997 resultados para Maternal Smoking


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal lead poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel's cartilage) of rat fetuses by histologic and morphometric methods. Pregnant rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg of lead acetate/100g body weight on the 10th day of pregnancy. Meckel's cartilage of fetuses of the lead-treated group showed smaller volume density and size of the lacunae, as well as modification of the lacunae shape. Moreover, the number density of lacunae and the volume density of the matrix increased significantly in the Meckel's cartilage in treated group fetuses. The results suggest that lead poisoning during the period of organogenesis can induce disturbances in the development and differentiation of the fetal stomatognathic system. Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beberages and smoking cessation by women in childbearing age, along with a strict policy of control of the environmental lead exposure can bring great benefits to the future generations of children.


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INTRODUCTION: Cigarette smoking during pregnancy is associated with poor maternal and child health outcomes. Effective interventions to increase smoking cessation rates are needed particularly for pregnant women unable to quit in their first trimester. Real-time ultrasound feedback focused on potential effects of smoking on the fetus may be an effective treatment adjunct, improving smoking outcomes. METHODS: A prospective randomized trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a smoking cessation intervention consisting of personalized feedback during ultrasound plus motivational interviewing-based counseling sessions. Pregnant smokers (N = 360) between 16 and 26 weeks of gestation were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Best Practice (BP) only, Best Practice plus ultrasound feedback (BP+US), or Motivational Interviewing-based counseling plus ultrasound feedback (MI+US). Assessments were conducted at baseline and end of pregnancy (EOP). RESULTS: Analyses of cotinine-verified self-reported smoking status at EOP indicated that 10.8% of the BP group was not smoking at EOP; 14.2% in the BP+US condition and 18.3% who received MI+US were abstinent, but differences were not statistically significant. Intervention effects were found conditional upon level of baseline smoking, however. Nearly 34% of light smokers (< or =10 cigarettes/day) in the MI+US condition were abstinent at EOP, followed by 25.8% and 15.6% in the BP+US and BP conditions, respectively. Heavy smokers (>10 cigarettes/day) were notably unaffected by the intervention. DISCUSSION: Future research should confirm benefit of motivational interviewing plus ultrasound feedback for pregnant light smokers and explore mechanisms of action. Innovative interventions for pregnant women smoking at high levels are sorely needed.


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The purposes of this study were to examine (1) the relationship between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth; and (2) the degree of comparability between maternal and caregivers' responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits, selected components of the content of prenatal care, and gestational age, based on analyses of the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Centers for Health Statistics. Spontaneous preterm birth was subcategorized into very preterm and moderately preterm births, with term birth as the controls. The study population was limited to non-Hispanic Anglo- and African-American mothers. The racial differences in terms of birth outcomes were also compared.^ This study concluded that: (1) there was not a high degree of comparability (less than 80%) between maternal and prenatal care provider's responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits and the content of prenatal care; (2) there was a low degree of comparability (less than 50%) between maternal and infant's hospital of delivery responses regarding gestational age at birth; (3) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between the cases and controls, overall and stratified by ethnicity (i.e., hemoglobin/hematocrit test, weight measurement, and breast-feeding counseling), but they were confounded with missing values and associated preterm delivery bias; (4) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between Anglo- and African-American cases (i.e., vitamin/mineral supplement advice, weight measurement, smoking cessation and drug abuse counseling), but they, too, were difficult to interpret definitively due to item nonresponse and preterm delivery biases; (5) no significant predictive association between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth was found; and (6) inadequate/intermediate prenatal care and birth out of wedlock were found to be associated with moderately preterm birth.^ Future research is needed to examine the validity of maternal and prenatal care providers' responses and identify the sources of disagreement between their responses. In addition, further studies are needed to examine the relationship between the quality of prenatal care and preterm birth. Finally, the completeness and quality of patient and provider data on the utilization and content of prenatal care needs to be strengthened in subsequent studies. ^


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A cohort study study design was used to study the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight among African American women delivering full term infants. The cohort consisted of 3,157 mother-infant pairs drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine if low birthweight, African American mothers delivering term infants experienced higher rates of infant low birthweight and (2) to examine the role of selected contributory variables in the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight. Contributory risk factors examined included maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education, maternal height, maternal prepregnant weight, birth order, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, timing of prenatal care, number of prenatal visits, gestational length, infant gender, and behavioral factors of smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use during pregnancy.^ Using logistic regression analysis, risk of infant low birthweight among maternal low birthweight mothers increased after controlling for less than a high school education, less than 20 years of age, prepregnant weight less than 100 lbs, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, birth order, smoking during pregnancy, and use of alcohol and illicit drugs during pregnancy, but was not statistically significant. Loss of statistical significance was attributed to a large reduction in cases available for analysis after including illicit drug use in the model.^ This study demonstrated a consistent pattern of increased rates of infant low birthweight among low birthweight mothers. The force of history remains, hence women with this trait should be carefully monitored and advised during pregnancy to decrease risk of a low birthweight infant, in order to decrease the chain of events leading to future generations of low birthweight mothers. ^


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BackgroundChildren's exposure to other people's cigarette smoke (environmental tobacco smoke, or ETS) is associated with a range of adverse health outcomes for children. Parental smoking is a common source of children's exposure to ETS. Older children are also at risk of exposure to ETS in child care or educational settings. Preventing exposure to cigarette smoke in infancy and childhood has significant potential to improve children's health worldwide.ObjectivesTo determine the effectiveness of interventions aiming to reduce exposure of children to ETS.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group Specialized Register and conducted additional searches of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, CINAHL, ERIC, and The Social Science Citation Index & Science Citation Index (Web of Knowledge). Date of the most recent search: September 2013.Selection criteriaControlled trials with or without random allocation. Interventions must have addressed participants (parents and other family members, child care workers and teachers) involved with the care and education of infants and young children (aged 0 to 12 years). All mechanisms for reduction of children's ETS exposure, and smoking prevention, cessation, and control programmes were included. These include health promotion, social-behavioural therapies, technology, education, and clinical interventions.Data collection and analysisTwo authors independently assessed studies and extracted data. Due to heterogeneity of methodologies and outcome measures, no summary measures were possible and results were synthesised narratively.Main resultsFifty-seven studies met the inclusion criteria. Seven studies were judged to be at low risk of bias, 27 studies were judged to have unclear overall risk of bias and 23 studies were judged to have high risk of bias. Seven interventions were targeted at populations or community settings, 23 studies were conducted in the 'well child' healthcare setting and 24 in the 'ill child' healthcare setting. Two further studies conducted in paediatric clinics did not make clear whether the visits were to well or ill children, and another included both well and ill child visits. Thirty-six studies were from North America, 14 were in other high income countries and seven studies were from low- or middle-income countries. In only 14 of the 57 studies was there a statistically significant intervention effect for child ETS exposure reduction. Of these 14 studies, six used objective measures of children's ETS exposure. Eight of the studies had a high risk of bias, four had unclear risk of bias and two had a low risk of bias. The studies showing a significant effect used a range of interventions: seven used intensive counselling or motivational interviewing; a further study used telephone counselling; one used a school-based strategy; one used picture books; two used educational home visits; one used brief intervention and one study did not describe the intervention. Of the 42 studies that did not show a significant reduction in child ETS exposure, 14 used more intensive counselling or motivational interviewing, nine used brief advice or counselling, six used feedback of a biological measure of children's ETS exposure, one used feedback of maternal cotinine, two used telephone smoking cessation advice or support, eight used educational home visits, one used group sessions, one used an information kit and letter, one used a booklet and no smoking sign, and one used a school-based policy and health promotion. In 32 of the 57 studies, there was reduction of ETS exposure for children in the study irrespective of assignment to intervention and comparison groups. One study did not aim to reduce children's tobacco smoke exposure, but rather aimed to reduce symptoms of asthma, and found a significant reduction in symptoms in the group exposed to motivational interviewing. We found little evidence of difference in effectiveness of interventions between the well infant, child respiratory illness, and other child illness settings as contexts for parental smoking cessation interventions.Authors' conclusionsWhile brief counselling interventions have been identified as successful for adults when delivered by physicians, this cannot be extrapolated to adults as parents in child health settings. Although several interventions, including parental education and counselling programmes, have been used to try to reduce children's tobacco smoke exposure, their effectiveness has not been clearly demonstrated. The review was unable to determine if any one intervention reduced parental smoking and child exposure more effectively than others, although seven studies were identified that reported motivational interviewing or intensive counselling provided in clinical settings was effective.


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Maternal behaviors and child mastery behaviors were examined in 25 children with Down syndrome and 43 typically developing children matched for mental age (24–36 months). During a shared problem-solving task, there were no group differences in maternal directiveness or support for autonomy, and mothers in the two groups used similar verbal strategies when helping their child. There were also no group differences in child mastery behaviors, measured as persistence with two optimally challenging tasks. However, the two groups differed in the relationships of maternal style with child persistence. Children with Down syndrome whose mothers were more supportive of their autonomy in the shared task displayed greater persistence when working independently on a challenging puzzle, while children of highly directive mothers displayed lower levels of persistence. For typically developing children, persistence was unrelated to maternal style, suggesting that mother behaviors may have different causes or consequences in the two groups.


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Abstract Background Recent studies show that advanced paternal age (APA) is associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A body of evidence also suggests that individuals who develop schizophrenia show subtle deviations in a range of behavioural domains during their childhood. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between paternal and maternal ages and selected behavioural measures in children using a large birth cohort. Method Participants were singleton children (n = 21,753) drawn from the US Collaborative Perinatal Project. The outcome measures were assessed at 7 years. The main analyses examined the relationship between parental age and behavioural measures when adjusted for a range of potentially confounding variables, including age of the other parent, maternal race, socio-economic measures, sex, gestation length, maternal marital status, parental mental illness, and child's age-at-testing. Results Advanced paternal age was associated with a significantly increased risk of adverse ‘externalizing’ behaviours at age seven years. For every five year increase in paternal age, the odds of higher ‘externalizing’ behaviours was increased by 12% (OR = 1.12; 95% CI = 1.03, 1.21, p < 0.0001). The relationship persisted after adjusting for potential confounding factors. ‘Internalizing’ behavioural outcome was not associated with advanced paternal age. In contrast, advanced maternal age was significantly protective against adverse ‘externalizing’ behavioural outcomes, but associated with an increased risk of adverse ‘internalizing’ behavioural outcomes. Discussion The offspring of older fathers show a distinctly different pattern of behaviours compared to the offspring of older mothers. The diverse socio-cultural and biologically-mediated factors that underpin these findings remain to be clarified. In light of secular trends related to delayed parenthood, the mechanisms underlying these findings warrant closer scrutiny.


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Objective: This study examines the association between maternal anxiety from pregnancy to 5 years and child attention problems at 5 and 14 years. Method: Birth cohort of 3,982 individuals born in Brisbane between 1981 and 1983 are assessed. Self-reported measures of maternal anxiety are assessed at four time points. Maternal reports of child attention problems using Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist are assessed at 5 and 14 years. Results: Children of mothers experiencing anxiety during or after pregnancy are at greater risk of experiencing attention problems at 5 and 14 years. After adjusting for maternal age and child’s gender, antenatal anxiety is strongly associated with persistent attention problems (OR = 3.65, 95% CI = 2.19, 6.07). Children with chronically anxious mothers are 5.67 (95% CI = 3.56, 9.03) times more likely to have persistent attention problems. These associations remain consistent after adjusting for potential confounders. Conclusions: Maternal anxiety appears to increase the rate of child attention problems and identifies a need for treatment programs to have a dual focus—the mother and her child. (J. of Att. Dis. 2009; XX(X) 1-XX)


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Examined findings (e.g., A. J. Yates and J. Thain [see PA, Vol 73:28269]) that suggest that perceived social support for attempts to quit smoking is a determinant of self-efficacy (SE). 102 adults (aged 18–71 yrs) who participated in a trial of 4 smoking interventions were studied over a 10-mo follow-up period. The study attested to the validity of SE as a predictor of sustained success from an attempt to stop smoking. The tendency for SE theory to be more strongly supported in the longer term was highly consistent with the proposed mechanism for SE effects. The absence of a relationship with perceived social support might be an advantage for SE, since support was a poor predictor of outcomes during follow-up. Results suggest that perceived social influences had less utility than personal skills and SE in predicting sustained non-smoking outcomes.


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Individual differences in parental reminiscing style are hypothesized to have long-lasting effects on children’s autobiographical memory development, including the age of their earliest memories. This study represents the first prospective test of this hypothesis. Conversations about past events between 17 mother–child dyads were recorded on multiple occasions between the children’s 2nd and 4th birthdays. When these children were aged 12–13 years, they were interviewed about their early memories. Adolescents whose mothers used a greater ratio of elaborations to repetitions during the early childhood conversations had earlier memories than adolescents whose mothers used a smaller ratio of elaborations to repetitions. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that past-event conversations during early childhood have long-lasting effects on autobiographical memory.


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We estimate the effect of early child development on maternal labor force participation. Mothers of poorly developing children may remain at home to care for their children. Alternatively, mothers may enter the labor force to pay for additional educational and health resources. Which action dominates is the empirical question we answer in this paper. We control for the potential endogeneity of child development by using an instrumental variables approach, uniquely exploiting exogenous variation in child development associated with child handedness. We find that a one unit increase in poor child development decreases maternal labor force participation by approximately 10 percentage points.