970 resultados para Masonry strengthening overlay
Joints play a major role in the structural behaviour of old timber frames [1]. Current standards mainly focus on modern dowel-type joints and usually provide little guidance (with the exception of German and Swiss NAs) to designers regarding traditional joints. With few exceptions, see e.g. [2], [3], [4], most of the research undertaken today is mainly focused on the reinforcement of dowel-type connections. When considering old carpentry joints, it is neither realistic nor useful to try to describe the behaviour of each and every type of joint. The discussion here is not an extra attempt to classify or compare joint configurations [5], [6], [7]. Despite the existence of some classification rules which define different types of carpentry joints, their applicability becomes difficult. This is due to the differences in the way joints are fashioned depending, on the geographical location and their age. In view of this, it is mandatory to check the relevance of the calculations as a first step. This first step, to, is mandatory. A limited number of carpentry joints, along with some calculation rules and possible strengthening techniques are presented here.
COST (European Co-operation in the field of scientific and technical research) is the longest running framework for research co-operation iri Europe, having been established in 1971 by a Ministerial Conference attended by Ministers for Science and Technology from 19 countries. Today COST is used by the scientific communities of 35 European countries to cooperate in exchanging knowledge and technology developed within research projects supported by national or European funds. The main objective of COST is to contribute to the realization of the European Research Área (ERA) anticipating and complementing the activities of the' Framework Programmes, constituting a "bridge" towards the scientific communities of emerging countries, increasing the mobility of researchers across Europe and fostering the establishment of "Networks of Excelience". Another essential objective is the knowledge transfer between the scientific soc'iety and industry. It is widely acknowledged that European scientific performance in relation to investment in science is excellent but technological and commercial performance has steadily worsened. The present paper discusses how the COST Action's instruments, from training schools to short scientific missions and workshops have been used within The COST ACTION FP11O1 Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures to achieve such objectives.
The Embedded Through-Section (ETS) technique is a promising technique for the shear strengthening of existing (RC) elements. According to this technique, holes are drilled through the beam section, and bars of steel or FRP material are introduced into these holes and bonded to the concrete with adhesive materials. An experimental program was carried out with RC T-cross section beams strengthened in shear using the ETS steel bars and ETS CFRP rods. The research is focused on the evaluation of the ETS efficiency on beams with different percentage of existing internal transverse reinforcement (ρsw=0.0%, ρsw=0.1% and ρsw=0.17%). The effectiveness of different ETS strengthening configurations was also investigated. The good bond between the strengthening ETS bars and the surrounding concrete allowed the yield initiation of the ETS steel bars and the attainment of high tensile strains in the ETS CFPR rods, leading to significant increase of shear capacity, whose level was strongly influenced by the inclination of the ETS bars and the percentage of internal transverse reinforcement.
Hybrid Composite Plate (HCP) is a reliable recently proposed retrofitting solution for concrete structures, which is composed of a strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) plate reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). This system benefits from the synergetic advantages of these two composites, namely the high ductility of SHCC and the high tensile strength of CFRPs. In the materialstructural of HCP, the ultra-ductile SHCC plate acts as a suitable medium for stress transfer between CFRP laminates (bonded into the pre-sawn grooves executed on the SHCC plate) and the concrete substrate by means of a connection system made by either chemical anchors, adhesive, or a combination thereof. In comparison with traditional applications of FRP systems, HCP is a retrofitting solution that (i) is less susceptible to the detrimental effect of the lack of strength and soundness of the concrete cover in the strengthening effectiveness; (ii) assures higher durability for the strengthened elements and higher protection to the FRP component in terms of high temperatures and vandalism; and (iii) delays, or even, prevents detachment of concrete substrate. This paper describes the experimental program carried out, and presents and discusses the relevant results obtained on the assessment of the performance of HCP strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to flexural loading. Moreover, an analytical approach to estimate the ultimate flexural capacity of these beams is presented, which was complemented with a numerical strategy for predicting their load-deflection behaviour. By attaching HCP to the beams’ soffit, a significant increase in the flexural capacity at service, at yield initiation of the tension steel bars and at failure of the beams can be achieved, while satisfactory deflection ductility is assured and a high tensile capacity of the CFRP laminates is mobilized. Both analytical and numerical approaches have predicted with satisfactory agreement, the load-deflection response of the reference beam and the strengthened ones tested experimentally.
This study presents an experimental program to assess the tensile strain distribution along prestressed carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement flexurally applied on the tensile surface of RC beams according to near surface mounted (NSM) technique. Moreover, the current study aims to propose an analytical formulation, with a design framework, for the prediction of distribution of CFRP tensile strain and bond shear stress and, additionally, the prestress transfer length. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the proposed analytical approach, parametric studies were carried out to analytically evaluate the influence of the main material properties, and CFRP and groove cross section on the distribution of the CFRP tensile strain and bond shear stress, and on the prestress transfer length. The proposed analytical approach can also predict the evolution of the prestress transfer length during the curing time of the adhesive by considering the variation of its elasticity modulus during this period.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
The acoustic emission (AE) technique is used for investigating the interfacial fracture and damage propagation in GFRP-and SRG-strengthened bricks during debonding tests. The bond behavior is investigated through single-lap shear bond tests and the fracture progress during the tests is recorded by means of AE sensors. The fracture progress and active debonding mechanisms are characterized in both specimen types with the aim of AE outputs. Moreover, a clear distinction between the AE outputs of specimens with different failure modes, in both SRG-and GFRP-strengthened specimens, is found which allows characterizing the debonding failure mode based on acoustic emission data.
Numerical Assessment of the out-of-plane response of a brick masonry structure without box behaviour
This paper presents the assessment of the out-of-plane response due to seismic loading of a masonry structure without rigid diaphragm. This structure corresponds to real scale brick masonry specimen with a main façade connected to two return walls. Two modelling approaches were defined for this evaluation. The first one consisted on macro modelling, whereas the second one on simplified micro modelling. As a first step of this study, static nonlinear analyses were conducted to the macro model aiming at evaluating the out-of-plane response and failure mechanism of the masonry structure. A sensibility analyses was performed in order to assess the mesh size and material model dependency. In addition, the macro models were subjected to dynamic nonlinear analyses with time integration in order to assess the collapse mechanism. Finally, these analyses were also applied to a simplified micro model of the masonry structure. Furthermore, these results were compared to experimental response from shaking table tests. It was observed that these numerical techniques simulate correctly the in-plane behaviour of masonry structures. However, the
This paper reports on a structural safety assessment and performance evaluation of the upper choir of the Santa Maria de Belém Church in the Jerónimos monastery, Lisbon, one of the most important cultural heritage buildings in Portugal. The possibility of adding a new 20 t organ to the upper choir and its effects on the church structure's response are presented. A refined and a simplified finite-element model is developed to investigate the structure's performance under self-weight and seismic actions. A sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of masonry mechanical properties and rib cross-sections on the structural response, given the difficulty in accurately obtaining this information. The results show that the safety level of the structure is acceptable, even in the case of adding a heavy new organ.
The structural analysis involves the definition of the model and selection of the analysis type. The model should represent the stiffness, the mass and the loads of the structure. The structures can be represented using simplified models, such as the lumped mass models, and advanced models resorting the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM). Depending on the characteristics of the structure, different types of analysis can be used such as limit analysis, linear and non-linear static analysis and linear and non-linear dynamic analysis. Unreinforced masonry structures present low tensile strength and the linear analyses seem to not be adequate for assessing their structural behaviour. On the other hand, the static and dynamic non-linear analyses are complex, since they involve large time computational requirements and advanced knowledge of the practitioner. The non-linear analysis requires advanced knowledge on the material properties, analysis tools and interpretation of results. The limit analysis with macro-blocks can be assumed as a more practical method in the estimation of maximum load capacity of structure. Furthermore, the limit analysis require a reduced number of parameters, which is an advantage for the assessment of ancient and historical masonry structures, due to the difficult in obtaining reliable data.
In order to investigate the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls, quasi-static testing was performed on a masonry infill walls built inside a reinforced concrete frame by means of an airbag system to apply the uniform out-of-plane load to each component of the infill. The main advantage of this testing setup is that the out-of-plane loading can be applied more uniformly in the walls, contrarily to point load configuration. The test was performed under displacement control by selecting the mid-point of the infill as control point. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. The effect of the distance between the reaction frame of the airbag and the masonry infill on the effective contact area was previously analysed. Four load cells were attached to the reaction frame to measure the out-of-plane force. The effective contact area of the airbag was calculated by dividing the load measured in load cells by the pressure inside the airbag. When the distance between the reaction walls and the masonry infill wall is smaller, the effective area is closer to the nominal area of the airbag. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of arching mechanism and two-way bending of the masonry infill. Until collapse of the horizontal interface between infill and upper beam in RC frame, the infill bends in two directions but the failure of that interface which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam results in the crack opening trough a well-defined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
Seismic investigations of typical south European masonry infilled frames were performed by testing two reduced scale specimens: one in the in-plane direction and another in the out-ofplane direction. Information about geometry and reinforcement scheme of those structures constructed in 1980s were obtained by [1]. The specimen to be tested in the in-plane direction was constructed as double leaf masonry while the specimen for testing in the out-of-plane direction is constructed with only its exterior leaf since the recent earthquakes have highlighted the vulnerability of the external leaf of the infills in out-of-plane direction [2]. The tests were performed by applying the pre-defined values of displacements in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions in the control points. For in-plane testing it was done by hydraulic actuator and for out-of-plane testing through the application of an airbag. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. Mid-point of the infill was assumed as a control point for outof- plane testing. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of two-way arching mechanism of the masonry infill until collapse of the upper horizontal interface between infill and frame which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam. This results in the crack opening through a welldefined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
Masonry is a non-homogeneous material, composed of units and mortar, which can be of different types, with distinct mechanical properties. The design of both masonry units and mortar is based on the role of the walls in the building. Load-bearing walls relate to structural elements that bear mainly vertical loads, but can serve also to resist to horizontal loads. When a structural masonry building is submitted to in-plane and out-of-plane loadings induced by an earthquake for example, the masonry walls are the structural elements that ensure the global stability of the building. This means that the walls should have adequate mechanical properties that enable them to resist to different combinations of compressive, shear and tensile stresses.The boundary conditions influence the resisting mechanisms of the structural walls under in-plane loading and in a buildings the connection at the intersection walls are of paramount importance for the out-of-plane resisting mechanism. However, it is well established that the masonry mechanical properties are also relevant for the global mechanical performance of the structural masonry walls. Masonry units for load-bearing walls are usually laid so that their perforations are vertically oriented, whereas for partition walls, brick units with horizontal perforation are mostly adopted.
This work intends to present a newly developed test setup for dynamic out-of-plane loading using underWater Blast Wave Generators (WBWG) as loading source. Underwater blasting operations have been, during the last decades, subject of research and development of maritime blasting operations (including torpedo studies), aquarium tests for the measurement of blasting energy of industrial explosives and confined underwater blast wave generators. WBWG allow a wide range for the produced blast impulse and surface area distribution. It also avoids the generation of high velocity fragments and reduces atmospheric sound wave. A first objective of this work is to study the behavior of masonry infill walls subjected to blast loading. Three different masonry walls are to be studied, namely unreinforced masonry infill walls and two different reinforcement solutions. These solutions have been studied previously for seismic action mitigation. Subsequently, the walls will be simulated using an explicit finite element code for validation and parametric studies. Finally, a tool to help designers to make informed decisions on the use of infills under blast loading will be presented.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil