918 resultados para Mallat, Kaija: You name it
A negociação é a ferramenta mais eficiente de conseguir algo que se deseja, ela ocorre quando existem conflitos e alternativas a serem selecionadas que podem envolver toda a empresa. As diversas alternativas apresentam interesses comuns e conflitantes, expressando a complexidade das relações. Com a crescente demanda por agilidade na resposta aos novos perfis de procura, as organizações precisam ser mais versáteis nos processos e mais rápidas para reagir às mudanças do mercado, e as Negociações de Ganhos Mútuos (NGM) são uma forma atual de condução de criação de valor. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo propor a utilização das ferramentas da teoria de NGM como instrumento apoiador aos gestores de compras públicas adquirentes de produtos e serviços de TI a atingir os resultados esperados. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva-exploratória por meio de abordagem qualitativa. Para atingir este objetivo, foram feitos estudos teóricos das temáticas: Flexibilidade Organizacional, Gestão de Compras Públicas, Sistemas de Informação, Alinhamento Estratégico e Teoria da Negociação, de forma a se obter um melhor entendimento da pesquisa. Foi elaborado um questionário não estruturado, sendo este o instrumento de pesquisa que foi utilizado neste estudo. Aplicado o questionário diretamente aos participantes, obteve-se uma participação de 10 respondentes, sendo todos participantes dos processos licitatórios na empresa pública Delta. Uma vez efetuada a coleta de dados, foram analisadas as respostas utilizando uma modalidade da técnica de análise de conteúdo, chamada pattern-matching, com o propósito de comparar os resultados com o referencial teórico utilizado no estudo. Como resultado do estudo, identificou-se a utilização da abordagem distributiva nos processos licitatórios.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal “apresentar uma proposta para o ensino da língua parkatêjê apoiada na tradição oral do povo de mesma denominação, com vistas a sua implantação na Escola Indígena Pẽmptykre Parkatêjê”, da aldeia Parkatêjê, localizada na Terra Indígena Mãe Maria, à altura do quilômetro 30 da rodovia BR 222, no município Bom Jesus do Tocantins. Com base em Severino (2007), caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa etnográfica, por visar compreender a cotidianidade da aludida escola, no que se refere ao ensino e aprendizagem da língua tradicional, e também como pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo em vista a natureza das fontes utilizadas para sua tessitura. A pesquisa está vinculada à Linguística Aplicada, uma área da INdisciplina ou transdisciplinar, segundo Moita Lopes (2006), pautada na democracia cognitiva por uma educação emancipadora, conforme Petraglia (2013). O texto está estruturado em quatro partes, além da introdução e das considerações finais. A primeira parte apresenta considerações gerais sobre os Parkatêjê. A segunda parte trata de uma abordagem histórica acerca do desenvolvimento da linguística indígena no contexto educacional brasileiro, com base nos acontecimentos observados desde o ano de 1540 até os dias atuais. A terceira parte reúne algumas características de sociedades reguladas pela tradição oral, ou principalmente por meio dessa tradição, e, a partir de uma definição de cultura, apresenta reflexões sobre cultura oral e cultura escrita. A quarta parte trata do histórico da educação formal na aldeia parkatêjê e aborda informações referentes ao protagonismo do povo de mesma denominação no momento contemporâneo da mencionada escola. Ainda nesta última parte, a aludida proposta de ensino, que se intitula “A tradição oral no ensino da língua parkatêjê”, é apresentada, com o apoio de Queiroz e Pereira (2013), Belintane (2007; 2008), Calvet (2011) e de outros estudos levados a efeito por autores favoráveis à pujança da oralidade no ensino de língua. A pesquisa destaca os velhos da aldeia, índios de primeira geração, como atores importantes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua tradicional na educação formal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In recent years it was possible to see a considerable growth of distance education, while the classroom teaching had a more modest growth. Thus, maintained this scenario, it will not take long for the quantitative indicators of distance education outweigh the classroom education. The distance education is evolving rapidly and changing traditional methods of acquiring knowledge and reduce inequalities caused by isolation and distance from large urban centers. This work aims to develop a videolesson and analyze its application in the teaching of statistics to a class of students of FEG, using modern techniques of distance education. To that end, was record a videolesson and developed two assessment tools, one practical and the other qualitative. The results showed that students prefer to follow the resolution of examples, with high degree of difficulty, and the audio recording is a key to the proper understanding of the same. In addition, students consider important mainstay of distance education, the fact that you can attend a class several times, whenever you need it, anywhere
Thank you for inviting me to be with you today. It is a real pleasure, and I look forward to visiting with you both individually and collectively, now and in the future. I'd looked forward to meeting with you all earlier in the year, but a death in our family took my wife Virginia and me to Texas at the time of your April meeting, so I am very glad to have this opportunity to be with you now.
Thank you so much for inviting my wife Virginia and me to be with you today. It delights me to talk about land-grant universities in general, and about the land-grant university mission we take so very seriously in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources in particular, because I am so proud of the way our faculty and staff continually strive to contribute to and improve the economic and societal well-being of rural Nebraska, as well as all of Nebraska.
Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. It is always such a pleasure to be asked to talk about the ways the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources benefits Nebraskans, Nebraska, and our state's economy. I am proud of the real difference our work makes in Nebraska's future and in Nebraskans' lives.
It is such a pleasure to have you on campus with us today. While we couldn't do anything to turn the heat down outside, at least we've had some hot topics to go right along with it! I sincerely hope you've enjoyed the wide variety of information we've shared with you today. It is our pleasure to have this opportunity to host you here on campus, and I thank everyone who has been part of presenting and putting this day's program together. I also thank each of you, and every member of ABN, for all you do in support of Nebraska agriculture, the Institute, and the university.
Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you today. It's always my pleasure to talk about the exciting work occurring in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today - it is a real treat. I am a big supporter of the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program and have great expectations for it. In fact, I expect this program will grow and grow and grow, because I know from past experience what a program like this can do.
Thank you for asking me to be here with you today. It's always a pleasure. I'm really pleased to talk about my requested topic, which deals with my vision for IANR. Believe me, my vision for the future of Nebraska agriculture and my vision for the future of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources are intertwined, and very bright! That doesn't make me an oracle, of course, but it does make me enthusiastic about my topic!
Customer satisfaction has been traditionally studied and measured regardless of the time elapsed since the purchase. Some studies have recently reopened the debate about the temporal pattern of satisfaction. This research aims to explain why “how you evaluate a service depends on when you evaluate it” on the basis of the theoretical framework proposed by Construal-Level Theory (CLT). Although an empirical investigation is still lacking, the literature does not deny that CLT can be applied also with regard to past events. Moreover, some studies support the idea that satisfaction is a good predictor of future intentions, while others do not. On the basis of CLT, we argue that these inconsistent results are due to the different construal levels of the information pertaining to retrospective and prospective evaluations. Building on the Two-Factor Theory, we explain the persistence of certain attributes’ representations over time according to their relationship with overall performance. We present and discuss three experiments and one field study that were conducted a) to test the extensibility of CLT to past events, b) to disentangle memory and construal effects, c) to study the effect of different temporal perspective on overall satisfaction judgements, and d) to investigate the temporal shift of the determinants of customer satisfaction as a function of temporal distance.
As a reader, I am drawn to pieces that flirt with the boundaries between prose and poetry and I believe these preferences are evidenced in my own work, which not only encompasses creative nonfiction and poetry, but which also teases its way along the line separating the two. In The Atlantic and Everything After, I have worked with both prose poetry and the lyric essay, two styles that combine and highlight the different strengths of creative nonfiction and poetry.I created this work to explore the transformation I embarked upon when I first boarded that plane to Nova Scotia in August 2009. I created it to pay homage to the people and places that have moved or changed me. I created it to acknowledge the many similarities of travel and writing, both of which are often ugly, uncomfortable, a bit frightening, and terribly frustrating.In the process of its creation, I was forced to confront painful and delightful memories, to realize the significance of those memories within my own heart. I exercised the modes of poetry and nonfiction (and a few in between) in order to bring the many complicated aspects of travel together in a way that does its discomfort and enchantment equal justice. I have filled the pages of The Atlantic and Everything After with my poems and my prose, my own life-cherishing force. I am pleased to welcome you to it.
Obwohl der Ursprung der europäischen Einigungsgeschichte im wirtschaftlichen Bereich lag, hatte die Integration von Beginn an auch politischen Charakter. Schon die römischen Verträge enthielten Ansätze einer Konstitutionalisierung und auch die Bezeichnung der Verträge als Verfassung wurde seit den 60er-Jahren unter Rechtswissenschaftlern immer gebräuchlicher, auch wenn dies stets umstritten war. Unabhängig vom Streit über den Verfassungsbegriff hat die von den Verträgen gebildete Rechtsordnung jedenfalls inhaltlich Verfassungscharakter. Sie enthält Regelungen, die man gemeinhin mit einer Staatsverfassung verbindet. Die europäische Integration war stets von verfassungsrechtlichen Idealen getragen, weshalb man die Mitgliedstaaten auch als eine Verfassungsrechtsgemeinschaft bezeichnen kann. Bedeutende Weiterentwicklungen erfuhr der Konstitutionalisierungsprozess mit der Konventsmethode und der Erarbeitung der Grundrechte-Charta. Fortgesetzt wurde dieser Prozess mit dem Entwurf über den Verfassungsvertrag für Europa. Da in ihm typische Gehalte einer Verfassung verkörpert sind, verdient er durchaus auch diese Bezeichnung. Auf seiner Basis sollte ein schlanker, übersichtlicher und verständlicher Verfassungstext geschaffen werden, der die Reform und Integration Europas weiter führt und ein Instrument der Identitätsstiftung sein kann.
El artículo reflexiona sobre las prácticas políticas en Colombia. A partir de la sustentación teórica de diversos autores, entre los que se incluyen Habermas, Hannah Arendt, Perelman, Almond y Verba, y muchos otros, se recrea la situación de las campañas de los candidatos a los cargos públicos, así como la manipulación del discurso para convencer a los distintos actores o escuchas de sus prédicas. Igualmente, se postulan ejemplos de la marcada corrupción en diferentes gobiernos en los últimos años. Como es de observar, se trata de un caso típico no sólo en Colombia, sino en gran parte de América Latina y el mundo.