970 resultados para Local History


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L'autora fa una descripció de l'anomenada Casa Vincke de Palamós, de la família del mateix nom, molt lligada a la història industrial de la vila


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The Women's Literary Club of St. Catharines was founded in 1892 by a local author, Emma Harvey (Mrs. J.G.) Currie (1829-1913) and held its last official meeting on February 19, 1994. The Club developed, flourished and eventually waned. After more than one hundred successful years, the last members deposited the Club's archives at Brock University for the benefit of researchers, scholars and the larger community. The ‘object of the Club’ was established as “the promotion of literary pursuits.” The Club was a non-profit social organization composed of predominantly white, upper middle class women from the St. Catharines and surrounding areas. Club meetings were traditionally held fortnightly from March to December each year. The last meeting of the year was a celebration of their Club anniversary. The early meetings of the Club include papers presented and music performed by Club members. The literary pursuits that would dominate the agendas for the entire life of the Club reflected an interest in selected authors, national and local history, classical history, musical performances and current cultural and newsworthy events. For example in 1893 a typical meeting agendas would contain papers on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Hawaii, Brook Farm, Miss Louisa May Alcott and “Education of Women 100 years Ago.” Within the first year of the Club’s existence, detailed minute books became the norm and an annual agenda or program developed. The WLC collection contains a near complete set of meeting minutes from 1892 until 1995 and a comprehensive collection of yearly programs from 1983-1967 which members took great care to publish each year. Mrs. Currie brought together a group of women with a shared interest in literature and history, who wanted to pursue that interest in a formal and structured manner. She was well educated and influenced at an early age by her tutor and mentor William Kirby, local historian, writer and newspaper editor from Niagara-on-the-Lake. While Currie’s private education influenced her love of literature and history, the Club movement of the 1890’s offered a more public forum for her to share knowledge and learning with other women. Mrs. Currie was the wife of St. Catharines lawyer, James G. Currie, who also served as a Member of Parliament for the county of Lincoln. Mrs. W.H. McClive, who was also married to a St. Catharines lawyer, worked closely with Currie and they began research into the possibility of a literary Club in St. Catharines. Currie corresponded with a variety of literary Clubs across North America before she and Mrs.McClive tagged onto the momentum of the Club movement and published “A Clarion call for Women of St. Catharines To Form a Literary Club” in the local paper The St. Catharines Evening Journal. in 1892 and asked like Clubs to publish the news of their new Club. The early years of the WLC set the foundation of how the Club meetings and events would unfold for the next 80 plus years. Photos and minutes from the first ten years reveal an excitement and interest in organized Club outings. One particular event, an annual pilgrimage to the homestead of Laura Secord, became a yearly celebration for the Club. Club President, Mrs. Currie’s own personal work on Laura Secord amplified the Club’s interest in the ‘heroine of 1812’ and she allocated the profits from her publication on Secord in order to create a commemorative plaque/monument in the name of Laura Secord. The Club celebrated this event with a regular pilgrimage to this site. The connection felt by Club members and this memorial would continue until the Club’s last meetings. The majority of members in the early years were of the upper middle classes in the growing city of St. Catharines. Many of the charter members were the wives of merchants, business men, lawyers, doctors, even a hatter. Furthermore, the position of president was most often held by a woman with a comprehensive list of interests. This is particularly the case in Isabel Brighty McComb (1876-1941). Brighty who became a member in 1903, became Club president in 1932 and stayed in her post until her death in 1941. Similar to Mrs. Currie, Brighty was a local historian and published 2 booklets on local history. Her obituary indicates her position in the community as an author and involved community member committed to lifetime memberships in the Imperial Order of Daughters of Empire, I.O.D.E., the National Organization of Women, N.O.W. and the United Empire Loyalist Society, as well as the WLC. She was a locally known ‘teacher of elocution’ and a devoted researcher of Upper Canadian history. In a Club scrapbook dedicated to her, the biographical sketch illustrates the professionalism surrounding Brighty. There is very little personal history mentioned and the focus is on her literary works, her published essay, booklets and poetry. This professional focus, evident in both her obituary and the scrapbook, illustrate the diversity of these women, especially in their roles outside of the home. The WLC collection contains a vast array of essay, lectures clippings and scrapbooks from past meetings. Organized predominantly by topic or author, the folders and scrapbooks offer a substantial amount of research opportunity in the literary history of Canada. The dates, scope of topics and authors covered offer historians an exciting opportunity to examine the consumption of particular literary trends, artists and topics within the context of a midsized industrial city in English Canada. This is especially important because the agenda adhered to by the Club was bent on promoting, discussing and reviewing predominantly Canadian material. By connecting when and what these women were studying, scholars many gain a better understanding of the broader consumption and appreciation of literary and social trends of Canadian women outside of publishing and institutional records. Furthermore, because the agendas were set by and for these women, outside of the constructs of an institutionalized canon or agenda, they offer a fresh and on the ground examination of literary consumption over an extensive length of time.


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L'autora fa una descripció de l'anomenada Casa Vincke de Palamós, de la família del mateix nom, molt lligada a la història industrial de la vila


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Esta investigación se pregunta sobre las diferentes narrativas históricas que se han construido sobre la figura de los soldados rasos de la guerra de Corea, y por cómo ellos han generado estrategias en su relato que se ajustan a unos procesos históricos determinados.


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En esta investigación se estudian los conflictos nacidos en la progresiva definición de las formas jurídicas y de saber que acompañaron el re-asentamiento de instituciones y grupos de poder después de la ruptura política con España. Este análisis se conduce mediante un estudio de caso, la historia de un sacerdote ilustrado que emprendió en 1835 una querella contra la enseñanza del materialismo y el ateísmo prevista en la reclasificación republicana de saberes. La Revolución del cura Botero se desarrolló en la Villa de la Candelaria y constituye un ejemplo histórico de un tipo de resistencia local a la derogación y suplantación de las viejas formas de producción jurídica y de ordenación social. El caso Botero sirve como pre-texto para estudiar una respuesta local a la iniciativa centralista de abrogación de una cultura material por la entrada en vigor de un modelo de ordenación formal de orientación legicéntrica y liberal, ilustra un tipo localizado de resistencia a la implantación del modelo republicano en Colombia. Mediante un caso y un exhaustivo ejercicio de reconstrucción documental se recrea un problema central de la cultura jurídica revolucionaria: la disputa por las fuentes del derecho, la verdad y el saber en el “tránsito” a la “modernidad jurídica”. En ella se propone un modo de hacer historia del derecho a partir de casos concretos, historia local y documentos no oficiales como forma de reivindicación pedagógica de los pequeños objetos, aquellos que ponen a prueba el funcionamiento real de mecanismos hegemónicos.


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Para o comum das pessoas a HISTÓRIA LOCAL foi durante muito tempo uma recolecção de memórias e de factos centrada num microcosmos que tomava corpo naquilo a que se chamou a MONOGRAFIA.A verdade é que para muitos a HISTÓRIA LOCAL continua, ainda hoje, quase exclusivamente associada à produção das MONOGRAFIAS LOCAIS.A elaboração e a existência dessas obras, que em si mesmas não constituem nenhum mal (e eu, por exemplo, devo confessar que sou um grande consumidor delas - já por necessidade, já também por gosto) mas há que reconhecê-lo que atraíram há umas décadas atrás sobre a História Local o descrédito.Com efeito, tratava-se na generalidade dos casos, daquilo que o mundo académico veio a designar depreciativamente por micro-história no que diz respeito ao âmbito e ao alcance de tais obras.Mas, porventura, mais grave ainda do que isso, ocorre em grande parte dessas monografias que elas não revelam qualquer indício do domínio duma perspectiva epistemológica no que respeita à historiografia; nem remetem para o uso das normas mais elementares da metodologia com que se há de reconstituir e escrever a HISTÓRIA dos Homens.


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This paper assesses the relationship between state and society in interwar rural England, focusing on the hitherto neglected role of the Rural Community Councils (RCCs). The rise of statutory social provision in the early twentieth century created new challenges and opportunities for voluntaryism, and the rural community movement was in part a response. The paper examines the early development of the movement, arguing that a crucial role was played by a close-knit group of academics and local government officials. While largely eschewing party politics, they shared a commitment to citizenship, democracy and the promotion of rural culture; many of them had been close associates of Sir Horace Plunkett. The RCCs engaged in a wide range of activities, including advisory work, adult education, local history, village hall provision, support for rural industries and an ambivalent engagement with parish councils. The paper concludes with an assessment of the achievements of the rural community movement, arguing that it was constrained by its financial dependence on voluntary contributions.


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In this important article Richard Hoyle, one of the country’s leading historians of the early modern period, introduces new perspectives on the Land Tax and its use in the analysis of local communities in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. He uses as his case study the parish of Earls Colne in Essex, on which he has already written extensively with Professor Henry French. The article begins with an overview of the tax itself, explaining its history and the procedures for the collection of revenues – including the numerous changes which took place. The sizeable problems confronting any would-be analyst of the data are clearly identified, and Hoyle observes that because of these apparently insoluble difficulties the potential of the tax returns has never been fully realised. He then considers the surviving documentation in The National Archives, providing an accessible introduction to the sources and their arrangement, and describing the particularly important question o f the redemption of the tax by payment of a lump sum. The extent of redemption (in the years around 1800-1804) is discussed. Hoyle draws attention to the potential for linking the tax returns themselves with the redemption certificates (which have never been subjected to historical analysis and thereby proposes new ways of exploiting the evidence of the taxation as a whole. The article then discusses in detail the specific case of Earls Colne, with tabulated data showing the research potential. Topics analysed include the ownership of property ranked by size of payment, and calculations whereby the amount paid may be used to determine the worth of land and the structure of individual estates. The important question of absentee owners is investigated, and there is a very valuable consideration of the potential for looking at portfolio estate ownership, whereby owners held land in varying proportions in a number of parishes. It is suggested that such studies will allow us to be more aware of the entirety of property ownership, which a focus on a single community does not permit. In the concluding paragraph it is argued that using these sources we may see the rise and fall of estates, gain new information on landownership, landholding and farm size, and even approach the challenging topic of the distribution of wealth.


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In this paper we put forward the concept of architectural enthusiasm—a collective passion and shared emotional affiliation for buildings and architecture. Through this concept and empirical material based on participation in the architectural tours of The Twentieth Century Society (a UK-based architectural conservation group), we contribute to recent work on the built environment and geographies of architecture in three ways: first, we reinforce the importance of emotion to people’s engagements with buildings, emphasising the shared and practised nature of these engagements; second, we highlight the role of architectural enthusiasts as agents with the potential to shape and transform the built environment; and third, we make connections between (seemingly) disparate engagements with buildings through a continuum of practice incorporating urbex, local history, architectural practice and training, and mass architectural tourism. Unveiling these continuities has important implications for future research into the built environment, highlighting the need to take emotion seriously in all sorts of professional as well as enthusiastic encounters with buildings, and unsettling the categories of amateur and expert within architectural practices.


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Este trabalho apresenta, um panorama sobre os cerca de 100 anos de formação dasfavelas cariocas e especificamente sobre o Morro da Serrinha, em Madureira, zonanorte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, observando a lacuna que existe quanto àpreservação de suas memórias e a importância em se reverter esta situação. Apesquisa é centrada na preservação do Jongo, ritmo trazido de Angola pelos negrosbantos e que foi tombado pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, em2005, como o primeiro Bem Imaterial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A comunidade daSerrinha a mantém a prática cultural do jongo vivo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.A proposta é a de criação e implementação do Centro de Memória da Serrinha, emfase de implantação, onde funcionará uma escola-museu para 60 jovens. Através deoficinas técnicas de vídeo, fotografia e áudio, serão produzidos novos registros sobre ahistória local bem como reunidos documentos e obras que se encontram espalhadoscom produtores externos à comunidade e disponibilizados ao público na biblioteca doCentro, bem como no site do Grupo Cultural Jongo da Serrinha.


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O principal objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar, através de um estudo caso, como a questão do “preconceito intergrupal” pode ser percebida no desenvolvimento histórico de pequenos municípios brasileiros. Escolhendo a história da memória da cidade de Cachoeira da Prata como objeto central, buscamos discutir como ocorreu o processo de diferenciação social da pequena comunidade formada pelos descendentes do ex-escravo Nicolau Teixeira do restante da cidade. Para tanto, dividimos a dissertação em duas partes. A primeira é formada pelos três primeiros capítulos, nos quais apresentamos a vila fabril de Cachoeira de Macacos como o cenário, no qual o cel. Américo Teixeira é identificado como o líder maior de um projeto de domínio político e industrial que deixou marcas duradouras na memória da população mais antiga da cidade. Nesse contexto, buscamos discutir como o fenômeno do pós-emancipação da escravidão se manifestou na localidade, analisando parte da trajetória de vida do ex-escravo Nicolau Teixeira, um leal apoiador do projeto político do cel. Américo, que se tornou, na primeira metade do século XX, o patriarca de uma comunidade criada nas imediações da antiga vila fabril. Na segunda parte, composta exclusivamente pelo quarto capítulo, discutimos de maneira conjugada, a história da diferenciação social da comunidade e diferentes posicionamentos políticos e metodológicos que adotamos ao longo da pesquisa. Após essa análise, concluímos que só é possível entender os meandros do processo que levou os descendentes de Nicolau Teixeira à condição de exclusão social após percebê-los como atores capazes de elaborar narrativas e representações que auxiliam a população de Cachoeira da Prata a conhecer um “outro lado” da história local.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo propor a criação de um Museu do Sal na localidade de Praia Seca, Araruama- RJ. O museu tem como objetivo pesquisar e comunicar as memórias sobre os saberes e fazeres da atividade salineira e a história da formação da localidade de Praia Seca. Pretende compartilhar com os princípios da Nova Museologia quanto ao seu plano de integração ao meio-ambiente e à participação ativa da comunidade de Praia Seca. O acervo a ser constituído contará principalmente com depoimentos de diferentes atores participantes da história da atividade salineira de Praia Seca, utilizando a metodologia da história oral. Pretendemos que o Museu do Sal seja um “lugar de memória” e que a relação dele com a cidade contribua para a valorização das memórias e a escrita da história local assim como o desenvolvimento e dinamismo do lugar.


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This dissertation present an analysis of the interethnic conflict between Makuxi and Wapixana at the current moment in the Maloca of the Adobe, Aboriginal Land Fox-Mountain range of the Sun, in the State of Roraima. The theoretical field was boarded in the Ethnology, pursuing situations in local history, with edges in ethno-history. The research elapsed of the deepening necessity on the social relations and aboriginal politics, for the intercultural professional exercise of educator, appealing the bibliographical survey and participant comment as method; not directive interviews, photographs, filmings and daily register in of field, as techniques carried through in the period of 2006 to 2007. Although to inhabit in the same area and to establish marriages between itself, individuals and groups express tensions, aggravated with the landmark and legal recognition of the area, which generated inter dispute and intraetnias, mainly with the intrusion of farmers, rizicultores and the form of governmental influence. A relation of rivalry, individual and collective was evidenced, suggesting the strengthenig and not it fractionly, of the fights external politics, interns and in way to the cultural diversity and social adversity