659 resultados para Majuri, Susanna
Aquest projecte té com a objectius: determinar les Directrius a seguir per la futura redacció d’un protocol de gestió de les zones inundables del PNAE, amb la finalitat de potenciar la presència d’aus; determinar les millors condicions d’hàbitat per les poblacions d’aus del PNAE i redactar unes línies de seguiment que permetin d'una banda avaluar si les pautes proposades tindran l’efecte desitjat i d'altra banda que permetin la redacció del protocol de gestió
Aquest és un projecte per fer un estudi d’inundabilitat de la zona de Calonge i Sant Antoni de Calonge per tal de reduir l’impacte que aquestes inundacions ocasionen. La realització de l’estudi és necessària ja que les inundacions a la zona són periòdiques i els efectes no disminueixen d’un episodi a l’altre, per tant, cal establir mesures correctores i/o minimitzadores per tal d’evitar la perillositat d’aquests efectes. Es tracta d’un projecte de final de Carrera, de 4rt de Ciències Ambientals, que va ser encarregat per l’Ajuntament de Calonge, l’Octubre del 2005 un cop finalitzats els greus episodis d’inundacions que tants de danys van ocasionar al terme municipal
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és centra en l’estudi de la tratabilitat dels efluentsprocedents del blanqueig de polpa kraft per tal de poder-los reutilitzar de nou a lafàbrica.
Dados los tiempos que corren, la lluvia incesante de noticias que nos llegan día a día de las acciones destructivas del hombre contra la naturaleza y las imágenes de las consecuencias de ello, parece que para muchos no son suficientes para intentar poner remedio, la cantidad de excusas y argumentos son interminables. Está claro que en la realidad son muchas las teorías y los puntos de vista sobre el alcance real de los daños medioambientales.¿Cómo es posible que en un municipio como Andratx mientras paseas por las calles te tropieces con un torrente lleno de escombros? Nos sorprendió mucho que aún no tuviesen un sistema de reciclaje. Nosotras encontramos interesente saber cuales eran los motivos: ¿no es viable la adaptación de un sistema de recogida selectiva? ¿los ciudadanos no están predispuestos? ¿no es uno de los temas que preocupan a las administraciones?Intentamos buscar respuestas a nuestras preguntas e ideamos el sistema que hemos considerado más oportuno para la población de Andratx y a partir de aquí estudiar su viabilidad.
Opinnäytetyössä tutustutaan kehitysvammaiseen asiakkaan kohtaamiseen optikkoliikkeessä. Työn tarkoituksena on nostaa esiin ne ongelmat, joita esiintyy asiakaspalvelussa kehitysvammaisen asiakkaan kanssa. Laadukkaan asiakaspalvelun perusperiaatteet ovat työn vertailupohjana. Aineisto on hankittu kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena haastatteluna optikoilta ja kehitysvammaohjaajilta. Haatattelut tehtiin syksyn 2006 aikana. Haastatteluun osallistui kolme optikkoa ja kolme kehitysvammaohjaajaa. Ihmisten reagoiminen kehitysvammaisuuteen riippuu siitä, millainen on heidän ajatusmaailmansa. Kehitysvammaisuudella tarkoitetaan ymmärtämis- ja käsityskyvyn alueella olevaa vammaa, jolloin uusien asioiden omaksuminen on vaikeaa. Muuten kehitysvammaiset oppivat asioita samalla tavalla kuin muutkin ihmiset. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena esitellään laadukkaaseen asiakaspalveluun yltämistä myös kehitysvammaisen asiakkaan palvelemisessa. Tällöin korostuu optikon ammattitaito. Tärkeimpiä ominaisuuksia asiakaspalvelussa ovat myönteinen suhtautuminen itseensä, työhönsä ja lähimmäisiin. Kehitysvammaisella on puutteellinen kyky ymmärtää abstrakteja käsitteitä, tämä on huomioitava asiakaspalvelussa. Sen vuoksi yhteistyö eri hoitavien tahojen kanssa takaa turvallisen ja laadukkaan palvelun myös erityisryhmille. Haastatteluissa kehitysvammaohjaajat korostivat kehitysvammaisen turvallisuuden tunteen huomioimista ja sen vaikutusta kehitysvammaisten käyttäytymiseen. Turvallisuutta voimme luoda tutun henkilön mukanaololla, jolloin voidaan vaikuttaa helpottavasti kehitysvammaisen keskittymiseen uudessa tilanteessa. Yhtenä tärkeimmistä tuloksista tulee esiin mahdollisuus suorittaa näöntarkastus kehitysvammaiselle tutussa ympäristössä, jolloin tutkimustilaksi voitaisiin valita kehitysvammaisen oma koti tai hoitolaitos. Näin vältyttäisiin turhalta rauhattomuudelta ja varmistettaisiin, että kehitysvammaisella olisi asiakaspalvelutilanteessa turvallinen olo. Erilaisuuden ymmärtäminen ja arvostaminen on osa laadukasta asiakaspalvelua. Inhimillisellä palvelulla ja lämpimällä ihmisen kohtaamisella saadaan asiakkaat pysymään uskollisena omalle optikkoliikkeelleen. Lopputyön johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että jokainen asiakas tulisi kohdata yksilönä kokonaisvaltaisesti ja antaa hänelle laadukasta palvelua, erilaisuudesta huolimatta. Avainsanat optikkoliike, kehitysvammaisuus, laatu, asiakaspalvelu
Sponge morphological plasticity has been a long-standing source of taxonomic difficulty. In the Caribbean, several morphotypes of the sponge Callyspongia vaginalis have been observed. To determine the taxonomic status of three of these morphotypes and their relationship with the congeneric species C. plicifera and C. fallax, we compared the spicule composition, spongin fiber skeleton and sequenced fragments of the mitochondrial genes 16S and COI and nuclear genes 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA. Phylogenetic analyses with ribosomal markers 18S and 28S rRNA confirmed the position of our sequences within the Callyspongiidae. None of the genetic markers provided evidence for consistent differentiation among the three morphotypes of C. vaginalis and C. fallax, and only C. plicifera stood as a distinct species. The 16S mtDNA gene was the most variable molecular marker for this group, presenting a nucleotide variability (π = 0.024) higher than that reported for COI. Unlike recent studies for other sponge genera, our results indicate that species in the genus Callyspongia maintain a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, and that morphological characteristics may not reflect reproductive boundaries in C. vaginalis.
All ontogenetic stages of a life cycle are exposed to environmental conditions so that population persistence depends on the performance of both adults and offspring. Most studies analysing the influence of abiotic conditions on species performance have focussed on adults, while studies covering early life-history stages remain rare. We investigated the responses of early stages of two widely introduced ascidians, Styela plicata and Microcosmus squamiger, to different abiotic conditions. Stressors mimicked conditions in the habitats where both species can be found in their distributional ranges and responses were related to the selection potential of their populations by analysing their genetic diversity. Four developmental stages (egg fertilisation, larval development, settlement, metamorphosis) were studied after exposure to high temperature (30°C), low salinities (26 and 22 ) and high copper concentrations (25, 50 and 100 µg/L). Although most stressors effectively led to failure of complete development (fertilisation through metamorphosis), fertilisation and larval development were the most sensitive stages. All the studied stressors affected the development of both species, though responses differed with stage and stressor. S. plicata was overall more resistant to copper, and some stages of M. squamiger to low salinities. No relationship was found between parental genetic composition and responses to stressors. We conclude that successful development can be prevented at several life-history stages, and therefore, it is essential to consider multiple stages when assessing species' abilities to tolerate stress. Moreover, we found that early development of these species cannot be completed under conditions prevailing where adults live. These populations must therefore recruit from elsewhere or reproduce during temporal windows of more benign conditions. Alternatively, novel strategies or behaviours that increase overall reproductive success might be responsible for ensuring population survival.
ß-catenin is a multifunctional protein involved in cell-cell adhesion and Wnt signal transduction. ß-Catenin signaling has been proposed to act as inducer of cell proliferation in different tumors. However, in some developmental contexts and cell systems ß-catenin also acts as a positive modulator of apoptosis. To get additional insights into the role of ß-Catenin in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, we have analyzed the levels and subcellular localization of endogenous ß-catenin and its relation with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) during the cell cycle in S-phase¿synchronized epithelial cells. ß-Catenin levels increase in S phase, reaching maximum accumulation at late G2/M and then abruptly decreasing as the cells enter into a new G1 phase. In parallel, an increased cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of ß-catenin and APC is observed during S and G2 phases. In addition, strong colocalization of APC with centrosomes, but not ß-catenin, is detected in M phase. Interestingly, overexpression of a stable form of ß-catenin, or inhibition of endogenous ß-catenin degradation, in epidermal keratinocyte cells induces a G2 cell cycle arrest and leads to apoptosis. These results support a role for ß-catenin in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis at G2/M in normal and transformed epidermal keratinocytes.
We have previously reported that actin filaments are involved in protein transport from the Golgi complex to the endoplasmic reticulum. Herein, we examined whether myosin motors or actin comets mediate this transport. To address this issue we have used, on one hand, a combination of specific inhibitors such as 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) and 1-[5-isoquinoline sulfonyl]-2-methyl piperazine (ML7), which inhibit myosin and the phosphorylation of myosin II by the myosin light chain kinase, respectively; and a mutant of the nonmuscle myosin II regulatory light chain, which cannot be phosphorylated (MRLC2AA). On the other hand, actin comet tails were induced by the overexpression of phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5-kinase. Cells treated with BDM/ML7 or those that express the MRLC2AA mutant revealed a significant reduction in the brefeldin A (BFA)-induced fusion of Golgi enzymes with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This delay was not caused by an alteration in the formation of the BFA-induced tubules from the Golgi complex. In addition, the Shiga toxin fragment B transport from the Golgi complex to the ER was also altered. This impairment in the retrograde protein transport was not due to depletion of intracellular calcium stores or to the activation of Rho kinase. Neither the reassembly of the Golgi complex after BFA removal nor VSV-G transport from ER to the Golgi was altered in cells treated with BDM/ML7 or expressing MRLC2AA. Finally, transport carriers containing Shiga toxin did not move into the cytosol at the tips of comet tails of polymerizing actin. Collectively, the results indicate that 1) myosin motors move to transport carriers from the Golgi complex to the ER along actin filaments; 2) nonmuscle myosin II mediates in this process; and 3) actin comets are not involved in retrograde transport.
Vastine Susanna Pensaksen artikkeliin // Musiikin suunta 1995 : 1
Summary: [Biogenic amines] : [part] II. : foodborne intoxications caused by biogenic amines in Finland during 1975-1994
Keskustelun alku: Päivi Rainó // Virittäjä 4/1997