655 resultados para Llibres rars espanyols
Recull de les novetats editorials de la Universitat de Girona
Ressenya de l'obra dirigida per Jorge Hermosilla i titulada "Los regadíos históricos españoles: paisajes culturales, paisajes sostenibles", publicada l'any 2010. Es trata d'un estudi realitzat per la Direcció General de l’Aigua, del Ministeri de Medi Ambient sobre els recs històrics espanyols des d’una perspectiva cultural. L’obra s’estructura en dues parts: la primera és una aproximació històrica dels conreus de regadiu espanyols i a la segona s'analitzen amb més detall una selecció de sistemes de rec històrics
Aquesta tesi doctoral com diu el seu títol es centra en analitzar la construcció de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona al segle XIV a través de l'anàlisi dels llibres d'obra conservats a l'Arxiu Diòcesa de Girona. Aquesta tesi doctoral esta dividida en quatre parts. En la primera part s'analitza la historiografia de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona des del segle XVII fins a l'actualitat. Dins d'aquest apartat s'analitzen les notícies que aporten els diferents autors i es situa el context historiogràfic de cadascun dels segles. S'ha realitzat un estudi molt exhaustiu en les darreres publicacions del segle XX i inicis del segle XXI. Un cop analitzades aquestes fonts - secundàries -, dins d'aquesta primera part del treball s'ha passat a analitzar els llibres d'obra del segle XIV. S'analitzaràn els aspectes formals i els diferents escrivans encarregats de realitzar aquests llibres d'obra. Aquesta serà la documentació bàsica per realitzar aquesta tesi doctoral. En la segona part del treball es procedirà a analitzar la gestió i el finançament de l'Obra. Es tracta d'una anàlisi, bàsicament dels ingressos, per veure quines són les estratègies que es duen a terme per aconseguir el màxim de recursos per la construcció i per les necessitats "litúrgiques" de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona. En aquest apartat s'ha analitzat l'Obra com a entitat amb les persones que formen part d'ella i el paper que correspon a cadascuna d'elles (l'obrer, l'escrivà, el mestre d'obres, el questor). També s'han analitzat els promotors i aquells ingressos que, pel seu volum, subministren el nombre més gran de diners a l'Obra ("annates", bacins, etc.). La tercera part ha consistit en l'elaboració de la cronologia constructiva de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona partint de la informació obtinguda en els llibres d'obra corresponent a les despeses. S'han analitzat totes aquelles obres, tant pel que fa a la construcció de l'edifici com pel que fa a reparacions i manteniment, que tenen lloc entre l'any 1349 (data del primer llibre d'obra de despeses) i l'any 1391. En aquesta part no s'ha entrat a analitzar de forma exhaustiva les figures que fan possible la construcció de l'església al segle XIV ja que això pertany al contingut de la darrera part del nostre treball. La darrera part del treball correspon a l'execució de les obres. En aquesta part trobem quatre grans capítols: els mestres d'obra, la mà d'obra, els materials i els mitjans auxiliars. En cadascun d'aquests capítols s'ha incidit sobre el rol dels diferents treballadors durant la construcció del temple, els materials utilitzats i les seves característiques (pedra, fusta, aglomerants, etc.) i els mitjans auxiliars utilitzats per col.locar aquests materials en obra. S'han separat els mestres d'obres de la resta de treballadors ja que els primers juguen un rol diferenciat dels segons. S'ha intentat analitzar en ambdós casos els seus sous i les tasques de cadascun d'ells. Pel que fa als materials també s'ha procedit a analitzar d'on s'extreuen, com han arribat a peu d'obra i on s'emmagatzemen i manipulen o transformen abans d'ésser col.locats en obra. Dels mitjans auxiliars s'ha intentat analitzar les funcions per la qual es fan servir les eines (apareixen totes les de l'ofici de pedrer), els enginys (elevar pesos), les bastides (poder treballar en alçada) i el encofrats (garantir la resistència inicial dels elements constructius). Evidentment s'han establert unes conclusions de cadascuna de les parts i unes conclusions finals. La tesi també inclou els agraïments corresponents, el prefaci i la bibliografia.
von Herz Amschel Ahimaaz, dem Baumeister
Mode of access: Internet.
A síndrome mielodisplásica primária (SMD) compreende um grupo de doenças hematopoéticas clonal de célula tronco pluripotente cacacterizada por vários graus de pancitopenia e alterações morfológica das células hematopoeticas e risco aumentado de transformação para leucemia mielóide aguda. A citogenética e a morfologia da medula óssea desempenham um papel fundamental para o diagnóstico e o prognóstico desses pacientes. Alterações cromossômicas são encontradas em aproximadamente 30-50% dos casos. Devido à importância da análise desses fatores para escolha terapêutica, torna-se necessário definir as alterações morfológicas e citogenéticas que possam contribuir para o prognóstico. Esse trabalho visa correlacionar as características morfológicas e citogenéticas da medula óssea em pacientes com SMD primária com as classificações OMS e FAB e com o IPSS. Foram estudados 32 pacientes com SMD primária diagnosticados entre 2000 e 2009 no HUPE-UERJ. As características clínicas foram analisadas através do levantamento de prontuários. A análise citogenética foi feita pela técnica de bandeamento GTG em células da medula ossea. A análise morfológica da biópsia de medula óssea e do mielograma foram realizadas através da revisão de lâminas. Vinte e três pacientes foram classificados em estágios iniciais da doença (22 AR, 1 ARSA) e 9 em estágio avançado AREB de acordo com a FAB. Alterações cromossômicas foram detectadas em 16 pacientes (50%). As mais frequentes foram: del(11)(q23) e del(17p). Dos pacientes com doença avançada, seis (66%) apresentaram aumento significativo da relação M:E (p=0,003) e sete (77%) possuíam alterações arquiteturais acentuadas (p<0,001) em comparação ao grupo de doença inicial. Pacientes classificados como intermediário 2 e alto risco pelo IPSS tiveram importante perda arquitetural (p<0,001), número significativamente maior de micromegacariócitos (p=0,017) e seis (85%) sofreram transformação leucêmica (p=0,006). ALIP foi significantemente aumentada nos pacientes de pior prognóstico (p=0,0 1) e naqueles com doença avançada (p=0,001). Nossos resultados apresentaram implicações potenciais para o diagnóstico e o prognóstico da SMD primária. As alterações morfológicas foram associadas com as classificações FAB, OMS e com os grupos de risco segundo o IPSS.
James Macduff, Neil Raistrick and Mervyn Humphreys (2002). Differences in growth and nitrogen productivity between a stay-green genotype and a wild-type of Lolium perenne under limiting relative addition rates of nitrate supply. Physiologia Plantarum, 116 (1), 52-61. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008
A process of social transformation allied with ongoing changes to the family has made possible the existence of a relatively little-known phenomenon: that of child-parent violence, which is raised as one of the most commonly experienced forms of violence in the family environment. Based on the study of this phenomenon, in our research we have used the qualitative technique of a life story, making use of a field diary in which we have taken notes on our daily work in the therapeutic context, for the purposes of mitigating the effects of such a process. The following research objectives were set: establishing the connection existing between family education style and the use of violence by the minor; and evaluating the extent to which family therapy mitigates the use of violence by the minor. The family education model, together with other dimensions, results in situations of child-parent violence occurring repeatedly, with continuing negative reinforcement from both parties in order to maintain a recurrent cycle of conduct, from which it is difficult to «escape» other than through a process of ongoing psychological therapy.
Chronic pain, without any organic or physical cause (DC), which in psycho-medical terminology is known as fi bromyalgia, (FM), is diagnosed each year to a considerable number of women in capitalistic societies. Our main interest in the following paper is to go in depth in the elaboration of this symptom, its treatment and the psychosocial effects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it. Our main goal in the following paper is to look deeper in the elaboration (conceptualization) of this symptom, its treatment and psychological affects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it, we are using linked speeches in Spanish magazines publications. The result has been the emergence of three hegemonic discourse positions: One position “scientist”, one “therapeutic of the conformity” position and one “economic and legalistic” position. Each of these has a specifi c feature, but on the whole, is enhanced, producing effects such as the absence of social context to explain the disease; disregard of gender differences in the management and treatment; the instrumentalization of pain to legitimize their practices and the subjection of women to the “psycho-biomedical” paradigm. In that way, a new signifi cance and politicization of the concept of pain is proposed.
Modern scientific world-view has undermined traditional myths, the functional survival of which seems to depend today in the West on a positivist justification. This would place them in the field of real History, through their study and revitalization by pseudoscientific disciplines such as the Atlantis and the ancient astronaut hypotheses. These have inspired new epic poems in (regular) verse that combine classic and/or biblical myths with a (pseudo)scientific modern world-view. For example, the critical rewriting of Noah’s myth by using the ancient astronaut hypothesis as a fictional device to produce a contemporary kind of plausibility allowed Abel Montagut to renew epic poetry, updating it also by adopting science fiction chronotopes in order to structure his fictional construction and to generate a high ethical sense for our time. Thus, his Poemo de Utnoa (1993) / La gesta d’Utnoa (1996), which has become a major classic of the literature in Esperanto thanks to its original version in this language, is a landmark of both science fiction and neo-biblical epics. This poem is written from a secular and purely literary perspective.
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a group of hematopoietic disorders characterized by peripheral cytopenias in the presence of normo- or hypercellular dysplastic marrow. It has been suggested that premature intramedullary apoptosis may contribute to this phenomenon. We used terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) of bone marrow biopsy specimens and cytocentrifuge preparations from patients with MDS and a variety of other hematopoietic disorders to determine whether there is increased intramedullary apoptosis in MDS and whether any such effect is specific to MDS. TUNEL labeling of bone marrow from 24 patients with MDS revealed significant positivity in 10 of 11 patients with refractory anemia (RA), five of seven with RA and excess of blasts (RAEB), all three patients with RAEB in transformation (RAEB-t), and all three patients with RA with ring sideroblasts (RARS). The percent of positive cells ranged from 5 to 50% but showed no apparent correlation with morphological subtype. In a series of 29 patients with acute leukemia, 17 showed significant positivity (13 of 13 with myeloid disease: three M1, seven M2, one M3, two M4; four of 16 patients with lymphoid disease: one Burkitt-type lymphoma, two null acute leukemia, and one common acute lymphoid leukemia). Intramedullary apoptosis was associated with myeloid or early committed progenitor cells and was highest in secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Normal bone marrow samples from 12 individuals showed no evidence of apoptosis. Our results suggest that an increased level of intramedullary apoptosis is apparent in both patients with MDS and those with AML; those with secondary AML have the highest levels. The relative absence of such findings in lymphoid malignancy suggests that the apoptotic pathways are different in this lineage.
The splicing factor SF3B1 is the most commonly mutated gene in the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), particularly in patients with refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS). We investigated the functional effects of SF3B1 disruption in myeloid cell lines: SF3B1 knockdown resulted in growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest and impaired erythroid differentiation and deregulation of many genes and pathways, including cell cycle regulation and RNA processing. MDS is a disorder of the hematopoietic stem cell and we thus studied the transcriptome of CD34 + cells from MDS patients with SF3B1 mutations using RNA sequencing. Genes significantly differentially expressed at the transcript andor exon level in SF3B1 mutant compared with wild-type cases include genes that are involved in MDS pathogenesis (ASXL1 and CBL), iron homeostasis and mitochondrial metabolism (ALAS2, ABCB7 and SLC25A37) and RNA splicingprocessing (PRPF8 and HNRNPD). Many genes regulated by a DNA damage-induced BRCA1-BCLAF1-SF3B1 protein complex showed differential expressionsplicing in SF3B1 mutant cases. This is the first study to determine the target genes of SF3B1 mutation in MDS CD34 + cells. Our data indicate that SF3B1 has a critical role in MDS by affecting the expression and splicing of genes involved in specific cellular processespathways, many of which are relevant to the known RARS pathophysiology, suggesting a causal link.
The presence of SF3B1 gene mutations is a hallmark of refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS). However, the mechanisms responsible for iron accumulation that characterize the Myelodysplastic Syndrome with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS) are not completely understood. In order to gain insight in the molecular basis of MDS-RS, an integrative study of the expression and mutational status of genes related to iron and mitochondrial metabolism was carried out. A total of 231 low-risk MDS patients and 81 controls were studied. Gene expression analysis revealed that iron metabolism and mitochondrial function had the highest number of genes deregulated in RARS patients compared to controls and the refractory cytopenias with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD). Thus mitochondrial transporters SLC25 (SLC25A37 and SLC25A38) and ALAD genes were over-expressed in RARS. Moreover, significant differences were observed between patients with SF3B1 mutations and patients without the mutations. The deregulation of genes involved in iron and mitochondrial metabolism provides new insights in our knowledge of MDS-RS. New variants that could be involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases have been identified.