343 resultados para Mastacembelus armatus
Abundance data of copepods were derived from vertical Multinet hauls at 10 stations, carried out in the northern Benguela upwelling system in December 2009 (FRS Africana) and September/October 2010 (RRS Discovery). Three transects along ~ 17°S, 19°S and 23°S with three stations each (neritic, shelf break, oceanic) and one station at 21°S were analysed for copepod abundance. Maximum sampling depth was either close to the seafloor (neritic and shelf break stations) or 700 m (2009) and 1000 m (2010) for the oceanic stations. Calanoid copepod species and stages were identified and enumerated separately. Adult females, males and copepodite stage 5 (C5) (in case of C. carinatus and N. minor) were included in the abundance calculations. Abundance is expressed as number of individuals per m**3, calculated from the volume of water filtered (calibrated flowmeter, Hydro-Bios) and the maximum sampling depth at each station.
The 136 m of calcareous oozes recovered in Hole 810C span the interval from upper Maastrichtian to middle Pleistocene. Three major hiatuses interrupt the sequence, with the topmost part of the Maastrichtian through the entire lower Paleocene, most of the lower Eocene, and the entire middle Eocene through most of the middle Miocene missing. Severe reworking and displacement affected the lower part of the succession from the Maastrichtian through the middle Miocene. Reworking and displacement gradually decreased in the upper portion. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy enabled us to calibrate precisely the nearly complete magnetic reversal sequence of the Pliocene to the late Pleistocene. Two minor hiatuses detected by calcareous nannofossils across the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and in the upper lower Pleistocene, respectively, resulted in shortening of the Olduvai and Jaramillo Events within the Matuyama Chron of the magnetic reversal sequence.
Continental rise Site 905 yielded upper Miocene and Pliocene uniform hemipelagic mud (a contourite) from approximately 215 to 540 meters below seafloor. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of this interval was reexamined using closely spaced samples from core interiors. Additionally, total nannofossil abundances and dominant species and species group abundances were determined to evaluate the potential of this section for extracting sequence stratigraphic information. The data indicate that the putative hiatuses at the end of the late Pliocene (Zones NN17 and NN18) and in the early Pliocene (Zones NN13 and NN14) probably are condensed intervals, but the base of the late Miocene is almost certainly marked by an unconformity. Judging from carbonate content and sedimentation rate both, nannofossil abundance may be governed by carbonate dissolution or by siliciclastic dilution. Consequently, condensed sections cannot be identified by the abundance of pelagic component in the sediment alone, as is possible in equivalent age Gulf of Mexico sediments. Where nannofossil preservation is adequate in consecutive samples, as in the early Pliocene and latest late Miocene, total nannofossil abundance fluctuates regularly and with a periodicity of less than 105 yr, which suggests that dilution of the pelagic component occurred with a frequency probably related to astronomical forcing.
Neogene calcareous nannofossils were examined from 10 holes at three sites cored during ODP Leg 105. Sediment recovered in Baffin Bay at Site 645 is virtually barren of calcareous nannofossils, with the exception of a sparse lower Miocene assemblage. Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea contain upper Miocene to Holocene sediments having numerous barren intervals. Upper Pleistocene fossil coccolithophorid floras in the Labrador Sea indicate alternations of cold subpolar with transitional (subpolar/subtropical) assemblages. Extreme variations in the abundance of Coccolithus pelagicus were observed at Sites 646 and 647. These variations are correlated with stable isotopic data to interpret oceanographic responses to warming and cooling trends. The climatic history indicated by the changes of these assemblages closely approximates the past climatic fluctuations recorded in other North Atlantic cores. One new taxon, Discoaster bergenii, is described.