen male subjects (aged 19.27 ± 3.5), without history of muscle skeletal dysfunction, performed both the PPT and DSLL tests. During these tests electromyographic signals of the rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus internus abdominis (01) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) were recorded, the angle of the hip and the pressure under the low back were measured The results of analyses of variance (ANOVA) show that most volunteers accomplished the PPT test, actively flattening the low back with regular or good quality. However, none of them was able to stabilize the low back during the DSLL test. During the PPT test all abdominal muscle portions analysed were activated without significant differences. In an attempt of maintaining the lumbo-pelvic region stabilized during the DSLL, it was observed a tendency of higher bilateral activation of OE when compared to RA and 01 muscle portions between 70 and 20 degrees of hip flexion.


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Evaluating the ability to rectify and maintain lumbar adjustment can contribute toward the understanding of the behavior of abdominal muscles and their participation in the stability of pelvic muscles in dancers during the posterior pelvic tilt and double straight leg lowering tests. Nine healthy volunteers (male and female ballet dancers; age mean: 25.9 ±7.37 years) underwent maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), isometric voluntary contraction at 50% of MIVC, posterior pelvic tilt (PPT) and double straight leg lowering (DSLL) tests. The tests were carried out in a single day, with 3 repetitions each. During the tests, electromygraphic signals of the rectus abdominis, obliquus internus and obliquus externus were recorded. The signal acquisition system was made up of bipolar surface electrodes, electrogoniometer and an electromechanic device (pressure sensor), which were connected to a signal conditioner module. Root mean square values of each muscle during the DSLL and PPT were converted into percentage of activation of 50% MIVC. Lower back pressure was submitted to the same process. ANOVA with repeated measures was performed, with the level of significance set at p < 0.05. The results revealed that all dancers were able to maintain posterior pelvic tilt and there was trend toward greater activation of the bilateral obliquus internus muscle. In an attempt to keep the pelvic region stabilized during DSLL, there was a greater contribution from the obliquus externus muscle in relation to other abdominal muscles.


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The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), has a multifactorial etiology and affects approximately 7 to 15% of the population, mostly women, youth, adults and active persons. PFPS causes anterior or retropatelar pain that is exacerbated during functional motor gestures, such as up and down stairs or spending long periods of time sitting, squatting or kneeling. As the diagnostic evaluation of this syndrome is still indirect, different mechanisms and methodologies try to make a classification that distinguishes patients with PFPS in relation to asymptomatic. Thereby, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the characteristics of the electromyographic (EMG) signal in the frequency domain of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) in patients with PFPS, during the ascent of stairs. 33 young women (22 control group and 11 PFPS group), were evaluated by EMG during ascent of stairs. The VMO mean power frequency (MPF) and the VL frequency 95% (F95) were lower in symptomatic individuals. This may be related to the difference in muscle recruitment strategy exerted by each muscle in the PFPS group compared to the control group.


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The Meiglyptini comprise eight species of woodpeckers grouped into three genera, two of which contain three species ( Meiglyptes and Mulleripicus), while one genus includes two species ( Hemicircus). The purpose of this study is to describe the mandibular apparatus found in six species of Meiglyptini and to compare them with each other and with other woodpecker species. The results reveal a number of structures that are worth mentioning: (i) the components of the external mandibular adductor system of Hemicircus concretus, particularly the M. adductor mandibulae externus caudalis medialis, are underdeveloped compared with the other investigated species; (ii) the muscles of the internal mandibular system are structurally different among Meiglyptes species and are less developed, both in size and in structure, in H. concretus; (iii) the M protractor quadrati is vestigial in Meiglyptes species; (iv) the muscles of the protractor system of the quadrate are relatively undeveloped in H. concretus; (v) most of the muscles of the pterygoideus system are structurally differentiated in Meiglyptes species. It appears that the complexity of the mandibular apparatus is associated with the type of food consumed, as the apparatus of the frugivorous species H. concretus is markedly different from that of the insectivorous species. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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Purpose. Isokinetic tests are often applied to assess muscular strength and EMG activity, however the specific ranges of motion used in testing (fully flexed or extended positions) might be constrictive and/or be painful for patients with injuries or under-going rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different ranges of motion (RoM) when determining maximal EMG during isokinetic knee flexion and extension with different types of contractions and velocities. Methods. Eighteen males had EMG activity recorded on the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles during five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions for the knee flexors and extensors at 60° • s -1 and 180° • s -1. The root mean square of EMG was calculated at three different ranges of motion: (1) a full range of motion (90°-20° [0° = full knee extension]); (2) a range of motion of 20° (between 60°-80° and 40°-60° for knee extension and flexion, respectively) and (3) at a 10° interval around the angle where peak torque is produced. EMG measurements were statistically analyzed (ANOVA) to test for the range of motion, contraction velocity and contraction speed effects. Coefficients of variation and Pearson's correlation coefficients were also calculated among the ranges of motion. Results. Predominantly similar (p > 0.05) and well-correlated EMG results (r > 0.7, p ≤ 0.001) were found among the ranges of motion. However, a lower coefficient of variation was found for the full range of motion, while the 10° interval around peak torque at 180° • s -1 had the highest coefficient, regardless of the type of contraction. Conclusions. Shorter ranges of motion at around the peak torque angle provides a reliable indicator when recording EMG activity during maximal isokinetic parameters. It may provide a safer alternative when testing patients with injuries or undergoing rehabilitation.


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Objective: To analyze the effect of running intensity on stride length (SL), stride frequency (SF), stride time (ST) and the electromyographic signal of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), tibialis anterior (TA), biceps femoris (BF) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) muscles. Methods: Nine well-trained runners performed an incremental protocol with an initial velocity of 10km.h-1, and increments of 1km.h-1 every 3minutes until exhaustion. The electromyographic activity, SL, SF, ST, inter-stride coefficient of variation, and association between kinematic and electromyographic parameters were calculated at 60%, 80% and 100% of maximum running velocity. Results: SL, SF and electromyographic activity of the RF, VM, VL and GL increased and the ST decreased with increased running speed. Electromyographic variability of VL and VM was higher than GL, and variability was lower in TA than all other muscles. The inter-stride variability of muscle activation was associated with kinematic parameters, and their variability, differently as running speed increased. Conclusion: The incremental protocol increased electromyographic activity differently among lower limb muscles; increased SF and SL, and decreased ST, without changing the variability of these variables. Muscle activation variability was correlated with kinematic parameters, but the relationships among these measures varied with running intensity. © 2013 .


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The marine environment offers both economic and scientific potential which are relatively untapped from a biotechnological point of view. These environments whilst harsh are ironically fragile and dependent on a harmonious life form balance. Exploitation of natural resources by exhaustive wild harvesting has obvious negative environmental consequences. From a European industry perspective marine organisms are a largely underutilised resource. This is not due to lack of interest but due to a lack of choice the industry faces for cost competitive, sustainable and environmentally conscientious product alternatives. Knowledge of the biotechnological potential of marine organisms together with the development of sustainable systems for their cultivation, processing and utilisation are essential. In 2010, the European Commission recognised this need and funded a collaborative RTD/SME project under the Framework 7-Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) Theme 2 Programme 'Sustainable culture of marine microorganisms, algae and/or invertebrates for high value added products'. The scope of that project entitled 'Sustainable Production of Biologically Active Molecules of Marine Based Origin' (BAMMBO) is outlined. Although the Union is a global leader in many technologies, it faces increasing competition from traditional rivals and emerging economies alike and must therefore improve its innovation performance. For this reason innovation is placed at the heart of a European Horizon 2020 Strategy wherein the challenge is to connect economic performance to eco performance. This article provides a synopsis of the research activities of the BAMMBO project as they fit within the wider scope of sustainable environmentally conscientious marine resource exploitation for high-value biomolecules. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Objective: Investigate the influence of apprehensive gait on activation and cocontraction of lower limb muscles of younger and older female adults. Methods: Data of 17 younger (21.47±2.06 yr) and 18 older women (65.33±3.14. yr) were considered for this study. Participants walked on the treadmill at two different conditions: normal gait and apprehensive gait. The surface electromyographic signals (EMG) were recorded during both conditions on: rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL), and soleus (SO). Results: Apprehensive gait promoted greater activation of thigh muscles than normal gait (F=5.34 and p=0.007, for significant main effect of condition; RF, p=0.002; VM, p<0.001; VL, p=0.003; and BF, p=0.001). Older adults had greater cocontraction of knee and ankle stabilizer muscles than younger women (F=4.05 and p=0.019, for significant main effect of groups; VM/BF, p=0.010; TA/GL, p=0.007; and TA/SO, p=0.002). Conclusion: Apprehensive gait promoted greater activation of thigh muscles and older adults had greater cocontraction of knee and ankle stabilizer muscles. Thus, apprehensive gait may leads to increased percentage of neuromuscular capacity, which is associated with greater cocontraction and contribute to the onset of fatigue and increased risk of falling in older people. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)