541 resultados para MICROELECTRODE


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The work in this thesis develops two types of microimplants for the application of cardiovascular in vivo biomedical sensing, one for short-term diagnosis and the other for long-term monitoring.

Despite advances in diagnosis and therapy, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Predicting metabolically active atherosclerotic plaques has remained an unmet clinical need. A stretchable impedance sensor manifested as a pair of quasi-concentric microelectrodes was developed to detect unstable intravascular. By integrating the impedance sensor with a cardiac catheter, high-resolution Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements can be conducted during cardiac catheterization. An inflatable silicone balloon is added to the sensor to secure a well-controlled contact with the plaque under test in vivo. By deploying the device to the explants of NZW rabbit aorta and live animals, distinct EIS measurements were observed for unstable atherosclerotic plaques that harbored active lipids and inflammatory cells.

On the other hand, zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an emerging genetic model for heart regenerative medicine. In humans, myocardial infarction results in the irreversible loss of cardiomyocytes. Zebrafish hearts can fully regenerate after two months with 20% ventricular resection. Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) recording can characterize the heart regeneration in a functional dimension. A flexible microelectrode membrane was developed to be percutaneously implanted onto a zebrafish heart and record epicardial ECG signals from specific regions on it. Region-specific aberrant cardiac signals were obtained from injured and regenerated hearts. Following that, in order to achieve continuous and wireless recording from non-sedated and non-restricted small animal models, a wireless ECG recording system was designed for the microelectrode membrane, prototyped on a printed circuit board and demonstrated on a one-day-old neonatal mouse. Furthermore, a flexible and compact parylene C printed circuit membrane was used as the integration platform for the wireless ECG recording electronics. A substantially miniature wireless ECG recording system was achieved.


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Detection of biologically relevant targets, including small molecules, proteins, DNA, and RNA, is vital for fundamental research as well as clinical diagnostics. Sensors with biological elements provide a natural foundation for such devices because of the inherent recognition capabilities of biomolecules. Electrochemical DNA platforms are simple, sensitive, and do not require complex target labeling or expensive instrumentation. Sensitivity and specificity are added to DNA electrochemical platforms when the physical properties of DNA are harnessed. The inherent structure of DNA, with its stacked core of aromatic bases, enables DNA to act as a wire via DNA-mediated charge transport (DNA CT). DNA CT is not only robust over long molecular distances of at least 34 nm, but is also especially sensitive to anything that perturbs proper base stacking, including DNA mismatches, lesions, or DNA-binding proteins that distort the π-stack. Electrochemical sensors based on DNA CT have previously been used for single-nucleotide polymorphism detection, hybridization assays, and DNA-binding protein detection. Here, improvements to (i) the structure of DNA monolayers and (ii) the signal amplification with DNA CT platforms for improved sensitivity and detection are described.

First, improvements to the control over DNA monolayer formation are reported through the incorporation of copper-free click chemistry into DNA monolayer assembly. As opposed to conventional film formation involving the self-assembly of thiolated DNA, copper-free click chemistry enables DNA to be tethered to a pre-formed mixed alkylthiol monolayer. The total amount of DNA in the final film is directly related to the amount of azide in the underlying alkylthiol monolayer. DNA monolayers formed with this technique are significantly more homogeneous and lower density, with a larger amount of individual helices exposed to the analyte solution. With these improved monolayers, significantly more sensitive detection of the transcription factor TATA binding protein (TBP) is achieved.

Using low-density DNA monolayers, two-electrode DNA arrays were designed and fabricated to enable the placement of multiple DNA sequences onto a single underlying electrode. To pattern DNA onto the primary electrode surface of these arrays, a copper precatalyst for click chemistry was electrochemically activated at the secondary electrode. The location of the secondary electrode relative to the primary electrode enabled the patterning of up to four sequences of DNA onto a single electrode surface. As opposed to conventional electrochemical readout from the primary, DNA-modified electrode, a secondary microelectrode, coupled with electrocatalytic signal amplification, enables more sensitive detection with spatial resolution on the DNA array electrode surface. Using this two-electrode platform, arrays have been formed that facilitate differentiation between well-matched and mismatched sequences, detection of transcription factors, and sequence-selective DNA hybridization, all with the incorporation of internal controls.

For effective clinical detection, the two working electrode platform was multiplexed to contain two complementary arrays, each with fifteen electrodes. This platform, coupled with low density DNA monolayers and electrocatalysis with readout from a secondary electrode, enabled even more sensitive detection from especially small volumes (4 μL per well). This multiplexed platform has enabled the simultaneous detection of two transcription factors, TBP and CopG, with surface dissociation constants comparable to their solution dissociation constants.

With the sensitivity and selectivity obtained from the multiplexed, two working electrode array, an electrochemical signal-on assay for activity of the human methyltransferase DNMT1 was incorporated. DNMT1 is the most abundant human methyltransferase, and its aberrant methylation has been linked to the development of cancer. However, current methods to monitor methyltransferase activity are either ineffective with crude samples or are impractical to develop for clinical applications due to a reliance on radioactivity. Electrochemical detection of methyltransferase activity, in contrast, circumvents these issues. The signal-on detection assay translates methylation events into electrochemical signals via a methylation-specific restriction enzyme. Using the two working electrode platform combined with this assay, DNMT1 activity from tumor and healthy adjacent tissue lysate were evaluated. Our electrochemical measurements revealed significant differences in methyltransferase activity between tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue.

As differential activity was observed between colorectal tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue, ten tumor sets were subsequently analyzed for DNMT1 activity both electrochemically and by tritium incorporation. These results were compared to expression levels of DNMT1, measured by qPCR, and total DNMT1 protein content, measured by Western blot. The only trend detected was that hyperactivity was observed in the tumor samples as compared to the healthy adjacent tissue when measured electrochemically. These advances in DNA CT-based platforms have propelled this class of sensors from the purely academic realm into the realm of clinically relevant detection.


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Hair cells from the bull frog's sacculus, a vestibular organ responding to substrate-borne vibration, possess electrically resonant membrane properties which maximize the sensitivity of each cell to a particular frequency of mechanical input. The electrical resonance of these cells and its underlying ionic basis were studied by applying gigohm-seal recording techniques to solitary hair cells enzymatically dissociated from the sacculus. The contribution of electrical resonance to frequency selectivity was assessed from microelectrode recordings from hair cells in an excised preparation of the sacculus.

Electrical resonance in the hair cell is demonstrated by damped membrane-potential oscillations in response to extrinsic current pulses applied through the recording pipette. This response is analyzed as that of a damped harmonic oscillator. Oscillation frequency rises with membrane depolarization, from 80-160 Hz at resting potential to asymptotic values of 200-250 Hz. The sharpness of electrical tuning, denoted by the electrical quality factor, Qe, is a bell-shaped function of membrane voltage, reaching a maximum value around eight at a membrane potential slightly positive to the resting potential.

In whole cells, three time-variant ionic currents are activated at voltages more positive than -60 to -50 mV; these are identified as a voltage-dependent, non-inactivating Ca current (Ica), a voltage-dependent, transient K current (Ia), and a Ca-dependent K current (Ic). The C channel is identified in excised, inside-out membrane patches on the basis of its large conductance (130-200 pS), its selective permeability to Kover Na or Cl, and its activation by internal Ca ions and membrane depolarization. Analysis of open- and closed-lifetime distributions suggests that the C channel can assume at least two open and three closed kinetic states.

Exposing hair cells to external solutions that inhibit the Ca or C conductances degrades the electrical resonance properties measured under current-clamp conditions, while blocking the A conductance has no significant effect, providing evidence that only the Ca and C conductances participate in the resonance mechanism. To test the sufficiency of these two conductances to account for electrical resonance, a mathematical model is developed that describes Ica, Ic, and intracellular Ca concentration during voltage-clamp steps. Ica activation is approximated by a third-order Hodgkin-Huxley kinetic scheme. Ca entering the cell is assumed to be confined to a small submembrane compartment which contains an excess of Ca buffer; Ca leaves this space with first-order kinetics. The Ca- and voltage-dependent activation of C channels is described by a five-state kinetic scheme suggested by the results of single-channel observations. Parameter values in the model are adjusted to fit the waveforms of Ica and Ic evoked by a series of voltage-clamp steps in a single cell. Having been thus constrained, the model correctly predicts the character of voltage oscillations produced by current-clamp steps, including the dependencies of oscillation frequency and Qe on membrane voltage. The model shows quantitatively how the Ca and C conductances interact, via changes in intracellular Ca concentration, to produce electrical resonance in a vertebrate hair cell.


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This paper describes a portable recording system and methods for obtaining chronic recordings of single units and tracking rhesus monkey behavior in an open field. The integrated system consists of four major components: (1) microelectrode assembly; (2) h


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The development of an implantable five channel microelectrode array is presented for neural signal recordings. The detailed fabrication process is outlined with four masked used. The SEM images show that the probe shank is 1.2mm long, 100 mu m wide and 30 mu m thick with the recording sites spaced 200 mu m apart for good signal isolation. The plot of the single recording site impedance versus frequency is shown by test in vitro and the ompedence declines with the increasing frequency. Experiment in vivo using this probe is under way.


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Extracellular neural recording requires neural probes having more recording sites as well as limited volumes. With its mechanical characteristic and abundant process method, Silicon is a kind of material fit for producing neural probe. Silicon on insulator (SOI) is adopted in this paper to fabricate neural probes. The uniformity and manufacturability are improved. The fabricating process and testing results of a series of Multi channel micro neural probes were reported. The thickness of the probe is 15 mu m-30 mu m. The typical impedance characteristics of the record sites are around 2M Omega at 1k Hz. The performance of the neural probe in-vivo was tested on anesthetic rat. The recorded neural spike was typically around 140 mu V. Spike recorded from individual site could exceed 700 mu V. The average signal noise ratio was 7 or more.


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A two-dimensional (2D) multi-channel silicon-based microelectrode array is developed for recording neural signals. Three photolithographic masks are utilized in the fabrication process. SEM images show that the microprobe is 1. 2mm long,100μm wide,and 30μm thick, with recording sites spaced 200μm apart for good signal isolation. For the individual recording sites, the characteristics of impedance versus frequency are shown by in vitro testing. The impedance declines from 14MΩ to 1.9kv as the frequency changes from 0 to 10MHz. A compatible PCB (print circuit board) aids in the less troublesome implantation and stabilization of the microprobe.


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Herein, we report a simple and inexpensive way for fabrication of ultra microelectrode arrays (UMEAs) and the relative characterization methods. The fabrication of UMEAs involves only a few steps of handwork. Since only metal wires and epoxy are used through the fabrication process, it is supposed to be a quite straightforward method for preparing UMEAs. A dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor based on UMEAs was constructed.


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A simple and rapid method for morphine detection has been described based on electrochemical pretreatment of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) which was treated by anodic oxidation at 1.75 V, following potential cycling in the potential range from 0 V to 1.0 V vs. Ag vertical bar AgCl reference electrode. The sensitivity for morphine detection was improved greatly and the detection limit was 0.2 mu M. The reproducibility of the voltammetric measurements was usually less than 3% RSD for six replicate measurements. Moreover, this method could readily discriminate morphine from codeine. And an electrochemical detection of morphine in spiked urine sample was succeeded with satisfactory results.


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Recent advances and key strategies in capillary electrophoresis and microchip CE with electrochemical detection (ECD) and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) detection are reviewed. This article consists of four main parts: CE-ECD; microchip CE-ECD; CE-ECL; and microchip CE-ECL. It is expected that ECD and ECL will become powerful tools for CE microchip systems and will lead to the creation of truly disposable devices. The focus is on papers published in the last two years (from 2005 to 2006).


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In this work, we report a simple and effective investigation into adaptive interactions between guanine-rich DNA aptamers and amino acid amides by CE with electrochemical (EC) detection. Argininamide (Arm) and tyrosinamide (Tym) were chosen as model molecules. On a copper electrode, Arm generated a good EC signal in 60 mM NaOH at 0.7 V (vs Ag/ AgCl), while Tym. was detected well on a platinum electrode at 1. 3 V in 20 mM phosphate of pH 7.0. Based on their EC properties, the ligands themselves were used as indicators for the adaptive interactions investigated by CE-EC, making any step of labeling and/or modification of aptamers with indicators exempted. Hydrophilic ionic liquid was used as an additive in running buffer of CE to improve the sensitivity of Arm detection, whereas the additive was not used for Tym. detection due to its negative effect. Two guanine-rich DNA aptamers were used for molecular recognition of Arm and Tym. When the aptamers were incubated with ligands, they bound the model molecules with high affinity and specificity, reflected by obvious decreases in the signals of ligands but no changes in those of the control molecules. However, the ligands were hardly affected by the control ssDNAs after incubation. The results revealed the specific recognition of Arm and Tym. by the aptamers.


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As a green process, electrochemistry in aqueous solution without a supporting electrolyte has been described based on a simple polyelectrolyte-functionalized ionic liquid (PFIL)-modified electrode. The studied PFIL material combines features of ionic liquids and traditional polyelectrolytes. The ionic liquid part provides a high ionic conductivity and affinity to many different compounds. The polyelectrolyte part has a good stability in aqueous solution and a capability of being immobilized on different substrates. The electrochemical properties of such a PFIL-modified electrode assembly in a supporting electrolyte-free solution have been investigated by using an electrically neutral electroactive species, hydroquinone ( HQ) as the model compound. The partition coefficient and diffusion coefficient of HQ in the PFIL film were calculated to be 0.346 and 4.74 X 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1), respectively. Electrochemistry in PFIL is similar to electrochemistry in a solution of traditional supporting electrolytes, except that the electrochemical reaction takes place in a thin film on the surface of the electrode. PFILs are easily immobilized on solid substrates, are inexpensive and electrochemically stable. A PFIL-modified electrode assembly is successfully used in the flow analysis of HQ by amperometric detection in solution without a supporting electrolyte.


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We developed an electrochemical detector on a hybrid chip for the determination of glucose in human plasma. The microchip system described in this paper consists of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) layer containing separation and injection channels and an electrode plate. The copper microelectrode is fabricated by selective electroless deposition. The fabrication of the decoupler is performed by platinum electrochemical deposition on the metal film formed by electroless deposition. Factors influencing the performance, including detection potential, separation field strength, and buffer concentration, were studied. The electrodes exhibited good stability and durability in the analytical procedures. Under optimized detection conditions, glucose responded linearly from 10 muM to 1 mM. Finally, glucose in human plasma from three healthy individuals and two diabetics was successfully determined, giving a good prospect for a new clinical diagnostic instrument.


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Polymer-clay nanocomposite (PCN) materials were prepared by intercalation of an alkyl-ammonium ion spacing/coupling agent and a polymer between the planar layers of a swellable-layered material, such as montmorillonite (MMT). The nanocomposite lithium polymer electrolytes comprising such PCN materials and/or a dielectric solution (propylene carbonate) were prepared and discussed. The chemical composition of the nanocomposite materials was determined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, which revealed that the alkyl-ammonium ion successfully intercalated the layer of MMT clay, and thus copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) entered the galleries of montmorillonite clay. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to investigate the electrochemical properties of the lithium polymer electrolyte. Equivalent circuits were proposed to fit the EIS data successfully, and the significant contribution from MMT was thus identified. The resulting polymer electrolytes show high ionic conductivity up to 10(-3) S cm(-1) after felling with propylene carbonate.


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The multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) modified glassy carbon electrode exhibited electrocatalytic activity to the reduction of oxygen in 0.1 M HAc-NaAc (pH 3.8) buffer solution. Further modification with cobalt porphyrin film on the MWNTs by adsorption, the resulted modified electrode showed more efficient catalytic activity to O-2 reduction. The reduction peak potential of O-2 is shifted much more positively to 0.12 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), and the peak current is increased greatly. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), were used to characterize the material and the modified film on electrode surface. Electrochemical experiments gave the total number of electron transfer for oxygen reduction as about 3, which indicated a co-exist process of 2 electrons and 4 electrons for reduction of oxygen at this modified electrode. Meanwhile, the catalytic activities of the multilayer film (MVVNTs/CoTMPyP)(n) prepared by layer-by-layer method were investigated, and the results showed that the peak current of O-2 reduction increased and the peak potential shifted to a positive direction with the increase of layer numbers.