990 resultados para Lys, Battle of the, 1918.
The reports are also published in the Annual report of the Department of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, and in the Sessional papers of the province of Ontario "Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly" [-1923] "Printed by order of ... Minister of Agriculture" [1924-] 25th, 1893- pub. by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto 1890 -1908 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario 1894 -1905 reports are bound with the corresponding annual reports of the Fruit Experiment Stations of Ontario 1906 -1910 reports are bound with the corresponding Report of the Fruit Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario
Acquired with funds provided by Heritage Lodge No. 730 and Grand Lodge of Canada A.F. and A.M. in the Province of Ontario, 2009.
Acquired with funds provided by Heritage Lodge No. 730 and Grand Lodge of Canada A.F. and A.M. in the Province of Ontario, 2009.
Dividido en tres partes, se repasan en ellas las características de las cinco grandes potencias europeas del momento: los imperios británico, alemán, ruso, austro-húngaro y la república de Francia, así como las figuras de sus gobernantes; en segundo lugar, trata de la expansión por el continente de un frágil sistema de alianzas, y por último, del polvorín político de los Balcanes. Incluye fragmentos de fuentes históricas originales, así como material de aprendizaje activo: ejercicios, preguntas y pruebas.
Es una de las cuatro unidades del curso de preparación para los exámenes del General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE). Estos temas explican los acontecimientos históricos sucedidos en los últimos cien años y ayudan a entender los problemas del mundo actual. Esta unidad se centra en el estudio de la República de Weimar, el asombroso ascenso de Hitler al poder y la creación de un estado policial en la Alemania nazi. Una parte del libro se dedica al repaso y la preparación del examen.
Throughout history of painting, the representation of landscape has been considered a laboratory for the human gaze on the world. The First World War and its new approach to the battlefield altered deeply the classical forms of representation, and replaced them with a mechanised and fragmentary vision, which was related with the development of photography and cinema. As Vicente J. Benet has analysed, Hollywod cinema used these deep changes in its filmic versions of the conflict, although it organised them following a narrative logic. In this text we intend to study how the battlefield and, particularly, the trench, are inserted in this logic of the history of landscape painting. We do so through some Hollywood films from the period 1918-1930. Firstly, we approach the trench as a composition value which can structure the image and guide the camera movement. In the second place, we study how it creates a dialog between its inside, melodrama scenery, and the outside, battlefield and danger. In both cases, we conclude that the trench as a form and as a narrative element plays a structuring and integrative role with the storytelling logic.
A, M. Soares, V, M, Rodrigues, M. I. Homsi-Brandeburgo, M. H. Toyama, F, R, Lombardi, K. Arni and J. R, Giglio. A rapid procedure for the isolation of the Lys-49 myotoxin II from Bothrops moojeni (caissaca) venom: Biochemical characterization, crystallization, myotoxic and edematogenic activity. Toxicon 36, 503-514, 1998.-Bothrops moojeni snake venom was fractionated on a CM-Sepharose column which was previously equilibrated with 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate buffer at pH 8.0 and subsequently eluted with an ammonium bicarbonate concentration gradient from 0.05 to 0.5 M at constant pH (8.0) and temperature (25 degrees C). The fraction which eluted last (M-VI) showed, after direct lyophilization, a single band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE, indicating an approximate M,. of 14 000 and 77 000, in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol, respectively. Its amino acid composition revealed a high level of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 13 half-cystine residues. Its isoelectric point and extinction coefficient (E-1.0cm(1.0mg/ml) at 278 nm and pH 7.0) were 8.2 and 1.170, respectively. M-VI was devoid of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity on egg yolk, as well as of hemorrhagic, anticoagulant and coagulant activities, but could induce drastic necrosis on skeletal muscle fibres as well as rapid and transient edema on the rat paw. Its N-terminal sequence: SLFELGKMILQETGKNPAKSYGVYGCNCGVGGRGKPKDATDRCCYVHKCCYK.... revealed high homology with other Lys 49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins from other bothropic venoms. Orthorhombic crystals of M-VI? which diffracted to a maximal resolution of 1.6 Angstrom. were obtained and indicated the presence of a dimer in the asymmetrical unit. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The karyotype of the grasshopper Spathalium helios Rehn 1918. (Orthoptera, Acridoidea, Ommexechidae)
The peptide LYS-[TRP6]-Hy-A1 (Lys-a1) is a synthetic derivative of the peptide Hy-A1, initially isolated from the frog species Hypsiboas albopunctatus. According to previous research, it is a molecule with broad antimicrobial activity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the synthetic peptide Lys-a1 (KIFGAIWPLALGALKNLIK- NH2) on the planktonic and biofilm growth of oral bacteria. The methods used to evaluate antimicrobial activity include the following: determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) in microtiter plates for growth in suspension and quantification of biomass by crystal violet staining and counting of colony forming units for biofilm growth. The microorganisms Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus parasanguinis, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus were grown in Brain Heart Infusion broth at 37 °C under atmospheric pressure with 10% CO2. The peptide was solubilized in 0.1% acetic acid (v/v) at various concentrations (500-1.9 μg mL-1). Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% was used as the positive control, and BHI culture medium was used as the negative control. The tested peptide demonstrated a remarkable antimicrobial effect, inhibiting the planktonic and biofilm growth of all strains tested, even at low concentrations. Thus, the peptide Lys-a1 is an important source for potential antimicrobial agents, especially for the control and prevention of microbial biofilms, which is one of the most important factors in cariogenic processes. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.