984 resultados para MAR index


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En este romance festivo se celebran los "sopars d'en Baena", unas reuniones mensuales que se celebraban en Elche en los primeros años ochenta con un carácter lúdico y festivo, en una época de gran efervescencia cultural y social en toda España.


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Vol. 1 includes no. 1-314, dated Mar. 1, 1710-11--Feb. 29, 1711-12 (p. [xi]-xv, Original dedications for vols. 1-8); v.2, no. 315-635, Mar. 1, 1711-12--Dec. 20, 1714.


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Vol. 1 includes no. 1-314, dated Mar. 1, 1710-11--Feb. 29, 1711-12 (p. [xi]-xv, Original dedications for vols. 1-8); v. 2, no. 315-635, Mar. 1 , 1711-12--Dec. 20, 1714.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This set is indexed in the "General index to the Colonial records, in 16 v., and to the Pennsylvania archives in 12 v. ... by Samuel Hazard." Philadelphia, 1860.


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This set is indexed in the "General index to the Colonial records, in 16 volumes, and to the Pennsylvania archives, in 12 volumes ... by Samuel Hazard." Philadelphia, 1860.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da interação do Exército Brasileiro perante os 42 (quarenta e dois) órgãos civis e militares no conjunto de favelas da Maré e de que forma estas influenciaram na doutrina das operações militares de pacificação. A Operação São Francisco - iniciada em 5 de abril de 2014 pela Força de Pacificação (F Pac), foi designada aos componentes do Ministério da Defesa para assegurar e promover a garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) pública nas comunidades do Complexo da Maré, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia proposta baseou-se em uma pesquisa aplicada com técnica de abordagem mista, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, da análise dos documentos e relatórios da F Pac e da realização de entrevistas aos integrantes das forças militares e dos civis que prestaram serviços públicos na região supracitada. Para isso, foi utilizado o método indutivo por meio dos testes estatísticos, que visaram identificar relacionamentos causais entre as demandas de serviços públicos civis atendidos nas comunidades, bem como a influência destas nas operações de pacificação e nas políticas de defesa voltadas à atualização da doutrina e das operações militares. As contribuições teóricas esperadas foram a observação das mudanças no emprego operacional em um ambiente com alta criminalidade e baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e fornecer informações para o emprego colaborativo das instituições civis sob a proteção militar (mas não sob o controle militar). Isto visou proporcionar à população o acesso aos serviços públicos básicos com segurança e minimizou o desgaste das ações de GLO através da conquista da opinião pública local. As contribuições práticas esperadas residiram no aumento do potencial militar, através da integração de políticas públicas efetivas das pastas civis. As implicações referiram-se a abordagem e a maior interação entre as pastas governamentais militares e civis através da mediação da Seção de Assuntos Civis. As pesquisas deste trabalho evidenciaram por serem restritas ao contexto da pacificação de um conjunto de favelas da capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2014.


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Purpose: Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the standard diagnostic imaging modalities for the evaluation of a patient’s medical condition. In comparison to other imaging modalities such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), CT is a fast acquisition imaging device with higher spatial resolution and higher contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) for bony structures. CT images are presented through a gray scale of independent values in Hounsfield units (HU). High HU-valued materials represent higher density. High density materials, such as metal, tend to erroneously increase the HU values around it due to reconstruction software limitations. This problem of increased HU values due to metal presence is referred to as metal artefacts. Hip prostheses, dental fillings, aneurysm clips, and spinal clips are a few examples of metal objects that are of clinical relevance. These implants create artefacts such as beam hardening and photon starvation that distort CT images and degrade image quality. This is of great significance because the distortions may cause improper evaluation of images and inaccurate dose calculation in the treatment planning system. Different algorithms are being developed to reduce these artefacts for better image quality for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. However, very limited information is available about the effect of artefact correction on dose calculation accuracy. This research study evaluates the dosimetric effect of metal artefact reduction algorithms on severe artefacts on CT images. This study uses Gemstone Spectral Imaging (GSI)-based MAR algorithm, projection-based Metal Artefact Reduction (MAR) algorithm, and the Dual-Energy method.

Materials and Methods: The Gemstone Spectral Imaging (GSI)-based and SMART Metal Artefact Reduction (MAR) algorithms are metal artefact reduction protocols embedded in two different CT scanner models by General Electric (GE), and the Dual-Energy Imaging Method was developed at Duke University. All three approaches were applied in this research for dosimetric evaluation on CT images with severe metal artefacts. The first part of the research used a water phantom with four iodine syringes. Two sets of plans, multi-arc plans and single-arc plans, using the Volumetric Modulated Arc therapy (VMAT) technique were designed to avoid or minimize influences from high-density objects. The second part of the research used projection-based MAR Algorithm and the Dual-Energy Method. Calculated Doses (Mean, Minimum, and Maximum Doses) to the planning treatment volume (PTV) were compared and homogeneity index (HI) calculated.

Results: (1) Without the GSI-based MAR application, a percent error between mean dose and the absolute dose ranging from 3.4-5.7% per fraction was observed. In contrast, the error was decreased to a range of 0.09-2.3% per fraction with the GSI-based MAR algorithm. There was a percent difference ranging from 1.7-4.2% per fraction between with and without using the GSI-based MAR algorithm. (2) A range of 0.1-3.2% difference was observed for the maximum dose values, 1.5-10.4% for minimum dose difference, and 1.4-1.7% difference on the mean doses. Homogeneity indexes (HI) ranging from 0.068-0.065 for dual-energy method and 0.063-0.141 with projection-based MAR algorithm were also calculated.

Conclusion: (1) Percent error without using the GSI-based MAR algorithm may deviate as high as 5.7%. This error invalidates the goal of Radiation Therapy to provide a more precise treatment. Thus, GSI-based MAR algorithm was desirable due to its better dose calculation accuracy. (2) Based on direct numerical observation, there was no apparent deviation between the mean doses of different techniques but deviation was evident on the maximum and minimum doses. The HI for the dual-energy method almost achieved the desirable null values. In conclusion, the Dual-Energy method gave better dose calculation accuracy to the planning treatment volume (PTV) for images with metal artefacts than with or without GE MAR Algorithm.


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Cyclic endometrial neoangiogenesis contributes to changes in local vascular patterns and is amenable to non-invasive assessment with Doppler sonography. We hypothesize that the uterine artery (UtA) impedance, measured by its pulsatility index (PI), exhibits a regular pattern during the normal menstrual cycle. Therefore, the main study objective was to derive normative new day-cycle-based reference ranges for the UtA-PI during the entire cycle from days 1 to 34 according to the isolated time effect and potential confounders such as age and parity.


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Understanding and predicting patterns of distribution and abundance of marine resources is important for con- servation and management purposes in small-scale artisanal fisheries and industrial fisheries worldwide. The goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) is an important shellfish resource and its distribution is closely related to wave exposure at different spatial scales. We modelled the abundance (percent coverage) of P. pollicipes as a function of a simple wave exposure index based on fetch estimates from digitized coastlines at different spatial scales. The model accounted for 47.5% of the explained deviance and indicated that barnacle abundance increases non-linearly with wave exposure at both the smallest (metres) and largest (kilometres) spatial scales considered in this study. Distribution maps were predicted for the study region in SW Portugal. Our study suggests that the relationship between fetch-based exposure indices and P. pollicipes percent cover may be used as a simple tool for providing stakeholders with information on barnacle distribution patterns. This information may improve assessment of harvesting grounds and the dimension of exploitable areas, aiding management plans and support- ing decision making on conservation, harvesting pressure and surveillance strategies for this highly appreciated and socio- economically important marine resource.


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BACKGROUND Monitoring body temperature is essential in veterinary care as minor variations may indicate dysfunction. Rectal temperature is widely used as a proxy for body temperature, but measuring it requires special equipment, training or restraining, and it potentially stresses animals. Infrared thermography is an alternative that reduces handling stress, is safer for technicians and works well for untrained animals. This study analysed thermal reference points in five marine mammal species: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus); beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas); Patagonian sea lion (Otaria flavescens); harbour seal (Phoca vitulina); and Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). RESULTS The thermogram analysis revealed that the internal blowhole mucosa temperature is the most reliable indicator of body temperature in cetaceans. The temperatures taken during voluntary breathing with a camera held perpendicularly were practically identical to the rectal temperature in bottlenose dolphins and were only 1 °C lower than the rectal temperature in beluga whales. In pinnipeds, eye temperature appears the best parameter for temperature control. In these animals, the average times required for temperatures to stabilise after hauling out, and the average steady-state temperature values, differed according to species: Patagonian sea lions, 10 min, 31.13 °C; harbour seals, 10 min, 32.27 °C; Pacific walruses, 5 min, 29.93 °C. CONCLUSIONS The best thermographic and most stable reference points for monitoring body temperature in marine mammals are open blowhole in cetaceans and eyes in pinnipeds.


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O conhecimento da evapotranspiração de referência (ET0) é essencial para um adequado planeamento da rega. O seu cálculo requer dados climáticos não raras vezes insuficientes em quantidade ou com cobertura inadequada nas áreas sob estudo. O sistema de informação geográfico SAGA disponibiliza um conjunto de algoritmos que foram usados no cálculo da ET0 (a partir da fórmula de Hargreaves aplicada a um modelo digital do terreno com células de 25x25 m), no Perímetro de Rega do Roxo (8250 ha), distribuído pelos concelhos de Aljustrel, Ferreira do Alentejo e Santiago do Cacém. As estações meteorológicas da Barragem do Roxo (a leste do perímetro) e de Alvalade do Sado (a oeste) foram usadas como referência. As diferenças entre as ET0 mensais obtidas no perímetro atingiram apenas 3 mm numa parte considerável do ano, mas foram superiores a 6 mm em Dezembro, reflectindo,em qualquer caso, as pequenas variações da topografia e do relevo, influentes factores climáticos no Alentejo. A duplicação de valores de ET0 decorrente do uso de duas estações meteorológicas revelou a influência da proximidade do mar na distribuição da ET0. O “factor oásis” resultante das superfícies aquáticas presentes no perímetro de rega não foi considerado, pelo que os resultados obtidos deverão ser corrigidos através de alterações nos algoritmos que permitam tê-lo em conta.


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IntroducciónLa privilegiada situación geográfica de Panamá ha servido para otorgarle los epítetos turísticos de "puente del mundo" y "crisol de raza", perogrulladas, por cierto, que no obstante reflejan el hecho de que esta angosta franja de tierra representa la vía más corta que conecta a dos masas continentales y dos grandes océanos. Desde el cierre definitivo de una conexión marítima a través del istmo aproximadamente 3,5 millones de años atrás, Panamá ha desempeñado su lógica función de embudo para poblaciones de animales terrestres, dulceacuícolas y costeros, que emigraban del Norte de Sudamérica y viceversa.