980 resultados para Mammary gland development


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The network regulating human adrenal development is complex. Studies of patients with adrenal insufficiency due to gene mutations established a central role for transcription factors GLI3, SF1 and DAX1 in the initial steps of adrenal formation. Adrenal differentiation seems to depend on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation and signalling, including biosynthesis and action of POMC, PC1, TPIT, MC2R, MRAP and ALADIN, all of which cause adrenocortical hypoplasia when mutated in humans. Studies of knockout mice revealed many more factors involved in adrenal development; however, in contrast to rodents, in humans several of those factors had no adrenal phenotype when mutated (e.g. WT1, WNT4) or, alternatively, human mutations have not (yet) been identified. Tissue profiling of fetal and adult adrenals suggested 69 genes involved in adrenal development. Among them were genes coding for steroidogenic enzymes, transcription and growth factors, signalling molecules, regulators of cell cycle and angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix proteins; however, the exact role of most of them remains to be elucidated.


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Apoptosis is essential to eliminate secretory epithelial cells during the involution of the mammary gland. The environmental regulation of this process is however, poorly understood. This study tested the effect of HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) on mammary cells. Plastic pellets containing HAMLET were implanted into the fourth inguinal mammary gland of lactating mice for 3 days. Exposure of mammary tissue to HAMLET resulted in morphological changes typical for apoptosis and in a stimulation of caspase-3 activity in alveolar epithelial cells near the HAMLET pellets but not more distant to the pellet or in contralateral glands. The effect was specific for HAMLET and no effects were observed when mammary glands were exposed to native a-lactalbumin or fatty acid alone. HAMLET also induced cell death in vitro in a mouse mammary epithelial cell line. The results suggest that HAMLET can mediate apoptotic cell death in mammary gland tissue.


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The transport of lipids across mammary gland epithelial cells (MEC) determines milk lipid content and composition. We investigated the expression of lipid transporters and their regulators in comparison to blood metabolites during lactation and dry period (DP) in dairy cows. Repeated mammary gland biopsies and blood samples were taken from 10 animals at 7 stages of the pregnancy-lactation cycle. Expression levels of the specific mRNAs were determined by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, whereas ABCA1 was localized by immunohistochemistry. Blood serum metabolites were determined by common enzymatic chemistries. Elevated mRNA profiles of ABCA1 and ABCA7 were found during DP as compared with lactation and were inversely associated with blood cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of ABCG2, NPC1, SREBP1, SREBP2, LXR alpha, and PPAR gamma were found postpartum, whereas ABCG1 did not differ between the functional stages of the mammary gland. The ABCA1 protein was localized in MEC and showed differential activity between DP and lactation suggesting a role of ABCA1 in the removal of excess cellular cholesterol from MEC during the DP. The expression profiles of ABCA7 and NPC1 may reflect a role of these transporters in the clearance of apoptotic cells and the intracellular redistribution of cholesterol, respectively. Regulation of lipid transporters in the mammary gland is partially associated with transcription factors that control lipid homeostasis.


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Cholesterol in milk is derived from the circulating blood through a complex transport process involving the mammary alveolar epithelium. Details of the mechanisms involved in this transfer are unclear. Apolipoprotein-AI (apoA-I) is an acceptor of cellular cholesterol effluxed by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1). We aimed to 1) determine the binding characteristics of (125)I-apoA-I and (3)H-cholesterol to enriched plasma membrane vesicles (EPM) isolated from lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands (MG), 2) optimize the components of an in vitro model describing cellular (3)H-cholesterol efflux in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (MeBo), and 3) assess the vectorial cholesterol transport in MeBo using Transwell(®) plates. The amounts of isolated EPM and the maximal binding capacity of (125)I-apoA-I to EPM differed depending on the MG's physiological state, while the kinetics of (3)H-cholesterol and (125)I-apoA-I binding were similar. (3)H-cholesterol incorporated maximally to EPM after 25±9 min. The time to achieve the half-maximum binding of (125)I-apoA-I at equilibrium was 3.3±0.6 min. The dissociation constant (KD) of (125)I-apoA-I ranged between 40-74 nmol/L. Cholesterol loading to EPM increased both cholesterol content and (125)I-apoA-I binding. The ABCA1 inhibitor Probucol displaced (125)I-apoA-I binding to EPM and reduced (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo. Time-dependent (3)H-cholesterol uptake and efflux showed inverse patterns. The defined binding characteristics of cholesterol and apoA-I served to establish an efficient and significantly shorter cholesterol efflux protocol that had been used in MeBo. The application of this protocol in Transwell(®) plates with the upper chamber mimicking the apical (milk-facing) and the bottom chamber corresponding to the basolateral (blood-facing) side of cells showed that the degree of (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo differed significantly between the apical and basolateral aspects. Our findings support the importance of the apoA-I/ABCA1 pathway in MG cholesterol transport and suggest its role in influencing milk composition and directing cholesterol back into the bloodstream.


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The milk-producing alveolar epithelial cells secrete milk that remains after birth the principal source of nutrients for neonates. Milk secretion and composition are highly regulated processes via integrated actions of hormones and local factors which involve specific receptors and downstream signal transduction pathways. Overall milk composition is similar among mammalian species, although the content of individual constituents such as lipids may significantly differ from one species to another. The milk lipid fraction is essentially composed of triglycerides, which represent more than 95 % of the total lipids in human and commercialized bovine milk. Though sterols, including cholesterol, which is the major milk sterol, represent less than 0.5 % of the total milk lipid fraction, they are of key importance for several biological processes. Cholesterol is required for the formation of biological membranes especially in rapidly growing organisms, and for the synthesis of sterol-based compounds. Cholesterol found in milk originates predominantly from blood uptake and, to a certain extent, from local synthesis in the mammary tissue. The present review summarizes current knowledge on cellular mechanisms and regulatory processes determining intra- and transcellular cholesterol transport in the mammary gland. Cholesterol exchanges between the blood, the mammary alveolar cells and the milk, and the likely role of active cholesterol transporters in these processes are discussed. In this context, the hormonal regulation and signal transduction pathways promoting active cholesterol transport as well as potential regulatory crosstalks are highlighted.


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Milk nutrients are secreted by epithelial cells in the alveoli of the mammary gland by several complex and highly coordinated systems. Many of these nutrients are transported from the blood to the milk via transcellular pathways that involve the concerted activity of transport proteins on the apical and basolateral membranes of mammary epithelial cells. In this review, we focus on transport mechanisms that contribute to the secretion of calcium, trace minerals and water soluble vitamins into milk with particular focus on the role of transporters of the SLC series as well as calcium transport proteins (ion channels and pumps). Numerous members of the SLC family are involved in the regulation of essential nutrients in the milk, such as the divalent metal transporter-1 (SLC11A2), ferroportin-1 (SLC40A1) and the copper transporter CTR1 (SLC31A1). A deeper understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of these transporters will be of great value for drug discovery and treatment of breast diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of intramammary administration of prednisolone on the immune response of mammary glands in cows. ANIMALS: 5 lactating Red Holsteins. PROCEDURES: Cows received a different intramammary infusion in each mammary gland (10 mg of prednisolone, 100 μg of lipopolysaccharide [LPS], 100 μg of LPS and 10 mg of prednisolone, or saline [0.9% NaCl] solution). Milk samples were collected before (time 0) and 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 hours after treatment. Somatic cell count (SCC), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and concentrations of serum albumin (SA) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells were analyzed. RESULTS: Saline solution or prednisolone did not change SCC, LDH activity, and SA and TNF-α concentrations in milk and mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8 in milk somatic cells. The SCC and TNF-α concentration in milk increased similarly in glands infused with LPS, independent of prednisolone administration. However, the increase of LDH activity and SA concentration in milk after LPS infusion was diminished by prednisolone administration. The mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and IL-1β in milk somatic cells increased after LPS infusion and was unaffected by prednisolone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Intramammary administration of prednisolone did not induce an immune response and did not change mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-8, and L-1β during the response to intramammary administration of LPS. However, prednisolone reduced disruption of the blood-milk barrier. This could influence the severity and cure rate of mastitis.


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The female reproductive tract (FRT) develops midway through embryogenesis, and consists of oviducts, uterine horns, cervix and upper part of the vagina. The uterine horns are composed of an epithelial layer, luminal (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE), surrounded by a mesenchymal layer, the stroma and myometrium. Interestingly, in most mammals the GE forms after birth and it only becomes fully differentiated as the female reaches sexual maturity. Uterine glands (UG) are made up of GE and are present in all mammals. They secrete nutrients, cytokines and several other proteins, termed histotroph, that are necessary for embryo implantation and development. Experiments in ewes and mice have revealed that females who lack UGs are infertile mainly due to impaired implantation and early pregnancy loss, suggesting that UGs are essential for fertility. Fortunately for us, UGs develop after birth allowing us to peer into the genetic mechanism of tubulogenesis and branching morphogenesis; two processes that are disrupted in various adenocarcinomas (cancer derived from glands). We created 3D replicas of the epithelium lining the FRT using optical projection tomography and characterized UG development in mice using lineagetracing experiments. Our findings indicate that mouse UGs develop as simple tubular structures and later grow multiple secretory units that stem from the main duct. The main aim of this project was to study the role of SOX9 in the UGs. Preliminary studies revealed that Sox9 is mostly found in the nucleus of the GE. vii This observation led to the hypothesis that Sox9 plays a role in the formation and/or differentiation of the GE. To study the role of Sox9 in UGs differentiation, we conditionally knocked out and overexpressed Sox9 in both the LE and GE using the progesterone receptor (Pgr) promoter. Overexpressing Sox9 in the uterine epithelium, parts of the stroma, and myometrium led to formation of multiple cystic structures inside the endometrium. Histological analysis revealed that these structures appeared morphologically similar to structures present in histological tissue sections obtained from patients with endometrial polyps. We have accounted for the presence of simple and complex hyperplasia with atypia, metaplasia, thick-walled blood vessels, and stromal fibrosis; all “hallmarks” that indicate overexpressing Sox9 leads to development of a polyp-like morphology. Therefore, we can propose the use of Sox9-cOE mice to study development of endometrial cystic lesions and disease progression into hyperplastic lesions.


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Pax6, a highly conserved member of the paired homeodomain transcription factor family that plays essential roles in ocular, neural, and pancreatic development and effects asymmetric transient dorsal expression during pituitary development, with its expression extinguished before the ventral → dorsal appearance of specific cell types. Analysis of pituitary development in the Small eye and Pax6 −/− mouse mutants reveals that the dorsoventral axis of the pituitary gland becomes ventralized, with dorsal extension of the transcriptional determinants of ventral cell types, particularly PFrk. This ventralization is followed by a marked decrease in terminally differentiated dorsal somatotrope and lactotrope cell types and a marked increase in the expression of markers of the ventral thyrotrope cells and SF-1-expressing cells of gonadotrope lineage. We suggest that the transient dorsal expression of Pax6 is essential for establishing a sharp boundary between dorsal and ventral cell types, based on the inhibition of Shh ventral signals.


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The nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) family of transcription factors has been shown to regulate proliferation in several cell types. Although recent studies have demonstrated aberrant expression or activity of NF-κB in human breast cancer cell lines and tumors, little is known regarding the precise role of NF-κB in normal proliferation and development of the mammary epithelium. We investigated the function of NF-κB during murine early postnatal mammary gland development by observing the consequences of increased NF-κB activity in mouse mammary epithelium lacking the gene encoding IκBα, a major inhibitor of NF-κB. Mammary tissue containing epithelium from inhibitor κBα (IκBα)-deficient female donors was transplanted into the gland-free mammary stroma of wild-type mice, resulting in an increase in lateral ductal branching and pervasive intraductal hyperplasia. A two- to threefold increase in epithelial cell number was observed in IκBα-deficient epithelium compared with controls. Epithelial cell proliferation was strikingly increased in IκBα-deficient epithelium, and no alteration in apoptosis was detected. The extracellular matrix adjacent to IκBα-deficient epithelium was reduced. Consistent with in vivo data, a fourfold increase in epithelial branching was also observed in purified IκBα-deficient primary epithelial cells in three-dimensional culture. These data demonstrate that NF-κB positively regulates mammary epithelial proliferation, branching, and functions in maintenance of normal epithelial architecture during early postnatal development.


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A novel OTX-related homeodomain transcription factor has been identified on the basis of its ability to interact with the transactivation domain of the pituitary-specific POU domain protein, Pit-1. This factor, referred to as P-OTX (pituitary OTX-related factor), is expressed in primordial Rathke's pouch, oral epithelium, first bronchial arch, duodenum, and hindlimb. In the developing anterior pituitary, it is expressed in all regions from which cells with distinct phenotypes will emerge in the mature gland. P-OTX is able to independently activate and to synergize with Pit-1 on pituitary-specific target gene promoters. Therefore, P-OTX may subserve functions in generating both precursor and specific cell phenotypes in the anterior pituitary gland and in several other organs.