975 resultados para Mannose-Binding Lectin -- blood


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Neste estudo analisamos a freqüência de polimorfismos no éxon 1 do gene 2 da lectina Ligadora de manose (MBL) em indivíduos expostos à malária causada por Plasmodium vivax. Foram analisadas amostras de 81 indivíduos primoinfectados e 250 não infectados. Os indivíduos não infectados constituíram dois grupos, um que relatou nunca ter tido malária e o outro que teve de 1 a 4 ou mais episódios da doença. No grupo infectado, foi investigada a associação entre os polimorfismos e a suscetibilidade à infecção, a intensidade dos sinais e sintomas clínicos e a parasitemia. As mutações foram identificadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase e análise de restrição. O grupo infectado apresentou distribuição de freqüências alélicas e genotípicas diferente do grupo não infectado. As freqüências dos alelos MBL*A, MBL*B, MBL*C e MBL*D nos indivíduos infectados foram 64,20%, 19,75%, 0,00% e 15,43%, nos não infectados que nunca tiveram malária as freqüências foram 72,96%, 14,80%, 3,06% e 9,18%, e nos não infectados que relataram episódio prévio de malária as freqüências foram 74,67%, 14,81%, 2,30% e 8,22%, respectivamente. O alelo MBL*B foi associado à sintomatologia intensa e ao aumento na parasitemia, enquanto o alelo MBL*D foi associado às parasitemias mais baixas. No grupo não infectado, a distribuição das freqüências alélicas e genotípicas variou com o número de episódios e o tempo decorrido após o último episódio de malária. As variantes MBL*B e MBL*D contribuíram para essa variação. Esse foi o primeiro estudo para avaliar o impacto desses polimorfismos do gene da lectina ligadora de manose na resposta imune inata em indivíduos expostos naturalmente à malária causada por Plasmodium vivax.


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A leishmaniose é uma doença causada pelo protozoário do gênero Leishmania, possuindo uma variedade de formas clínicas. A mais severa é a Leishmaniose visceral, que no Brasil é causada por L. chagasi e transmitida pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomia longipalpis. O cão, tanto o doméstico como o selvagem, é o principal reservatório no ciclo zoonótico da doença, que no Brasil ocorre principalmente na região nordeste. Através de estudos epidemiológicos realizados em áreas endêmicas, notou-se que apesar do elevado número de pessoas infectadas, poucas manifestavam a doença. Isso pode ser explicado pelo estado nutricional e imunológico do paciente, infecção por HIV e variabilidade das cepas, visto que a heterogeneidade genética e diversidade clonal estão relacionadas a variações nos fatores de virulência do parasita. A lectina que se liga à manose (Mannose-Binding Lectin), ou MBL, é uma proteína que pode estar relacionada ao desenvolvimento da doença, uma vez que pode se ligar a carboidratos na membrana externa de patógenos, agindo como uma opsonina e facilitando assim a ação de macrófagos. Altas concentrações desta proteína podem ser desvantajosas, uma vez que pode facilitar a infecção por LV. Genes mutados podem contribuir para a variação do nível sérico da proteína diminuindo as taxas de transcrição do gene. Concluindo, o projeto tem o intuito de identificar e genotipar mutações específicas no promotor e no exon 1 do gene que codifica a MBL em humanos. A realização do estudo permitirá também, a consolidação de uma base de dados para estudos posteriores envolvendo a genética populacional da Lectina Ligante de Manose


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The immobilization of the glucose/mannose-binding lectin from Concanavalia ensiformis seeds (ConA) onto a monolayer made of a galactomannan extracted from Leucaena leucocephala seeds (GML), which was adsorbed onto - amino-terminated surfaces, was investigated by means of ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy. The mean thickness of GML monolayer, which polysaccharide consists of linear 1 -> 4-linked beta-D-mannopyranosil units partially substituted at C-6 by alpha-D-galactopyranosyl units, amounted to (1.5 +/- 0.2) nm. ConA molecules adsorbed onto GML surfaces forming (2.0 +/- 0.5) nm thick layers. However, in the presence of mannose the adsorption failed, indicating that ConA binding sites were blocked by mannose and were no longer available for mannose units present in the GML backbone. The GML film was also used as support for the adsorption of three serotypes of dengue virus particles (DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3), where DENV-2 formed the thickest film (4 +/- 2) nm. The adsorbed layer of DENV-2 onto ConA-covered GML surfaces presented mean thickness values similar to that determined for DENV-2 onto bare GML surfaces. The addition of free mannose units prevented DENV-2 adsorption onto ConA-covered GML films by similar to 50%, suggesting competition between virus and mannose for ConA binding sites. This finding suggests that if ConA is also adsorbed to GML surface and its binding site is blocked by free mannose, virus particles are able to recognized GML mannose unities substituted by galactose. interactions between polysaccharides thin films, proteins, and viruses are of great relevance since they can provide basis for the development of biotechnological devices. These results indicate that GML is a potential polysaccharide for biomaterials development, as those could involve interactions between ConA in immune system and viruses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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H-ficolin (Hakata antigen, ficolin-3) activates the lectin pathway of complement similar to mannose-binding lectin. However, its impact on susceptibility to infection is currently unknown. This study investigated whether the serum concentration of H-ficolin at diagnosis is associated with fever and neutropenia (FN) in paediatric cancer patients. H-ficolin was measured by time-resolved immunofluorometric assay in serum taken at cancer diagnosis from 94 children treated with chemotherapy. The association of FN episodes with H-ficolin serum concentration was analysed by multivariate Poisson regression. Median concentration of H-ficolin in serum was 26 mg/l (range 6-83). Seven (7%) children had low H-ficolin (< 14 mg/l). During a cumulative chemotherapy exposure time of 82 years, 177 FN episodes were recorded, 35 (20%) of them with bacteraemia. Children with low H-ficolin had a significantly increased risk to develop FN [relative risk (RR) 2.24; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.38-3.65; P = 0.004], resulting in prolonged duration of hospitalization and of intravenous anti-microbial therapy. Bacteraemia occurred more frequently in children with low H-ficolin (RR 2.82; CI 1.02-7.76; P = 0.045). In conclusion, low concentration of H-ficolin was associated with an increased risk of FN, particularly FN with bacteraemia, in children treated with chemotherapy for cancer. Low H-ficolin thus represents a novel risk factor for chemotherapy-related infections.


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Recent reports focusing on virulence factors of periodontal pathogens implicated proteinases as major determinants of remarkable pathogenicity of these species, with special emphasis on their capacity to modulate complement activity. In particular, bacteria-mediated cleavage of C5 and subsequent release of C5a seems to be an important phenomenon in the manipulation of the local inflammatory response in periodontitis. In this study, we present mirolysin, a novel metalloproteinase secreted by Tannerella forsythia, a well-recognized pathogen strongly associated with periodontitis. Mirolysin exhibited a strong effect on all complement pathways. It inhibited the classical and lectin complement pathways due to efficient degradation of mannose-binding lectin, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, and C4, whereas inhibition of the alternative pathway was caused by degradation of C5. This specificity toward complement largely resembled the activity of a previously characterized metalloproteinase of T. forsythia, karilysin. Interestingly, mirolysin released the biologically active C5a peptide in human plasma and induced migration of neutrophils. Importantly, we demonstrated that combination of mirolysin with karilysin, as well as a cysteine proteinase of another periodontal pathogen, Prevotella intermedia, resulted in a strong synergistic effect on complement. Furthermore, mutant strains of T. forsythia, devoid of either mirolysin or karilysin, showed diminished survival in human serum, providing further evidence for the synergistic inactivation of complement by these metalloproteinases. Taken together, our findings on interactions of mirolysin with complement significantly add to the understanding of immune evasion strategies of T. forsythia and expand the knowledge on molecular mechanisms driving pathogenic events in the infected periodontium.


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Vaccines have been described as weapons of mass protection. The eradication of many diseases is testament to their utility and effectiveness. Nevertheless, many vaccine preventable diseases remain prevalent because of political and economic barriers. Additionally, the effects of immaturity and old age, therapies that incapacitate the adaptive immune system and the multitude of strategies evolved by pathogens to evade immediate or sustained recognition by the mammalian immune system are barriers to the effectiveness of existing vaccines or development of new vaccines. In the front line of defence against the pervasiness of infection are the elements of the innate immune system. Innate immunity is under studied and poorly appreciated. However, in the first days after entry of a pathogen into the body, our entire protective response is dependant upon the various elements of our innate immune repertoire. In spite of, its place as our initial defence against infection, attention is only now turning to strategies which enhance or supplement innate immunity. This review examines the need for and potential of innate immune therapies.


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Cell deletion is a physiological process for the development and maintenance of tissue homeostasis in metazoa. This is mainly achieved by the induction of various forms of programmed cell death followed by the recognition and removal of the targeted cells by phagocytes. In this review, we will discuss cell deletion in relation to the development and function of the innate immune system, particularly of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), its ontogeny and potential role in tissue remodeling in the embryo and adult. Ongoing studies are addressing the roles of professional phagocytes of the MPS and neighboring tissue cells in dying cell removal, and candidate molecules that might attract mononuclear phagocytes to the dying cells. The potential phagocyte must discriminate between living and dying cells; current concepts for this discrimination derive from the observation of newly exposed ligands on the dying cells and new evidence for direct inhibition of uptake by viable cells.


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The demise of reef-building corals potentially lies on the horizon, given ongoing climate change amid other anthropogenic environmental stressors. If corals cannot acclimatize or adapt to changing conditions, dramatic declines in the extent and health of the living reefs are expected within the next half century. The primary and proximal global threat to corals is climate change. Reef-building corals are dependent upon a nutritional symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates belonging to the group Symbiodinium. . The symbiosis between the cnidarian host and algal partner is a stress-sensitive relationship; temperatures just 1°C above normal thermal maxima can result in the breakdown of the symbiosis, resulting in coral bleaching (the loss of Symbiodinium and/or associated photopigments) and ultimately, colony death. As ocean temperatures continue to rise, corals will either acclimatize or adapt to changing conditions, or will perish. By experimentally preconditioning the coral Acropora millepora via sublethal heat treatment, the coral acquired thermal tolerance, resisting bleaching during subsequent hyperthermal stress. The complex nature of the coral holobiont translates to multiple possible explanations for acclimatization: acquired thermal tolerance could potentially originate from the host itself, the Symbiodinium, or from the bacterial community associated with the coral. By examining the type of in hospite Symbiodinium and the bacterial community prior acclimation and after thermal challenge, it is shown that short-term acclimatization is not due to a distinct change in the dinoflagellate or prokaryote community. Though the microbial partnerships remain without considerable flux in preconditioned corals, the host transcriptome is dynamic. One dominant pattern was the apparent tuning of gene expression observed between preconditioned and non-preconditioned treatments, showing a modulated transcriptomic response to stress. Additionally several genes were upregulated in association with thermal tolerance, including antiapoptotic genes, lectins, and oxidative stress response genes. Upstream of two of these thermal tolerance genes, inhibitor of NFκB and mannose-binding lectin, DNA polymorphisms were identified which vary significantly between the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef. The impact of these mutations in putative promoter regions remains to be seen, but variation across thermally-disparate geography serves to generate hypotheses regarding the role of regulatory element evolution in a coral adaptation context.


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The carbohydrate binding specificity of the basic lectin from winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) was investigated by quantitative precipitin analysis using blood group A, B, H, Le and I substances and by precipitation inhibition with various mono- and oligosaccharides. The lectin precipitated best with A1 substances and moderately with B and A2 substances, but not with H or Le substances. Inhibition assays of lectin-blood group A1 precipitation demonstration that A substance-derived oligosaccharides having the common structure: d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Gal-(β1 → Image ) to a d-Glc, were the best inhibitors and about 8 and 4 times more active than d-Ga1NAc and d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Ga1, respectively. A difucosyl A-specific oligosaccharide (A-penta), a monofucosyl (A-tetra) and a non-fucosyl containing (A5 II) oligosaccharide, d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Ga1β(1 → 3)d-G1cNAc, had almost the same reactivity, suggesting that the fucose linked to the sub-terminal d-Ga1 or to the third sugar, d-GlcNAc, from the non-reducing end made no contribution to the carbohydrate binding. Although a terminal non-reducing d-Ga1NAc or d-Ga1 residue was indispensible for binding, the lectin bound not only to these terminal non-reducing galactopyranosyl residues, but also showed increased binding to oligosaccharides in which it was bonded to a sub-terminal d-Ga1 joined to a d-GlcNAc residue, as in blood group A or B substances. This defines the site, thus far, as complementary to a disaccharide plus the β linkage to the third sugar (d-Glc or d-GlcNAc) from the non-reducing end. The role of the β(1 → 3) or β(1 → 4) linkage of the sub-terminal non-reducing d-Gal to the d-GlcNAc requires further study.


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Lectins and adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion to host tissues and mucus during early steps of infection. We report the characterization of BC2L-C, a soluble lectin from the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia, which has two distinct domains with unique specificities and biological activities. The N-terminal domain is a novel TNF-alpha-like fucose-binding lectin, while the C-terminal part is similar to a superfamily of calcium-dependent bacterial lectins. The C-terminal domain displays specificity for mannose and L-glycero-D-manno-heptose. BC2L-C is therefore a superlectin that binds independently to mannose/heptose glycoconjugates and fucosylated human histo-blood group epitopes. The apo form of the C-terminal domain crystallized as a dimer, and calcium and mannose could be docked in the binding site. The whole lectin is hexameric and the overall structure, determined by electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, reveals a flexible arrangement of three mannose/heptose-specific dimers flanked by two fucose-specific TNF-alpha-like trimers. We propose that BC2L-C binds to the bacterial surface in a mannose/heptose-dependent manner via the C-terminal domain. The TNF-alpha-like domain triggers IL-8 production in cultured airway epithelial cells in a carbohydrate-independent manner, and is therefore proposed to play a role in the dysregulated proinflammatory response observed in B. cenocepacia lung infections. The unique architecture of this newly recognized superlectin correlates with multiple functions including bacterial cell cross-linking, adhesion to human epithelia, and stimulation of inflammation.


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The thermodynamics of the binding of derivatives of galactose and lactose to a 14 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin (L-14) from sheep spleen has been studied in 10 nM phosphate/150 mM NaCl/10 mM beta-mercaptoethanol buffer, pH 7.4, and in the temperature range 285-300 K using titration calorimetry. The single-site binding constants of various sugars for the lectin were in the following order: N-acetyl-lactosamine thiodigalactoside > 4-methylumbelliferyl lactoside > lactose > 4-methylumbelliferyl alpha-D-galactoside > methyl-alpha-galactose > methyl-beta-galactose. Reactions were essentially enthalpically driven with the binding enthalpies ranging from -53.8 kJ/mol for thiodigalactoside at 301 K to -2.2 kJ/mol for galactose at 300 K, indicating that hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals interactions provide the major stabilization for these reactions. However, the binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-galactose displays relatively favourable entropic contributions, indicating the existence of a non-polar site adjacent to the galactose-binding subsite. From the increments in the enthalpies for the binding of lactose, N-acetyl-lactosamine and thiodigalactoside relative to methyl-beta-galactose, the contribution of glucose binding in the subsite adjacent to that for galactose shows that glucose makes a major contribution to the stability of L-14 disaccharide complexes. Observation of enthalpy-entropy compensation for the recognition of saccharides such as lactose by L-14 and the absence of it for monosaccharides such as galactose, together with the lack of appreciable changes in the heat capacity (delta Cp), indicate that reorganization of water plays an important role in these reactions.


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Artocarpin, a mannose-specific lectin, is a homotetrameric protein (M(r) 65,000) devoid of covalently attached carbohydrates and consists of four isolectins with pI in the range 5-6.5. Investigations of its carbohydrate binding specificity reveal that among monosaccharides, mannose is preferred over glucose. Among mannooligosaccharides, mannotriose (Man alpha 1-3[Man alpha 1-6]Man) and mannopentaose are the strongest ligands followed by Man alpha 1-3Man. Extension of these ligands by GlcNAc at the reducing ends of mannooligosaccharides tested remarkably improves their inhibitory potencies, while substitution of both the alpha 1-3 and alpha 1-6 mannosyl residues of mannotriose and the core pentasaccharide of N-linked glycans (Man alpha 1-3[Man alpha 1-6]Man beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-4GlcNAc) by GlcNAc or N-acetyllactosamine in beta 1-2 linkage diminishes their inhibitory potencies. Sialylated oligosaccharides are non-inhibitory. Moreover, the substitution of either alpha 1-3 or alpha 1-6 linked mannosyl residues of M5Gn or both by mannose in alpha 1-2 linkage leads to a considerable reduction of their inhibitory power. Addition of a xylose residue in beta 1-2 linkage to the core pentasaccharide improves the inhibitory activity. Considering the fact that artocarpin has the strongest affinity for the xylose containing hepasaccharide from horseradish peroxidase, which differs significantly from all the mannose/glucose-specific lectins, it should prove a useful tool for the isolation and characterization of glycoproteins displaying such structure.


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The complete amino acid sequence of two non identical subunits of the glucose/mannose-specific lectin from Dolichos lab lab (field bean) has been determined by sequential Edman analyses of the intact subunits and peptides derived by enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography and ion pair chromatography. The D. lab lab lectin is a glycoprotein having two polypeptide chains of 132 and 105 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the D. Lab lab lectin is compared with the various lectins of the family Leguminosae. The D. lab lab lectin is the only species of the tribe Phaseoleae that contains two nonidentical subunits of almost equal size and that shows a specificity to glucose/ mannose. The lectin shows a greater homology to the glucose/mannose specific lectins, especially concanavalin A. The unique subunit architecture of the D. lab lab lectin indicates the presence of new post translational cleavage sites.