312 resultados para Malus domestica Borkh


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Fruit softening in apple (Malus 3 domestica) is associated with an increase in the ripening hormone ethylene. Here, we show that in cv Royal Gala apples that have the ethylene biosynthetic gene ACC OXIDASE1 suppressed, a cold treatment preconditions the apples to soften independently of added ethylene. When a cold treatment is followed by an ethylene treatment, a more rapid softening occurs than in apples that have not had a cold treatment. Apple fruit softening has been associated with the increase in the expression of cell wall hydrolase genes. One such gene, POLYGALACTURONASE1 (PG1), increases in expression both with ethylene and following a cold treatment. Transcriptional regulation of PG1 through the ethylene pathway is likely to be through an ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like transcription factor, which increases in expression during apple fruit development and transactivates the PG1 promoter in transient assays in the presence of ethylene. A coldrelated gene that resembles a COLD BINDING FACTOR (CBF) class of gene also transactivates the PG1 promoter. The transactivation by the CBF-like gene is greatly enhanced by the addition of exogenous ethylene. These observations give a possible molecular mechanism for the coldand ethylene-regulated control of fruit softening and suggest that either these two pathways act independently and synergistically with each other or cold enhances the ethylene response such that background levels of ethylene in the ethylene-suppressed apples is sufficient to induce fruit softening in apples.


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Mutations in the genes encoding for either the biosynthetic or transcriptional regulation of the anthocyanin pathway have been linked to color phenotypes. Generally, this is a loss of function resulting in a reduction or a change in the distribution of anthocyanin. Here, we describe a rearrangement in the upstream regulatory region of the gene encoding an apple (Malus x domestica) anthocyanin-regulating transcription factor, MYB10. We show that this modification is responsible for increasing the level of anthocyanin throughout the plant to produce a striking phenotype that includes red foliage and red fruit flesh. This rearrangement is a series of multiple repeats, forming a minisatellite-like structure that comprises five direct tandem repeats of a 23-bp sequence. This MYB10 rearrangement is present in all the red foliage apple varieties and species tested but in none of the white fleshed varieties. Transient assays demonstrated that the 23-bp sequence motif is a target of the MYB10 protein itself, and the number of repeat units correlates with an increase in transactivation by MYB10 protein. We show that the repeat motif is capable of binding MYB10 protein in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Taken together, these results indicate that an allelic rearrangement in the promoter of MYB10 has generated an autoregulatory locus, and this autoregulation is sufficient to account for the increase in MYB10 transcript levels and subsequent ectopic accumulation of anthocyanins throughout the plant.


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A simple three-axis model has been developed, which has been successfully applied to the analysis of the light transmittance in spatial incident angle and the simulation of modified formula of Malus' law for Glan-Taylor prisms. Our results indicate that the fluctuations on the cosine squared curve are due to specific misalignments between the axis of the optical system, the optical axis of the prism and the mechanical axis (rotation axis) of prism, which results in the fact that different initial relative location of the to-be-measured-prism in the testing system corresponds to different shape of Malus' law curve. Methods to get absolutely smooth curve are proposed. This analysis is available for other kinds of Glan-type prisms. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Investigating the development of Eustrongylides ignotus in its definitive host would enable us to trace the complete life cycle of this nematode. Fourth-stage larvae isolated from naturally infected swamp eels (Monopterus albus) were used to infect domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domestica [L.]). We observed that male and female worms exhibited different developmental patterns in host ducks. In males, the fourth molt occurred at day 1-2 post-infection (PI), after which they attained maturity on day 4 PI and died between day 7 and 9 PI. However, females underwent the fourth molt at day 2-4 PI, produced eggs from day 9 to 17 PI, and then degenerated and died. When compared 10 fourth-stage Female larvae, adult females demonstrated a considerable increase in total body size with a 151% increase in average body width and a 17% increase in average body length. However. the increase in size of the male larvae was not its significant as that in females. The average body width in adult males exhibited only a 45% increase over that in the larval stage.


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`Rainha Cláudia Verde' é uma antiga variedade da ameixeira europeia Prunus domestica L. que se encontra bem adaptada a uma zona restrita do Alto Alentejo. Esta variedade é utilizada para o consumo em fresco e na doçaria regional, onde se emprega na confecção das famosas 'Ameixas D'Elvas'. A confitagem é a técnica utilizada na confecção deste produto com denomicação de origem protegida, e que faz parte de um saber tradicional muito divulgado na região. As informações que resultam de evidências práticas mostram que nem todos os frutos reagem da mesma forma à fase da cozedura. Existem zonas específicas que produzem frutos que não se adequara processo da confitagem, apresentando uma textura imprópria após a cozedura. Recentemente, e com o aumento das áreas produtoras, verificou-se que os frutos destas regiões específicas para além de inadequados para a cozedura, também apresentavam uma menor capacidade de conservação em fresco. Assim durante a conservação estes frutos, quando comparados com os das outras regiões, apresentavam uma perda de firmeza mais rápida tornando-se mais difíceis de comercializar. Entre os factores culturais que contribuem para a qualidade pós-colheita dos frutos, o teor de cálcio presente no solo e nos frutos apresenta-se corno um dos mais importantes. O cálcio é um dos nutrientes que mais frequentemente é associado à manutenção da estrutura das paredes celulares das plantas, estando envolvido directamente na redução das perdas de textura dos frutos. Tendo em consideração os aspectos anteriormente referidos, foi delineado um trabalho que teve início com a selecção de dois pomares geograficamente distantes, e que tradicionalmente produziam frutos com diferentes comportamentos quer durante a conservação quer durante a confitagem. Associada ao conhecimento empírico, a prévia indicação de que estes pomares apresentavam concentrações cle cálcio foliar significativamente diferentes, contribuiu também para a sua selecção. O objectivo geral desta tese foi o de investigar o comportamento pós-colheita da `Rainha Cláudia Verde' particularmente a influência do cálcio na textura dos frutos. Definiram-se os seguintes objectivos específicos: (1) determinar a influência do porta-enxerto e do solo na concentração de cálcio dos frutos e as respectivas consequências, no seu comportamento pós-colheita; (2) seleccionar um método que permitisse avaliar a produção de etileno dos frutos e consequentemente a atribuição da designação de fruto climatérico ou não climatérico a esta variedade; (3) avaliar os e Feitos durante a conservação, de diferentes níveis de cálcio nos frutos; (4) quantificar nos frutos os níveis de cálcio da parede celular e avaliar a sua influência na firmeza dos frutos; (5) seleccionar as melhores temperaturas de conservação para os frutos desta variedade. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese indicam que a variedade 'Rainha Cláudia Verde' é uma variedade de frutos climatéricos que apresentam uma acentuada perda de textura após a colheita. Durante a conservação frigorífica os frutos apresentaram comportamentos diferentes, de acordo com a sua origem. Os frutos com origem no pomar que tradicionalmente não produz frutos aptos a serem confitados, apresentam simultaneamente uma mais rápida perda de firmeza quando comparados com os frutos dos outros pomares. Sendo que o menor teor de cálcio nos frutos leva a que a diminuição da firmeza da polpa ocorra mais rapidamente. No entanto à colheita não se observaram diferenças significativas da firmeza da polpa dos frutos. Esta informação parece indicar que outros factores, além do nível de cálcio dos frutos, poderão estar implicados na firmeza revelada à colheita. Por outro lado os frutos com epiderme revelaram diferenças de firmeza nos testes efectuados à colheita. O efeito da epiderme na firmeza dos frutos à colheita parece indicar que outros factores tais como o estado de hidratação dos frutos poderão contribuir para o aumento desta característica dos frutos. Apesar do teor de cálcio dos frutos melhorar o seu comportamento durante a conservação, a sua influência na emissão de etileno não foi evidente. O aumento do teor de cálcio nos frutos pode conseguir-se através de uma selecção adequada do porta-enxerto. Os porta-enxertos estudados induziram quantidades diferentes de cálcio nos frutos, aparentemente contribuindo o vigor do porta-enxerto para um efeito de diluição do cálcio na árvore. O estudo da influência do solo no teor do cálcio dos frutos revelou que os frutos com menor capacidade de conservação provinham de solos com maiores teores de cálcio, e que na sua constituição apresentavam uma menor concentração de cálcio na polpa. Apresenta-se ainda a hipótese de que o excesso de potássio presente nestes solos possa ter contribuído para um menor teor de cálcio nos frutos. De facto os frutos com uma razão Ca/K superior apresentaram também uma firmeza superior./ ABSTRACT - `Raínha Claudia Verde' is an old variety of Prunus domestica which is well adapted to a restrict zone of Alto Alentejo in the south region of Portugal. This variety is much appreciated either as a fresh fruit or as a sweet candy. The candying process is a widespread technique in this region with much empirical knowledge. There are practical evidences which indicate that fruits origin may influence the boiling process. Some fruits produced in specific areas in this region had an inadequate behaviour during boiling, becoming to soft and improper to use in canding. More recently it has been also observed that these specific areas produced fruits with a poor postharvest behaviour. During storage these fruits loose texture very quickly and became improper to commercialize. Many pre and postharvest factors may contribute to differences in fruit quality. calcium is one of most important nutrients which have a major effect on cell wall structure and membrane integrity. Studies on the role of calcium in fruits indicate its involvement in delaying changes associated with softening. Two orchards were selected because of their history of producing fruits with different characteristics either as a fresh or as a processed fruit, and because induced different calcium levels in the leaves. The main focus of this research work was to study the influence of the production region in fruit postharvest behaviour, specially the influence of calcium in fruit texture. The aims were: (1) to compare the rootstock and the soil influence on calcium fruit content, (2) to select a method- to measure the production of ethylene in fruits of 'Raínha Claudia Verde' (3) to evaluate the effects of different calcium fruit content in the postharvest behaviour of fruits (4) to evaluate the cell wall calcium content and its influence in fruit firmness, (5) and to select the best cold storage temperatures to this variety. It was found that 'Raínha Claudia Verde' is a climacteric variety and the studies on fruit firmness revealed a significant loss of fruit texture during ripening on or off the tree. During storage, fruits had a different behaviour depending on fruits origin. Usually fruits, which traditionally do not resist to boiling process, also exhibited an early softening, when compared to other fruits produced in adequate regions. The excessive fruit softening after harvest occurred in fruits with lower calcium content. However, at harvest, fruits from both orchards exhibited a similar firmness which may indicate that other factors besides calcium should be implicated in fruit firmness at harvest. In spite of a better postharvest behaviour of fruits with higher calcium content, it was not evident the calcium influence in the climacteric rise. The increase of calcium fruit content can be achieved with a proper rootstock selection. The rootstocks investigated in this study, induced different calcium fruit content, apparently vigorous rootstocks contributed to the dilution of calcium fruit level. The soil with higher calcium content induced a lower calcium fruit content, which may be due to the excess of potassium in this soil; in fact fruits with higher Ca/K ratio reached higher firmness values. It is also proposed a method to evaluate the calcium content in the fruit independently of fruit mass. The calcium fruit content is usually expressed as a percentage of dry mass, however during the course of fruit development there are a huge increment of fruit weight because of water and sugar mobilization into the fruit. Most of the total calcium in the plants is associated with the cell wall which means that calcium fruit content expressed as a percentage of cell wall fraction is a much more reliable method. Orchards with an excess of potassium in the soil produced fruits with a significant lower calcium fruit content. However it was not possible to prove the gradually firmness decrease during the harvest period as a consequence of calcium fruit loss. In fact, it was not evident a gradual decrease of calcium fruit content during the harvest dates thus it was impossible to find at harvest, a good correlation between fruit firmness and calcium fruit content. The analysis of cell wall polysaccharides evaluated during ripening in the tree showed a slight increase of more branched polysaccharides as ripening went. The small changes in pectic polysaccharides during the harvest season are in accordance with the small decrease in tissue firmness during this period. In this variety the usual storage period is about of 3-4weeks with a temperature of 1-2°C and 90% of relative humidity. However upon rewarming fruits held at 7°C, during 14 days, produced more ethylene at 20°C and exhibited also a higher firmness than fruits held at PC. The reduction of ethylene production and fruit firmness upon rewarming, after fruits being held at lower temperatures, may suggest some chilling injury in this variety.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) U.A.N.L.


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L’inhibition est nécessaire à la génération d’outputs coordonnés entre muscles antagonistes lors de la locomotion. Une baisse de la concentration neuronale en ions chlorure au cours du développement des mammifères conduit à l’émergence de l’inhibition. Cette baisse repose sur l’équilibre entre deux cotransporteurs cation-chlorure, KCC2 et NKCC1. KCC2 expulse Cl- de la cellule alors que NKCC1 pompe Cl- dans la cellule. L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît dans un état très immature. Le seul comportement locomoteur qu’il présente à la naissance consiste en des mouvements rythmiques et alternés des membres antérieurs pour grimper le long du ventre de la mère vers une tétine. Les membres postérieurs sont des bourgeons immobiles dont le développement est en grande partie postnatal. Pour cette raison, cette espèce constitue un modèle idéal pour l’étude du développement locomoteur. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes conduisant à l’émergence de l’inhibition durant le développement moteur, nous avons décrit l’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 chez l’opossum postnatal par immunohistochimie au niveau des renflements spinaux. Les motoneurones et afférences primaires ont été identifiés en utilisant un marquage rétrograde au TRDA. Le marquage pour KCC2 et NKCC1 est détecté dans la moelle épinière ventrale dans la matière grise et blanche présomptive dès la naissance, ce qui suggère que l’inhibition serait déjà mise en place avant la naissance, permettant subséquemment l’alternance des membres antérieurs observée chez les nouveau-nés. L’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 suit des gradients ventrodorsal et médiolatéral, tels qu’observés chez les rongeurs (rats et souris). Le patron mature d’expression de ces cotransporteurs est observé aux alentours de la 5ème semaine postnatale lorsque la locomotion de l’opossum est mature. Enfin, entre la naissance et P5, les dendrites exprimant KCC2 au niveau de la corne dorsale sont retrouvées en apposition aux afférences primaires ce qui suggère un rôle de KCC2 dans la formation des circuits sensori-moteurs.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît très immature et grimpe sans aide de la mère, du sinus urogénital à une mamelle où il va s’attacher pour poursuivre son développement. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour guider le nouveau-né vers la mamelle et les candidats les plus probables sont le toucher, l’équilibre et l’olfaction. Pour tester l’action des différents systèmes sur la motricité chez l’opossum nouveau-né, des régions céphaliques du trijumeau, du vestibulaire et de l’olfaction ont été stimulées électriquement sur des préparations in vitro en comparaison avec une stimulation seuil T (intensité minimale de la stimulation à la moelle épinière cervicale induisant le mouvement des membres antérieurs). Par comparaison, un mouvement similaire était induit par des stimulations à ~2T du ganglion du trijumeau, à ~20 T du complexe vestibulaire, et à ~600 T des bulbes olfactifs. L’étude de l'innervation de la peau faciale et des voies relayant les informations du trijumeau vers la moelle épinière (ME) a été approfondie en utilisant de l’immunohistochimie pour les neurofilament-200 et du traçage rétrograde avec du Texas-Red couplé à des Dextrans Aminés. De nombreuses fibres nerveuses ont été révélées dans le derme de plusieurs régions de la tête. Quelques cellules du ganglion trigéminal projettent à la ME rostrale, mais la majorité projette vers la médulla caudale où se trouvent les neurones secondaires du trijumeau ou des cellules réticulospinales. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent une influence significative des systèmes du trijumeau et du vestibulaire, mais pas de l'olfaction, sur le mouvement des membres antérieurs des opossums nouveau-nés.


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L’opossum nait dans un état très immature, mais rampe avec ses membres antérieurs (MA) de l’orifice urogénital de la mère à une tétine, où il s’attache pour poursuivre son développement. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour guider le nouveau-né vers une tétine et déclencher son attachement. Des expériences précédentes ont montré que le système du trijumeau, dont dépend l’innervation somesthésique du museau, influence les mouvements précoces des MA. Le présent projet vise à déterminer si les mécanorécepteurs faciaux sont fonctionnels et exercent une influence sur les MA. On s’intéresse particulièrement aux cellules de Merkel, un mécanorécepteur épidermique innervé par des fibres à adaptation lente de type I (SA I). Ces cellules ont été localisées sur le pourtour du museau de l’opossum nouveau-né en utilisant un traceur cellulaire, l’AM1-43. Nous avons analysé les réponses musculaires des MA consécutives à l’application de forces calibrées au museau sur des préparations in vitro. Ces réponses sont bilatérales et simultanées, très variables, et leur intensité augmente avec la force de la stimulation. Lors de stimulations répétitives pendant 60 min, les réponses diminuent avec le temps. Le retrait de la peau faciale abolit presque ces réponses. De plus, l’application d’un antagoniste des récepteurs métabotropiques du glutamate, qui affecte l’activité des fibres SA I, ou d’un antagoniste des récepteurs purinergiques les diminue fortement, suggérant une participation des cellules de Merkel. Ces résultats soutiennent que le sens du toucher facial relayé par le système du trijumeau est fonctionnel chez l’opossum nouveau-né et qu’il pourrait influencer les mouvements des MA.


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The apomictic system in Malus wits Used Is a model to examine rejuvenation by generating genetically identical tissue culture lines that had two entirely different developmental origins: either embryo-derived tissues (juvenile clones) or somatic tissue from the adult/mature tree (mature clones). These two lines were then subsequently used to examine in vitro difference between mature (M) and juvenile (J) tissues in potential for shoot, root proliferation and ex vitro (glasshouse) growth. The M clones of M. hupehensis and M. toringoides in vitro had significantly fewer total shoots and shoot more than 2 cm in length per proliferating explant than the J clones and also rooted less efficiently. Ex vitro (glasshouse) juvenile clones had shorter internodes, a greater number of leaves and more dry weight compared to their mature counterparts.


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The widely-adopted protocol for the cryopreservation of winter buds of fruit trees, such as Malus and Pyrus, was developed in a region with a continental climate, that provides relatively hard winters with a consequent effect on adaptive plant hardiness. In this study the protocol was evaluated in a typical maritime climate (eastern Denmark) where milder winters can be expected. The survival over two winters was evaluated, looking at variation between seasons and cultivars together with the progressive reduction in survival due to individual steps in the protocol. The study confirms that under such conditions significant variation in survival can be expected and that an extended period of imposed dehydration at -4oC is critical for bud survival. The occurrence of freezing events during this treatment suggests that cryodehydration may be involved, as well as evaporative water loss. To optimize the protocol for maritime environments, further investigation into the water status of the explants during cryopreservation is proposed. Keywords: Malus x domestica, cryopreservation, dormant bud, survival, grafting