914 resultados para MALARIA PARASITES


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To survive within its host erythrocyte, Plasmodium falciparum must export hundreds of proteins across both its parasite plasma membrane and surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane, most of which are likely to use a protein complex known as PTEX (Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins). PTEX is a putative protein trafficking machinery responsible for the export of hundreds of proteins across the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and into the human host cell. Five proteins are known to comprise the PTEX complex, and in this study, three of the major stoichiometric components are investigated including HSP101 (a AAA+ ATPase), a protein of no known function termed PTEX150, and the apparent membrane component EXP2. We show that these proteins are synthesized in the preceding schizont stage (PTEX150 and HSP101) or even earlier in the life cycle (EXP2), and before invasion these components reside within the dense granules of invasive merozoites. From these apical organelles, the protein complex is released into the host cell where it resides with little turnover in the parasitophorous vacuole membrane for most of the remainder of the following cell cycle. At this membrane, PTEX is arranged in a stable macromolecular complex of >1230 kDa that includes an ∼600-kDa apparently homo-oligomeric complex of EXP2 that can be separated from the remainder of the PTEX complex using non-ionic detergents. Two different biochemical methods undertaken here suggest that PTEX components associate as EXP2-PTEX150-HSP101, with EXP2 associating with the vacuolar membrane. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that EXP2 oligomerizes and potentially forms the putative membrane-spanning pore to which the remainder of the PTEX complex is attached.


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 Malaria parasites remodel erythrocytes for their survival. They passage proteins into the host cell via an export machinery known as PTEX. For the first time, this study shows that different types of parasite-exported proteins use PTEX. Importantly, new drugs can be developed which target PTEX components to eliminate an infection.


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The merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2) of Plasmodium falciparum comprises repeats flanked by dimorphic domains defining the allelic families FC27 and IC1. Here, we examined sequence diversity at the msp-2 locus in Brazil and its impact on MSP-2 antibody recognition by local patients. Only 25 unique partial sequences of msp-2 were found in 61 isolates examined. The finding of identical msp-2 sequences in unrelated parasites, collected 6-13 years apart, suggests that no major directional selection is exerted by variant-specific immunity in this malaria-endemic area. To examine antibody cross-reactivity, recombinant polypeptides derived from locally prevalent and foreign MSP-2 variants were used in ELISA. Foreign IC1-type variants, such as 3D7 (currently tested for human vaccination), were less frequently recognized than FC27-type and local IC1-type variants. Antibodies discriminated between local and foreign IC1-type variants, but cross-recognized structurally different local IC1-type variants. The use of evolutionary models of MSP-2 is suggested to design vaccines that minimize differences between local parasites and vaccine antigens. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A malária no município de Macapá é principalmente peri urbana, áreas estas caracterizadas por ressaca, pela presença de fragmentos de floresta e assentamentos desordenados (invasões). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a importância dos Anopheles darlingi e Anopheles marajoara na transmissão de malária em Macapá. O estudo foi realizado de outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008, na comunidade de Lagoa dos Índios, Macapá. Foram coletados 4.601 mosquitos, dos quais 3.029 foram Anopheles marajoara (65,8%), 917 Anopheles darlingi (19,9%), 429 Anopheles braziliensis (9,3%), 208 Anopheles triannulatus (4,5%), 18 Anopheles peryassui (0,4%) e cinco Anopheles nuneztovari (0,1%). Apenas 32,8% dos espécimes foram coletadas no intradomicilio (1.511) e 67,2% no peridomicilio (3.090). O Indice de Picada Homem Hora do An. darlingi no intradomicilio variou entre 0 a 6,5 e no peridomicilio de 0 a 22 picadas homem hora. Já para o An. marajoara a variaçao foi de 0 a 22 no intradomicilio e de 0 a 175,5 no peridomicilio. A analise das exúvias e da dissecção de genitália resultaram na confirmaçao das duas espécies estudadas, An. darlingi e An. marajoara, e que o An. marajoara é a única espécie do complexo albitarsis circulante na área. A abundância dos vetores flutuou associada com o padrão sazonal das chuvas. An. darlingi é mais abundante no final e inicio das chuvas, enquanto o An. marajoara esteve presente em alta densidade durante todo o período de chuvas. Dos 4.601 mosquitos testados, 100 foram positivos para plasmódios humanos pelo método de ELISA, resultando em uma taxa de infecção de 2,17%. Dos 3.029 An. marajoara testados 71 (2,34%) foram positivos e dos 917 An. darlingi, 28 (3,05%). Este estudo demonstrou que as duas espécies estudadas mantêm a transmissão de malária durante todo o ano, ratificando assim a importância das mesmas.


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Objective To investigate risk factors associated with the acquisition of antibodies against Plasmodium vivax Duffy binding protein (PvDBP) a leading malaria vaccine candidate in a well-consolidated agricultural settlement of the Brazilian Amazon Region and to determine the sequence diversity of the PvDBP ligand domain (DBPII) within the local malaria parasite population. Methods Demographic, epidemiological and clinical data were collected from 541 volunteers using a structured questionnaire. Malaria parasites were detected by conventional microscopy and PCR, and blood collection was used for antibody assays and molecular characterisation of DBPII. Results The frequency of malaria infection was 7% (6% for P. vivax and 1% for P. falciparum), with malaria cases clustered near mosquito breeding sites. Nearly 50% of settlers had anti-PvDBP IgG antibodies, as detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with subjects age being the only strong predictor of seropositivity to PvDBP. Unexpectedly, low levels of DBPII diversity were found within the local malaria parasites, suggesting the existence of low gene flow between P. vivax populations, probably due to the relative isolation of the studied settlement. Conclusion The recognition of PvDBP by a significant proportion of the community, associated with low levels of DBPII diversity among local P. vivax, reinforces the variety of malaria transmission patterns in communities from frontier settlements. Such studies should provide baseline information for antimalarial vaccines now in development.


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More than 40% of the World population is at risk of contracting malaria, which affects primarily poor populations in tropical and subtropical areas. Antimalarial pharmacotherapy has utilised plant-derived products such as quinine and artemisinin as well as their derivatives. However, worldwide use of these antimalarials has caused the spread of resistant parasites, resulting in increased malaria morbidity and mortality. Considering that the literature has demonstrated the antimalarial potential of triterpenes, specially betulinic acid (1) and ursolic acid (2), this study investigated the antimalarial activity against P. falciparum chloroquine-sensitive 3D7 strain of some new derivatives of 1 and 2 with modifications at C-3 and C-28. The antiplasmodial study employed flow cytometry and spectrofluorimetric analyses using YOYO-1, dihydroethidium and Fluo4/AM for staining. Among the six analogues obtained, compounds 1c and 2c showed excellent activity (IC50 = 220 and 175 nM, respectively) while 1a and b demonstrated good activity ( IC50 = 4 and 5 mu M, respectively). After cytotoxicity evaluation against HEK293T cells, 1a was not toxic, while 1c and 2c showed IC50 of 4 mu M and a selectivity index (SI) value of 18 and 23, respectively. Moreover, compound 2c, which presents the best antiplasmodial activity, is involved in the calcium-regulated pathway(s).


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Signalling in malaria parasites is a field of growing interest as its components may prove to be valuable drug targets, especially when one considers the burden of a disease that is responsible for up to 500 million infections annually. The scope of this review is to discuss external stimuli in the parasite life cycle and the upstream machinery responsible for translating them into intracellular responses, focussing particularly on the calcium signalling pathway. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Institut Pasteur.


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We previously reported that melatonin modulates the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic cycle by increasing schizont stage population as well as diminishing ring stage population. In addition, the importance of calcium and cAMP in melatonin signaling pathway in P. falciparum was also demonstrated. Nevertheless, the molecular effectors of the indoleamine signaling pathway remain elusive. We now demonstrate by real-time PCR that melatonin treatment up-regulates genes related to ubiquitin/proteasome system (UPS) components and that luzindole, a melatonin receptor antagonist, inhibits UPS transcription modulation. We also show that protein kinase PfPK7, a P. falciparum orphan kinase, plays a crucial role in the melatonin transduction pathway, since following melatonin treatment of P. falciparum parasites where pfpk7 gene is disrupted (pfpk7- parasites) (i) the ratio of asexual stages remain unchanged, (ii) the increase in cytoplasmatic calcium in response to melatonin was strongly diminished and (iii) up-regulation of UPS genes did not occur. The wild-type melatonin-induced alterations in cell cycle features, calcium rise and UPS gene transcription were restored by re-introduction of a functional copy of the pfpk7 gene in the pfpk7- parasites.


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The regulation of variant gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is still only partially understood. Regulation of var genes, the most studied gene family involved in antigenic variation, is orchestrated by a dynamic pattern of inherited chromatin states. Although recent evidence pointed to epigenetic regulation of transcribed and repressed rif loci, little is known about specific on/off associated histone modifications of individual rif genes. To investigate the chromatin marks for transcribed and repressed rif loci, we cultivated parasites and evaluated the transcriptional status of chosen rif targets by qRT-PCR and performed ChIP assays using H3K9ac and H3K9me3 antibodies. We then monitored changes in the epigenetic patterns in parasites after several reinvasions and also evaluated the "poised'' mark in trophozoites and schizonts of the same erythrocytic cycle by ChIP using H3K4me2 specific antibodies. Our results show that H3K9 is acetylated in transcribed rif loci and trimethylated or even unmodified in repressed rif loci. These transcriptional and epigenetic states are inherited after several reinvasions. The poised modification H3K4me2 showed a tendency to be more present in loci in trophozoites that upon progression to schizonts strongly transcribe the respective locus. However, this effect was not consistently observed for all monitored loci. While our data show important similarities to var transcription-associated chromatin modifications, the observed swiftly occurring modifications at rif loci and the absence of H3K9 modification point to a different dynamic of recruitment of chromatin modifying enzymes.


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Abstract Background Plasmodium vivax is the most widely distributed human malaria, responsible for 70–80 million clinical cases each year and large socio-economical burdens for countries such as Brazil where it is the most prevalent species. Unfortunately, due to the impossibility of growing this parasite in continuous in vitro culture, research on P. vivax remains largely neglected. Methods A pilot survey of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the asexual blood stages of P. vivax was performed. To do so, 1,184 clones from a cDNA library constructed with parasites obtained from 10 different human patients in the Brazilian Amazon were sequenced. Sequences were automatedly processed to remove contaminants and low quality reads. A total of 806 sequences with an average length of 586 bp met such criteria and their clustering revealed 666 distinct events. The consensus sequence of each cluster and the unique sequences of the singlets were used in similarity searches against different databases that included P. vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium yoelii, Plasmodium knowlesi, Apicomplexa and the GenBank non-redundant database. An E-value of <10-30 was used to define a significant database match. ESTs were manually assigned a gene ontology (GO) terminology Results A total of 769 ESTs could be assigned a putative identity based upon sequence similarity to known proteins in GenBank. Moreover, 292 ESTs were annotated and a GO terminology was assigned to 164 of them. Conclusion These are the first ESTs reported for P. vivax and, as such, they represent a valuable resource to assist in the annotation of the P. vivax genome currently being sequenced. Moreover, since the GC-content of the P. vivax genome is strikingly different from that of P. falciparum, these ESTs will help in the validation of gene predictions for P. vivax and to create a gene index of this malaria parasite.


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Knowledge of the dynamic features of the processes driven by malaria parasites in the spleen is lacking. To gain insight into the function and structure of the spleen in malaria, we have implemented intravital microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging of the mouse spleen in experimental infections with non-lethal (17X) and lethal (17XL) Plasmodium yoelii strains. Noticeably, there was higher parasite accumulation, reduced motility, loss of directionality, increased residence time and altered magnetic resonance only in the spleens of mice infected with 17X. Moreover, these differences were associated with the formation of a strain-specific induced spleen tissue barrier of fibroblastic origin, with red pulp macrophage-clearance evasion and with adherence of infected red blood cells to this barrier. Our data suggest that in this reticulocyte-prone non-lethal rodent malaria model, passage through the spleen is different from what is known in other Plasmodium species and open new avenues for functional/structural studies of this lymphoid organ in malaria.


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The successful navigation of malaria parasites through their life cycle, which alternates between vertebrate hosts and mosquito vectors, requires a complex interplay of metabolite synthesis and salvage pathways. Using the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei, we have explored the synthesis and scavenging pathways for lipoic acid, a short-chain fatty acid derivative that regulates the activity of α-ketoacid dehydrogenases including pyruvate dehydrogenase. In Plasmodium, lipoic acid is either synthesized de novo in the apicoplast or is scavenged from the host into the mitochondrion. Our data show that sporozoites lacking the apicoplast lipoic acid protein ligase LipB are markedly attenuated in their infectivity for mice, and in vitro studies document a very late liver stage arrest shortly before the final phase of intra-hepaticparasite maturation. LipB-deficient asexual blood stage parasites show unimpaired rates of growth in normal in vitro or in vivo conditions. However, these parasites showed reduced growth in lipid-restricted conditions induced by treatment with the lipoic acid analogue 8-bromo-octanoate or with the lipid-reducing agent clofibrate. This finding has implications for understanding Plasmodium pathogenesis in malnourished children that bear the brunt of malarial disease. This study also highlights the potential of exploiting lipid metabolism pathways for the design of genetically attenuated sporozoite vaccines.


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In Papua New Guinea (PNG), numerous blood group polymorphisms and hemoglobinopathies characterize the human population. Human genetic polymorphisms of this nature are common in malarious regions, and all four human malaria parasites are holoendemic below 1500 meters in PNG. At this elevation, a prominent condition characterizing Melanesians is α+-thalassemia. Interestingly, recent epidemiological surveys have demonstrated that α+-thalassemia is associated with increased susceptibility to uncomplicated malaria among young children. It is further proposed that α+-thalassemia may facilitate so-called “benign” Plasmodium vivax infection to act later in life as a “natural vaccine” against severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Here, in a P. vivax-endemic region of PNG where the resident Abelam-speaking population is characterized by a frequency of α+-thalassemia ≥0.98, we have discovered the mutation responsible for erythrocyte Duffy antigen-negativity (Fy[a−b−]) on the FY*A allele. In this study population there were 23 heterozygous and no homozygous individuals bearing this new allele (allele frequency, 23/1062 = 0.022). Flow cytometric analysis illustrated a 2-fold difference in erythroid-specific Fy-antigen expression between heterozygous (FY*A/FY*Anull) and homozygous (FY*A/FY*A) individuals, suggesting a gene-dosage effect. In further comparisons, we observed a higher prevalence of P. vivax infection in FY*A/FY*A (83/508 = 0.163) compared with FY*A/FY*Anull (2/23 = 0.087) individuals (odds ratio = 2.05, 95% confidence interval = 0.47–8.91). Emergence of FY*Anull in this population suggests that P. vivax is involved in selection of this erythroid polymorphism. This mutation would ultimately compromise α+-thalassemia/P. vivax-mediated protection against severe P. falciparum malaria.


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Invasion of erythrocytes by malaria parasites is mediated by specific molecular interactions. Whereas Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi use the Duffy blood group antigen, Plasmodium falciparum uses sialic acid residues of glycophorin A as receptors to invade human erythrocytes. P. knowlesi uses the Duffy antigen as well as other receptors to invade rhesus erythrocytes by multiple pathways. Parasite ligands that bind these receptors belong to a family of erythrocyte-binding proteins (EBP). The EBP family includes the P. vivax and P. knowlesi Duffy-binding proteins, P. knowlesi β and γ proteins, which bind alternate receptors on rhesus erythrocytes, and P. falciparum erythrocyte-binding antigen (EBA-175), which binds sialic acid residues of human glycophorin A. Binding domains of each EBP lie in a conserved N-terminal cysteine-rich region, region II, which contains around 330 amino acids with 12 to 14 conserved cysteines. Regions containing binding residues have now been mapped within P. vivax and P. knowlesi β region II. Chimeric domains containing P. vivax region II sequences fused to P. knowlesi β region II sequences were expressed on the surface of COS cells and tested for binding to erythrocytes. Binding residues of P. vivax region II lie in a 170-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 7, and binding residues of P. knowlesi β region II lie in a 53-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 5. Mapping regions responsible for receptor recognition is an important step toward understanding the structural basis for the interaction of these parasite ligands with host receptors.


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The mosquito midgut plays a central role in the sporogonic development of malaria parasites. We have found that polyclonal sera, produced against mosquito midguts, blocked the passage of Plasmodium falciparum ookinetes across the midgut, leading to a significant reduction of infections in mosquitoes. Anti-midgut mAbs were produced that display broad-spectrum activity, blocking parasite development of both P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites in five different species of mosquitoes. In addition to their parasite transmission-blocking activity, these mAbs also reduced mosquito survivorship and fecundity. These results reveal that mosquito midgut-based antibodies have the potential to reduce malaria transmission in a synergistic manner by lowering both vector competence, through transmission-blocking effects on parasite development, and vector abundance, by decreasing mosquito survivorship and egg laying capacity. Because the intervention can block transmission of different malaria parasite species in various species of mosquitoes, vaccines against such midgut receptors may block malaria transmission worldwide.