204 resultados para MYCOLOGY


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is endemic in Latin America and in countries like Brazil it carries a high mortality rate. The fungus' habitat has not been precisely determined. The present study aims to identify ecologic correlates based on PCM distribution in a hyper-endemic area in southeastern Brazil. The Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial statistics were used to associate environmental attributes, human population density and, PCM distribution. By means of the Pearson r correlation coefficient, the highest statistically significant associations with prevalence density were the percent area (by county) of: basaltic rocks (r = 0.63; P < 0.0001), Podzolic soils (r = - 0.48; P < 0.001), Latosol soils (r = 0.40; P < 0.01), mean annual precipitation between 1500 and 1600 mm (r = 0.46; P < 0.001) and, mean precipitation during the wet season between 940 and 1040 mm (r = - 0.44; P < 0.01). Soil texture and precipitation analyzed together reached r = 0.61 (P < 0.000002) for fine-textured soils with annual precipitation above 1400 mm. Environmental correlates indicate that moisture availability plays an important role in PCM distribution.


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A 49-year-old renally transplanted man, under a five-year course of immunosuppressive therapy with prednisone and cyclosporine A, experienced a subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Phaeoacremonium parasiticum. The clinical presentation consisted of impressive, large, inflammatory and draining cystic tumors on the left foot that had been present for one year. A significant improvement was obtained with itraconazole plus intralesional injection with amphotericin B. Drug interaction was observed between itraconazole and cyclosporine A causing a severe hypertensive crisis and requiring a temporary sharp reduction in cyclosporine administration. Subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by P. parasiticum is uncommon among major organ transplant patients but several cases have previously been published and some patterns are emerging, e. g., limbs are generally involved but no known traumatic event has preceded lesion development. The identification of the case isolate was confirmed using a recently published online system based in part on beta-tubulin sequence comparison.


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Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the epidemiological status of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is far from under control in most of the developing world. Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and India show increased rates of new infections. In Latin America and the Caribbean there were 1.6 million estimated cases of HIV-infected patients at the end of 1997. Fungal diseases have been one of the most relevant diagnoses in relation to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Infections due to Candida species and Cryptococcus neoformans var, neoformans are common worldwide. Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis and Penicillium marneffei are important causes of disease in endemic areas. Infection due to Sporothrix schenckii, Blastomyces dermatitidis and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are uncommon even where they are endemic. Phaeohyphomycetes, hyalohyphomycetes and zygomycetes are still rare as a cause of disease among AIDS patients, However, agents pertaining to these groups, such as Aspergillus spp., have an increasing incidence. Superficial mycoses due to dermatophytes have special features from epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic points of view.


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The association of paracoccidioidomycosis with AIDS is apparently less frequent than expected. The authors present an unusual case of paracoccidioidomycosis in a 13-year-old female student which was later found to be the first opportunistic infection in the course of the patient's HIV-infection. The clinical presentation followed an accidental incised wound on the palmar region initially described as a 'sporotrichotic-chancre'. After good response under sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprin, the patient relapsed and presented an associated oral candidiasis. HIV-infection was documented and additional investigation showed CD4(+) T-cells=22/mm(3), CD8(+)=280 cell/mm(3) and viral load=4,043 log. This case report presents an uncommon dermatological-clinical picture in the youngest patient in which such association has been reported to date.


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A 49-year-old renal transplant patient, under an 18-year course of immunosuppressive therapy with prednisone and azathioprine and, more recently, prednisone plus mycophenolate sodium, developed a cutaneous-subcutaneous infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. The clinical presentation consisted of a slowly enlarging, erythematous and infiltrative 25 cm plaque in the major axis on the arm. There was no involvement of the lungs or any other organ. Cure was obtained with itraconazole treatment after 12 months. Histoplasmosis is an uncommon opportunistic infection among solid organ transplanted patients with incidence of 0% to 2.1% observed in a large number of cases. This report describes an atypical cutaneous clinical presentation of a potentially fatal disease in immunosuppressed patients.


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The larynx is the third most commonly involved organ in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). While a few studies have evaluated laryngeal sequelae, there have not been any investigations of voice abnormalities in PCM patients. To evaluate persistent dysphonia and laryngeal lesions, we studied 15 normal subjects and 30 post-treatment PCM patients, i.e., 15 with only pulmonary and 15 with both laryngeal and pulmonary involvement. Perceptual and acoustic voice analysis were performed with all patients, while endoscopic studies were also conducted with the 15 laryngeal patients. Voice analysis showed instability by perceptual analysis (P < 0.01) in both groups, but more severe dysphonia was noted in the laryngeal group (P < 0.01). The dysponia, seen in 66.7% of these patients (dysphonia index < 7.0), was characterized by roughness and breathness. The Dr. Speech (Tiger Electronics) analysis program did not accept five voices from the laryngeal group due to the severe dysphonia. Jitter was elevated in five laryngeal lesion patients. Endoscopy showed that 80% of patients with laryngeal lesion had two or more laryngeal structures involved. Vocal fold alterations were seen in all laryngeal lesion patients, which included involvement of the arythenoids, epiglottis, and vestibular folds. This first functional study of laryngeal sequelae in PCM revealed frequent and severe dysphonia that may have important social consequences for patients.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis, a deep mycosis endemic in Latin America, is a chronic granulomatous disease caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Phagocytic cells play a critical role against the fungus and several papers show the effects of activator and suppressive cytokines on macrophage and monocyte functions. However, the studies focusing on polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) antifungal functions are scarcer. Thus, the objective of the present paper was to assess the capacity of human PMNs to kill virulent P brasiliensis strain in vitro, before and after priming with different cytokines. Moreover, the involvement of oxygen metabolites in this activity was evaluated. Nonactivated cells failed to exhibit antifungal activity. However, when these cells were IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha or GM-CSF activated, a significative fungicidal activity was detected. This process was significantly inhibited when P brasiliensis challenge occurred in presence of catalase (CAT - a scavenger of H2O2) and superoxide dismutase (SOD - a scavenger of superoxide anion). From these results it is concluded that cytokines activation is required for P brasiliensis killing by human PMNs, and that H2O2 and Superoxide anion participate as effectors molecules in this process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiologic agent of paracoccidioidomycosis ( PCM), the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. The armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, has been confirmed as the primary natural reservoir of this fungus. Its geographic distribution is similar to that of human PCM. In this study, virulence profiles of 10 P. brasiliensis isolates from different armadillos and of two clinical isolates were tested in an experimental hamster model. Pathogenicity was evaluated by counting cfu and performing histopathological analysis in the testis, liver, spleen and lung. Circulating specific antibodies were measured using enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA). All isolates from armadillos were virulent in the model, with dissemination to many organs. The clinical isolates, which had long been stored in cultured collections, were less virulent. The isolates were classified into four virulence categories according to number of cfu per gram of tissue: very high, high, intermediate and low. This study confirms that armadillos harbor pathogenic genotypes of P. brasiliensis, probably the same ones that infect humans.


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The presence of various pathogenic fungi in rather unsuspected hosts and environments has always attracted the attention of the scientific community. Reports on the putative role of animals in fungal infections of humans bear important consequences on public health as well as on the understanding of fungal ecology. Fungi are ubiquitous in nature and their great capacity for adaptation allows them to survive and indeed, to thrive, in plants, trees and other natural substrata. Nonetheless, we are just beginning to learn the significance that these diverse fungal habitats have on the increasing number of immunosuppressed individuals. The accidental or permanent presence of fungi in animals, plants, soils and watercourses should not be taken too lightly because they constitute the source where potential pathogens will be contracted. If those fungal habitats that carry the largest risks of exposure could be defined, if seasonal variations in the production of infectious propagules could be determined, and if their mode of transmission were to be assessed, it would be possible to develop protective measures in order to avoid human infection. Additionally, unsuspected avenues for the exploration of fungal survival strategies would be opened, thus enhancing our capacity to react properly to their advancing limits. This paper explores several ecological connections between human pathogenic fungi and certain animals, trees, waterways and degraded organic materials. The occurrence of such connections in highly endemic areas will hopefully furnish more precise clues to fungal habitats and allow the design of control programs aimed at avoiding human infection.


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High (H) and low (L) responder mice were selected for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). In this selection, the difference in antibody responsiveness between H and L lines (HIV-A and LIV-A mice, respectively) was shown to depend mainly on macrophage function. The more rapid catabolism of antigens by macrophages in L mice has been suggested as the main cause of the low antibody production. Due to this high macrophage activity, L animals have been described as more resistant than H animals to intracellular pathogens. These animals were utilized as an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. HIV-A and LIV-A mice were infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the intravenous route. As expected, H mice were more susceptible to P. brasiliensis with a shorter survival time and higher levels of specific antibodies when compared to L mice. Contrasting with the survival time, the lungs, spleen and liver from H mice showed typical nodular granulomas containing epithelioid and giant cells and few fungi. on the other hand, in LN-A mice, the lesions of these organs were characterized by looser granulomas with irregular borders and the presence of a large number of fungi, However, the adrenal gland showed different lesion patterns. In H mice these lesions were extensive and characterized by loose granulomas with numerous fungi, while in LIV-A mice the lesions were small and limited to the cortex. Moreover the HIV-A mice presented higher levels of serum corticosterone when compared to LIV-A ones. The higher susceptibility of H mice could be attributed to the extensive lesions of the adrenal glands. These results suggest the use of the H line from the IV-A Selection as an experimental model for further studies of adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis.


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The present review is a critical analysis of positive and negative reports of the isolation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from soil. The strains isolated from soil or soil-contaminated material (dogfood, penguin feces) by Batista et al. in Recife, Brazil, Negroni in the Argentinian Chaco, Albornoz in rural Venezuela, Silva-Vergara et al, in Ibia, Brazil, Ferreira et al, in Uberlandia, Brazil, and Gezuele et al. at the Uruguayan base in the Antarctic region, presented mycological characteristics consistent with P. brasiliensis. In most of these studies, morphological characterization was complemented with an evaluation of virulence and antigenicity, and biochemical or molecular analysis. These isolations, therefore, can be considered true, supporting the concept of soil as an important element in the ecology of the pathogen. The large number of negative reports in attempts involving soil samples and the low repeatability of isolation of the fungus from the same area indicate that the specific conditions supporting growth of the pathogen in soil have not been fully clarified.


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The fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has been isolated from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in different regions where paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is endemic. The link between PCM and these animals has provided the first valuable clue in the effort to elucidate the ecological niche of P. brasiliensis. The present study was aimed at correlating P. brasiliensis infection in armadillos with local ecological features and, if possible, the presence of the fungus in the soil in the Botucatu hyperendemic area of PCM. In this region the mean temperature ranges from 14.8 to 25.8degreesC and the annual average precipitation is 1520 mm. The sites where 10 infected animals (positive group) were collected were studied and compared with the sites where five uninfected animals were found. The occurrence of the fungus in soil samples collected from the positive armadillos' burrows and foraging sites was investigated by the indirect method of animal inoculation. Environmental data from the sites of animal capture, such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, vegetation, soil composition, presence of water and proximity of urban areas, were recorded. All 37 soil samples collected from the sites had negative fungal cultures. Positive animals were found much more frequently in sites with disturbed vegetation, such as riparian forests and artificial Eucalyptus Or Pinus forests, in altitudes below 800 m, near water sources. The soil type of the sites of positive animals was mainly sandy, with medium to low concentrations of organic matter. The pH was mainly acidic at all the sites, although the concentrations of aluminum cations (H+Al) were lower at the sites where positive animals were found. Positive armadillos were also captured in sites very close to urban areas. Our data and previous studies indicate that P. brasiliensis occurs preferentially in humid and shady disturbed forests in a strong association with armadillos.


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Human monocytes activated by recombinant tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) exhibited significant fungicidal activity on the yeast cells of a highly virulent strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. This process was significantly inhibited in the presence of catalase (CAT - a scavenger of H2O2), but not in the presence of superoxide-dismutase (SOD - a scavenger of superoxide anion) or N-G-monomethyl-L- arginine (N-G-MMLA - a nitric oxide inhibitor). Furthermore, there was a direct association between the intracellular killing of the fungus and the production of H2O2 by activated cells. These results strongly suggest a role for H2O2 in the killing of highly virulent strains of P. brasiliensis by TNF-alpha-activated human monocytes.