894 resultados para MONOMERS


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Detailed chemical analysis of the solid phase fermentation of an Australian Penicillium citrinum isolate has returned the known compounds citrinin (1), phenol A acid (6), dihydrocitrinone (7) and dihydrocitrinin (8), together with a novel cytotoxic dimer, dicitrinin A (5). Dicitrinin A (5) was determined to be a dimerised artefact of the major co-metabolite citrinin, and its structure solved by spectroscopic analysis and chemical modi. cation. Analysis of the products encountered during the controlled decomposition of citrinin led to the discovery of additional citrinin dimers and delineated a plausible mechanistic pathway linking all monomeric and dimeric citrinin degradation products.


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This thesis describes an experimental investigation of synthesis of polystyrene under various polymerization conditions such as solvent polarity, temperature, initial concentrations of initiator, catalyst, monomer and added salts or co-catalyst, which was achieved using the living cationic polymerization technology in conjunction with gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and NMR spectroscopy. Polymerizations of styrene were conducted using 1-phenyl ethylchloride (1-PEC) as an initiator and tin tetrachloride (SnCI4) as a catalyst in the presence of tetra-n-Butylammonium chloride (nBu4NCI). Effects of solvent polarity varied by mixing dichloromethane (DCM) and less polar cyclohexane (C.hex), temperature, initial concentrations of SnC14, 1-PEC and nBu4NCI on the polymerizations were examined, and the conditions under which a living polymerization can be obtained were optimised as: [styrene]o ~ 0.75 - 2 M; [1-PEC]o ~ 0.005 - 0.05 M; [SnCI4Jo ~ 0.05 - 0.4 M; [nBu4NCIJo ~ 0.001 - 0.1 M; DCM/C.hex ~ 50/0 - 20/30 v/v; T ~ 0 to -45°C. Kinetic studies of styrene polymerization using the Omnifit sampling method showed that the number average molecular weight (Mn) of the polymers obtained increased in direct proportion to monomer conversion and agreed well with the theoretical Mn expected from the concentration ratios of monomer to initiator. The linearities of both the 1n([MJoI[M]) vs. time plot and the Mn vs. monomer conversion plot, and the narrow molecular weight distribution (MWD) measured using GPC demonstrated the livingness of the polymerizations, indicating the absence of irreversible termination and transfer within the lifetimes of the polymerizations. The proposed 'two species' propagation mechanism was found to apply for the styrene polymerization with 1-PEC/SnCI4 in the presence of nBu4NCl. The further kinetic experiments showed that living styrene polymerizations were achieved using the 1-PEC/SnCI4 initiating system in mixtures of DCM/C.hex 30/20 v/v at -15°C in the presence of various bromide salts, tetra-n-butylammonium bromide, tetra-n-pentylammonium bromide, tetra-n-heptylammonium bromide, and tetra-n-octylammonium bromide, respectively. The types of the bromide salts were found to have no significant effect on monomer conversion, Mn, polydispersity and initiation efficiency. Living polymerizations of styrene were also achieved using titanium tetrachloride (TiCI4) as a catalyst and 1-PEC as an initiator in the presence of a small amount of 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine or pyridine instead of nBu4NCl. GPC analysis showed that the polymers obtained had narrow polydispersities (P.D. < 1.3), and the linearities of both the In([MJo/[MJ) vs. time plot and the Mn vs. monomer conversion plot demonstrated that the polymerizations are living, when the ratio of DCM and C.hex was less than 40 : 10 and the reaction temperature was not lower than -15°C. The reaction orders relative to TiCl4 and 1-PEC were estimated from the investigations into the rate of polymerization to be 2.56 and 1.0 respectively. lH and 13C NMR analysis of the resultant polystyrene would suggest the end-functionality of the product polymers is chlorine for all living polymerizations.


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The cationic polymerisation of various monomers, including cyclic ethers bearing energetic nitrate ester (-ON02) groups, substituted styrenes and isobutylene has been investigated. The main reaction studied has been the ring-opening polymerisation of 3- (nitratomethyl)-3-methyl oxetane (NIMMO) using the alcohol/BF3.0Et2 binary initiator system. A series of di-, tri- and tetrafunctional telechelic polymers has been synthesised. In order to optimise the system, achieve controlled molecular weight polymers and understand the mechanism of polymerisation the effects of certain parameters on the molecular weight distribution, as determined by Size Exclusion Chromatography, have been examined. This shows the molecular weight achieved depends on a combination of factors including -OH concentration, addition rate of monomer and, most importantly, temperature. A lower temperature and OH concentration tends to produce higher molecular weight, whereas, slower addition rates of monomer, either have no significant effect or produce a lower molecular weight polymer. These factors were used to increase the formation of a cyclic oligomer, by a side reaction, and suggest, that the polymerisation of NIMMO is complicated with endbiting and back biting reactions, along with other transfer/termination processes. These observations appear to fit the model of an active-chain end mechanism. Another cyclic monomer, glycidyl nitrate (GLYN), has been polymerised by the activated monomer mechanism. Various other monomers have been used to end-cap the polymer chains to produce hydroxy ends which are expected to form more stable urethane links, than the glycidyl nitrate ends, when cured with isocyanates. A novel monomer, butadiene oxide dinitrate (BODN), has been prepared and its homopolymerisation and copolymerisation with GL YN studied. In concurrent work the carbocationic polymerisations of isobutylene or substituted styrenes have been studied. Materials with narrow molecular weight distributions have been prepared using the diphenyl phosphate/BCl3 initiator. These systems and monomers are expected to be used in the synthesis of thermoplastic elastomers.


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The aim of the project was to synthesise hydrophilic derivatives of 1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (DHCD) and to copolymerise these derivatives with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to give a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It was thought that hydro gels incorporating hydrophilic derivatives of DHCD could have good mechanical properties and good water binding ability. A model compound for cis-DHCD was sought, as cis-DHCD was expensive and stable under only a narrow range of conditions. Catechol was found to be an excellent model for cis-DHCD, as 1H NMR spectroscopy indicated that both compounds contained eclipsed hydroxy groups and flat rings. A number of catechol derivatives were prepared in good yield, under non-acidic conditions at room temperature. The limited availabilty of cis-DHCD led to an investigation into synthesising hydrophilic derivatives of both cis and trans-DHCD indirectly. Hydrophobic derivatives were easily prepared by indirect routes, but it was found that hydrophilic derivatives were considerably more difficult to synthesise. A number of novel routes to both cis and trans-DHCD were also explored. Copolymerisation of diacetate, dimethylcarbonate and dipivalate derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to form a hitherto unknown group of hydrogels, is reported. Hydrogels containing these monomers showed significant improvements in both tensile strength and Youngs modulus, at both equivalent composition and water content, over the corresponding HEMA / styrene and HEMA / methyl methacrylate analogues. It was observed that derivatives of trans-DHCD polymerise with difficulty. 1H NMR studies indicated that both faces of the ring were shielded by the pendant groups thereby preventing efficient polymerisation of the trans monomers.


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‘De Vries-like’ smectic liquid crystals exhibit low layer contraction of approximately 1% on transitions from the SmA to the SmC phase. These materials have received considerable attention as potential solutions for problems affecting liquid crystal displays using surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals (SSFLC). In SSFLCs, layer contraction of 710% is normally observed during the SmA to SmC phase transition. A study by the Lemieux group has shown that liquid crystals with nanosegregating carbosilane segments exhibit enhanced ‘de Vries-like’ properties through the formation of smectic layers and by lengthening the nanosegregating carbosilane end-groups from monocarbosilane to tricarbosilane. This observed enhancement is assumed to be due to an increase in the cross-section of the free volume in the hydrocarbon sub-layer. To test this hypothesis, it is assumed that dimers with a tricarbosilane linking group have smaller cross-sections on time average. In his thesis, this hypothesis is tested through the characterization of new liquid crystalline monomers (QL39-n) and dimers (QL40-n) with 2-phenylpyrimidine cores and tricarbosilane end-groups and spacers, respectively. The thesis describes the synthesis of two homologous series of liquid crystals and their characterization using a variety of techniques, including polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the monomers QL39-n form a tilted SmC phase only, whereas the dimers QL40-n form an orthogonal SmA phase. These results are discussed in the context of our hypothesis.


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Poster presented at the First International Congress of CiiEM - From Basic Sciences To Clinical Research. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 November 2015


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Terephthalic acid (PTA) is one of the monomers used for the synthesis of the polyester, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), that is used for the large-scale manufacture of synthetic fibers and plastic bottles. PTA is largely produced from the liquid-phase oxidation of petroleum-derived p-xylene (PX). However, there are now ongoing worldwide efforts exploring alternative routes for producing PTA from renewable, biomass resources.

In this thesis, I present a new route to PTA starting from the biomass-derived platform chemical, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). This route utilizes new, selective Diels-Alder-dehydration reactions involving ethylene and is advantageous over the previously proposed Diels-Alder-dehydration route to PTA from HMF via 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) since the H2 reduction of HMF to DMF is avoided. Specifically, oxidized derivatives of HMF are reacted as is, or after etherification-esterification with methanol, with ethylene over solid Lewis acid catalysts that do not contain strong Brønsted acids in order to synthesize intermediates of PTA and its equally important diester, dimethyl terephthalate (DMT). The partially oxidized HMF, 5-(hydroxymethyl)furoic acid (HMFA) is reacted with high pressure ethylene over a pure-silica molecular sieve catalyst containing framework tin (Sn-Beta) to produce the Diels-Alder-dehydration product, 4-(hydroxymethyl)benzoic acid (HMBA), with ~30% selectivity at ~20% yield. If HMFA is protected with methanol to form methyl 5-(methoxymethyl)furan-2-carboxylate (MMFC), MMFC can react with ethylene in the presence of a pure-silica molecular sieve containing framework zirconium (Zr-Beta) to produce methyl 4-(methoxymethyl)benzenecarboxylate (MMBC) with >70% selectivity at >20% yield. HMBA and MMBC can then be oxidized to produce PTA and DMT, respectively. When Lewis acid containing mesoporous silica (MCM-41) and amorphous silica, or Brønsted acid containing zeolites (Al-Beta), are used as catalysts, a significant decrease in selectivity/yield of the Diels-Alder-dehydration product is observed.

An investigation to elucidate the reaction network and side products in the conversion of MMFC to MMBC was performed, and the main side products are found to be methyl 4-formylcyclohexa-1,3-diene-1-carboxylate and the ethylene Diels-Alder adduct of this cyclohexadiene. These products presumably form by a different dehydration pathway of the MMFC/ethylene Diels-Alder adduct and should be included when determining the overall selectivity to PTA or DMT since, like MMBC, these compounds are precursors to PTA or DMT.

Fundamental physical and chemical information on the ethylene Diels-Alder-dehydration reactions catalyzed by the Lewis acid-containing molecular sieves was obtained. Madon-Boudart experiments using Zr-Beta as catalyst show that the reaction rates are limited by chemical kinetics only (physical transport limitations are not present), all the Zr4+ centers are incorporated into the framework of the molecular sieve, and the whole molecular sieve crystal is accessible for catalysis. Apparent activation energies using Zr-Beta are low, suggesting that the overall activation energy of the system may be determined by a collection of terms and is not the true activation energy of a single chemical step.


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Porphyrins are one of Nature’s essential building blocks that play an important role in several biological systems including oxygen transport, photosynthesis, and enzymes. Their capacity to absorb visible light, facilitate oxidation and reduction, and act as energy- and electron-transfer agents, in particular when several are held closely together, is of interest to chemists who seek to mimic Nature and to make and use these compounds in order to synthesise novel advanced materials. During this project 26 new 5,10-diarylsubstituted porphyrin monomers, 10 dimers, and 1 tetramer were synthesised. The spectroscopic and structural properties of these compounds were investigated using 1D/2D 1H NMR, UV/visible, ATR-IR and Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, electrochemistry and gel permeation chromatography. Nitration, amination, bromination and alkynylation of only one as well as both of the meso positions of the porphyrin monomers have resulted in the expansion of the synthetic possibilities for the 5,10-diarylsubstituted porphyrins. The development of these new porphyrin monomers has led to the successful synthesis of new azo- and butadiyne-linked dimers. The functionalisation of these compounds was investigated, in particular nitration, amination, and bromination. The synthesised dimers containing the azo bridge have absorption spectra that show a large split in the Soret bands and intense Q-bands that have been significantly redshifted. The butadiyne dimers also have intense, red-shifted Q-bands but smaller Soret band splittings. Crystal structures of two new azoporphyrins have been acquired and compared to the azoporphyrin previously synthesised from 5,10,15- triarylsubstituted porphyrin monomers. A completely new cyclic porphyrin oligomer (CPO) was synthesised comprising four porphyrin monomers linked by azo and butadiyne bridges. This is the first cyclic tetramer that has both the azo and butadiyne linking groups. The absorption spectrum of the tetramer exhibits a large Soret split making it more similar to the azo- dimers than the butadiyne-linked dimers. The spectroscopic characteristics of the synthesised tetramer have been compared to the characteristics of other cyclic porphyrin tetramers. The collected data indicate that the new synthesised cyclic tetramer has a more efficient ð-overlap and a better ground state electronic communication between the porphyrin rings.


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The mechanisms of force generation and transference via microfilament networks are crucial to the understandings of mechanobiology of cellular processes in living cells. However, there exists an enormous challenge for all-atom physics simulation of real size microfilament networks due to scale limitation of molecular simulation techniques. Following biophysical investigations of constitutive relations between adjacent globular actin monomers on filamentous actin, a hierarchical multiscale model was developed to investigate the biomechanical properties of microfilament networks. This model was validated by previous experimental studies of axial tension and transverse vibration of single F-actin. The biomechanics of microfilament networks can be investigated at the scale of real eukaryotic cell size (10 μm). This multiscale approach provides a powerful modeling tool which can contribute to the understandings of actin-related cellular processes in living cells.


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Complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the dengue virus RNA genome are essential for viral replication, and are believed to cyclise the genome through long-range base pairing in cis. Although consistent with evidence in the literature, this view neglects possible biologically active multimeric forms that are equally consistent with the data. Here, we propose alternative multimeric structures, and suggest that multigenome noncovalent concatemers are more likely to exist under cellular conditions than single cyclised monomers. Concatemers provide a plausible mechanism for the dengue virus to overcome the single-stranded (+)-sense RNA virus dilemma, and can potentially assist genome transport from the virus-induced vesicles into the cytosol.


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In this paper, the initial stage of films assembled by energetic C36 fullerenes on diamond (001)–(2 × 1) surface at low-temperature was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation using the Brenner potential. The incident energy was first uniformly distributed within an energy interval 20–50 eV, which was known to be the optimum energy range for chemisorption of single C36 on diamond (001) surface. More than one hundred C36 cages were impacted one after the other onto the diamond surface by randomly selecting their orientation as well as the impact position relative to the surface. The growth of films was found to be in three-dimensional island mode, where the deposited C36 acted as building blocks. The study of film morphology shows that it retains the structure of a free C36 cage, which is consistent with Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition (LECBD) experiments. The adlayer is composed of many C36-monomers as well as the covalently bonded C36 dimers and trimers which is quite different from that of C20 fullerene-assembled film, where a big polymerlike chain was observed due to the stronger interaction between C20 cages. In addition, the chemisorption probability of C36 fullerenes is decreased with increasing coverage because the interaction between these clusters is weaker than that between the cluster and the surface. When the incident energy is increased to 40–65 eV, the chemisorption probability is found to increased and more dimers and trimers as well as polymerlike-C36 were observed on the deposited films. Furthermore, C36 film also showed high thermal stability even when the temperature was raised to 1500 K.