980 resultados para Local wind flow
To study the thermal effects on airflow in a street canyon under real heating conditions (due to diurnal solar radiation), a one-way static approach combining an urban canopy model and CFD is proposed in this paper. An urban canopy model was developed to calculate the individual temperatures of surfaces in the street canyon. The calculated surface temperature may be used as a thermal boundary for CFD simulation. The reliability of this model was validated against a field experiment in Harbin, China. Using the coupling calculation method, the wind flow and air exchange process inside an idealized street canyon was studied. The simulation results show that the thermal effect has significant impacts on the transfer process in the street canyon, especially when the approaching wind is weak. Under a real diurnal thermal forcing, the flow structure within the street canyon changes from one primary vortex to two counter-rotating vortices. The change of transfer process, induced by the buoyancy force, was determined by the thermal condition of all surfaces rather than a single one. Key words: thermal effect, street canyon, numerical simulation, transfer process, diurnal heating.
Carbon monoxide (CO) concentration data from 1999–2006, monitored at 5 different pollution stations in a high-rise mega city (Hong Kong), were collected and investigated. The spatio-temporal characteristics of urban CO concentration profiles were obtained. A new approach was put forward to examine the relationship between urban CO concentration and different wind flow patterns. Rather than relying on the meteorological data from a single weather station, usually adopted in previous studies, four weather stations on the boundary of Hong Kong territory were used in the present study so as to identify 16 different wind flow patterns, among which a typical urban heat island circulation (UHIC) can be distinguished. Higher concentrations were observed to be associated with the flow pattern of an inflow from Lau Fau Shan (LFS) station which is located in the northwest of Hong Kong. This suggests that the ability of dilution for north-to-west wind is relatively weak due to the pollutants carried from outside Hong Kong. The effectiveness of wind speed on the alleviation of urban concentration is dependent on the initial concentration of the approaching wind. The increase of wind speed of north-to-west wind from 0 m/s to 6 m/s has little effect on the reduction of urban CO concentration, especially on the non-roadside stations. By contrast, for the southerly marine wind, pollution concentration decreases sharply with an increase in the wind speed. It was also found that urban heat island circulation (UHIC) is conducive of the accumulation of pollutants, especially at night. There exists a positive correlation between CO concentration and UHI intensity. This correlation is much stronger at night compared to during the day. Keywords: urban pollution monitoring, urban ventilation pattern, urban heat island circulation, mega city
Synoptic climatology relates the atmospheric circulation with the surface environment. The aim of this study is to examine the variability of the surface meteorological patterns, which are developing under different synoptic scale categories over a suburban area with complex topography. Multivariate Data Analysis techniques were performed to a data set with surface meteorological elements. Three principal components related to the thermodynamic status of the surface environment and the two components of the wind speed were found. The variability of the surface flows was related with atmospheric circulation categories by applying Correspondence Analysis. Similar surface thermodynamic fields develop under cyclonic categories, which are contrasted with the anti-cyclonic category. A strong, steady wind flow characterized by high shear values develops under the cyclonic Closed Low and the anticyclonic H–L categories, in contrast to the variable weak flow under the anticyclonic Open Anticyclone category.
We present a new reconstruction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF, B) for 1846–2012 with a full analysis of errors, based on the homogeneously constructed IDV(1d)composite of geomagnetic activity presented in Part 1 (Lockwood et al., 2013a). Analysis of the dependence of the commonly used geomagnetic indices on solar wind parameters is presented which helps explain why annual means of interdiurnal range data, such as the new composite, depend only on the IMF with only a very weak influence of the solar wind flow speed. The best results are obtained using a polynomial (rather than a linear) fit of the form B = χ · (IDV(1d) − β)α with best-fit coefficients χ = 3.469, β = 1.393 nT, and α = 0.420. The results are contrasted with the reconstruction of the IMF since 1835 by Svalgaard and Cliver (2010).
Rapid rates of urbanization have resulted into increased concerns of urban environment. Amongst them, wind and thermal comfort levels for pedestrians have attracted research interest. In this regards, urban wind environment is seen as a crucial components that can lead to improved thermal comfort levels for pedestrian population. High rise building in modern urban setting causes high levels of turbulence that renders discomfort to pedestrians. Additionally, a higher frequency of high ris e buildings at a particular region acts as a shield against the wind flow to the lower buildings beyond them resulting into higher levels of discomfort to users or residents. Studies conducted on developing wind flow models using Computational Fluid Dynami cs (CFD) simulations have revealed improvement in interval to height ratios can results into improved wind flow within the simulation grid. However, high value and demand for land in urban areas renders expansion to be an impractical solution. Nonetheless, innovative utilization of architectural concepts can be imagined to improve the pedestrian comfort levels through improved wind permeability. This paper assesses the possibility of through-building gaps being a solution to improve pedestrian comfort levels.
Superposed epoch studies have been carried out in order to determine the ionospheric response at mid-latitudes to southward turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). This is compared with the geomagnetic response, as seen in the indices K p, AE and Dst. The solar wind, IMF and geomagnetic data used were hourly averages from the years 1967–1989 and thus cover a full 22-year cycle in the solar magnetic field. These data were divided into subsets, determined by the magnitudes of the southward turnings and the concomitant increase in solar wind pressure. The superposed epoch studies were carried out using the time of the southward turning as time zero. The response of the mid-latitude ionosphere is studied by looking at the F-layer critical frequencies, f o F2, from hourly soundings by the Slough ionosonde and their deviation from the monthly median values, δf o F2. For the southward turnings with a change in B z of δB z > 11.5 nT accompanied by a solar wind dynamic pressure P exceeding 5 nPa, the F region critical frequency, f o F2, shows a marked decrease, reaching a minimum value about 20 h after the southward turning. This recovers to pre-event values over the subsequent 24 h, on average. The Dst index shows the classic storm-time decrease to about −60 nT. Four days later, the index has still to fully recover and is at about −25 nT. Both the K p and AE indices show rises before the southward turnings, when the IMF is strongly northward but the solar wind dynamic pressure is enhanced. The average AE index does register a clear isolated pulse (averaging 650 nT for 2 h, compared with a background peak level of near 450 nT at these times) showing enhanced energy deposition at high latitudes in substorms but, like K p, remains somewhat enhanced for several days, even after the average IMF has returned to zero after 1 day. This AE background decays away over several days as the Dst index recovers, indicating that there is some contamination of the currents observed at the AE stations by the continuing enhanced equatorial ring current. For data averaged over all seasons, the critical frequencies are depressed at Slough by 1.3 MHz, which is close to the lower decile of the overall distribution of δf o Fl values. Taking 30-day periods around summer and winter solstice, the largest depression is 1.6 and 1.2 MHz, respectively. This seasonal dependence is confirmed by a similar study for a Southern Hemisphere station, Argentine Island, giving peak depressions of 1.8 MHz and 0.5 MHz for summer and winter. For the subset of turnings where δB z > 11.5 nT and P ≤ 5 nPa, the response of the geomagnetic indices is similar but smaller, while the change in δf o F2 has all but disappeared. This confirms that the energy deposited at high latitudes, which leads to the geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances following a southward turning of the IMF, increases with the energy density (dynamic pressure) of the solar wind flow. The magnitude of all responses are shown to depend on δB z . At Slough, the peak depression always occurs when Slough rotates into the noon sector. The largest ionospheric response is for southward turnings seen between 15–21 UT.
The altitude from which transient 630-nm (“red line”) light is emitted in transient dayside auroral breakup events is discussed. Theoretically, the emissions should normally originate from approximately 250 to 550 km. Because the luminosity in dayside breakup events moves in a way that is consistent with newly opened field lines, they have been interpreted as the ionospheric signatures of transient reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. For this model the importance of these events for convection can be assessed from the rate of change of their area. The area derived from analysis of images from an all-sky camera and meridian scans from a photometer, however, depends on the square of the assumed emission altitude. From field line mapping, it is shown for both a westward and an eastward moving event, that the main 557.7-nm emission comes from the edge of the 630 nm transient, where a flux transfer event model would place the upward field-aligned current (on the poleward and equatorward edge, respectively). The observing geometry for the two cases presented is such that this is true, irrespective of the 630-nm emission altitude. From comparisons with the European incoherent scatter radar data for the westward (interplanetary magnetic field By > 0) event on January 12, 1988, the 630-nm emission appears to emanate from an altitude of 250 km, and to be accompanied by some 557.7-nm “green-line” emission. However, for a large, eastward moving event observed on January 9, 1989, there is evidence that the emission altitude is considerably greater and, in this case, the only 557.7-nm emission is that on the equatorward edge of the event, consistent with a higher altitude 630-nm excitation source. Assuming an emission altitude of 250 km for this event yields a reconnection voltage of >50 kV during the reconnection burst but a contribution to the convection voltage of >15 kV. However, from the motion of the event we infer that the luminosity peaks at an altitude in the range of 400 and 500 km, and for the top of this range the reconnection and average convection voltages would be increased to >200 kV and >60 kV, respectively. (These are all minimum estimates because the event extends in longitude beyond the field-of-view of the camera). Hence the higher-emission altitude has a highly significant implication, namely that the reconnection bursts which cause the dayside breakup events could explain most of the voltage placed across the magnetosphere and polar cap by the solar wind flow. Analysis of the plasma density and temperatures during the event on January 9, 1989, predicts the required thermal excitation of significant 630-nm intensities at altitudes of 400-500 km.
The paper discusses how variations in the pattern of convective plasma flows should beincluded in self-consistent time-dependent models of the coupled ionosphere-thermosphere system. The author shows how these variations depend upon the mechanism by which the solar wind flow excites the convection. The modelling of these effects is not just of relevance to the polar ionosphere. This is because the influence of convection is not confined to high latitudes: the resultant heating and composition changes in the thermosphere are communicated to lower latitudes by the winds which are also greatly modified by the plasma convection. These thermospheric changes alter the global distribution of plasma by modulatingthe rates of the chemical reactions which areresponsible for the loss of plasma. Hence the modelling of these high-latitude processes is of relevanceto the design and operation of HF communication, radar and navigation systems worldwide.
1. To maximize the probability of rapid contact with a female’s pheromone plume, the trajectories of male foraging flights might be expected to be directed with respect to wind flow and also to be energetically efficient. 2. Flights directed either upwind, downwind, or crosswind have been proposed as optimal strategies for rapid and/or energetically efficient plume contact. Other possible strategies are random and Lévy walks, which have trajectories and turn frequencies that are not dictated by the direction of wind flow. 3. The planar flight paths of males of the day-active moth Virbia lamae were recorded during the customary time of its sexual activity. 4. We found no directional preference in these foraging flights with respect to the direction of contemporaneous wind flow, but, because crosswind encompasses twice the possible orientations of either upwind or downwind, a random orientation is in effect a de facto crosswind strategy. 5. A crosswind preference should be favoured when the plume extends farther downwind than crosswind, and this strategy is realized by V. lamae males by a random orientation of their trajectories with respect to current wind direction
The trajectories of pheromone plumes in canopied habitats, such as orchards, have been little studied. We documented the capture of male navel orangeworm moths, Amyelois transitella, in female-baited traps positioned at 5 levels, from ground level to the canopy top, at approximately 6 m above ground, in almond orchards. Males were captured in similar proportions at all levels, suggesting that they do not favor a particular height during ranging flight. A 3-D sonic anemometer was used to establish patterns of wind flow and temperature at 6 heights from 2.08 to 6.65 m in an almond orchard with a 5 m high canopy, every 3 h over 72 h. The horizontal velocity of wind flow was highest above the canopy, where its directionality also was the most consistent. During the time of A. transitella mating (0300–0600), there was a net vertical displacement upward. Vertical buoyancy combined with only minor reductions in the distance that plumes will travel in the lower compared to the upper canopy suggest that the optimal height for release of pheromone from high-release-rate sources, such as aerosol dispensers (“puffers”), that are deployed at low densities (e.g., 3 per ha.) would be at mid or low in the canopy, thereby facilitating dispersion of disruptant throughout the canopy. Optimal placement of aerosol dispensers will vary with the behavioral ecology of the target pest; however, our results suggest that current protocols, which generally propose dispenser placement in the upper third of the canopy, should be reevaluated.
This work is the application of geophysical methods, using the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), with the objective of survey in a subsurface plume of contamination caused by a disabled gas station. The gas station is located on the Búzios beach in southern coast of the state to Rio Grande do Norte in an Area of Environmental Protection called Bonfim-Guaraíra. The interest to develop this work was the presence of contaminants (hydrocarbons) in a well located on the desktop, previously used for the abstraction of groundwater for residents living near the site. Were raised 15 geophysical survey lines totaling 775,48 lifting and installed 4 piezometer, to confirm the contamination and prepare a pluviometric map that helped in indicating the direction of local groundwater flow, thus showing the direction of movement of the probably plume of contamination. From the processing of the GPR lines was possible to identify two likely phases of contamination according to the classification proposed by Azambuja et al 2000, which are called phase absorbed and dissolved phase
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foi desenvolvido um estudo da subsuperfície rasa para investigar a possibilidade de contaminação do subsolo por líquidos usados no tratamento de couros em área industrial. O estudo foi realizado na área da indústria Couro do Norte, Bairro de Maracacuera, no Distrito Industrial de Icoaraci (município de Belém-Pará). Durante o estudo foram feitas medidas para a determinação do fluxo de água do primeiro aqüífero e aplicada metodologia geofísica com a finalidade de detectar a possível contaminação do subsolo por poluentes liberados pelo curtume. As metodologias geofísicas utilizadas foram: eletrorresistividade (na forma de imageamento e través de sondagens verticais), potencial espontâneo, eletromagnético (Slingram) e radar de penetração no solo (GPR). A interpretação dos dados eletromagnéticos permitiu identificar a presença de zonas mais condutivas (provável pluma de contaminação) e zonas mais resistivas (blocos lateríticos). A distribuição dos potenciais medidos através do Método do Potencial Espontâneo indicou o sentido do fluxo subterrâneo local. Com as Sondagens Elétricas Verticais determinaram-se os valores de resistividade em subsuperfície para os diferentes horizontes correlacionando-os sempre com as informações obtidas no Caminhamento Elétrico. Através dos dados de GPR identificou-se a presença de blocos lateríticos, tubulações de metal e zonas com elevada atenuação (zona de sombra) que indicam a presença de contaminação.
Este estudo foi realizado na Área de Depósito de Rejeitos Sólidos (ADRS) da ALBRAS (Alumínio Brasileiro S.A.), localizada no município de Barcarena, Estado do Pará. Os resultados alcançados permitiram estabelecer um padrão de caracterização da subsuperfície, a partir de medidas geofísicas, fornecendo informações sobre as camadas geológicas e sobre parâmetros hidrogeológicos, tais como direção e velocidade do fluxo subterrâneo. Na realização do trabalho foram utilizados três métodos geofísicos: os métodos elétricos (Potencial Espontâneo e Eletrorresitividade) e eletromagnético (Slingram). A distribuição dos potenciais medidos através do Método do Potencial Espontâneo indicaram o sentido do fluxo subterrâneo local. Durante o estudo, foi montado um experimento de infiltração de solução salina no solo e seu efeito foi monitorado através de imageamento elétrico. Esse experimento permitiu que se estimasse a velocidade e o sentido do fluxo subterrâneo local ao longo da linha de imageamento. Os modelos interpretativos obtidos através da inversão de dados de resistividade aparente obtidos em sondagens elétricas verticais apresentaram uma boa correlação com perfis de raios gama corridos em poços tubulares da área de estudo. Estas Sondagens Elétricas Verticais permitiram que se detalhasse as unidades litológicas rasas através da estimativa de seus valores de resistividade e espessura. A interpretação dos dados eletromagnéticos através da análise de perfis de medidas, sondagens eletromagnéticas e mapas de contornos permitiu identificar a presença de zonas mais condutivas (material argiloso) e zonas mais resistivas (material arenoso). Além disso, observou-se que o mapa de contornos para a freqüência de 14080 Hz apresentou uma boa correlação com o mapa de contornos do Potencial Espontâneo referente a mesma área.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS