1000 resultados para Matriz extracelular Teses


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O sucesso do estabelecimento de uma relao parasitria entre fungos e plantas, em muitos casos, depende de eventos que antecedem infeco. Neste trabalho, as fases compreendidas entre a germinao e a penetrao do fungo Stenocarpella macrospora foram analisadas por meio de microscpio eletrnico de varredura. Para tanto, plantas de milho (Zea mays) hbrido Das-8492, suscetvel mancha foliar de diplodia, foram cultivadas em casa de vegetao e inoculadas com 300 l de uma suspenso de 10(5) condios/ml ao atingirem cinco-seis folhas expandidas. As amostras foram obtidas a partir de discos foliares coletados em vrios momentos aps a inoculao e preparadas para anlise ao microscpio eletrnico de varredura. Oitenta e seis por cento dos condios germinaram entre 12 e 15 h aps a inoculao, ao passo que a formao dos apressrios ocorreu 18 h aps a inoculao. A presena de uma matriz extracelular tambm foi observada desde a germinao at a penetrao do patgeno, sugerindo a participao da mesma nos processos relacionados patognese.


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OBJETIVO: Os procedimentos disponveis para correo de leses do trato urinrio no so livres de complicaes. Recentemente, uma nova opo tem sido investigada: o uso da submucosa de intestino delgado (SIS). Constituda de uma matriz extracelular que no apresenta tendncias rejeio, a SIS capaz de permitir o crescimento de vasos sangneos, participar de processos de diferenciao celular e de ser resistente contra o desenvolvimento de processos infecciosos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a histocompatibilidade de um enxerto autlogo de submucosa de intestino delgado (SIS), quando utilizado para a ampliao da bexiga urinria. MTODO: Utilizaram-se oito ces adultos, pesando entre 10 e 15kg. Realizou-se laparotomia mediana e enterectomia de um segmento de jejuno de 10cm, localizado a 20cm da flexura duodeno-jejunal, seguida de anastomose terminoterminal. Desse segmento de intestino obteve-se, por disseco, a camada submucosa. Aps esvaziamento da bexiga por puno, fez-se uma inciso mediana de 3cm em sua parede, compreendendo todas as camadas. Um segmento de 3 x 2,5cm de SIS foi fixado s bordas da inciso com sutura contnua, laada de fio absorvvel 3.0 de poliglecaprone-25. No 30 dia de ps-operatrio os animais foram submetidos retirada da bexiga para estudo histopatolgico. RESULTADOS: No se observou reao inflamatria aguda. Reao inflamatria crnica esteve presente com graus discreto e moderado. A infiltrao fibroblstica foi moderada. A presena de clulas gigantes de corpo estranho foi mnima. A epitelizao foi satisfatria, no sendo completa em apenas um dos oito implantes. Ocorreu incorporao predominante de fibras colgenas tipo III, cuja mdia correspondeu a 70,7% do colgeno total. A reabsoro da mucosa foi moderada em 7/8 dos implantes. CONCLUSO: Os resultados indicam que ocorre regenerao da bexiga, quando utilizada a submucosa de intestino delgado como substrato. A submucosa de intestino delgado autloga pode ser uma alternativa vivel na reconstruo da bexiga urinria.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar, de maneira quantitativa, as proteoglicanas na fscia transversal e na bainha anterior do msculo reto abdominal de pacientes homens, adultos, portadores de hrnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS. MTODO: Foram constitudos trs grupos de estudo: um grupo controle, composto por dez cadveres com bito at 24 horas e de dois grupos, cada um com vinte pacientes, portadores de hrnias tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS. Foram retiradas amostras da fscia transversal e da bainha anterior do msculo reto abdominal que foram coradas com Alcian Blue, pH 2,5. As lminas foram analisadas no programa IMAGELAB de avaliao histolgica informatizada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se menor quantidade de proteoglicanas nos pacientes com hrnia inguinal, em relao ao grupo controle. Essa diferena foi estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSO: A concentrao de proteoglicanas na matriz extracelular est diminuda na fscia transversal e na bainha anterior do msculo reto abdominal de pacientes homens adultos, portadores de hrnia inguinal tipo II e IIIA de NYHUS, em relao ao grupo controle, constitudo por cadveres no portadores de hrnia inguinal.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar a quantidade do glicosaminoglicano dermatam sulfato entre pacientes homens, portadores de hrnia inguinal tipo II de Nyhus e, indivduos sem hrnia inguinal, com idade entre 20 e 40 anos. MTODOS: Foram constitudos dois grupos. Um de 15 pacientes do sexo masculino com hrnia inguinal tipo II de Nyhus e idade entre 20 e 40 anos, com risco ASA I e II, e um grupo controle com dez indivduos, tambm do sexo masculino entre 20 e 40 anos, que morreram em perodo de at 24 h. Foram excludos os pacientes do sexo feminino, diabticos, portadores de doena do tecido conjuntivo, tabagistas e com risco cirrgico ASA III e IV. Foi retirada uma amostra de 1cm da fscia transversal na parte intermediria do trgono inguinal, e 1cm na bainha anterior do msculo reto abdominal na regio inguinal correspondente e quantificados os glicosaminoglicanos dermatam sulfato por densitometria, aps eletroforese em gel de agarose. RESULTADOS: A quantidade de dermatam sulfato no apresentou diferena estatisticamente significante entre os pacientes com hrnia inguinal e os indivduos sem hrnia inguinal, tanto na fscia transversal (p=0,108) quanto na bainha anterior do msculo reto abdominal (p=0,292). CONCLUSO: No se encontrou diferena na quantidade do glicosaminoglicano dermatam sulfato entre os pacientes portadores de hrnia inguinal tipo II de Nyhus e indivduos sem hrnia inguinal em homens adultos.


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apresentado um caso de prolapso do tero de 2 grau em paciente de 18 anos, virgem. Durante o ato cirrgico corretivo (cirurgia de Gillian) foram recolhidas amostras dos ligamentos e fscias para avaliao do sistema de fibras elsticas. Foram demonstradas alteraes estruturais nas fibras elsticas semelhantes s que ocorrem no envelhecimento, o que promove o enfraquecimento do tecido conjuntivo induzindo ao defeito de suporte do assoalho plvico.


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OBJETIVO: estudar as alteraes histoqumicas relacionadas s glicosaminoglicanas da crvice uterina da rata albina, aps ministrao local de hialuronidase no final da prenhez. MTODOS: dez ratas com teste de prenhez positivo foram distribudas aleatoriamente em dois grupos, numericamente iguais. O Grupo Controle (Gc) foi constitudo pelas ratas que receberam 1 mL de gua destilada, dose nica, no 18 dia da prenhez, sob anestesia, ministrado na crvice uterina. O Grupo Experimental (Gex) constou de ratas que receberam, sob as mesmas condies do Gc, 0,02 mL de hialuronidase, diludo em 0,98 mL de gua destilada (total de 1 mL). No 20 dia de prenhez, as ratas foram novamente anestesiadas e submetidas disseco, preparando-se a crvice uterina para estudo histoqumico com colorao de alcian blue e seus bloqueios (pH=0,5, pH=2,5, metilao e saponificao). RESULTADOS: verificou-se na lmina prpria no Gc, reao fortemente positiva (+3) e, no Gex, reao negativa, na colorao de alcian blue no pH=0,5. Em pH=2,5 a colorao tambm se apresentou fortemente positiva (+4) no Gc e fracamente positiva (+1) no Gex. Aps metilao, tanto o Gc quanto o Gex mostraram reao negativa aps colorao de alcian blue no pH=2,5. Com a reao de metilao seguida de saponificao e na digesto enzimtica em lmina, a colorao da lmina prpria se mostrou negativa em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSES: h uma ntida predominncia de glicosaminoglicanas sulfatadas no Gc em relao ao Gex e uma tnue quantidade de glicosaminoglicanas carboxiladas identificadas no Gex. As modificaes evidenciadas na matriz extracelular sugerem que a hialuronidase injetada localmente na crvix uterina promoveu alteraes bioqumicas compatveis com maturao cervical.


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O Plasma Rico em Plaquetas (PRP) um preparado do sangue total que contm diversos fatores de crescimento responsveis pela proliferao e diferenciao celular, angiognese, como tambm pelo aumento da produo da matriz extracelular. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi testar 10 protocolos diferentes de centrifugao para obteno de PRP a partir do sangue total de equinos hgidos. Para isso foram utilizadas 10 amostras de 27mL de sangue total de cinco animais, as quais foram centrifugadas conforme cada protocolo proposto. Os resultados revelaram que os protocolos com menor fora de centrifugao relativa resultaram em maior (p<0,05) concentrao de plaquetas e, que no houve (p&gt;0,05) influncia do tempo de centrifugao em relao a essa varivel. A influncia do tempo foi observada apenas no nmero de leuccitos em protocolos com menor fora de centrifugao relativa (FCR). Os quatro melhores protocolos, que obtiveram as maiores concentraes de plaquetas, foram submetidos anlise pelo teste de ELISA para dosar a quantidade de TGF-&#946; que no revelou diferena (p&gt;0,05) entre os protocolos.


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A hematopoiese representa uma cascata de eventos de proliferao e diferenciao celular precisamente regulada, onde uma populao de clulas tronco pluripotentes indiferenciadas origina todas as clulas sangneas. Durante o perodo embrionrio o principal rgo hematopoitico o fgado. A partir do desenvolvimento dos ossos longos, a hematopoiese deslocada para a medula ssea, sendo este, na vida adulta, o stio de produo das clulas sangneas. O microambiente da medula ssea, composto pelas clulas estromais, componentes de matriz extracelular e fatores de crescimento ou citocinas, desempenha importncia fundamental na proliferao e diferenciao das clulas progenitoras hematopoiticas. Em algumas condies patolgicas, na vida adulta, a hematopoiese pode ser observada em stios extramedulares, especialmente no fgado, que demonstra assim preservar um potencial hematopoitico. Este fenmeno descrito como hematopoiese extramedular e pode estar associado a reaes fibrogranulomatosas, como a esquistossomose mansnica. No presente estudo avaliou-se a hiptese de que os gangliosdios possam participar do microambiente carregado negativamente necessrio para o suporte da hematopoiese. Para isso, analisou-se o contedo, sntese e liberao (shedding) de gangliosdios de dois estromas extramedulares, GRWT e GR(IFN-Ro/o), que expressam GM-CSF de maneira semelhante, mas tm capacidades diferentes de suporte da mielopoiese in vitro. A capacidade de suporte da hematopoiese pelos dois estromas foi monitorada atravs da proliferao das clulas FDC-P1, uma linhagem precursora mielide. Observamos que os dois estromas sintetizam e liberam os mesmos gangliosdios, embora em propores diferentes. Tambm verificamos que a inibio da sntese de gangliosdios diminui a proliferao mielopoitica em ambos os estromas extramedulares.


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Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in L-fucose. They are extracted mainly from the extracellular matrix of brown algae and echinoderms. The brown alga Spatoglossum schrederi (Dictyotaceae) has three heterofucans named A, B and C. Our research group have been extracted non anticoagulant heterofucan from S. schrederi which possess antithrombotic activity in vivo. However, their toxicity in vitro and in vivo has not yet been determined. For the results in toxicity in vitro, we observed that the fucan A at 20, 500 and 1000 &#956;g/plate showed no mutagenic activity in Kado test (Microsuspension), when the bacterial strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102, with and without S9 were used. The comet assay showed that fucan A (from 20 to 1000 &#956;g/mL) did not cause any genotoxic effect on CHO cells. There was no damage to the DNA of these cells, as evidenced by the tail length and tail moment, which were similar to that found for the negative control. The fucan A from S. schrederi was administered at 20 &#956;g/g of rat (dose which it showed high antithrombotic activity) during two months. After that, the animals were killed and examined. The data showed that fucan A did not cause any change in biochemistry and hematological parameters, as well as, in the morphology and size of the rat s organs analyzed. In conclusion, this study indicates that fucan is a compound with potential pharmacological that has no toxicity


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Marine algae are one of the major sources of biologic compounds. In extracellular matrix of these organisms there are sulfated polysaccharides that functions as structural components and provides protection against dehydration. The fraction 1.0 (F1.0) rich in sulfated galactans obtained from red seaweed Hypnea musciformis was physicochemical characterized and evaluated for pharmacologic activity through antioxidant activity, cytotoxic action on erythrocytes, anticoagulant, stimulatory action under antithrombotic heparan sulfate synthesis and their effects on cell proliferation and cycle cell progression. The main components of F1.0 were carbohydrates (49.70 0.10%) and sulfate (44.59 0.015%), presenting phenolic compounds (4.79 0.016%) and low protein contamination (0.92 0.001%). Fraction 1.0 showed polidisperse profile and signs in infrared analysis in 1262, 1074 and 930, 900 and 850 attributed to sulfate esters S=O bond, presence of a 3,6- anidrogalactose C-O bond, non-sulfated -D-galactose and a C-O-SO4 bond in galactose C4, respectively. The fraction rich in sulfated galactans exhibited strong antioxidant action under lipid peroxidation assay with IC50 of 0.003 mg/mL. Besides the inhibition of hemolysis induced by H2O2 in erythrocytes treated with F1.0, this fraction did not promote significant cytotoxity under erythrocytes membranes. F1.0 exhibited low anticoagulant activity causing moderate direct inhibition of enzimatic activity of thrombin. This fraction promoted stimulation around of 4.6 times on this synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) by rabbit aortic endothelial cells (RAEC) in culture when was compared with non treated cells. The fraction of this algae displayed antiproliferative action under RAEC cells causing incresing on cell number on S fase, blocking the cycle cell progression. Thus F1.0 presented cytostatic and no cytotoxic action under this cell lineage. These results suggest that F1.0 from H. musciformis have antioxidant potential which is a great effect for a compound used as food and in food industry which could be an alternative to food industry to prevent quality decay of lipid containing food due to lipid peroxidation. These polysaccharides prevent the lipid peroxidation once the fraction in study exhibited strong inhibitory action of this process. Furthermore that F1.0 present strong antithrombotic action promoting the stimulation of antithrombotic HS synthesis by endothelial cells, being important for thrombosis preventing, by its inhibitory action under reactive oxygen species (ROS) in some in vitro methods, being involved in promotion of hypercoagulability state.


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Seaweeds are a major source of biologically active compounds . In the extracellular matrix of these organisms are sulfated polysaccharides that functions as structural components preventing it against dehydration. The fraction 0.9 (FucB) rich in sulfated fucans obtained from brown seaweed Dictyota menstrualis was chemical characterized and evaluated for pharmacological activity by testing anticoagulant activity, stimulatory action on the synthesis of an antithrombotic heparan sulfate, antioxidant activity and its effects in cell proliferation. The main components were FucB carbohydrates (49.80 0.10 %) and sulfate (42.30 0.015 %), with phenolic compounds ( 3.86 0.016 %) and low protein contamination ( 0.58 0.001 % ) . FucB showed polydisperse profile and analysis of signals in the infrared at 1262, 1074 and 930 cm -1 and 840 assigned to S = O bonds sulfate esters , CO bond presence of 3,6- anhydrogalactose , &#946; -D- galactose non- sulfated sulfate and the axial position of fucose C4 , respectively. FucB exhibited moderate anticoagulant activity , the polysaccharides prolonged time (aPTT ) 200 ug ( > 90s ) partial thromboplastin FucB no effect on prothrombin time (PT), which corresponds to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation was observed. This stimulation promoted fraction of about 3.6 times the synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) by endothelial cells of the rabbit aorta ( RAEC ) in culture compared with cells not treated with FucB . This has also been shown to compete for the binding site with heparin. The rich fraction sulfated fucans exhibited strong antioxidant activity assays on total antioxidant (109.7 and 89.5 % compared with BHT and ascorbic acid standards ) , reducing power ( 71 % compared to ascorbic acid ) and ferric chelation ( 71 , comparing with 5 % ascorbic acid). The fraction of algae showed cytostatic activity on the RAEC cells revealed that the increase of the synthesis of heparan sulfate is not related to proliferation. FucB showed antiproliferative action on cell lines modified as Hela and Hep G2 by MTT assay . These results suggest that FucB Dictyota menstrualis have anticoagulant , antithrombotic , antioxidant potential as well as a possible antitumor action, promoting the stimulation of the synthesis of antithrombotic HS by endothelial cells and is useful in the prevention of thrombosis, also due to its inhibitory action on species reactive oxygen ( ROS ) in some in vitro systems , being involved in promoting a hypercoagulable state


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor are odontogenic tumors arising from the odontogenic epithelium with distinct clinical behavior. In attempt to comprehend the interaction between the odontogenic tumor cells and the extracellular matrix, the present work evaluated and compared the immunohistochemical expression of the matrix metalloproteinases-1 (MMP-1), -2 (MMP-2) and -9 (MMP-9) in 20 cases of ameloblastoma and 10 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. MMP-1 exhibited exuberant expression in the parenchyma and in the stroma of both studied tumors, while the MMP-2 showed varied expression with about of 80% and 60% of the neoplastic cells exhibiting positivity in the ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. With relation to the MMP-2 expression by the mesenchymal cells, it was observed that 65% of the ameloblastoma and 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor were positive. The immunoreactivity of MMP-9 was detected in all studied cases, although its expression had occurred predominantely in less than 50% of the parenchyma cells of the ameloblastoma, while in about of 60% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor more than 50% of cells were positive. The mesenchymal cells were positive to MMP-9 in 65% of the ameloblastoma and in 80% of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, respectively. Statistically significant difference was observed to the MMP-1 expression with relation to MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the ameloblastoma (p < 0.001). It was not possible to perform statistical analysis to the cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, however there was a tendency toward a differential expression of the MMP-1 with relation to other studied MMPs. These results suggest that MMP-1, - 2 and -9 are implicated in the growth and progression of both tumors analyzed as well as the more pronounced participation of the stroma in the ameloblastoma could together to be related to the higher clinical aggressiveness


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The odontogenic myxoma shares cellular and structural aspects with dental papilla, which has been implicated as probable origin of this neoplasm. The aim of the present study was to perform a comparative immunohistochemical analysis for the expression of collagenase-1 (MMP-1) and gelatinases A (MMP-2) and B (MMP-9) in odontogenic myxomas and dental papilla of teeth germs. Twelve cases of odontogenic myxomas and eight specimens of teeth germs were selected. It was taken into consideration the presence or absence of immunoreactivity, the pattern of immunohistochemical distribution of proteases within extracellular matrix, as well as, the number of cells revealing immunostaining for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). It was verified a significant difference (p<0,05) in relation to MMP-2 immunoexpression, which was observed only within extracellular matrix of myxomas. Nevertheless, MMP-1 labeling was revealed by most of the cases of odontogenic myxoma, at levels close to those observed in dental papilla. In relation to the pattern of distribution, a significant difference was obtained between specimens (p<0,05), with neoplasms predominantly exhibiting a focal pattern for MMP-1. The quantitative analysis of neoplastic cells labeled for MMPs denoted a significant difference (p<0,05), demonstrating a higher proportion of MMP-1 in comparison to MMPs-2 and -9. It can be concluded that immunohistochemical expression of MMP-1 at levels comparable to those observed in dental papilla and quantitatively superior in relation to MMPs-2 and -9, suggest an implication of this protease on extracellular matrix degradation of odontogenic myxomas. Moreover, the possibility of interactions with receptors involved in cellular adhesion, particularly with integrins, suggests a plausible function on local invasiveness of such neoplasms. Additionally, the presence of a descent immunoexpression gradient for these MMPs on odontogenic myxomas, associated to substrate specificity inherent in each enzyme, suggest the existence of a coordinated mechanism between interstitial collagenase and gelatinases A and B in order to allow an efficient degradation of extracellular matrix and local invasion by neoplastic cells


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Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and -9 (MMP-9) modulate important functions strictly related to the development, invasion and metastasis of several human cancers among them the squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT). However, individual genetic factors such as the functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) influence the pattern of protein expression of these MMPs and thus may be related to the variability observed in the clinical behavior of patients with SCCT. In this context, the present cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the association between the frequency of the functional SNPs MMP-7 -181 A/G and MMP-9 -1562 C/T and the clinical (age, gender and metastasis) and pathological (malignancy histological grading and immunohistochemistry expression) features of SCCT cases. Genotyping of these SNPs were performed by PCR-RFLP on DNA samples from 71 cases of SCCT and 60 individuals without cancer who constitute the control group. Among the results of this research, it was observed that the frequency of the polymorphic alleles MMP-7 -181 G and MMP-9 -1562 T in SCCT patients was 28% and 12%, respectively, and the frequency of the heterozygotes A/G (PR = 2.00; p < 0.001) and C/T (PR = 1.54; p = 0.014) were significantly higher in the patient group than in the controls. The prevalence of patients carrying the combination of SNPs studied was significantly associated with SCCT cases (PR = 2.00; p = 0.011) and metastasis (PR = 2.00; p < 0.001). Furthermore, with the frequency of SNPs analyzed, the age, gender, histological grading and immunoreactivity of MMP-7 and MMP-9 formed clinical and pathological parameters relevant to the identification of population subgroups more related to the development of SCCT and metastasis. Based on these results, it is suggested that the protein expression levels of MMP-7 and -9 substantially influence the balance between their pro- and anticancer biological functions and hence the clinicopathological profile of the squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue