1000 resultados para Lunkka, Juha-Pekka


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Our goal is to get better understanding of different kind of dependencies behind the high-level capability areas. The models are suitable for investigating present state capabilities or future developments of capabilities in the context of technology forecasting. Three levels are necessary for a model describing effects of technologies on military capabilities. These levels are capability areas, systems and technologies. The contribution of this paper is to present one possible model for interdependencies between technologies. Modelling interdependencies between technologies is the last building block in constructing a quantitative model for technological forecasting including necessary levels of abstraction. This study supplements our previous research and as a result we present a model for the whole process of capability modelling. As in our earlier studies, capability is defined as the probability of a successful task or operation or proper functioning of a system. In order to obtain numerical data to demonstrate our model, we conducted a questionnaire to a group of defence technology researchers where interdependencies between seven representative technologies were inquired. Because of a small number of participants in questionnaires and general uncertainties concerning subjective evaluations, only rough conclusions can be made from the numerical results


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Proanthocyanidins (PAs) in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) are of interest to ameliorate the sustainability of livestock production. However, sainfoin forage yield and PA concentrations, as well as their composition, require optimization. Individual plants of 27 sainfoin accessions from four continents were analyzed with LC-ESI-QqQ-MS/MS for PA concentrations and simple phenolic compounds. Large variability existed in PA concentrations (23.0–47.5 mg g–1 leaf dry matter (DM)), share of prodelphinidins (79–96%), and mean degree of polymerization (11–14) among, but also within, accessions. PAs were mainly located in leaves (26.8 mg g–1 DM), whereas stems had less PAs (7.8 mg g–1 DM). Overall, high-yielding plants had lower PA leaf concentrations (R2 = 0.16, P < 0.001) and fewer leaves (R2 = 0.66, P < 0.001). However, the results show that these two trade-offs between yield and bioactive PAs can be overcome.


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A unique series of oligomeric ellagitannins was used to study their interactions with bovine serum albumin (BSA) by isothermal titration calorimetry. Oligomeric ellagitannins, ranging from monomer to heptamer and a mixture of octamer–undecamers, were isolated as individual pure compounds. This series allowed studying the effects of oligomer size and other structural features. The monomeric to trimeric ellagitannins deviated most from the overall trends. The interactions of ellagitannin oligomers from tetramers to octa–undecamers with BSA revealed strong similarities. In contrast to the equilibrium binding constant, enthalpy showed an increasing trend from the dimer to larger oligomers. It is likely that first the macrocyclic part of the ellagitannin binds to the defined binding sites on the protein surface and then the “flexible tail” of the ellagitannin coats the protein surface. The results highlight the importance of molecular flexibility to maximize binding between the ellagitannin and protein surfaces.


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Polypeptide growth factors activate common signal transduction pathways, yet they can induce transcription of different target genes. The mechanisms that control this specificity are not completely understood. Recently, we have described a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-inducible response element, FiRE, on the syndecan-1 gene. In NIH 3T3 cells, the FiRE is activated by FGF-2 but not by several other growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor or epidermal growth factor, suggesting that FGF-2 activates signaling pathways that diverge from pathways activated by other growth factors. In this paper, we report that the activation of FiRE by FGF-2 requires protein kinase A (PKA) in NIH 3T3 cells. The PKA-specific inhibitor H-89 (N-[2-(p-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide) blocked the FGF-2-induced activation of FiRE, the transcription of the syndecan-1 gene, and cell proliferation. Also, expression of a dominant-negative form of PKA inhibited the FGF-2-induced FiRE activation and the transcription of the syndecan-1 gene. The binding of activator protein-1 transcription-factor complexes, required for the activation of FiRE, was blocked by inhibition of PKA activity before FGF-2 treatment. In accordance with the growth factor specificity of FiRE, the activity of PKA was stimulated by FGF-2 but not by platelet-derived growth factor or epidermal growth factor. Furthermore, a portion of the PKA catalytic subunit pool was translocated to the nucleus by FGF-2. Noticeably, the total cellular cAMP concentration was not affected by FGF-2 stimulus. We propose that the FGF-2-selective transcriptional activation through FiRE is caused by the ability of FGF-2 to control PKA activity.


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The interactions between Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ephrin ligands regulate cell migration and axon pathfinding. The EphA receptors are generally thought to become activated by ephrin-A ligands, whereas the EphB receptors interact with ephrin-B ligands. Here we show that two of the most widely studied of these molecules, EphB2 and ephrin-A5, which have never been described to interact with each other, do in fact bind one another with high affinity. Exposure of EphB2-expressing cells to ephrin-A5 leads to receptor clustering, autophosphorylation and initiation of downstream signaling. Ephrin-A5 induces EphB2-mediated growth cone collapse and neurite retraction in a model system. We further show, using X-ray crystallography, that the ephrin-A5-EphB2 complex is a heterodimer and is architecturally distinct from the tetrameric EphB2-ephrin-B2 structure. The structural data reveal the molecular basis for EphB2-ephrin-A5 signaling and provide a framework for understanding the complexities of functional interactions and crosstalk between A- and B-subclass Eph receptors and ephrins.


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Sähköiset koejärjestelmät ovat käytössä lähes kaikissa suomalaisissa korkeakouluissa ja erilaisten sähköiseen oppimiseen liittyvien järjestelmien käyttö on lisääntynyt huomattavasti viime vuosien aikana. Kuitenkin uuden tietotekniikan ja uusien pedagogisten käytäntöjen käyttöönotto on ollut välillä haastavaa oppilaitoksille. Ja uudistuksista on toisinaan syntynyt myös muutosvastarintaa, joka on voinut muodostua pitkäkestoiseksi. Suomalaiset korkeakoulut ovat hyvin erilaisissa vaiheissa sähköisten järjestelmien käyttöönotoissa, ja joissain korkeakouluissa ei sähköistä koejärjestelmää ole otettu vieläkään käyttöön, vaikka toisissa se on ollut käytössä jo vuosikymmenen ajan. Tässä työssä perehdyttiin sähköisiin koejärjestelmiin eri näkökulmista ja käsiteltiin sähköisten koejärjestelmien etuja, haittoja sekä niiden käyttöönottoa. Työssä myös esiteltiin yleisimpiä erityisesti Suomessa käytössä olevia järjestelmiä. Lisäksi toteutettiin kysely, joka lähetettiin kahteentoista suomalaiseen korkeakouluun. Korkeakouluista yhdeksän vastasi kyselyyn. Kyselyn perusteella muodostettiin vertailutaulukko, jotta korkeakoulujen järjestelmien erojen huomioiminen olisi mahdollisimman helppoa. Vaikka opiskelijat ovat valmiita sähköisille kokeille, on opettajilla ja instituutioilla ongelmia niiden käyttöönotossa sekä täysimittaisessa hyödyntämisessä. Erityisesti automaattisen arvioinnin, opetuksen tilastoinnin ja kehityksen sekä jatkuvan oppimisen mahdollistavia menetelmiä näytetään käyttävän huonosti hyödyksi korkeakoulujen pääasiallisissa sähköisissä koejärjestelmissä.


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