976 resultados para Mancha marrom de alternaria


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FERTILIDADE E ADUBAÇÃO: Ação do lodo de esgoto e do nitrogênio no rendimento e teor de óleo do girassol; Produtividade do girassol em resposta à aplicação de boro foliar, calcário e gesso; Produção de girassol em resposta à utilização de boro e a adubação nitrogenada de cobertura fisiologia vegetal; Qualidade fisiológica de aquênios das cultivares de girassol Helio 250, Helio 251 e Tera 866 HO; Matéria seca e área foliar de girassol em diferentes arranjos espaciais de plantas; Crescimento do girassol no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária; Avaliação do girassol consorciado com forrageiras no sistema ILP; Taxa de crescimento da cultura do girassol em sistema plantio direto; Parâmetros fisiológicos e de crescimento em cultivares de girassol submetidas ao estresse hídrico em condições controladas; Elementos inorgânicos em sementes de girassol; Exploração dos teores dos compostos fenólicos e outros nutrientes em diferentes genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.). FITOSSANIDADE: Supressão do crescimento de plantas voluntárias de soja na cultura do girassol; Inibição temporária do crescimento de plantas voluntárias de soja na cultura do girassol;Avaliação da eficácia agronômica do produto sphere max no controle da mancha de Alternaria (Alternaria helianthi) na cultura do girassol (Helianthus annus L.) em Paulínia/SP; Reação de genótipos de girassol à mancha de alternaria (Alternariaster helianthi) em condições de campo, nas safras 2013/2014 e 2014/2015; Reação de genótipos de girassol à podridão branca (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) em condições de campo, na safrinha 2014; Severidade de mancha de alternaria em genótipos de girassol no Cerrado do Distrito Federal. MANEJO CULTURAL: Características agronômicas de genótipos de girassol. Emergência, floração e maturação de genótipos de girassol; Altura e características de produção de genótipos de girassol; Curvatura e diâmetro de caule de genótipos de girassol; Influência da densidade de semeadura nas características agronômicas de cultivares de Girassol; Produtividade de girassol safrinha e matéria seca DE Urochloa ruziziensis em sucessão a soja no sistema integração lavoura-pecuária; Características biométricas e produção de matéria seca de girassol safrinha em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária. MELHORAMENTO GENÉTICO: avaliação do teor e produtividade de óleo em genótipos de girassol; Desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol na safra 2013/2014 em Guarapuava-PR; Rendimento de grãos e componentes primários de rendimento de híbridos de girassol em Campo Novo de Parecis, na segunda safra do verão de 2015; Avaliação de genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) em Campo Novo do Parecis ? MT; Comportamento de genótipos de girassol no norte de Minas Gerais; Desempenho de genótipos de girassol no Cerrado do leste maranhense, ano agrícola 2013/2014; Desempenho morfoagronômico de genótipos de girassol cultivados na Chapada do Araripe, Pernambuco; Competição de genótipos de girassol em Três de Maio, RS, safra 2014; Caracteres agronômicos de híbridos de girassol em Campo Novo do Parecis, na segunda safra de verão de 2015; Avaliação de genótipos de girassol em ambiente de sequeiro e irrigado no Distrito Federal; Caracterização morfoagronômica e avaliação de parâmetros genéticos de girassol em três núcleos rurais do Distrito Federal; Comportamento temporal de genótipos de girassol no Cerrado do Distrito Federal em safrinha de 2014 e 2015; Efeito temporal sobre características morfoagronômicas de genótipos de girassol no Cerrado do Distrito Federal em safrinha de 2013 e 2014; Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos, correlações fenotípicas e ambientais no girassol do Cerrado do Distrito Federal; Qualidade de sementes de girassol na safrinha do distrito federal; Avaliação de genótipos de girassol em Mato Grosso, na safrinha de 2014. SÓCIO-ECONOMIA: Gestão da cadeia de suprimentos do girassol de Campo Novo do Parecis, Mato Grosso ? 2014; Avaliação do ciclo de vida do sistema de produção soja-girassol no Cerrado brasileiro.


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La mancha ojo de rana (MOR), causada por Cercospora sojina K. Hara, se encuentra dentro del complejo de enfermedades fúngicas de fin de ciclo (EFC), que afectan al cultivo de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) preferentemente en los estadíos reproductivos. Es una enfermedad común en la soja en la mayor parte de las regiones sojeras del mundo, incluyendo Argentina. Con los objetivos de (i) estudiar el efecto de MOR sobre rendimiento y calidad industrial del grano de soja y (ii) analizar la respuesta a distintos momentos de aplicación de estrobilurina+triazol durante el ciclo reproductivo del cultivo para disminuir el daño de esta enfermedad evitando pérdidas del rendimiento y de calidad del grano, se realizó un ensayo durante la campaña agrícola 2010-2011, en la localidad de Oncativo (Cordoba), que involucró 2 genotipos contrastantes en susceptibilidad a MOR. Se realizaron para cada cultivar cuatro tratamientos con una mezcla de triazol y estrobilurina: T1= aplicación en R3; T2= aplicación en R3+R5; T3= testigo enfermo (sin aplicación de fungicida) y T4= testigo sano (aplicacion cada 20 dias a partir de R1). Se determinó el nivel de incidencia y severidad de la enfermedad, rendimiento, número de grano por m2 (NGm2), peso de mil semillas (PMA), concentración de proteína (Pr) y aceite (Ac) del grano. Se observaron distintos niveles de severidad de MOR entre los tratamientos del cultivar DM3700. Todos los tratamientos que involucraron a DM3810 mostraron hojas sin manchas de MOR. Se encontró una correlación negativa entre la severidad de MOR y el rendimiento alcanzado por el cultivo. Los valores más elevados de severidad (37,3 por ciento de manchas foliares) se correspondieron con los rendimientos mas bajos (2117 kg ha-1) en el cultivar DM3700. Todos los tratamientos aplicados a DM3810 exhibieron los rendimientos mas elevados y no se diferenciaron estadisticamente entre si (3478 kg ha-1). DM3700 alcanzó rendimientos similares a DM3810 sólo cuando se aplicó la mezcla de fungicidas en T1 y T4, no diferenciándose entre si ambos tratamientos y mostrando un incremento en el rendimiento de aproximadamente 35,5 por ciento comparado con su testigo enfermo. Ambos componentes del rendimiento disminuyeron en el testigo enfermo DM3700; sin embargo, las reducciones en el NGm2 fueron más pronunciadas que las del PMAj y; por lo tanto, disminuciones en el NGm2 parecían ser el principal componente de la pérdida de rendimiento. No se observaron incrementos de rendimiento, NGm2 y/o PMAj atribuídos a la mezcla estrobilurinas + triazoles en los tratamientos que involucraron a DM3810 ante ausencia de MOR. La severidad máxima alcanzada por MOR en el genotipo mas susceptible (37,3 por ciento) de area foliar dañada en el tratamiento enfermo de DM3700) no fue suficiente como para causar disminución significativa en la acumulación del aceite. Según nuestro conocimiento este trabajo es el primero en demostrar que genotipos susceptibles a MOR disminuyen su rendimiento, pero no la calidad química del grano, si la severidad es . 37,3 por cientoy pueden ser controlados con una única aplicación de estrobilurina+triazol en R3. Concluyéndose que la elección de genotipos poco susceptibles a MOR (como DM3810) es efectiva para controlar C. sojina, sin beneficios adicionales en el rendimiento debidos a la aplicacion de fungicidas.


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La estratigrafía del intervalo sedimentario correspondiente al Keuper, Triásico, y al Lías basal ha atraído históricamente mucho menos interés que los sedimentos adyacentes del Muschelkalk y Buntsandstein, y del Lías Inferior y Medio. Se ha confeccionado una correlación de 12 sondeos profundos del área de La Mancha para mostrar la distribución de facies de estas formaciones, así como su ordenación en secuencias sedimentarias. Los datos de pozo muestran la existencia de secuencias evaporíticas complejas y multiepisódicas en la unidad inferior K1, de carácter más salino, y en la unidad superior K4-K5, relativamente más anhidrítica. El episodio clástico correspondiente a las unidades K2-K3 está extendido en toda la zona, con varias áreas preferenciales de acumulación de arenas. La unidad K6, la más alta del Keuper, constituye un excelente nivel guía. La sedimentación continúa en el Lías basal con otra potente unidad evaporítica, la Zona de Anhidrita, que muestra un episodio salino muy signifi cativo en la parte central de la correlación. Es de resaltar la buena correlación que existe entre los afl oramientos y las sondeos para estas formaciones.


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A specimen of emollient cream, which was observed to be contaminated peripherally with a filamentous fungus was examined for the presence of fungi and the resulting fungal colonies were examined phenotypically and genotypically. Subsequent DNA extraction and PCR amplification of the large internal transcribed spacer region [ITS1-5.8S-ITS2] yielded an amplicon of 512 bp. Sequence analysis identified this as Alternaria alternata at the 100% homology level with all 512/512 bases called. This organism has been previously reported as a cause of opportunistic infections involving skin and immunocompromised patients. This is the first report of an emollient cream as a source of this organism. It highlights the need for proper management of such preparations in order to minimize the potential spread of fungi to susceptible patient populations.


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Nucleotide sequences of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 and a 1068 bp section of the beta-tubulin gene divided seven designated species of Alternaria into five taxa. Stemphylium botryosum formed a sixth closely related taxon. Isolates of A. linicola possessed an identical ITS sequence to one group of A. solani isolates, and two clusters of A. linicola isolates, revealed from beta-tubulin gene data to show minor variation, were as genetically similar to isolates of A. solani as they were to each other. We suggest, therefore, that A. linicola falls within the species A. solani. Similar results suggest that A. lini falls within the species A. alternata. RAPD analysis of the total genomic DNA from the Alternaria spp. concurred with the nucleotide sequence analyses. An oligonucleotide primer (ALP) was selected from the rDNA ITS1 region of A. linicola/A. solani. PCR with primers ALP and ITS4 (from a conserved region of the rDNA) amplified a c. 536 bp fragment from isolates of A. linicola and A. solani but not from other Alternaria spp. nor from other fungi which may be associated with linseed. These primers amplified an identical fragment, confirmed by Southern hybridization, from DNA released from infected linseed seed and leaf tissues. These primers have the potential to be used also for the detection of A. solani in host tissues.


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This study represents the first international intercomparison of fungal spore observations since 1990, focusing on atmospheric concentrations of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Ganoderma and Didymella spores. The campaigns were performed at sites located in Cork (Ireland) and Worcester (England) during summer 2010. Observations were made using Hirst-type volumetric spore traps and corresponding optical identification at the genus level by microscope. The measurements at both sites (including meteorological parameters) were compared and contrasted. The relationships between the fungal spore concentrations with selected meteorological parameters were investigated using statistical methods and multivariate regression trees (MRT). The results showed high correlations between the two sites with respect to daily variations. Statistically significant higher spore concentrations for Alternaria, Cladosporium and Ganoderma were monitored at the Worcester site. This result was most likely due to the differences in precipitation and local fungal spore sources at the two sites. Alternaria and Cladosporium reached their maxima a month earlier in Cork than in Worcester, and Didymella with Ganoderma peaked simultaneously with similar diurnal trends found for all the investigated spore types. MRT analysis helped to determine threshold values of the meteorological parameters that exerted most influence on the presence of spores: they were found to vary at the two sites. Our results suggest that the aeromycological profile is quite uniform over the British Isles, but a description of bioaerosols with respect to overall load and daily concentration can be quite diverse although the geographical difference between sites is relatively small. These variations in the concentrations therefore need to be explored at the national level


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There are many species among the Alternaria genus, which hosts on economically important crops causing significant yield losses. Less attention has been paid to fungi hosting on plants constituting substantial components of pastures and meadows. Alternaria spp. spores are also recognised as important allergens. A 7-day volumetric spore trap was used to monitor the concentration of airborne fungal spores. Air samples were collected in Worcester, England (2006–2010). Days with a high spore count were then selected. The longest episode that occurred within a five year study was chosen for modelling. Two source maps presenting distribution of crops under rotation and pastures in the UK were produced. Back trajectories were calculated using the HYSPLIT model. In ArcGIS clusters of trajectories were studied in connection with source maps by including the height above ground level and the speed of the air masses. During the episode no evidence for a long distance transport from the continent of Alternaria spp. spores was detected. The overall direction of the air masses fell within the range from South-West to North. The back trajectories indicated that the most important sources of Alternaria spp. spores were located in the West Midlands of England.


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Fungi belonging to the genus of Alternaria are recognised as being significant plant pathogens, and Alternaria allergens are one of themost important causes of respiratory allergic diseases in Europe. This study aims to provide a detailed and original analysis of Alternaria transport dynamics in Badajoz, SW Spain. This was achieved by examining daily mean and hourly observations of airborne Alternaria spores recorded during days with high airborne concentrations of Alternaria spores (N100 s m−3) from 2009 to 2011, as well as four inventory maps of major Alternaria habitats, the overall synoptic weather situation and analysis of air mass transport using Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model and geographic information systems. Land use calculated within a radius of 100 km from Badajoz shows that crops and grasslands are potentially the most important local sources of airborne Alternaria spores recorded at the site. The results of back trajectory analysis showthat, during the examined four episodes, the two main directions where Alternaria source areas were located were: (1) SW–W; and (2) NW–NE. Regional scale and long distance transport could therefore supplement the airborne catch recorded at Badajoz with Alternaria conidia originating from sources such as crops and orchards situated in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula.


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Air quality is an increasing concern of the European Union, local authorities, scientists and most of all inhabitants that become more aware of the quality of the surrounding environment. Bioaerosols may be consisted of various elements, and the most important are pollen grains, fungal spores, bacteria, viruses. More than 100 genera of fungal spores have been identified as potential allergens that cause immunological response in susceptible individuals. Alternaria and Cladosporium have been recognised as the most important fungal species responsible for respiratory tract diseases, such as asthma, eczema, rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. While a lot of attention has been given to these fungal species, a limited number of studies can be found on Didymella and Ganoderma, although their allergenic properties were proved clinically. Monitoring of allergenic fungal spore concentration in the air is therefore very important, and in particular at densely populated areas like Worcester, UK. In this thesis a five year spore data set was presented, which was collected using a 7-day volumetric spore trap, analysed with the aid of light microscopy, statistical tests and geographic information system techniques. Although Kruskal-Wallis test detected statistically significant differences between annual concentrations of all examined fungal spore types, specific patterns in their distribution were also found. Alternaria spores were present in the air between mid-May/mid-June until September-October with peak occurring in August. Cladosporium sporulated between mid-May and October, with maximum concentration recorded in July. Didymella spores were seen from June/July up to September, while peaks were found in August. Ganoderma produced spores for 6 months (May-October), and maximum concentration could be found in September. With respect to diurnal fluctuations, Alternaria peaked between 22:00h and 23:00h, Cladosporium 13:00-15:00h, Didymella 04:00-05:00h and 22:00h-23:00h and Ganoderma from 03:00h to 06:00h. Spatial analysis showed that sources of all fungal species were located in England, and there was no evidence for a long distance transport from the continent. The maximum concentration of spores was found several hours delayed in comparison to the approximate time of the spore release from the crops. This was in agreement with diurnal profiles of the spore concentration recorded in Worcester, UK. Spores of Alternaria, Didymella and Ganoderma revealed a regional origin, in contrast to Cladosporium, which sources were situated locally. Hence, the weather conditions registered locally did not exhibit strong statistically significant correlations with fungal spore concentrations. This has had also an impact on the performance of the forecasting models. The best model was obtained for Cladosporium with 66% of the accuracy.


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Fungal invasive infections are rare in general population but are an emergent cause of infection in the immunocompromized population, especially in the solid organ transplant recipients. Herein the authors report a clinical case of a liver transplanted patient suffering a cutaneous co-existent infection with A. alternata as well as A. infectoria. To our knowledge this is the first case of cutaneous concomitant infection due to those two species reported not only in Portugal but also worldwide. The patient was treated with surgical excision of the lesions and oral itraconazol without relapse.


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