865 resultados para Many-body problem


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The Runge-Lenz equivalent for the Hydrogen Molecular Cation (and the Earth, Moon and Sun) problem is obtained


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An analytical solution of the two body problem perturbed by a constant tangential acceleration is derived with the aid of perturbation theory. The solution, which is valid for circular and elliptic orbits with generic eccentricity, describes the instantaneous time variation of all orbital elements. A comparison with high-accuracy numerical results shows that the analytical method can be effectively applied to multiple-revolution low-thrust orbit transfer around planets and in interplanetary space with negligible error.


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A formulation of the perturbed two-body problem that relies on a new set of orbital elements is presented. The proposed method represents a generalization of the special perturbation method published by Peláez et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 97(2):131?150,2007) for the case of a perturbing force that is partially or totally derivable from a potential. We accomplish this result by employing a generalized Sundman time transformation in the framework of the projective decomposition, which is a known approach for transforming the two-body problem into a set of linear and regular differential equations of motion. Numerical tests, carried out with examples extensively used in the literature, show the remarkable improvement of the performance of the new method for different kinds of perturbations and eccentricities. In particular, one notable result is that the quadratic dependence of the position error on the time-like argument exhibited by Peláez?s method for near-circular motion under the J2 perturbation is transformed into linear.Moreover, themethod reveals to be competitive with two very popular elementmethods derived from theKustaanheimo-Stiefel and Sperling-Burdet regularizations.


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EDROMO is a special perturbation method for the propagation of elliptical orbits in the perturbed two-body problem. The state vector consists of a time-element and seven spatial elements, and the independent variable is a generalized eccentric anomaly introduced through a Sundman time transformation. The key role in the derivation of the method is played by an intermediate reference frame which enjoys the property of remaining fixed in space as long as perturbations are absent. Three elements of EDROMO characterize the dynamics in the orbital frame and its orientation with respect to the intermediate frame, and the Euler parameters associated to the intermediate frame represent the other four spatial elements. The performance of EDromo has been analyzed by considering some typical problems in astrodynamics. In almost all our tests the method is the best among other popular formulations based on elements.


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In this article, an approximate analytical solution for the two body problem perturbed by a radial, low acceleration is obtained, using a regularized formulation of the orbital motion and the method of multiple scales. The results reveal that the physics of the problem evolve in two fundamental scales of the true anomaly. The first one drives the oscillations of the orbital parameters along each orbit. The second one is responsible of the long-term variations in the amplitude and mean values of these oscillations. A good agreement is found with high precision numerical solutions.


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"Contract no. Nonr 2653(00)"


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We investigate quantum many-body systems where all low-energy states are entangled. As a tool for quantifying such systems, we introduce the concept of the entanglement gap, which is the difference in energy between the ground-state energy and the minimum energy that a separable (unentangled) state may attain. If the energy of the system lies within the entanglement gap, the state of the system is guaranteed to be entangled. We find Hamiltonians that have the largest possible entanglement gap; for a system consisting of two interacting spin-1/2 subsystems, the Heisenberg antiferromagnet is one such example. We also introduce a related concept, the entanglement-gap temperature: the temperature below which the thermal state is certainly entangled, as witnessed by its energy. We give an example of a bipartite Hamiltonian with an arbitrarily high entanglement-gap temperature for fixed total energy range. For bipartite spin lattices we prove a theorem demonstrating that the entanglement gap necessarily decreases as the coordination number is increased. We investigate frustrated lattices and quantum phase transitions as physical phenomena that affect the entanglement gap.


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We show how to efficiently simulate a quantum many-body system with tree structure when its entanglement (Schmidt number) is small for any bipartite split along an edge of the tree. As an application, we show that any one-way quantum computation on a tree graph can be efficiently simulated with a classical computer.


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The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006


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While fault-tolerant quantum computation might still be years away, analog quantum simulators offer a way to leverage current quantum technologies to study classically intractable quantum systems. Cutting edge quantum simulators such as those utilizing ultracold atoms are beginning to study physics which surpass what is classically tractable. As the system sizes of these quantum simulators increase, there are also concurrent gains in the complexity and types of Hamiltonians which can be simulated. In this work, I describe advances toward the realization of an adaptable, tunable quantum simulator capable of surpassing classical computation. We simulate long-ranged Ising and XY spin models which can have global arbitrary transverse and longitudinal fields in addition to individual transverse fields using a linear chain of up to 24 Yb+ 171 ions confined in a linear rf Paul trap. Each qubit is encoded in the ground state hyperfine levels of an ion. Spin-spin interactions are engineered by the application of spin-dependent forces from laser fields, coupling spin to motion. Each spin can be read independently using state-dependent fluorescence. The results here add yet more tools to an ever growing quantum simulation toolbox. One of many challenges has been the coherent manipulation of individual qubits. By using a surprisingly large fourth-order Stark shifts in a clock-state qubit, we demonstrate an ability to individually manipulate spins and apply independent Hamiltonian terms, greatly increasing the range of quantum simulations which can be implemented. As quantum systems grow beyond the capability of classical numerics, a constant question is how to verify a quantum simulation. Here, I present measurements which may provide useful metrics for large system sizes and demonstrate them in a system of up to 24 ions during a classically intractable simulation. The observed values are consistent with extremely large entangled states, as much as ~95% of the system entangled. Finally, we use many of these techniques in order to generate a spin Hamiltonian which fails to thermalize during experimental time scales due to a meta-stable state which is often called prethermal. The observed prethermal state is a new form of prethermalization which arises due to long-range interactions and open boundary conditions, even in the thermodynamic limit. This prethermalization is observed in a system of up to 22 spins. We expect that system sizes can be extended up to 30 spins with only minor upgrades to the current apparatus. These results emphasize that as the technology improves, the techniques and tools developed here can potentially be used to perform simulations which will surpass the capability of even the most sophisticated classical techniques, enabling the study of a whole new regime of quantum many-body physics.


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Graphene is emerging as a viable alternative to conventional optoelectronic, plasmonic and nanophotonic materials. The interaction of light with charge carriers creates an out-of-equilibrium distribution, which relaxes on an ultrafast timescale to a hot Fermi-Dirac distribution, that subsequently cools emitting phonons. Although the slower relaxation mechanisms have been extensively investigated, the initial stages still pose a challenge. Experimentally, they defy the resolution of most pump-probe setups, due to the extremely fast sub-100 fs carrier dynamics. Theoretically, massless Dirac fermions represent a novel many-body problem, fundamentally different from Schrödinger fermions. Here we combine pump-probe spectroscopy with a microscopic theory to investigate electron-electron interactions during the early stages of relaxation. We identify the mechanisms controlling the ultrafast dynamics, in particular the role of collinear scattering. This gives rise to Auger processes, including charge multiplication, which is key in photovoltage generation and photodetectors.


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Theoretical and experimental values to date for the resistances of single molecules commonly disagree by orders of magnitude. By reformulating the transport problem using boundary conditions suitable for correlated many-electron systems, we approach electron transport across molecules from a new standpoint. Application of our correlated formalism to benzene-dithiol gives current-voltage characteristics close to experimental observations. The method can solve the open system quantum many-body problem accurately, treats spin exactly, and is valid beyond the linear response regime.


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Isotopic and isotonic chains of superheavy nuclei are analyzed to search for spherical double shell closures beyond Z=82 and N=126 within the new effective field theory model of Furnstahl, Serot, and Tang for the relativistic nuclear many-body problem. We take into account several indicators to identify the occurrence of possible shell closures, such as two-nucleon separation energies, two-nucleon shell gaps, average pairing gaps, and the shell correction energy. The effective Lagrangian model predicts N=172 and Z=120 and N=258 and Z=120 as spherical doubly magic superheavy nuclei, whereas N=184 and Z=114 show some magic character depending on the parameter set. The magicity of a particular neutron (proton) number in the analyzed mass region is found to depend on the number of protons (neutrons) present in the nucleus.


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Während der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich das Periodensystem bis zu den Elementen 114 und 116 erweitert. Diese sind kernphysikalisch nachgewiesen, so dass jetzt die chemische Untersuchung an erster Selle steht. Nachdem sich das Periodensystem bis zum Element 108 so verhält, wie man es dem Periodensystem nach annimmt, wird in dieser Arbeit die Chemie des Elements 112 untersucht. Dabei geht es um die Adsorptionsenergie auf einer Gold-Ober fläche, weil dies der physikalisch/chemische Prozess ist, der bei der Analyse angewandt wird. Die Methode, die in dieser Arbeit angwandt wird, ist die relativistische Dichtefunktionalmethode. Im ersten Teil wird das Vielkörperproblem in allgemeiner Form behandelt, und im zweiten die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und Formulierungen der Dichtefunktionaltheorie. Die Arbeit beschreibt zwei prinzipiell unterschiedliche Ansätze, wie die Adsorptionsenergie berechnet werden kann. Zum einen ist es die sogenannte Clustermethode, bei der ein Atom auf ein relativ kleines Cluster aufgebracht und dessen Adsorptionsenergie berechnet wird. Wenn es gelingt, die Konvergenz mit der Größe des Clusters zu erreichen, sollte dies zu einem Wert für die Adsorptionsenergie führen. Leider zeigt sich in den Rechnungen, dass aufgrund des zeitlichen Aufwandes die Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen nicht erreicht wird. Es werden sehr ausführlich die drei verschiedenen Adsorptionsplätze, die Top-, die Brücken- und die Muldenposition, berechnet. Sehr viel mehr Erfolg erzielt man mit der Einbettungsmethode, bei der ein kleiner Cluster von vielen weiteren Atomen an den Positionen, die sie im Festkörpers auf die Adsorptionsenergie soweit sichergestellt ist, dass physikalisch-chemisch gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Alle hier gennanten Rechnungen sowohl mit der Cluster- wie mit der Einbettungsmethode verlangen sehr, sehr lange Rechenzeiten, die, wie oben bereits erwähnt, nicht zu einer Konvergenz für die Clusterrechnungen ausreichten. In der Arbeit wird bei allen Rechnungen sehr detailliert auf die Abhängigkeit von den möglichen Basissätzen eingegangen, die ebenfalls in entscheidender Weise zur Länge und Qualität der Rechnungen beitragen. Die auskonvergierten Rechnungen werden in der Form von Potentialkurven, Density of States (DOS), Overlap Populations sowie Partial Crystal Overlap Populations analysiert. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Adsoptionsenergie für das Element 112 auf einer Goldoberfläche ca. 0.2 eV niedriger ist als die Adsorption von Quecksilber auf der gleichen Ober fläche. Mit diesem Ergebnis haben die experimentellen Kernchemiker einen Wert an der Hand, mit dem sie eine Anhaltspunkt haben, wo sie bei den Messungen die wenigen zu erwartenden Ereignisse finden können.