985 resultados para Marion, Jean-Luc, 1946-


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Zusammenfassung] Die Inzidenz des malignen Melanoms steigt seit über 50 Jahren bei der weißen Bevölkerung stark an. Die Schweiz ist mit ungefähr 1900 neu diagnostizierten Fällen pro Jahr das am stärksten betroffene Land Europas (16/100 000 Welt-standardisierte Rate). In letzter Zeit sind regionale Unterschiede mit höherer Inzidenz in den Westschweizer Kantonen festzustellen. Änderungen in Wissen und Verhalten der Schweizer Bevölkerung gegenüber dem Schutz vor Sonnenexposition bestehen noch zu wenig lange und sind zu bescheiden, als dass sie schon einen Einfluss auf die Inzidenz hätten haben können. Dank der seit 20 Jahren betriebenen Früherfassung sind Überlebensrate und Anteil an dünnen Melanomen gestiegen, allerdings bei gleichbleibender Inzidenz dicker Läsionen. Die Mortalität aufgrund des malignen Melanoms ist neuerdings rückläufig, vor allem bei den Frauen. Werden die gegenwärtigen Präventionsbemühungen weitergeführt, dürften sich bald noch mehr Erfolge zeigen. [Abstract] The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma has steadily increased in Caucasian populations over the last decades. With around 1900 new cases each year, Switzerland has one of the highest melanoma rates in Europe (16/100 000 world-standardised rate). Regional differences are emerging within Switzerland, with a higher incidence in the western (French-speaking) region. Observed changes in sun protection attitudes and knowledge in the Swiss population have yet no impact on the incidence trend. Early detection, carried out since the mid 1980s in Switzerland, has led to a substantial increase in survival and rates of thin melanoma, without material change in rates of thick melanoma. Mortality from melanoma has recently decreased, earlier in women than men. The efficacy of prevention campaigns should soon become more blatant if current efforts persist.


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A partir de tres ideas -la "impercepción" (el "punctum caecum") en el pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, la "ceguera" en Jacques Derrida, y la teoría del "no ver" en Maurice Blanchot y Michel de Certeau-, se analizan algunos ejemplos del cine contemporáneo que constituyen imágenes representativas de la confluencia entreexperiencia-límite y representación-límite, del apagamiento místico de los sentidos y del estrecho intervalo entre lo visible y lo invisible: "teología cero" de lo "siempre ausente" (Derrida), "éxtasis blanco" (Certeau). Algunos escritores hablan de cerrar los ojos, de ojos vacíos de mirada, de cegarse para ver (A. Breton, P. Celan, J. Joyce, R. M. Rilke): la visión coincide con el desvanecimiento de las cosas vistas para hacer de esta"ausencia de visión el punto culminante de la mirada" (M. Blanchot). En el cine de Theo Angelopoulos, Robert Bresson, Abbas Kiarostami, Majid Majidi y Aleksandr Sokurov se emplean diversos recursos -el fuera de campo, los fundidos en blanco o en negro, la pantalla a oscuras¿- orientados a expresar -por medio de este espacio vacío- aquello de otro modo inexpresable. Estos recursos reflejan la dialéctica visible-invisible, la contraimagen de la mirada, la "mirada sin mirada" (Angelopoulos) hasta "perder por completo la noción de imagen" (Bresson). Se trata, en definitiva, de "la retirada de lo divino al fondo de una presencia-ausencia" (Jean-Luc Nancy) expresada por medio del eclipse o la extinción de las imágenes.


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An exhaustive classification of matrix effects occurring when a sample preparation is performed prior to liquid-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analyses was proposed. A total of eight different situations were identified allowing the recognition of the matrix effect typology via the calculation of four recovery values. A set of 198 compounds was used to evaluate matrix effects after solid phase extraction (SPE) from plasma or urine samples prior to LC-ESI-MS analysis. Matrix effect identification was achieved for all compounds and classified through an organization chart. Only 17% of the tested compounds did not present significant matrix effects.


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Question: Outdoor occupational exposure could be associated with important cumulative and intense exposure to ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation. Such exposure would increase risk of skin cancer. However, little information exists on jobs associated with intense UV exposure. The objective of this study was to characterise occupational UV exposure in a representative sample in France. Methods: A population-based survey was conducted in May-June 2012 through computer-assisted telephonic interviews in population 25 to 69 years of age. Individual UV irradiation was computed with declared time and place of residence matched to UV records from satellite measurement (Eurosun project). We analysed factors influencing exposure to UV (annual average and seasonal peak). Results: A total of 1442 individuals declared having an occupational exposure to UV which represents 18% of population aged 25 to 69 years. Outdoor workers were more frequently men (58%), aged 40-54 (43%), with a phototype III or IV (69%). Occupations associated with highest UV exposure were: construction workers (annual daily average 62.8 Joules/m2), gardeners (62.6), farmers (52.8), culture/art/social sciences workers (52.0) and transport workers/mail carriers (49.5). The maximum of UVA exposure was found for occupation with a strong seasonality of exposure: culture, art or social sciences works (98.1 Joules/m2), construction works (97.2), gardening (96.7) and farming (95.0). Significant factors associated with high occupational UV exposure were gender (men vs. women: 53.6 vs. 42.6), phototype (IV vs. I: 51.9 vs. 45.5) and taking lunch outdoors (always vs. never: 59.8 vs. 48.6). Conclusion: Our study showed that some occupations were associated with particularly intense UV exposure such as farmers, gardeners, construction workers. Other unexpected occupations were also associated with high UV exposure such as transport workers, mail carriers and culture/art/social sciences workers.


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Question: Outdoor workers can be exposed to intense ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation likely to results to sunburns. As sunburn is an important risk factor for skin cancer, in particular melanoma, we investigated the causes of occupational sunburns (OS) in French outdoor workers. Methods: A population-based survey was conducted in May-June 2012 through computer-assisted telephonic interviews in population 25 to 69 years of age. History of sunburn from occupational exposure within the year preceding interview was collected. We analysed the risk of OS in multivariate logistic regression. Results: Out of 1442 individuals who declared having an occupational exposure to solar UV radiation, 403 (27.9%) reported a sunburn from occupational exposure in the year preceding the interview. Sunburns were more frequent in women (30% vs. 26.4% in men although not significant p = 0.14), in younger workers (p = 0.0099), in sensitive phototype (40% in phototype I/II vs. 23% in phototype III/IV, p < 0.001) and in workers taking lunch outdoor (p = 0.0355). Some occupations were more associated with OS (more than 30%): health occupations, managing, research/engineering, construction workers and culture/art/social sciences workers. In multivariate analysis, risk factors for OS are phototype (I vs. IV, OR = 4.30 95% CI [2.65-6.98]), sunburn during leisure time (OR = 3.46 95% CI [2.62-4.59]), seasonality of exposure (seasonal vs. constant exposure OR = 1.36 95% CI [1.02-1.81] and annual UVA exposure (OR for 10J/m² daily average increment 1.08 95% CI [1.02-1.14]). In multivariate analysis the type of occupation was not associated with increased OS. Conclusion: Sunburns from occupation was also observed in non sensitive population, phototype IV, which shows that outdoor workers are potentially exposed to intense UV radiations. This study suggests that prevention should target UV sensitive outdoor workers as well as those cumulating intense UV exposure.


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[Table des matières] 1. Patients et méthodes. 1.1. Enquête dans la population générale : population, modalités d'envoi, taux de réponse. 1.2. Questionnaire SF-36 et questionnaire Medical Outcome Study (MOS) : PF physical functioning = activité physique (fonctionnement) ; RP role physical = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé physique ; BP bodily pain = douleur physique ; GH General Health = santé générale ; VT vitality = vitalité (énergie/fatigue) ; SF social functioning = fonctionnement ou bien-être social ; RE role éemotional = limitations (du rôle) liées à la santé mentale ; MH mental health = santé mentale ; CF cognitive functioning = fonctionnement cognitif (dimension absente du SF-36 classique) ; HT eported health transition = modification perçue de l'état de santé ("dimension" annexe, = item 2 ou Q2). 1.3. Analyse : calcul des scores du SF-36 et du SF-36 + CF, cohérence des réponses, fiabilité de l'instrument, validité. 1.4. Analyse statistique. 2. Résultats commentés de l'enquête dans la population générale. 2.1. Fréquence des non-réponses par item et par question. 2.2. Cohérence des réponses. 2.3. Scores d'état de santé par dimension : description et comparaison avec une population américaine, comparaison des scores vaudois et genevois. 2.4. Existe-t-il une concentration des bons et des mauvais scores chez les mêmes répondants ? 2.5. Fiabilité. 2.6. Validité : validité convergente et discriminante, analyse factorielle, validation en fonction de variables externes. 3. Discussion. 3.1. Evaluation du questionnaire. 3.2. Mesure de la qualité de vie liée à l'état de santé perçu dans la population générale. 3.3. Adjonction de la dimension "fonctionnement cognitif". 3.4. Conclusions et recommandations.


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El treball és una d’anàlisi del discurs polític que apareix en els programes electorals dels candidats a les presidencials franceses 2012, centrant l’atenció en el terme immigration. L’objectiu és identificar de quina manera expressen la seva ideologia, concretar les semblances, les divergències i els matisos que determinen en els seus discursos.


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The 5-year "Solmobile" skin prevention campaigns carried out between 2001 and 2005 by the Swiss League against Cancer met their objectives. About 21'000 visits were recorded throughout Switzerland and 10'000 clinical skin examinations performed. This report briefly summarises the main results of the epidemiological evaluation of these campaigns.


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