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The objective of this paper is to identify the various managerial constraints, difficulties and issues encountered and resulting strategies adopted, to aid in the management of the various and often complex health and safety concerns, which occur within a confined construction site. This is achieved through classifying the various managerial burdens encountered with the numerous strategies adopted, to ensure the successful management of such confined environments within the realm of health and safety. Through an extensive literature review and detailed interviews, a comprehensive insight into the health and safety concerns within a confined construction site environment is portrayed. The leading managerial strategies to the management of health and safety on confined construction sites may be listed as follows; (1) Traffic Management Plan, (2) Effective Resource Management Plan, (3) Temporary Facilities Management Plan, (4) Safe System of Work Plan, (5) Site Safety Plan, (6) Design Site Layout, (7) Space Management Plan, (8) Effective Program Management, and (9) Space Scheduling. Based on the research, it can be concluded, that through effective management of these issues identified coupled with implementing the various strategies highlighted; successful management of health and safety within a confined construction site environment is attainable.


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ABSTRACT - The Portuguese National Health Service (SNS), a universal, centralized and public owned health care system, exhibits an extraordinary record of equalization in the access to health care and health gains in the late thirty years. However, the most recent history of the Portuguese health reform is pervaded by the influence of decentralization and privatization. Decentralization has been present in the system design since the 1976 Constitution, at least in theory. Private ownership of health care suppliers and out-ofpocket expenditures, on the financing side, both have a long tradition of relevance in the NHS mix of services. The initial aim of this study was to demonstrate expected parallelism between health reforms and public administration reforms, where a common pattern of joint decentralization and privatization was observed in many countries. Observers would be tempted to consider these two movements as common signs of new public management (NPM) developments. They have common objectives, are established around the core concepts of gains in effectiveness, efficiency, equity and quality of public services, through improved accountability. However, in practice, in Portugal, each movement was developed in a totally separated way. Besides those rooted in the NPM theory, there are few visible signs of association between decentralization and privatization. Decentralization, in the Portuguese SNS, was never intended to be followed by a privatization movement; it was seen merely as a public administration tool. Private management of health services, as stated in the most recent SNS legislation, was never intended to have decentralization as a condition or as a consequence. Paradoxically, in the Portuguese context, it has led invariably to centralized control. While presented as separate instruments for a common purpose, the association between decentralization and privatization still lacks a convincing demonstration. Many common health care management stereotypes remain to be checked out if we want to look for eventual associations between these two organizational tools.


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Partout dans le monde, la formation en gestion des cadres infirmiers est devenue une nécessité. Afin de doter la profession infirmière de chefs de file capables de faire face aux changements, plusieurs pays ont conçu des programmes de formation de deuxième cycle en administration des services de soins infirmiers. Plusieurs programmes sont développés en ce sens dont peu ou prou sont évalués. Plusieurs auteurs croient que l’évaluation de ces programmes permettrait de mieux apprécier l’atteinte des objectifs pédagogiques et ultérieurement, d’améliorer la formation et les pratiques de gestion. Afin de contribuer à ce projet, la présente étude vise à évaluer le programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l'École nationale de développement sanitaire et social (ENDSS) du Sénégal. Cette évaluation prend en compte les points de vue des diplômés, des enseignants, des concepteurs du programme et des directions d’hôpitaux. Il s’agit d’une recherche évaluative de type rétrospectif. Une enquête par questionnaire et par entrevue a été réalisée auprès des diplômés, des enseignants, des concepteurs de programme et des directions d'hôpitaux. Également, des bases de données sur les étudiants finissants entre les années 2003 et 2009 ont été consultées pour recueillir les notes obtenues à l’examen de certification, les effectifs d’admission et d’inscrits et les renseignements sociodémographiques. Cette évaluation porte sur les principales composantes du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS qui sont examinées à l’aide du modèle systémique d’évaluation de programme éducatif de Stufflebeam (1981) communément appelé modèle CIPP. Les résultats de l’analyse s’appuient sur 70 questionnaires et 37 entrevues. En vue de répondre aux questions de recherche, les données recueillies sont analysées et interprétées à partir d’indicateurs et selon des critères définis. La démarche d’analyse des résultats s’est effectuée en deux étapes. D'abord, les données des questionnaires et des entrevues fournies par les diplômés, les enseignants et les concepteurs ont été analysées ainsi que celles du dossier scolaire des étudiants inscrits au programme. Ensuite, l’examen a porté sur les données des questionnaires recueillies auprès des directions d’hôpitaux. Les avis de tous les répondants sur les améliorations à apporter au programme sont analysés pour rendre compte de leurs recommandations à ce sujet. Tout au long de l’analyse des résultats, les données des questionnaires et des entrevues sont présentées à la fois. Le jugement sur l’efficacité du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS est établi par l’analyse d’indicateurs reliés aux quatre types d'évaluation proposés par Stufflebeam (1981). Les diplômés et les concepteurs jugent que la formation est adéquate pour l’exercice de la fonction de chef de services des soins infirmiers. Par contre, les enseignants sont très partagés sur cette question, puisque près de la moitié d'entre eux expriment un avis favorable tandis que les autres ont une opinion contraire. Les diplômés apparaissent très partagés par rapport à la cohérence apparente entre les objectifs de stage d’administration hospitalière et les compétences à développer, alors que les enseignants et les concepteurs expriment plus largement une opinion négative. La cohérence entre les notions du module de Management des services de santé et l’exercice de la fonction de chef de services des soins infirmiers est jugée plus forte en ce qui concerne plusieurs notions, par les diplômés, les enseignants et les concepteurs. La majorité des diplômés et des enseignants jugent que la supervision offerte aux étudiants est insatisfaisante. Les diplômés et les enseignants croient que la disponibilité des ressources didactiques à la bibliothèque ne facilite pas les apprentissages. Tandis que les concepteurs, en proportion plus élevée, expriment le même jugement. Les diplômés et les enseignants sont divisés sur la question de l’équilibre entre le nombre d’heures alloué à la théorie et à la formation pratique. Tandis que la majorité des concepteurs croient qu’il n’y a pas d'équilibre entre le nombre d'heures consacré aux cours et à la formation pratique. Les diplômés et les enseignants expriment une opinion très positive sur la qualité des rapports sociaux des étudiants entre eux, avec les enseignants et le personnel administratif. Tandis que les concepteurs ont une opinion plutôt négative à ce sujet. Les diplômés, de même que les enseignants jugent en majorité, que la supervision des stages offerte aux étudiants est insatisfaisante. Ces opinions convergent avec celles de la grande majorité des concepteurs. Selon les diplômés, le travail de groupe, de même que les études de cas sont les méthodes les plus pertinentes dans la formation de chef de service des soins infirmiers. Pour les enseignants et les concepteurs c'est le travail de groupe qui est la méthode la plus pertinente pour faire acquérir des connaissances. Parmi l’ensemble des inscrits, incluant les étudiants sénégalais et étrangers, 104 d’entre eux ont obtenu un diplôme. Subséquemment, seuls 2 étudiants sur les 106 inscrits au programme ont échoué. Les enseignants, les diplômés et les concepteurs sont tous satisfaits du programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS. Les directions d'hôpitaux sont partagées quant à elles, à l’idée selon laquelle les étudiants sont préparés aux fonctions de chef de service des soins infirmiers. En plus, selon la grande majorité des directions le programme de formation ne répond pas à la stratégie de la réforme hospitalière. Elles affirment à l’unanimité qu’elles n’ont pas été associées au processus d’élaboration du programme et sont d’accord que, de manière générale, la formation reçue par le chef de services des soins infirmiers est de qualité. Unanimement, les directions d’hôpitaux jugent que des notions devraient être ajoutées ou améliorées au programme de formation Administration et enseignement de l’ENDSS. L’interprétation des données révèle la complexité qui entoure l’importance de l’équilibre du volume horaire à consacrer à la théorie et à la pratique dans un programme de formation. En plus, les résultats sur les connaissances à acquérir par les diplômés durant la formation montrent un besoin élevé de perfectionnement voire d’enseignement plus poussé du contenu des notions Système d’information sanitaire et Introduction à l’informatique, Introduction au management; Élaboration de programme et Administration hospitalière. Un choix approprié de terrain où l’étudiant pourrait réaliser les objectifs d’apprentissage, une sélection de la période adéquate pour le stage, de même qu’un encadrement signifiant, seraient le gage d’un stage profitable pour l’étudiant. Nous estimons que cette recherche a ouvert des pistes à des perspectives de recherches reliées au développement professionnel des futurs chefs de service des soins infirmiers. Mots clés : évaluation de programme, acquisition de connaissances, développement des compétences, administration des soins infirmiers, programme de deuxième cycle.


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Recently, I had an opportunity to observe the workings of the health care system from the inside. I was admitted to a mixed surgical ward in an Australian public hospital with a mysterious ailment. My personal health required acute promotion.

My participant observation research demonstrated that the calls for action in the Ottawa Charter are still urgent. The Charter, twenty three years ago, stated

The responsibility for health promotion in health services is shared among individuals, community groups, health professionals, health service institutions and governments. They must work together towards a health care system which contributes to the pursuit of health.

The role of the health sector must move increasingly in a health promotion direction, beyond its responsibility for providing clinical and curative services. Health services need to embrace an expanded mandate which is sensitive and respects cultural needs. This mandate should support the needs of individuals and communities for a healthier life, and open channels between the health sector and broader social, political, economic and physical environmental components.

Reorienting health services also requires stronger attention to health research as well as changes in professional education and training. This must lead to a change of attitude and organization of health services which refocuses on the total needs of the individual as a whole person.


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Australia's Health 2004 is the ninth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health services expenditure. The report also includes a special chapter on the health of older Australians. Australia's Health 2004 is an essential reference and information resource for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Australia's Health 2002 is the eighth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health service costs and performance. Australia's Health 2002 is an essential reference and information resource for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Australia's Health 2000 is the seventh biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. It is the nation's authoritative source of information on patterns of health and illness, determinants of health, the supply and use of health services, and health services costs and performance.This 2000 edition serves as a summary of Australia's health record at the end of the twentieth century. In addition, a special chapter is presented on changes in Australia's disease profile over the last 100 years.Australia's Health 2000 is an essential reference and information source for all Australians with an interest in health.


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Includes bibliography


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In the process of creation of the Unified Health System (SUS) as a universal policy seeking to ensure comprehensive care, unscheduled assistance in primary healthcare units (UBS) is an unresolved challenge. The scope of this paper is to analyze the viewpoint of health professionals on the role of primary healthcare units in meeting this demand. It is a transversal study of qualitative data obtained through questionnaires and interviews with 106 medical practitioners from 6 emergency medical services and 190 professionals from 30 units. They explained why people seek emergency care for occurrences pertaining to primary care. The content analysis technique with thematic categories was used for data analysis. Lack of resources and problems with primary health unit work processes (50.8%) were the reasons most frequently cited by emergency care physicians to explain this inadequate demand. Only 33.3% of the health unit professionals agreed that these occurrences should be attended in the primary healthcare services. The limited viewpoint of the role of health services on the unscheduled care, particularly among primary care professionals, possibly leads to restrictive practices for access by the population.


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The objective of this study is to determine whether health disparities influence the odds of developing H. pylori infections among the children enrolled in the Pasitos Cohort Study on the US-Mexico border. The study variables were the number of prenatal care visits, ways of transportation, car in household, location of health services and insurance coverage. The study recruited eligible pregnant women to complete baseline questionnaires. Every six months after the birth of the child, infection status is measure by the 13-C urea breath test. Results indicate that having medical insurance consistently decreases the odds of being infected. Children with mothers who went to a private physician had decreased odds of infection compared to those utilizing public clinics, and having a car in the household increased the odds of infection. Limitations include bias due to loss to follow-up and the transient nature of the infection.^


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Focussing on the period from 1948 to 1997, this paper examines the history of rationing in the British National Health Service (NHS), with special reference to the role of hospital accounting in this context. The paper suggests that concerns regarding rationing first emerged in the 1960s and 1970s in response to the application of economic theories to the health services, and that rationing only became an issue of wider concern when the NHS increasingly came to resemble economic models of health services in the early 1990s. The paper moreover argues that, unlike in the USA, hospital accounting did not play a significant role in allocating or withholding health resources in Britain. Rudimentary information systems as well as resistance from medical professionals are identified as significant factors in this context.


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Background The quest for continuous improvement of the quality of provided care is the objective of nursing care. However, the insertion and permanence of a peripheral venous catheter has been associated to complications, thus making a systematic evaluation of the performance of professionals and the management of health services important. Objective: Analyse complications that caused removal of intravenous catheters. Methods A prospective study with 64 patients of a health service of Portugal, from July to September/2015. Included patients with age 18 years, with a peripheral venous catheter. Descriptive analysis using SPSS. Ethical requirements were met. Results Two hundred three (203) intravenous catheters, in 64 patients, most elderly (section 95.3 %), with mean age of 80 years were evaluated. The catheters remained inserted between one and 12 days (mean 2 days), 66 % of the devices were removed because of complications, such as: removal by the patient (17.7 %), obstruction (17.2 %), infiltration (14.8 %), phlebitis (9.4 %) and fluid exiting the insertion site (6.4 %). The prevalence of obstruction and infiltration per patient was respectively 36 % and 39 %. Conclusions Obstruction and infiltration were the complications of higher prevalence that led to the removal and reinsertion of a new peripheral venous catheter with the possibility of increased pain, infection and hospital costs. Faced with the risk of compromising patient safety and being able to contribute to the improvement of health care, we suggest the inclusion of obstruction and infiltration in the indicators of quality of care, in order to have systematic evaluation of results, (re)plan and implement preventive measures.


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There is now unequivocal evidence that the health status of individuals and of whole communities is socially and economically determined, as are many other aspects of our lives. This suggests, as advocates of public health and population health approaches argue, that our efforts in managing our health and wellbeing should focus much more on early intervention and prevention programs than has been the case to date. However, although this ideology of social and economic determinism is generally accepted, practice does not reflect such values. Indeed, as increasing demand at the critical end of health service provision sees us spending more and more of our limited health care resources on acute and chronic illness, less resources are devoted to constructing and maintaining health-creating communities and environments. Paradoxically, while most of our leaders, academics and policy makers have themselves been nurtured in a sound understanding of cause and effect in the world, they are ignoring these fundamental premises in their approaches to the provision and management of health care. This paper explores some of the reasons why this might be the case and draws on key evidence to suggest that the time has come for us to think more ideologically in approaching health care in the future.


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This thesis consists of three independent chapters that all deal with questions relevant for the provision of health and education and contribute to the field of economic theory. Both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 address the broad problem of public provision of scarce and indivisible goods. Therein, the role of wealth distribution and the impact wealth has on the assignment of the goods is of particular interest. Chapter 3 addresses quality concerns for the provision of health services that occur if quality cannot be observed precisely and cannot be contracted on.


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O crescimento da população mundial, aumento da industrialização e consumo de bens e serviços, tem aumentado significativamente a geração de resíduos que vem causando impactos negativos na saúde humana e ambiental. Neste contexto, se destaca a geração de produtos perigosos, tais como, os resíduos de serviços de saúde- RSS. Por apresentarem riscos à saúde da população e do meio ambiente, recomendações, normas e legislações surgiram para orientar a melhor maneira o manejo e disposição final destes resíduos. No Brasil, as resoluções NBR 306/04 e CONAMA 358/05 dão diretrizes para a elaboração de um Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde-PGRSS. Os laboratórios de pesquisa e ensino, como geradores de RSS, precisam se adequar à legislação, porém existem poucos estudos e a legislação não aborda especificamente os resíduos destes laboratórios. Os laboratórios e unidades da UERJ, geradores de RSS, não possuem PGRSS. Na UERJ, somente dois estudos levantaram os resíduos gerados em laboratórios, entretanto os dados levantados para o Instituto de Biologia são incompletos. Este estudo buscou avaliar o manejo dos resíduos biológico, químico, radioativo e perfurocortante nos laboratórios do Instituto de Biologia. Os dados foram coletados pelas informações dadas pelos professores, funcionários ou alunos dos laboratórios e por observação direta. Os dados de manejo foram analisados de acordo com a RDC 306/04 Anvisa, da Resolução CONAMA 358/05 e das fichas de segurança dos produtos químicos. Foram estudados 83% dos laboratórios do Instituto de Biologia. Destes, 43% geram resíduos químicos. Dos laboratórios caracterizados, 19 laboratórios geram somente resíduo químico. No pavilhão Américo Piquet estão localizados 63% dos laboratórios geradores de resíduos biológicos, químicos, perfurocortantes ou radioativos. Do total de resíduos gerados nos laboratórios, cerca de 80% foi de resíduo biológico, 15% de resíduo químico e 5% de resíduo perfurocortante. O manejo dos resíduos nos laboratórios é realizado de maneira confusa, geralmente os erros estão na segregação, identificação e acondicionamento. De maneira geral, as informações sobre o manejo utilizado para os resíduos são incompletas, desconhecidas ou imprecisas. As ações incorretas do manejo de resíduos são características para cada tipo de resíduo; no resíduo biológico, freqüentemente, encontraram-se resíduos comuns. O resíduo químico é geralmente descartado sem tratamento prévio na rede de esgoto. O resíduo radioativo não possui identificação e acompanhamento do decaimento, para posterior descarte. No resíduo perfurocortante encontrou-se, freqüentemente, resíduo biológico e químico misturados. Para o sucesso de um futuro Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos, a capacitação dos profissionais é muito importante. A Instituição deve investir na consolidação desse trabalho, considerando que ela não pode se furtar de adotar uma postura pró-ativa com relação aos problemas ambientais, sejam eles dirigentes da instituição, ou profissionais que ali atuam. Espera-se que essa pesquisa possa auxiliar neste sentido.