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The book-report Human Development: the reality beyond the numbers addresses issues related to the Development Index (IDH), of Brazil, in a general context, and the city of Bauru, in the local context. The “IDH” is a number that serves as a comparison between countries, in order to measure the degree of economic development and the quality of life offered to the population. The classification, if high, can be readily used as a means of aggrandizement national and if low, can be used to highlight the weaknesses national. Understanding the role of media as an agent capable of promoting social debates of great importance, this book-report aims to discuss the concept of human development beyond the numbers commonly reported, prompting debates on the issue of human development: whether in relation to social issues, public policy or the role of the media in the process of contributing to the formation of public opinion. The methodology used was the data collection and the research literature, besides journalistic techniques, such as interview, report and profile
The objective of this paper is to discuss the construction of the image of São Paulo state public schools teachers in the public sphere, by the media and the trade union press, and see how that image is formed in both of them, without making any comparisons, from the covering of 2010 strikes by newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal da Apeoesp. This paper uses as theoretical basis the study of Media Hegemony, the concept of Radical Media and Public Sphere, as well as the relationship between them and social movements. It also considers the observation of the history and characteristics of trade union press and the Standards of Manipulation by the Press, proposed by Perseu Abramo. The chosen method was the identification, selection and organization of stories about education published by Folha de S. Paulo during the period; the application of Abramo’s proposed manipulation standards on the stories about the strike; research, selection and observation of print publications (Jornal da Apeoesp and newsletters Apeoesp Urgente) about the strike, published by Apeoesp during the same period
Researchs about consumer behavior show influences coming from a lot of fonts. Among them culture, social class, personal influence, family and consumer situation. Personal influence it’s the font object of this research. Personal influence can define what a consumer will buy or will not buy, especially with closer friends. Normally people got the information and transmit to him group, him family, making some difference in the opinion of this people. Ten years ago we were i………..by a dozen of friends. In these days, we have more facility to communicate and more facility to receiver information trough internet. Our personal influence extended from our closest friend to the world wide web group. That’s why company’s must to know what the consumer is speaking on internet
In the modern world it is common to witness the family or the school complaining about the behavior of children. Parents have lost control of how to educate their children, who have difficulty in following rules, boundaries and discipline. In the short time they stay with their children, their parents feel desperate in how to educate and seek the help of experts who apply techniques inspired by behavioral therapy. A recent phenomenon is the search of the family by the media, so that helps to set limits for their children. The main objective of this study is to identify intervention techniques used in television show called Supernanny, verifying the concept of education and its effects on family. The methodology is exploratory research, using technical analysis as a specific program for television, videorecorded. Data analysis was performed by a video recording of the three programs shown, which were compared using frames. Contact that currently, the parent-child relationship is permeated by a lack of boundaries, which causes families to seek guidance from experts and the media - which is one of the most powerful means of dissemination and communication. The program presents Supernanny behavioral techniques that seem to work with a simple sleight of hand, but in real life translates into a long-time adjustments, challenges and frustrations. Moreover, many of them induce the conditioning, to achieve something by means of strengthening and heteronomy, which leads the viewer to take a more critical eye on those programs
Como todo fenômeno de massa, os acontecimentos esportivos são, atualmente, um dos preferidos da mídia, sobretudo por questões de ordem mercadológica ou simbólica, já que o esporte tem papel fundamental na construção de identidades e subjetividades. Tendo como base este fato, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em identificar como a mídia esportiva refere-se ao atletismo, quando da veiculação de reportagens jornalísticas. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens do jornal “Folha de São Paulo”, mais especificamente, do caderno “Pequim/2008” num período de 15 dias antes dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim/2008, durante o seu desenvolvimento e 15 dias após o término desse evento, isto é, de 22/07/2008 a 08/09/2008. Nesse período, foram coletadas 49 edições desse jornal, nas quais analisamos 88 reportagens relacionadas ao atletismo. Em revisão bibliográfica e com base na Análise de Conteúdo foram identificadas as principais características dessas reportagens, além dos temas mais recorrentes (unidades de registro) e o contexto (unidades de contexto) de cada uma delas. Foram criados 5 blocos de categorias, a saber: 1. Breves notas informativas sobre o atletismo; 2. Curiosidades acerca do atletismo mundial; 3. Resultados obtidos nas provas do atletismo; 4. Preparação dos atletas e expectativa em relação ao desempenho e 5. Destaques do atletismo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim. A descrição de cada um dos blocos de categorias favoreceu a exposição dos resultados, dentre os quais: a falta de informação que é dedicada ao atletismo pela mídia em períodos em que não ocorrem grandes competições esportivas, a ênfase dada por ela por ocasião de eventos de repercussão internacional e a atenção especial voltada aos atletas que estão no auge da carreira e que, de alguma forma, passam a ser reconhecidos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The objective of this Project Completion of Course is the production of a magazine's variety, monthly, aimed at a mixed audience, between 20 and 60 years old, seeking relevant information from different areas of knowledge. The Destarte,'s proposal, is to be a dynamic magazine, bold and irreverent, which leads the reader information in a way alternative to those already written in publishing today. Through Style magazine, informative and literary genres coexist with a visual language and creative, seductive and flexible. The experimental product has features and well defined parameters so as to result in an editorial project, not just a single publication in a competitive market
There is realized in the last years a growing increase of the field of the goods turned to the childlike public. This world of objects is accompanied by an ideological world of fantasy allied to the act of consumption. The present inquiry consists of a work of reflection about the pertaining values to this ideology of the society of consumption propagated in the plot of childlike contemporary movies, in a sense of be positioning critically in front of the social and moral questions.
The objective of this project is to foment and promote the themes related to the Hip Hop movement through a product, the H2 Magazine. Based on several forms of journalism, like photos, reports and interviews, we intend to demonstrate the use of Hip Hop as a vindicatory tool for young people living in the outskirts of towns. Moreover, we seek showing distinct visions and develop the issues in a broad and comprehensive way. H2 is an open space for reflections about Hip Hop, a cultural movement present in Bauru, as well as your importance in the social and cultural development of the citizens
This paper aims to propose a communication plan to Internet media that explores interaction, expanding “Agência Propagação” institutional communication and of its principal product, the social propaganda messages named “Minuto Consciente”. This study will be based on the concepts of Convergence Culture (JENKINS, 2009), Digital Marketing (TORRES, 2009), Integrated Communication (KUNSCH, 2003) and Computer Mediated Interaction (PRIMO, 2007) to understand the communication an interaction phenomenon in digital era and select the strategies to establish a continuous communication flow in different medias. Therefore, this paper will use exploratory and empirical methodology
This monograph aims to analyze the ability of the radical media to lead journalistic productions performed by O Globo during debates of the event Rio +20. The concentration of the major means of communication in the minor part of the population consolidates what can be called by hegemonic media. These media are primarily responsible for controlling the content viewed by a large portion of the population. Aiming a true plurality of information the alternative media day-by-day is looking for a bigger space within the communication market. Thus, the hegemonic media use capable tools to interfere in editorial policies consolidated by corporative media. One of those possible tools is the Culture Jamming, an activist action that interferes in a variety of marketing branches of communication. Therefore, having in its basis theorists such as John Downing and Perseu Abramo this study analyzed the journalistic content produced by the newspaper O Globo between the days 13 to 22 of June, in which the Rio +20 activities were held
This project aims to study the influence of information technology in the construction of new forms of citizenship. A large space as possible by the Internet allows the emergence of alternative news sources, as opposed to the means of mass communication. The research will take from the study of the news portal Choike.org. Maintained by civil society representatives, the website has a proposal to address topics that are infrequent in the media hegemony. To facilitate the study, we established a cut. Let's look at five bulletins Choike.org portal between the years 2005 and 2010 that address the issue of agrarian reform in Latin America, especially in Brazil. The issue is discussed by the media in general, however has more emphasis between the means of alternative journalism. For Choike.org portal, agrarian reform this intrinsically linked to social development. Therefore, this analysis seeks to highlight the role of new technologies as an important tool to aid discussion of the issue in the media as having specific focus to the issue of land reform
This study examined the practices of crowdfunding, collective vehicle of fundraising for the production of works of culture, education, social programs etc over the internet. Through the analysis of registered projects and finalized in Brazilian site funding col-laborative Catarse, we were able to list interesting points to be considered to deter-mine what lead people to cooperate or not with this kind of practice. It was noticed that the internet materialized in front of individuals as an important vehicle for social participation, enabling the concern to collaborate on projects, people and causes that have common characteristics or interests bring benefits to society
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC