961 resultados para Malley, WIlliam C.
Lewis Tyrell married Jane Gains on August 31, 1849 in Culpeper Court House, Virginia. Jane Gains was a spinster. Lewis Tyrell died September 25, 1908 at his late residence, Vine St. and Welland Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. at the age of 81 years, 5 months. Jane Tyrell died March 1, 1886, age 64 years. Their son? William C. Tyrell died January 15, 1898, by accident in Albany, NY, age 33 years, 3 months. John William Taylor married Susan Jones were married in St. Catharines, Ont. on August 10, 1851 by William Wilkinson, a Baptist minister. On August 9, 1894 Charles Henry Bell (1871-1916), son of Stephen (1835?-1876) and Susan Bell, married Mary E. Tyrell (b. 1869?) daughter of Lewis and Alice Tyrell, in St. Catharines Ontario. By 1895 the Bell’s were living in Erie, Pennsylvania where children Delbert Otto (b. 1895) and Edna Beatrice (b. 1897) were born. By 1897 the family was back in St. Catharines where children Lewis Tyrell (b. 1899), Gertrude Cora (b. 1901), Bessie Jane (b. 1902), Charles Henry (b. 1906), Richard Nelson (b. 1911) and William Willoughby (b. 1912) were born. Charles Henry Bell operated a coal and ice business on Geneva Street. In the 1901 Census for St. Catharines, the Bell family includes the lodger Charles Henry Hall. Charles Henry Hall was born ca. 1824 in Maryland, he died in St. Catharines on November 11, 1916 at the age of 92. On October 24, 1889 Charles Hall married Susan Bell (1829-1898). The 1911 Census of Canada records Charles Henry Hall residing in the same household as Charles Henry and Mary Bell. The relationship to the householder is step-father. It is likely that after Stephen Bell’s death in 1876, his widow, Susan Bell married Hall. In 1939, Richard Nelson Bell, son of Charles Henry and Mary Tyrell Bell, married Iris Sloman. Iris (b. 22 May 1912 in Biddulph Township, Middlesex, Ontario) was the daughter of Albert (son of Joseph b. 1870 and Elizabeth Sloman, b. 1872) and Josie (Josephine Ellen) Butler Sloman of London, Ont. Josie (b. 1891) was the daughter of Everett Richard and Elizabeth McCarthy (or McCarty) Butler, of Lucan Village, Middlesex North. According to the 1911 Census of Canada, Albert, a Methodist, was a porter on the railroad. His wife, Josephine, was a Roman Catholic. Residing with Albert and Josie were Sanford and Sadie Butler and Sidney Sloman, likely siblings of Albert and Josephine. The Butler family is descended from Peter Butler, a former slave, who had settled in the Wilberforce Colony in the 1830s. Rick Bell b. 1949 in Niagara Falls, Ont. is the son of Richard Nelson Bell. In 1979, after working seven years as an orderly at the St. Catharines General Hospital while also attending night school at Niagara College, Rick Bell was hired by the Thorold Fire Dept. He became the first Black professional firefighter in Niagara. He is a founding member of the St. Catharines Junior Symphony; attended the Banff School of Fine Arts in 1966 and also performed with the Lincoln & Welland Regimental Band and several other popular local groups. Upon the discovery of this rich archive in his mothers’ attic he became passionate about sharing his Black ancestry and the contributions of fugitive slaves to the heritage Niagara with local school children. He currently resides in London, Ont.
The Deaths page from the Bell Family Bible listing the deaths of Jane Tyrrell in 1886, William C. Tyrrell in 1898, and Lewis Tyrrell in 1908. This Bible was in the possession of the Rick Bell family of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Bell family were former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.The handwritten entry appears to read as follows: "Jane Tyrrell, died March 1st 1886 age 64 yrs. William C. Tyrrell died January 15th 1898 by accident in Albany N.Y. age 33 yrs 3 months Lewis Tyrrell died September 25th 1908 at his late residence Vine and Welland Ave. St. Catharines age 81 yrs 5 months." There are various spellings of the Tyrrell name within the Bell family archive. Other forms of the name include Tyrell, Tyrrill, and Terrell.
Esta investigación se desarrolla, bajo una hipótesis, la cual se busca comprobar, analizando la evidencia encontrada en documentos Teóricos investigativos de autores expertos y especialistas en el tema y en publicaciones de la prensa nacional además de las leyes que corresponden a las dos reformas de la salud la 1122 de 2007 y la 1438 de 2011. La hipótesis planteada para esta investigación es que “mientras los nuevos planteamientos para la reforma de la salud no incluyan dentro de su propuesta una solución evidente a los principales problemas encontrados en el sistema de salud actual y no establezca un control fiscal y una regulación verdadera sobre el manejo de los fondos del sistema de salud; Los principios de universalidad, eficiencia, integralidad, libre escogencia, competencia sana y calidad no serán cumplidos y por lo tanto el pueblo Colombiano no podrá ejercer su derecho a la salud como lo plantea la Constitución PolÃtica de Colombia de 1991 y la ley 100 de 1993. Para comprobar la hipótesis se han seleccionado como documentos a analizar, tres publicaciones de la prensa nacional, cuatro de autores expertos y especializados en el tema y tres documentos adicionales que corresponden a las dos reformas realizadas al sistema de salud en los años 2007 y 2011 y a la nueva propuesta radicada por el gobierno nacional a inicios de este año. Es de suma importancia conocer las apreciaciones de los autores sobre el grupo de variables que se utilizarán para desarrollar este estudio. Estas variables pertenecen a aquellas que influencian el equilibrio financiero y que adicionalmente afectan directamente a la población impactando su bienestar y su calidad de vida. Entre esas variables se destacan (i) aspectos demográficos y de la fuerza laboral, (ii) aspectos económicos como los niveles de ingreso, salarios y empleo, (iii) cobertura del sistema de salud, (iv) calidad y acceso a los servicios del sistema, (v) duplicidad del gasto (vi) flujo de los recursos del sistema de salud (problemas institucionales), (vii) Gasto en salud y estabilidad financiera y (viii) regulación financiera. El Formato utilizado para la comparación análisis y sÃntesis de los documentos teóricos investigativos y de las publicaciones de la prensa nacional, consta de tres cuerpos. El primero, contiene las caracterÃsticas relacionadas con tiempo y espacio de la publicación. El segundo, hace énfasis en el contenido y en los temas y variables de interés para el desarrollo de la investigación. Y el tercero hace énfasis en el contenido y en los temas y variables de interés para el desarrollo de la investigación. Al hacer el análisis, sÃntesis y comparación de estos artÃculos se resolverán algunos interrogantes que pueden llevarnos a comprobar la hipótesis como los son:¿Cuáles han sido los principales logros en salud con el sistema actual?, ¿Cuáles han sido las principales fallas o problemas en el sistema actual de salud?, ¿Hay un buen manejo de los fondos destinados al sistema de Salud actual?, ¿La gestión financiera del Sistema de Salud Colombiano, permite que este sea un sistema de salud sostenible y perdurable para todos los colombianos?. Adicionalmente, existen otros interrogantes a destacar como lo son ¿En qué consiste la nueva reforma de Salud propuesta para el 2013?, ¿Los cambios planteados en la última propuesta para hacer una reforma al sistema de salud, realmente conducen a un avance o dejan de lado los principales problemas de la seguridad social en Colombia?, ¿La nueva propuesta para la reforma de la salud busca lograr una mejora radical en la gestión financiera del Sistema de Salud Colombiano?, ¿Cuál es la percepción de los principales autores, especialistas en el tema en cuanto a la erradicación total de los problemas más álgidos en el actual Sistema de Salud Colombiano, con la nueva propuesta para la reforma de la salud para el 2013? Este trabajo de investigación surgió debido a la radicación de una nueva propuesta para la reforma a la salud y la polémica que se ha generado alrededor de esta. Veinte años después de la aprobación de la ley 100, se han identificado logros importantes principalmente en cuanto a cobertura; lastimosamente, actualmente se han manifestado problemas financieros y de liquidez, a pesar de lo cual, vale la pena destacar que el sistema fue rentable e incluso generó excedentes financieros en su operación, durante sus primeros 10 años de funcionamiento. Ahora, según la evidencia teórica investigativa y de la prensa nacional, se determinará si la nueva propuesta para la reforma de la salud es una buena opción para el paÃs.
La sepsis es un evento inflamatorio generalizado del organismo inducido por un daño causado generalmente por un agente infeccioso. El patógeno más frecuentemente asociado con esta entidad es el Staphylococcus aureus, responsable de la inducción de apoptosis en células endoteliales debida a la producción de ceramida. Se ha descrito el efecto protector de la proteÃna C activada (PCA) en sepsis y su relación con la disminución de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales. En este trabajo se analizó la activación de las quinasas AKT, ASK1, SAPK/JNK y p38 en un modelo de apoptosis endotelial usando las técnicas de Western Blotting y ELISA. Las células endoteliales (EA.hy926), se trataron con C2-ceramida (130μM) en presencia de inhibidores quÃmicos de cada una de estas quinasas y PCA. La supervivencia de las células en presencia de inhibidores quÃmicos y PCA fue evaluada por medio de ensayos de activación de las caspasas 3, 7 y 9, que verificaban la muerte celular por apoptosis. Los resultados evidencian que la ceramida reduce la activación de AKT y aumenta la activación de las quinasas ASK, SAPK/JNK y p38, en tanto que PCA ejerce el efecto contrario. Adicionalmente se encontró que la tiorredoxina incrementa la activación/fosforilación de AKT, mientras que la quinasa p38 induce la defosforilación de AKT.
Dentro de un Estado Democrático de Derecho, todas las instituciones tienen obligaciones, deberes, derechos, facultades, atributos de actuación y órdenes jerárquicos, que deben dirigirse todos al logro de los cometidos estatales
El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugÃa lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugÃa de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analÃtico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugÃa de canal lumbar estrecho.
El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclÃnica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clÃnico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clÃnica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clÃnicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayorÃa de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.
Los ingleses de todos los tiempos han sido incansables viajeros y exploradores y éstos, maestros en el manejo de la pluma, cultivadores de las letras. De donde deriva una doble contribución al hispanismo en su sentido más amplio: las grandes narraciones de viajes y la labor admirable de tanto aficionado que, viéndose en un paÃs extranjero, se ha convertido en verdadero embajador cultural. Ellos son los que han hecho tanto por el hispanismo. Fue la primera guerra mundial la directamente responsable del fuerte empuje que cobró el hispanismo en Gran Bretaña. Se reconoció que con este sexto continente de la América latina habÃa que estrechar los lazos. Se crearon cátedras de español en las universidades más importantes inglesas. Para ello, se imponÃa intensificar el estudio de las lenguas llaves del Nuevo Mundo: el español y el portugués.
The protein encoded by the PPARGC1A gene is expressed at high levels in metabolically active tissues and is involved in the control of oxidative stress via reactive oxygen species detoxification. Several recent reports suggest that the PPARGC1A Gly482Ser (rs8192678) missense polymorphism may relate inversely with blood pressure. We used conventional meta-analysis methods to assess the association between Gly482Ser and systolic (SBP) or diastolic blood pressures (DBP) or hypertension in 13,949 individuals from 17 studies, of which 6,042 were previously unpublished observations. The studies comprised cohorts of white European, Asian, and American Indian adults, and adolescents from South America. Stratified analyses were conducted to control for population stratification. Pooled genotype frequencies were 0.47 (Gly482Gly), 0.42 (Gly482Ser), and 0.11 (Ser482Ser). We found no evidence of association between Gly482Ser and SBP [Gly482Gly: mean = 131.0 mmHg, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 130.5-131.5 mmHg; Gly482Ser mean = 133.1 mmHg, 95% CI = 132.6-133.6 mmHg; Ser482Ser: mean = 133.5 mmHg, 95% CI = 132.5-134.5 mmHg; P = 0.409] or DBP (Gly482Gly: mean = 80.3 mmHg, 95% CI = 80.0-80.6 mmHg; Gly482Ser mean = 81.5 mmHg, 95% CI = 81.2-81.8 mmHg; Ser482Ser: mean = 82.1 mmHg, 95% CI = 81.5-82.7 mmHg; P = 0.651). Contrary to previous reports, we did not observe significant effect modification by sex (SBP, P = 0.966; DBP, P = 0.715). We were also unable to confirm the previously reported association between the Ser482 allele and hypertension [odds ratio: 0.97, 95% CI = 0.87-1.08, P = 0.585]. These results were materially unchanged when analyses were focused on whites only. However, statistical evidence of gene-age interaction was apparent for DBP [Gly482Gly: 73.5 (72.8, 74.2), Gly482Ser: 77.0 (76.2, 77.8), Ser482Ser: 79.1 (77.4, 80.9), P = 4.20 x 10(-12)] and SBP [Gly482Gly: 121.4 (120.4, 122.5), Gly482Ser: 125.9 (124.6, 127.1), Ser482Ser: 129.2 (126.5, 131.9), P = 7.20 x 10(-12)] in individuals <50 yr (n = 2,511); these genetic effects were absent in those older than 50 yr (n = 5,088) (SBP, P = 0.41; DBP, P = 0.51). Our findings suggest that the PPARGC1A Ser482 allele may be associated with higher blood pressure, but this is only apparent in younger adults.
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key rate-limiting enzyme for the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) in chylomicrons and very low-density lipoprotein. Given that postprandial assessment of lipoprotein metabolism may provide a more physiological perspective of disturbances in lipoprotein homeostasis compared to assessment in the fasting state, we have investigated the influence of two commonly studied LPL polymorphisms (rs320, HindIII; rs328, S447X) on postprandial lipaemia, in 261 participants using a standard sequential meal challenge. S447 homozygotes had lower fasting HDL-C (p = 0.015) and a trend for higher fasting TAG (p = 0.057) concentrations relative to the 447X allele carriers. In the postprandial state, there was an association of the S447X polymorphism with postprandial TAG and glucose, where S447 homozygotes had 12% higher TAG area under the curve (AUC) (p = 0.037), 8.4% higher glucose-AUC (p = 0.006) and 22% higher glucose-incremental area under the curve (IAUC) (p = 0.042). A significant gene–gender interaction was observed for fasting TAG (p = 0.004), TAG-AUC (Pinteraction = 0.004) and TAG-IAUC (Pinteraction = 0.016), where associations were only evident in men. In conclusion, our study provides novel findings of an effect of LPL S447X polymorphism on the postprandial glucose and gender-specific impact of the polymorphism on fasting and postprandial TAG concentrations in response to sequential meal challenge in healthy participants
Objective: To develop yardsticks for assessment of dental arch relationship in young individuals with repaired complete bilateral cleft lip and palate appropriate to different stages of dental development. Participants: Eleven cleft team orthodontists from five countries worked on the projects for 4 days. A total of 776 sets of standardized plaster models from 411 patients with operated complete bilateral cleft lip and palate were available for the exercise. Statistics: The interexaminer reliability was calculated using weighted kappa statistics. Results: The interrater weighted kappa scores were between .74 and .92, which is in the ""good"" to ""very good"" categories. Conclusions: Three bilateral cleft lip and palate yardsticks for different developmental stages of the dentition were made: one for the deciduous dentition (6-year-olds` yardstick), one for early mixed dentition (9-year-olds` yardstick), and one for early permanent dentition (12-year-olds` yardstick).
Objective: To compare and evaluate longitudinally the dental arch relationships from 4.5 to 13.5 years of age with the Bauru-BCLP Yardstick in a large sample of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP). Design: Retrospective longitudinal intercenter outcome study. Patients: Dental casts of 204 consecutive patients with complete BCLP were evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 years of age. All models were identified only by random identification numbers. Setting: Three cleft palate centers with different treatment protocols. Main Outcome Measures: Dental arch relationships were categorized with the Bauru-BCLP yardstick. Increments for each interval (from 6 to 9 years, 6 to 12 years, and 9 to 12 years) were analyzed by logistic and linear regression models. Results: There were no significant differences in outcome measures between the centers at age 12 or at age 9. At age 6, center B showed significantly better results (p = .027), but this difference diminished as the yardstick score for this group increased over time (linear regression analysis), the difference with the reference category (center C, boys) for the intervals 6 to 12 and 9 to 12 years being 10.4% (p = .041) and 12.9% (p = .009), respectively. Conclusions: Despite different treatment protocols, dental arch relationships in the three centers were comparable in final scores at age 9 and 12 years. Delaying hard palate closure and employing infant orthopedics did not appear to be advantageous in the long run. Premaxillary osteotomy employed in center B appeared to be associated with less favorable development of the dental arch relationship between 9 and 12 years.
Repeated administration of low doses of ethanol gradually increases locomotor responses to ethanol in adult Swiss mice. This phenomenon is known as behavioral sensitization. However, we have shown that adolescent Swiss mice show either behavioral tolerance or no sensitization after repeated ethanol injections. Although the mesolimbic dopamine system has been extensively implicated in behavioral sensitization, several studies have demonstrated an important role of glutamatergic transmission in this phenomenon. In addition, relatively few studies have examined the role of developmental factors in behavioral sensitization to ethanol. To examine the relationship between age differences in behavioral sensitization to ethanol and the neurochemical adaptations related to glutamate within nucleus accumbens (NAc), in vivo microdialysis was conducted in adolescent and adult Swiss mice treated with ethanol (1.8 g/kg) or saline for 15 days and subsequently challenged with an acute dose (1.8 g/kg) of ethanol 6 days later. Consistent with previous findings, only adult mice demonstrated evidence of behavioral sensitization. However, ethanol-treated adolescent mice demonstrated a 196.1 +/- 40.0% peak increase in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge in comparison with the basal values, whereas ethanol-treated adult mice demonstrated a 52.2 +/- 6.2% reduction in extracellular levels of glutamate in the NAc after ethanol challenge. These observations suggest an age-dependent inverse relationship between behavioral and glutamatergic responses to repeated ethanol exposure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.