987 resultados para Maternity care


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Background: Maternity care providers, particularly midwives, have a window of opportunity to influence pregnant women about positive health choices. This aim of this paper is to identify evidence of effective public health interventions from good quality systematic reviews that could be conducted by midwives.

Methods: Relevant databases including MEDLINE, Pubmed, EBSCO, CRD, MIDIRS, Web of Science, The Cochrane Library and Econlit were searched to identify systematic reviews in October 2010. Quality assessment of all reviews was conducted.

Results: Thirty-six good quality systematic reviews were identified which reported on effective interventions. The reviews were conducted on a diverse range of interventions across the reproductive continuum and were categorised under: screening; supplementation; support; education; mental health; birthing environment; clinical care in labour and breast feeding. The scope and strength of the review findings are discussed in relation to current practice. A logic model was developed to provide an overarching framework of midwifery public health roles to inform research policy and practice.

Conclusions: This review provides a broad scope of high quality systematic review evidence and definitively highlights the challenge of knowledge transfer from research into practice. The review also identified gaps in knowledge around the impact of core midwifery practice on public health outcomes and the value of this contribution. This review provides evidence for researchers and funders as to the gaps in current knowledge and should be used to inform the strategic direction of the role of midwifery in public health in policy and practice.


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Patient narratives have much to teach healthcare professionals about the experience of living with a chronic condition. While the biomedical narrative of HIV treatment is hugely encouraging, the narrative of living with HIV continues to be overshadowed by a persuasive perception of stigma. This paper presents how we sought to translate the evidence from a qualitative study of the perspectives of HIV affected pregnant women and expectant fathers on the care they received, from the pre conception to post natal period, into educational material for maternity care practice. Narrative scripts were written based on the original research interviews, with care taken to reflect the key themes from the research. We explore the way in which the qualitative findings bring to life patient and partner experiences and what it means for nurses, midwives and doctors to be prepared to care for couples affected by HIV. In so doing, we challenge the inequity between the dominance of biomedical knowledge over understanding the patient experience in the preparation of health professionals to care for HIV affected women and men who are having a baby or seeking to have a baby.


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Les Inuits sont le plus petit groupe autochtone au Canada. Les femmes inuites présentent des risques beaucoup plus élevés d’issues de grossesse défavorables que leurs homologues non autochtones. Quelques études régionales font état d’une mortalité fœtale et infantile bien plus importante chez les Inuits canadiens par rapport aux populations non autochtones. Des facteurs de risque tant au niveau individuel que communautaire peuvent affecter les issues de grossesse inuites. Les relations entre les caractéristiques communautaires et les issues de grossesse inuites sont peu connues. La compréhension des effets des facteurs de risque au niveau communautaire peut être hautement importante pour le développement de programmes de promotion de la santé maternelle et infantile efficaces, destinés à améliorer les issues de grossesse dans les communautés inuites. Dans une étude de cohorte de naissance reposant sur les codes postaux et basée sur les fichiers jumelés des mortinaissances/naissances vivantes/mortalité infantile, pour toutes les naissances survenues au Québec de 1991 à 2000, nous avons évalué les effets des caractéristiques communautaires sur les issues de grossesse inuites. Lorsque cela est approprié et réalisable, des données sur les issues de grossesse d’un autre groupe autochtone majeur, les Premières Nations, sont aussi présentées. Nous avons tout d'abord évalué les disparités et les tendances temporelles dans les issues de grossesse et la mortalité infantile aux niveaux individuel et communautaire chez les Premières Nations et les Inuits par rapport à d'autres populations au Québec. Puis nous avons étudié les tendances temporelles dans les issues de grossesse pour les Inuits, les Premières Nations et les populations non autochtones dans les régions rurales et du nord du Québec. Les travaux concernant les différences entre milieu rural et urbain dans les issues de grossesse chez les peuples autochtones sont limités et contradictoires, c’est pourquoi nous avons examiné les issues de grossesse dans les groupes dont la langue maternelle des femmes est l’inuktitut, une langue les Premières Nations ou le français (langue majoritairement parlée au Québec), en fonction de la résidence rurale ou urbaine au Québec. Finalement, puisqu'il y avait un manque de données sur la sécurité des soins de maternité menés par des sages-femmes dans les communautés éloignées ou autochtones, nous avons examiné les issues de grossesse en fonction du principal type de fournisseur de soins au cours de l'accouchement dans deux groupes de communautés inuites éloignées. Nous avons trouvé d’importantes et persistantes disparités dans la mortalité fœtale et infantile parmi les Premières Nations et les Inuits comparativement à d'autres populations au Québec en se basant sur des évaluations au niveau individuel ou communautaire. Une hausse déconcertante de certains indicateurs de mortalité pour les naissances de femmes dont la langue maternelle est une langue des Premières Nations et l’inuktitut, et pour les femmes résidant dans des communautés peuplées principalement par des individus des Premières Nations et Inuits a été observée, ce qui contraste avec quelques améliorations pour les naissances de femmes dont la langue maternelle est une langue non autochtone et pour les femmes résidant dans des communautés principalement habitées par des personnes non autochtones en zone rurale ou dans le nord du Québec. La vie dans les régions urbaines n'est pas associée à de meilleures issues de grossesse pour les Inuits et les Premières Nations au Québec, malgré la couverture d'assurance maladie universelle. Les risques de mortalité périnatale étaient quelque peu, mais non significativement plus élevés dans les communautés de la Baie d'Hudson où les soins de maternité sont prodigués par des sages-femmes, en comparaison des communautés de la Baie d'Ungava où les soins de maternité sont dispensés par des médecins. Nos résultats sont peu concluants, bien que les résultats excluant les naissances extrêmement prématurées soient plus rassurants concernant la sécurité des soins de maternité dirigés par des sages-femmes dans les communautés autochtones éloignées. Nos résultats indiquent fortement le besoin d’améliorer les conditions socio-économiques, les soins périnataux et infantiles pour les Inuits et les peuples des Premières Nations, et ce quel que soit l’endroit où ils vivent (en zone éloignée au Nord, en milieu rural ou urbain). De nouvelles données de surveillance de routine sont nécessaires pour évaluer la sécurité et améliorer la qualité des soins de maternité fournis par les sages-femmes au Nunavik.


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Problématique : Le concept d’« Hôpital promoteur de santé » (HPS) a émergé dans le sillon de la Charte d’Ottawa (1986) qui plaide notamment pour une réorientation des services de santé vers des services plus promoteurs de santé. Il cible la santé des patients, du personnel, de la communauté et de l’organisation elle-même. Dans le cadre de la réforme du système de santé au Québec qui vise à rapprocher les services de la population et à faciliter le cheminement de toute personne au sein d’un réseau local de services de santé et de services sociaux (RLS), l’adoption du concept HPS semble constituer une fenêtre d’opportunité pour les CHU, désormais inclus dans des réseaux universitaires intégrés de soins de santé et rattachés aux RLS, pour opérer des changements organisationnels majeurs. Face au peu de données scientifiques sur l’implantation des dimensions des projets HPS, les établissements de santé ont besoin d’être accompagnés dans ce processus par le développement de stratégies claires et d’outils concrets pour soutenir l’implantation. Notre étude porte sur le premier CHU à Montréal qui a décidé d’adopter le concept et d’implanter notamment un projet pilote HPS au sein de son centre périnatal. Objectifs : Les objectifs de la thèse sont 1) d’analyser la théorie d’intervention du projet HPS au sein du centre périnatal; 2) d’analyser l’implantation du projet HPS et; 3) d’explorer l’intérêt de l’évaluation développementale pour appuyer le processus d’implantation. Méthodologie : Pour mieux comprendre l’implantation du projet HPS, nous avons opté pour une étude de cas qualitative. Nous avons d’abord analysé la théorie d’intervention, en procédant à une revue de la littérature dans le but d’identifier les caractéristiques du projet HPS ainsi que les conditions nécessaires à son implantation. En ce qui concerne l’analyse d’implantation, notre étude de cas unique a intégré deux démarches méthodologiques : l’une visant à apprécier le niveau d’implantation et l’autre, à analyser les facteurs facilitants et les contraintes. Enfin, nous avons exploré l’intérêt d’une évaluation développementale pour appuyer le processus d’implantation. À partir d’un échantillonnage par choix raisonnés, les données de l’étude de cas ont été collectées auprès d’informateurs clés, des promoteurs du projet HPS, des gestionnaires, des professionnels et de couples de patients directement concernés par l’implantation du projet HPS au centre périnatal. Une analyse des documents de projet a été effectuée et nous avons procédé à une observation participante dans le milieu. Résultats : Le premier article sur l’analyse logique présente les forces et les faiblesses de la mise en oeuvre du projet HPS au centre périnatal et offre une meilleure compréhension des facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’implantation. Le second article apprécie le niveau d’implantation des quatre dimensions du projet HPS. Grâce à la complémentarité des différentes sources utilisées, nous avons réussi à cerner les réussites globales, les activités partiellement implantées ou en cours d’implantation et les activités reposant sur une théorie d’intervention inadéquate. Le troisième article met en évidence l’influence des caractéristiques de l’intervention, des contextes externe et interne, des caractéristiques individuelles sur le processus d’implantation à partir du cadre d’analyse de l’implantation développé par Damschroder et al. (2009). Enfin, le dernier article présente les défis rencontrés par la chercheure dans sa tentative d’utilisation de l’évaluation développementale et propose des solutions permettant d’anticiper les difficultés liées à l’intégration des exigences de recherche et d’utilisation. Conclusion : Cette thèse contribue à enrichir la compréhension de l’implantation du projet HPS dans les établissements de santé et, particulièrement, en contexte périnatal. Les résultats obtenus sont intéressants pour les chercheurs et les gestionnaires d’hôpitaux ou d’établissements de santé qui souhaitent implanter ou évaluer les projets HPS dans leurs milieux.


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AbstractThe aim: The aim of the study was to describe what women are most satisfied with in maternity care and if women´s childbirth experiences can be described by means of the QPP-I, who contains 32 statements related to maternity care. Design: The study is part of a national cross-sectional study which lasted for two weeks in Sweden in 2007. This paper analyzes one of the two questions with open answers, which reads: "What was the best with maternity care?”. Results: The results showed that out of a total of 735 responses 717 could be placed in the existing instrument QPP-I. Responses were analyzed by deductive content analysis and the majority 98% of the women's responses was about commitment, empathy and respect from the midwives. The responses (n = 18) who did not fit in QPP-I were then analyzed inductive and focused on team work and sense of coherence. Conclusion: The instrument QPP-I can be developed with additional statement to measure what it intends to measure, women's perceptions of maternity care.


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Background: Political violence and war are push factors for migration and social determinants of health among migrants. Somali migration to Sweden has increased threefold since 2004, and now comprises refugees with more than 20 years of war experiences. Health is influenced by earlier life experiences with adverse sexual and reproductive health, violence, and mental distress being linked. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are reported among Somali born refugees in high-income countries. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions on war, violence, and reproductive health before migration among Somali born women in Sweden. Method: Qualitative semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 17 Somali born refugee women of fertile age living in Sweden. Thematic analysis was applied. Results: Before migration, widespread war-related violence in the community had created fear, separation, and interruption in daily life in Somalia, and power based restrictions limited access to reproductive health services. The lack of justice and support for women exposed to non-partner sexual violence or intimate partner violence reinforced the risk of shame, stigmatization, and silence. Social networks, stoicism, and faith constituted survival strategies in the context of war. Conclusions: Several factors reinforced non-disclosure of violence exposure among the Somali born women before migration. Therefore, violence-related illness might be overlooked in the health care system. Survival strategies shaped by war contain resources for resilience and


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Women entering the maternity arena in Australia and other Western regimes have suffered incidentally from what is known as the' silo effect'. This refers to a clash between the training regimes of the 'old' professionalism and the 'new' professionalism. Under the 'old' professionalism, hierarchies were erected between medicine and the so-called semi-professions such as nursing and social work (Tully and Mortlock 2004) resulting in what Degeling et al (1998; 2000) have documented as oppositional modes of decision-making, styles of working, roles and accountabilities. Within the last decade, a 'new professionalism' has emerged in many Western regimes, including Canada, NZ, the UK and The Netherlands. (Romanow Report 2002; Street, Gannon and Holt 1991; Victorian Department of Human Services, Australia 2004) depicted by a flatter more egalitarian structure of multidisciplinarity .. An example in Australia is the Future Directions in Maternity Care document released in mid 2004 by the Bracks Victorian Labor government. In Australia, the move towards the 'new professionalism' can be attributed to a confluence of macro economic factors including the swing away from hospital-based training and towards university-based training for nurses and midwives, the ripple effects of three decades of feminism, the professionalisation of midwifery, the attrition of midwives from the workforce, the rise of health consumerism from the late 1980s and the crippling costs of professional indemnity health insurance for obstetricians leading to a crisis in recruitment.


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Current government policy in Victoria, as elsewhere, is seeking to change the provision of maternity care from an obstetric-led system to a flatter, more collaborative system that brings midwives to the front line as primary carers, at least in the public sector.

However, dominant medical discourses continue to exert a sedimentary effect on contesting claims from midwives that deny the high-risk nature of the majority of births and which valorise the competence of the female body. Although there have been modifications in maternity arrangements (and the incumbent government is currently considering more), medical discourses continue to legitimate obstetric power via legal and professional structures, fortify the obstetric ‘habitus’, infect mainstream popular consciousness and undermine autonomous midwifery practice. Drawing from research material gleaned from in-depth interviews with nine obstetricians and thirty midwives conducted in 2004 and 2005, I argue that alternative discourses may strategically undermine obstetric dominance. Specifically, reversing stereotypes; inverting the binary opposition and privileging the subordinate term (or substituting the negative for positive); and defamiliarizing what is perceived to be fixed and given, all play on the ambiguities of representation and present social activists (midwives, childbirth educators and women) with valuable opportunities to challenge fundamentalist medical orthodoxies.


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Introduction: Australia is a land of cultural diversity. Cultural differences in maternity care may result in conflict between migrants and healthcare providers, especially when migrants have minimal English language knowledge. The aim of the study was to investigate Asian migrant women’s child-birth experiences in a rural Australian context.

Method: The study consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 Asian migrant women living in rural Tasmania to explore their childbirth experiences and the barriers they faced in accessing maternal care in the new land. The data were analysed using grounded theory and three main categories were identified: ‘migrants with traditional practices in the new land’, ‘support and postnatal experiences’ and ‘barriers to accessing maternal care’.

Results: The findings revealed that Asian migrants in Tasmania faced language and cultural barriers when dealing with the new healthcare system. Because some Asian migrants retain traditional views and practices for maternity care, confusion and conflicting expectations may occur. Family and community play an important role in supporting migrant women through their maternity care.

Conclusions: Providing interpreting services, social support for migrant women and improving the cross-cultural training for healthcare providers were recommended to improve available maternal care services.


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Introducing Evidence Based Health Policy: Problems and Possibilities, Section 1: What is the Problem?, 1: Competing Rationalities: Evidence based Health Policy, 2: Beyond Two Communities, Section 2: What does Evidence Mean?, 3: Evidence based Medicine - The Medical Profession and Health Policy, 4: Mind The Gap: Assessing the Quality of Evidence for Public Health Problems, 5: Health Policy and Normative Analysis: Ethics, Evidence and Politics, 6: What is New in Health Information? Evidence for Health Consumers and Policy Making, 7: From Evidence based Medicine to Evidence based Public Health, Section 3: Policy Case Studies, 8: The Viagra Affair: Evidence as the Terrain for Competing Partners, 9: Folate Fortification: A Case Study of Public Health Policy-Making in a Food Regulation Setting, 10: The Supply and Safety of Blood and Blood Products - Evidence, Risk and Policy, 11: The Development of Nurse Practitioner Policy, 12: Creating Healthy Public Policy for Oral Health: How was the Evidence Used?, 13: Regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Victoria, 14: The Victorian Primary Health Care Reforms: A Case Study of Evidence-based Policy Making, 15: Evidence-based Practice in the Australian Drug Policy Community, 16: Challenging the Evidence - Women's Health Policy in Australia, 17: Evidence and Aboriginal Health Policy, 18: The Limits to Technical Rationality in the Health Inequalities Policy Process, 19: Evidence-based policy: A Technocratic Wish in a Political World, Section 4: Is the transfer of evidence into policy possible?, 20: The Community Model of Research Transfer, 21: Getting Research Transfer into Policy and Practice in Maternity Care, 22: Improving the Research and Policy Partnership: An Agenda for Research Transfer and Governance, 23: Framing and Taming 'Wicked' Problems


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Background: By providing information on the relative merits and potential harms of the options available and a framework to clarify preferences, decision aids can improve knowledge and realistic expectations and decrease decisional conflict in individuals facing decisions between alternative forms of action. Decision-making about prenatal testing for fetal abnormalities is often confusing and difficult for women and the effectiveness of decision aids in this field has not been established. This study aims to test whether a decision aid for prenatal testing of fetal abnormalities, when compared to a pamphlet, improves women's informed decision-making and decreases decisional conflict.

Methods/design: A cluster designed randomised controlled trial is being conducted in Victoria, Australia. Fifty General Practitioners (GPs) have been randomised to one of two arms: providing women with either a decision aid or a pamphlet. The two primary outcomes will be measured by comparing the difference in percentages of women identified as making an informed choice and the difference in mean decisional conflict scores between the two groups. Data will be collected from women using questionnaires at 14 weeks and 24 weeks gestation.

The sample size of 159 women in both arms of the trial has been calculated to detect a difference of 18% (50 to 68%) in informed choice between the two groups. The required numbers have been adjusted to accommodate the cluster design, miscarriage and participant lost – to – follow up.

Baseline characteristics of women will be summarised for both arms of the trial. Similarly, characteristics of GPs will be compared between arms.

Differences in the primary outcomes will be analysed using 'intention-to-treat' principles. Appropriate regression techniques will adjust for the effects of clustering and include covariates to adjust for the stratifying variable and major potential confounding factors.

Discussion: The findings from this trial will make a significant contribution to improving women's experience of prenatal testing and will have application to a variety of maternity care settings. The evaluation of a tailored decision aid will also have implications for pregnancy care providers by identifying whether or not such a resource will support their role in providing prenatal testing information.


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While collaborative, multidisciplinary teamwork is widely espoused as the goal of contemporary hospitals, it is hard to achieve. In maternity care especially, professional rivalries and deep-seated philosophical differences over childbirth generate significant tensions. This article draws on qualitative research in several Victorian public maternity units to consider the challenges to inter-professional collaboration. It reports what doctors and midwives looked for in colleagues they liked to work with — the attributes of a “good doctor” or a “good midwife”. Although their ideals did not entirely match, both groups respected skill and hard work and sought mutual trust, respect and accountability. Yet effective working together is limited both by tensions over role boundaries and power and by incivility that is intensified by increasing workloads and a fragmented labour force. The skills and qualities that form the basis of “professional courtesy” need to be recognised as Aust Health Rev 2009: 33(2): 315–324 essential to good collaborative practice.


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There is meant to be collaboration between doctors and midwives in maternity care but this is being hindered by unequal and disrespectful cultures and practices.


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Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) has well recognised adverse health implications for the  mother and her newborn that are both short and long term. Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing GDM and the prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. It is a matter of public health importance that clinicians have evidence based strategies to inform practice and currently there is insufficient evidence regarding the impact of dietary and lifestyle interventions on improving maternal and newborn outcomes. The primary aim of this study is to measure the impact of a telephone based intervention that promotes positive lifestyle modifications on the incidence of GDM. Secondary aims include: the impact on gestational weight gain; large for gestational age babies; differences in blood glucose levels taken at the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and selected factors relating to self-efficacy and psychological wellbeing. 

 A randomised controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted involving pregnant women who are  overweight (BMI >25 to 29.9 k/gm2) or obese (BMI >30kgm/2), less than 14 weeks gestation and recruited from the Barwon South West region of Victoria, Australia. From recruitment until birth, women in theintervention group will receive a program informed by the Theory of Self-efficacy and employing Motivational Interviewing. Brief ( less than 5 minute) phone contact will alternate with a text message/email and will involve goal setting, behaviour change reinforcement with weekly weighing and charting, and the provision of health  information. Those in the control group will receive usual care. Data for primary and secondary outcomes will be collected from medical record review and a questionnaire at 36 weeks gestation. 

 Evidence based strategies that reduce the incidence of GDM are a priority for contemporary maternity care. Changing health behaviours is a complex undertaking and trialling a composite intervention that can be adopted in various primary health settings is required so women can be accessed as early in pregnancy as possible. Using a sound theoretical base to inform such an intervention will add depth to our understanding of this approach and to the interpretation of results, contributing to the evidence base for practice and policy. 


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ABSTRACTThis study will consider the case of TBAs (traditional birth attendants) under the health cosmopolitan banner. Fifteen interviews with health administrators, obstetricians, midwives, traditional birth attendants and women in Timor Leste, provide evidence : (1) that the WHO (1992) directive to dismiss the inclusion of TBAs within the formal maternity care system has been precipitous (2) that TBAs could, with adequate training in emergency obstetric techniques and hygienic practices, assist in meeting MDG No 5, and (3) that TBAs may assist in sustaining hybrid cosmologies and serving other cultural aims. Although Millennium Development Goals embrace the idea of the universal right to health, a human rights framework remains abstract and legalistic. I argue that health cosmopolitanism offers a more inclusive lens. Applied to maternity care it shifts childbirth to a central focus of government policy, obliges all nations to contribute international aid yet recognises the interpretation of complex needs at the local level. It defines a philosophy of care that is person-centred (not professional or institution-centred), ensures equal access to quality care (based not on ability to pay or other obstacles such as geographical distance) and choice of carer and modality (Western, traditional or hybrid). It underlines the argument here that TBAs trained in emergency obstetric care and hygiene and funded by international agencies would ensure every woman has a known carer, plus choice of location, modality and provider. Health cosmopolitanism thus embraces universality, individual autonomy, reciprocal respect and global responsibility.