78 resultados para MDI
The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of alcohol-free mouthwashes on Candida albicans. Twenty clinical isolates of C. albicans and one reference strain (ATCC 18804) were evaluated after exposure to two 0.12% chlorhexidine-based and alcohol-free (“Ca” and “Or”) in comparison to gluconate chlorhexidine with ethanol (positive control). The maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) and maximum fugal dilution (MFD) were determined by the microdilution method. Twelve serial dilutions (from 50 to 0.02%) were prepared in duplicate. Then, 100 µL of C. albicans suspension (106 cells.mL–1) were added to the wells. After incubation (37 °C/24 hours), MID was determined by reading the optical density. For MFD determination, the content of the wells were plated on Saouraud agar. For MID, there were no differences between groups Or and control, but Ca group showed a MID statistically higher (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.0012). For MFD, there were no differences between Ca and control (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.1631). It can be concluded that Ca group showed a fungicid activity against C. albicans similar to the control, but lower fungistatic activity when compared to the control. Group Or showed only a fungistatic action similar to control.
Objetivo: avaliar as alterações histológicas ocorridas na área periodontal de molares de ratos submetidos à movimentação dentária induzida (MDI), logo após um trauma intencional (subluxação). Métodos: quarenta ratos Wistar machos adultos (Rattus norvegicus albinus) foram selecionados. Os animais foram divididos em oito grupos (n = 5), de acordo com a combinação das variáveis: Grupo 1 – controle (sem trauma e sem MDI); Grupo 2 – MDI; Grupos 3, 4, 5 e 6 – grupos de trauma dentoalveolar correspondendo, respectivamente, para 1, 3, 8 e 10 dias após o trauma; Grupos 7 e 8 – os molares murinos foram submetidos a um impacto de 900cN e, de um e três dias após o evento trauma, o movimento do dente foi induzido. Os primeiros molares superiores dos animais foram movidos mesialmente durante sete dias, com uma mola fechada (50cN). Após período experimental de cada grupo, os animais foram sacrificados por overdose anestésica e as maxilas direitas foram removidas e processadas para análise histológica qualitativa. Resultados: nos animais dos grupos 3, 4, 5 e 6, as alterações histológicas não foram muito significativas. Consequentemente, o efeito do movimento dentário induzido logo após um evento de subluxação (grupos 7 e 8) foi muito semelhante ao descrito para o grupo 2. Conclusão: não houve diferença na qualidade do reparo periodontal quando a MDI foi aplicada aos dentes que sofreram um trauma de subluxação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
ABSTRACT Aim: Intrauterine conditions may interfere with fetal brain development. We compared the neurodevelopmental outcome between infants <32 weeks gestational age after maternal preeclampsia or chorioamnionitis and controls. Methods: Case-control study on infants with maternal preeclampsia, chorioamnionitis and controls (each n = 33) matched for gestational age. Neurodevelopment at two years was assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Results: Ninety-nine infants were included with a median gestational age of 29 weeks (range 25-32). Median mental developmental index (MDI) was 96 in the control, 90 in the chorioamnionitis and 86 in the preeclampsia group. Preeclampsia infants had a lower MDI compared with the control group (univariate p = 0.021, multivariate p = 0.183) and with the chorioamnionitis group (univariate p = 0.242; multivariate p = 0.027). Median psychomotor index was 80.5 in the control, 80 in the preeclampsia and 85 in the chorioamnionitis group, and was not different between these three groups (p > 0.05). Chorioamnionitis or preeclampsia exposure was not associated with major neurodevelopmental impairments (cerebral palsy, MDI<70, PDI<70). Conclusion: The results of this preliminary study suggest that preeclampsia and chorioamnionitis play a relatively minor role among risk factors for adverse neurodevelopment outcome. Postnatal factors such as ventilation and bronchopulmonary dysplasia may have a greater impact on neurodevelopmental outcome.
To compare the diabetes-specific quality of life in subjects with type 1 diabetes treating their diabetes with multiple daily injections (MDI) to that of subjects on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII).
The diagnosis of an acute asthmatic attack in a child is made on a clinical basis. The severity of the exacerbation can be assessed by physical examination and measurement of the transcutaneous oxygenation saturation. A blood gas analysis can be helpful in this assessment. A child with a severe asthma exacerbation should be promptly referred to an emergency department of a hospital. Oxygen should be given to keep the oxygen saturation above 92% and short-acting, selective beta-2 agonists should be administered. Beta-2 agonists can be delivered by intermittent nebulization, continuous nebulization or by metered dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer They can also be given intravenously in patients who are unresponsive to escalating therapy. The early administration of systemic corticosteroids is essential for the management of acute asthma in children. When tolerated, systemic corticoseroids can be given orally but inhaled corticosteroids are not recommended. Oxygen delivery, beta-2 agonists and steroid therapy are the mainstay of emergency treatment. Hypovolemia should be corrected either intravenously or orally. Administration of multiple doses of ipratropium bromide has been shown to decrease the hospitalization rate in children and adolescents with severe asthma. Clinical response to initial treatment is the main criterion for hospital admission. Patients with failure to respond to treatment should be transferred to an intensive care unit. A critical aspect of management of the acute asthma attack in a child is the prevention of similar attacks in the future.
BACKGROUND Fever and neutropenia (FN) often complicate anticancer treatment and can be caused by potentially fatal infections. Knowledge of pathogen distribution is paramount for optimal patient management. METHODS Microbiologically defined infections (MDI) in pediatric cancer patients presenting with FN by nonmyeloablative chemotherapy enrolled in a prospective multi-center study were analyzed. Effectiveness of empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia was assessed taking into consideration recently published treatment guidelines for pediatric patients with FN. RESULTS MDI were identified in a minority (22%) of pediatric cancer patients with FN. In patients with, compared to without MDI, fever (median, 5 [IQR 3-8] vs. 2 [IQR1-3] days, p < 0.001) and hospitalization (10 [6-14] vs. 5 [3-8] days, p < 0.001) lasted longer, transfer to the intensive care unit was more likely (13 of 95 [14%] vs. 7 of 346 [2.0%], p < 0.001), and antibiotics were given longer (10 [7-14] vs. 5 [4-7], p < 0.001). Empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia was highly effective if not only intrinsic and reported antimicrobial susceptibilities were considered but the purposeful omission of coverage for coagulase negative staphylococci and enterococci was also taken into account (81% [95%CI 68 - 90] vs. 96.6% [95%CI 87 - 99.4], p = 0.004) CONCLUSIONS: MDI were identified in a minority of FN episodes but they significantly affected management and the clinical course of pediatric cancer patients. Compliance with published guidelines was associated with effectiveness of empiric antibiotic therapy in FN episodes with bacteremia.
La présentation antigénique par les molécules de classe II du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH II) est un mécanisme essentiel au contrôle des pathogènes par le système immunitaire. Le CMH II humain existe en trois isotypes, HLA-DP, DQ et DR, tous des hétérodimères composés d’une chaîne α et d’une chaîne β. Le CMH II est entre autres exprimé à la surface des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APCs) et des cellules épithéliales activées et a pour fonction de présenter des peptides d’origine exogène aux lymphocytes T CD4+. L’oligomérisation et le trafic intracellulaire du CMH II sont largement facilités par une chaperone, la chaîne invariante (Ii). Il s’agit d’une protéine non-polymorphique de type II. Après sa biosynthèse dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER), Ii hétéro- ou homotrimérise, puis interagit via sa région CLIP avec le CMH II pour former un complexe αβIi. Le complexe sort du ER pour entamer son chemin vers différents compartiments et la surface cellulaire. Chez l’homme, quatre isoformes d’Ii sont répertoriées : p33, p35, p41 et p43. Les deux isoformes exprimées de manière prédominante, Iip33 et p35, diffèrent par une extension N-terminale de 16 acides aminés portée par Iip35. Cette extension présente un motif de rétention au réticulum endoplasmique (ERM) composé des résidus RXR. Ce motif doit être masqué par la chaîne β du CMH II pour permettre au complexe de quitter le ER. Notre groupe s’est intéressé au mécanisme du masquage et au mode de sortie du ER des complexes αβIi. Nous montrons ici que l’interaction directe, ou en cis, entre la chaîne β du CMH II et Iip35 dans une structure αβIi est essentielle pour sa sortie du ER, promouvant la formation de structures de haut niveau de complexité. Par ailleurs, nous démontrons que NleA, un facteur de virulence bactérien, permet d’altérer le trafic de complexes αβIi comportant Iip35. Ce phénotype est médié par l’interaction entre p35 et les sous-unités de COPII. Bref, Iip35 joue un rôle central dans la formation des complexes αβIi et leur transport hors du ER. Ceci fait d’Iip35 un régulateur clef de la présentation antigénique par le CMH II.
But: La perte unilatérale du cortex visuel postérieur engendre une cécité corticale controlatérale à la lésion, qu’on appelle hémianopsie homonyme (HH). Celle-ci est notamment accompagnée de problèmes d’exploration visuelle dans l’hémichamp aveugle dus à des stratégies oculaires déficitaires, qui ont été la cible des thérapies de compensation. Or, cette perte de vision peut s’accompagner d’une perception visuelle inconsciente, appelée blindsight. Notre hypothèse propose que le blindsight soit médié par la voie rétino-colliculaire extrastriée, recrutant le colliculus supérieur (CS), une structure multisensorielle. Notre programme a pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact d’un entraînement multisensoriel (audiovisuel) sur la performance visuelle inconsciente des personnes hémianopsiques et les stratégies oculaires. Nous essayons, ainsi, de démontrer l’implication du CS dans le phénomène de blindsight et la pertinence de la technique de compensation multisensorielle comme thérapie de réadaptation. Méthode: Notre participante, ML, atteinte d’une HH droite a effectué un entraînement d’intégration audiovisuel pour une période de 10 jours. Nous avons évalué la performance visuelle en localisation et en détection ainsi que les stratégies oculaires selon trois comparaisons principales : (1) entre l’hémichamp normal et l’hémichamp aveugle; (2) entre la condition visuelle et les conditions audiovisuelles; (3) entre les sessions de pré-entraînement, post-entraînement et 3 mois post-entraînement. Résultats: Nous avons démontré que (1) les caractéristiques des saccades et des fixations sont déficitaires dans l’hémichamp aveugle; (2) les stratégies saccadiques diffèrent selon les excentricités et les conditions de stimulations; (3) une adaptation saccadique à long terme est possible dans l’hémichamp aveugle si l’on considère le bon cadre de référence; (4) l’amélioration des mouvements oculaires est liée au blindsight. Conclusion(s): L’entraînement multisensoriel conduit à une amélioration de la performance visuelle pour des cibles non perçues, tant en localisation qu’en détection, ce qui est possiblement induit par le développement de la performance oculomotrice.
Titulo y pie de imprenta transliterados.
RIASSUNTO Premesse: Nonostante l’asma sia stata considerata per anni come un’unica malattia, studi recenti ne dimostrano l’eterogeneità. L’intento di caratterizzare tale eterogeneità ha condotto a studiare molteplici sottogruppi ovvero “fenotipi”. Nell’asma comune questo approccio è stato utilizzato da svariati anni, meno invece nell’asma occupazionale. Poco è noto anche riguardo alle caratteristiche della risposta infiammatoria nel corso dei test di provocazione bronchiale specifici (SIC) con isocianati valutata con metodiche non invasive; in particolare l’origine dell’incremento di ossido nitrico misurato ad un flusso espiratorio di 50 ml/s (FeNO50) precedentemente riscontrato, se sia alveolare o bronchiale, i livelli di dimetilarginina asimmetrica (ADMA) e la temperatura dell’aria espirata (EBT). Scopi dello studio: 1) verificare se anche per l’asma occupazionale (OA) da isocianati siano individuabili dei fenotipi o se essa ne rappresenti uno unico 2) studiare l’infiammazione delle vie aeree sperimentalmente indotta tramite: la misurazione dell’NO frazionato mediante i parametri “flow-independent” che stimano sia la regione alveolare, ovvero la concentrazione di NO alveolare (CaNO), che la regione bronchiale ovvero il flusso di NO a livello bronchiale (JawNO), la concentrazione di NO a livello della parete bronchiale (CawNO) e la diffusione di NO all’interfaccia lume-parete bronchiale (DawNO); la misurazione dell’ADMA nel condensato dell’aria esalata (EBC); la misurazione dell’EBT. Materiali e metodi: Per lo studio sulla fenotipizzazione dell’asma da isocianati sono stati esaminati pazienti risultati positivi al test di provocazione bronchiale specifico con isocianati nel periodo compreso tra il 1988 e il 2013. Mediante l’utilizzo di un approccio multivariato dato dall’analisi gerarchica dei cluster e di un ampio pool di variabili appropriate abbiamo studiato se i soggetti affetti da asma professionale da isocianati rappresentino uno o più cluster. Mediante un altro approccio multivariato, dato dall’analisi delle k-medie, si sono individuate le caratteristiche che differenziano in maniera significativa i soggetti distribuiti nei diversi cluster. Per il secondo scopo dello studio dal 2012 al 2015 abbiamo reclutato soggetti afferiti presso il nostro centro per sospetta asma professionale. In questi pazienti in corso di sham-test e di SIC con isocianati fino a 24 post test sono stati monitorati e misurati: la funzionalità respiratoria incluso il test di provocazione bronchiale aspecifico con metacolina, l’NO frazionato, l’ADMA nell’EBC e l’EBT. Risultati: L’utilizzo dell’analisi gerarchica dei cluster ci ha portati a stabilire che i 187 pazienti studiati non costituiscono un unico gruppo omogeneo ma possono essere suddivisi in 3 cluster. L’applicazione poi del metodo multivariato delle k-medie, su tre cluster, ci ha consentito di individuare due cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a TDI con prevalente risposta late al SIC e un cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a MDI con prevalente risposta early al SIC. I soggetti appartenenti ai due cluster dei TDI differiscono fra di loro in maniera significativa per l’età alla diagnosi e all’esordio dei sintomi respiratori, la distribuzione per sesso, il BMI, la distribuzione in quanto abitudine al fumo, l’IT, il FEV1 basale % del predetto, l’età di inizio esposizione, gli anni di latenza e la durata dell’esposizione. Per quanto riguarda invece lo studio del profilo infiammatorio delle vie aeree abbiamo reclutato 25 pazienti, 18 maschi e 7 femmine. Nel gruppo dei SIC-positivi FeNO50 è aumentato significativamente a 24 ore dal test (mediana 111.8 ppb [IQR, 167.5]; p<0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (58.6 ppb [74.7]). I livelli di JawNO hanno manifestato il medesimo time-course con un incremento significativo post 24 ore dall’esposizione (6.6 nL/s [81]; p <0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (3.3 nL/s [3.7]). Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni negli altri parametri. Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni dell’ADMA nell’EBC e dell’EBT in entrambi i gruppi. Conclusioni: L’asma da isocianati è una patologia eterogenea come l’asma comune. Gli elementi principali che differenziano i cluster di asma professionale da isocianati sono l’agente sensibilizzante e il tipo di risposta al SIC (cluster 3 vs cluster 1 e 2). Anche nell’ambito dell’asma indotta dallo stesso agente (TDI) si sono evidenziati due cluster in cui quello con peggiore funzionalità respiratoria è rappresentato da soggetti più anziani alla diagnosi e con maggiore durata dell’esposizione. I motivi per cui l’asma occupazionale risulta essere eterogenea possono essere un differente meccanismo d’azione dei monomeri o una diversa suscettibilità degli individui appartenenti ai diversi cluster sia in termini di insorgenza della malattia sia in termini di evoluzione della stessa. L’assetto infiammatorio delle vie aeree nel corso del SIC non si caratterizza nei soggetti sensibilizzati ad isocianati né con un incremento dell’ADMA né con un incremento dell’EBT. Si riscontra invece un aumento di FeNO50 dovuto esclusivamente ad un aumentato flusso di NO dalla parete bronchiale al lume. Abbiamo perciò dimostrato che la misurazione del FeNO50 nel corso del SIC può fornire informazioni aggiuntive al monitoraggio funzionale spirometrico, anche perché la broncoostruzione e la risposta infiammatoria delle vie aeree si sono rivelate dissociate.
Isocyanates are included into a class with an extreme commercial importance because their use in the manufacture of polyurethanes. Polyurethanes are used in several applications such as adhesives, coatings, foams, thermoplastics resins, printing inks, foundry moulds and rubbers. Agglomerated cork stoppers are currently used for still wines, semi-sparkle and gaseous wines, beer and cider. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) is presently the isocyanate used in the production of polyurethane based adhesive in use due to its lowest toxicity comparing with toluene diisocyanate (TDI) previously employed. However, free monomeric TDI or MDI, depending on the based polyurethane, can migrate from agglomerated cork stoppers to beverages therefore it needs to be under control. The presence of these compounds are usually investigated by HPLC with Fluorescence or UV-Vis detector depending on the derivatising agent. Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (UPLC-DAD) method is replacing HPLC. The objective of this study is to determine which method is better to analyze isocyanates from agglomerated cork stoppers, essentially TDI to quantify its monomer. A Design of Experiments (DOE) with three factors, column temperature, flow and solvent, at two levels was done. Eight experiments with three replications and two repetitions were developed. Through an ANOVA the significance of the factors was evaluated and the best level’s factors were selected. As the TDI has two isomers and in this method these two isomers were not always separated an ANOVA with results of resolution between peaks was performed. The Design of Experiments reveals to be a suitable statistical tool to determine the best conditions to quantified free isocyanates from agglomerated cork stoppers to real foodstuff. The best level’s factors to maximize area was column temperature at 30ºC, flow to 0,3 mL/min and solvent 0,1% Ammonium Acetate, to maximize resolution was the same except the solvent that was 0,01% Ammonium Acetate.
Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic compounds liquid at room temperature, good electrical conductors, with the potential to form as a means for electrolyte on electrolysis of water, in which the electrodes would not be subjected to such extreme conditions demanding chemistry [1]. This paper describes the synthesis, characterization and study of the feasibility of ionic liquid ionic liquid 1-methyl-3(2,6-(S)-dimethyloct-2-ene)-imidazole tetrafluoroborate (MDI-BF4) as electrolyte to produce hydrogen through electrolysis of water. The MDI-BF4 synthesized was characterized by thermal methods of analysis (Thermogravimetric Analysis - TG and Differential Scanning Calorimetry - DSC), mid-infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform by method of attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hydrogen (NMR 1H) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Where thermal methods were used to calculate the yield of the synthesis of MDI-BF4 which was 88.84%, characterized infrared spectroscopy functional groups of the compound and the binding B-F 1053 cm-1; the NMR 1H analyzed and compared with literature data defines the structure of MDI-BF4 and the current density achieved by MDI-BF4 in the voltammogram shows that the LI can conduct electrical current indicating that the MDI-BF4 is a good electrolyte, and that their behavior does not change with the increasing concentration of water