913 resultados para Literacy teacher continuing education policies
Characteristics of the predominantly Hispanic community and native language usage in Miami are discussed in relation to poverty and common adult education programs. Native language literacy instruction is considered as an alternative offering to meet learners’ needs.
The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between working professionals' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy beliefs (CDMSE beliefs) and their reasons for participating in in-service master's level programs in Taiwan. ^ The data collection instruments used were Grotelueschen's (1985) Participation Reasons Scale (PRS), and Betz, Klein, and Taylor's (1996) Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy-Short Form (CDMSE-SF), and a Demographic Data Form (DDF) developed specifically for this study. ^ Surveys were administered to 800 working professionals who participated in inservice master's level programs at 22 Taiwanese universities. The survey was conducted in May 2004. Data were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics, principal component factor analysis, and multiple regression. Four factors of participation reasons were found and five components of CDMSE beliefs were scored. ^ Five components of CDMSE beliefs are structured into the CDMSE-SF instrument: Self-Appraisal, Occupational Information, Goal-Selection, Planning, and Problem Solving. The reasons for participation found in this study were: Professional Improvement and Development, Professional Service, Personal Benefit and Job Security, and Professional Competence and Collegial Interaction. Pearson-product moment correlations revealed significant positive correlations between the five CDMSE subscales and the four factors of participation reasons. Multiple regression analysis revealed that participants' beliefs in their abilities to obtain information about occupations accounted for the preponderance of variance of scores on the Participation Reasons Scale (PRS). ^ This study concluded that professionals who believed that they were efficacious in obtaining information about occupations or professions tended to believe that the four reasons for participation represented by the factors of the PRS were important to them in making the decision to participate in continuing education. Additionally, it was noted that the reasons for participations for professionals who did not feel confident in their abilities to find such information could not be determined. ^ Recommendations are offered to assist those individuals responsible for developing recruiting programs in continuing education for professionals in Taiwan. These recommendations focus only on strategies intended to attract this target population of professionals who believe that they are efficacious in obtaining information about occupations. ^
This poster proposal summarizes research regarding foster parents' perceptions of their post-licensing continuing education.
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of performance feedback on Athletic Trainers’ (ATs) perceived knowledge (PK) and likelihood to pursue continuing education (CE). The investigation was grounded in the theories of “the definition of the situation” (Thomas & Thomas, 1928) and the “illusion of knowing,” (Glenberg, Wilkinson, & Epstein, 1982) suggesting that PK drives behavior. This investigation measured the degree to which knowledge gap predicted CE seeking behavior by providing performance feedback designed to change PK. A pre-test post-test control-group design was used to measure PK and likelihood to pursue CE before and after assessing actual knowledge. ATs (n=103) were randomly sampled and assigned to two groups, with and without performance feedback. Two independent samples t-tests were used to compare groups on the difference scores of the dependent variables. Likelihood to pursue CE was predicted by three variables using multiple linear regression: perceived knowledge, pre-test likelihood to pursue CE, and knowledge gap. There was a 68.4% significant difference (t101= 2.72, p=0.01, ES=0.45) between groups in the change scores for likelihood to pursue CE because of the performance feedback (Experimental group=13.7% increase; Control group= 4.3% increase). The strongest relationship among the dependent variables was between pre-test and post-test measures of likelihood to pursue CE (F2,102=56.80, p<0.01, r=0.73, R2=0.53). The pre- and post-test predictive relationship was enhanced when group was included in the model. In this model [YCEpost=0.76XCEpre-0.34 Xgroup+2.24+E], group accounted for a significant amount of unique variance in predicting CE while the pre-test likelihood to pursue CE variable was held constant (F3,102=40.28, p<0.01,: r=0.74, R2=0.55). Pre-test knowledge gap, regardless of group allocation, was a linear predictor of the likelihood to pursue CE (F1,102=10.90, p=.01, r=.31, R2=.10). In this investigation, performance feedback significantly increased participants’ likelihood to pursue CE. Pre-test knowledge gap was a significant predictor of likelihood to pursue CE, regardless if performance feedback was provided. ATs may have self-assessed and engaged in internal feedback as a result of their test-taking experience. These findings indicate that feedback, both internal and external, may be necessary to trigger CE seeking behavior.
This article is an introductory note to The thematic section in this issue of Education Inquiry has its background in the need for research interpreting literacy from a critical perspective. Teaching literacy is not solely about technical reading skills but is also about understanding and the making of meaning. From that point of view, teaching must also consider the use of language, the context within which language is used, and issues of power. The thematic section includes five articles about critical literacy in Swedish education. The contributions were developed after a workshop conducted by Professor Hilary Janks, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She introduces the framework of a critical literacy theory in the first article of the issue. Further, the contributions of Swedish scholars are united in their interest in applying a mode of critical literacy designed by Janks to different practices, sites and speech-events, for example policy documents, home reading, teaching and learning practices. The articles offer a wide perspective of critical literacy in education and further understanding of the complex processes in teaching.
This dissertation aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the effect an enhanced financial literacy, through financial education, has on financial behaviour. We posit that financial literacy is enhanced through financial education courses, but it also significantly impacts the financial behaviour of individuals. Moreover, we argue that improved financial literacy plays a significant role in mitigating behavioural biases and an asset price bubble. Chapter 1 analyzes the impact of a financial education course in enhancing financial literacy in a high- school context. Students at specific schools in Tirana, Albania, are delivered a financial education course, which lasts one academic year. To understand the impact of this financial education course in enhancing financial literacy, PISA (2012) questionnaire on financial literacy is delivered to the students before and after the course is delivered. Chapter 2 analysis the impact of financial literacy in mitigating behavioural biases. We focus on the impact that enhanced financial literacy through the financial education course and financial education plays in reducing the propensity to mental accounting bias. Chapter 3 investigates how financial literacy affects the propensity to an asset price bubble occurrence. We posit that enhanced financial literacy through financial education reduces the probability of an asset price bubble occurrence. We find that financial literacy enhanced through financial education has a significant impact in the financial behaviour of the individuals.
Continuing education of health professionals: The Open University of Brazil’s National Health System
Apresenta um panorama geral de cobertura da rede UNA-SUS pelo Brasil, mostrando as principais estatísticas obtidas pela UNA-SUS, como: dados de acesso e quantidade de recursos educacionais.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender as ações pedagógicas constituídas por uma unidade municipal de ensino de Vitória/ES, visando ao processo de inclusão escolar de uma criança com Síndrome de Asperger no contexto da Educação Infantil. Contou com as contribuições teóricas dos estudos da matriz histórico-cultural e de autores dedicados a estudar a infância, como Kramer, Sarmento, Aries, dentre outros, bem como de pesquisadores interessados em investigar os pressupostos da Educação Especial em uma perspectiva inclusiva. Como aporte teórico-metodológico, apoiou-se no estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico que advoga pela possibilidade de, por meio da pesquisa científica, produzir conhecimento sobre a realidade social. O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado em uma unidade municipal de Educação Infantil de Vitória/ES, envolvendo uma criança com Síndrome de Asperger, professores, pedagogos, dirigente escolar e responsável pelo estudante investigado. O processo de coleta de dados se efetivou no período de março de 2013 a setembro de 2013. O pesquisador esteve de uma a duas vezes por semana no campo de pesquisa, participando das observações em sala de aula, em espaços para planejamento e formação continuada e também observando momentos informais na entrada, recreio e saída dos alunos. Para a organização do estudo, trabalhou com quatro eixos: a) ações implementadas em favor do processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com Síndrome de Asperger no contexto da Educação Infantil; b) proposta pedagógica do CMEI “Alegria da Cinderela”: espaços de planejamento, formação e utilização dos apoios pedagógicos para a inclusão escolar; c) concepções dos profissionais envolvidos na pesquisa e da família sobre a inclusão escolar da criança com Síndrome de Asperger; d) principais possibilidades e/ou dificuldades encontradas pela unidade de ensino mediante o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da criança com Síndrome de Asperger. Como resultados, a pesquisa aponta: a importância de pensar nessas crianças como sujeitos de direitos e capazes de aprender; a necessidade de investimentos na formação inicial e continuada de professores para que os estudantes tenham maiores possibilidades de aprender; a urgência de o professor assumir a inclusão escolar como um movimento ético comprometido com a formação e com o reconhecimento da diversidade/diferença humana; a necessidade de reconhecer o cotidiano da Educação Infantil como um rico espaço para todas as crianças se desenvolverem e produzirem conhecimentos com seus pares e por meio das mediações pedagógicas dos professores.
This present study aimed to examine the use of games with rules in working with math education in regular classes included in Elementary School, in the municipal education schools of Natal/RN, observing the learning process and development of all students, especially those with disabilities. The theoretical references used are based on Vygotsky's works and other authors from the historical-cultural perspective, as well as researchers in the field of Inclusive Education and Mathematics Education. The investigation was based on the qualitative research guidelines, with the application of semi-structured interviews with educational coordinators and teachers from the schools involved as well as classroom observations, looking for, in the speeches of those involved and in their teaching practices, elements to reflect on the Mathematics Inclusive Education, the use of games with rules -starting from its goals, the participation of disabled students, the pedagogical mediations, up to its accessibility - and from the learning of disabled students. The analysis results showed that the concepts underlying the development of inclusive teaching practices still refer to the clinical-medical paradigm, understanding the student with disabilities from their deficiencies; which teachers use, in their majority, the mathematical games with rules in their classes, but which the teaching mediation, during these activities, still needs to be qualified so that they can, effectively, contribute to the learning and development of all students; students with disabilities do not always participate in games with others colleagues; games with rules are rarely accessible; and that the Universal Design principles are not adopted in the selected classrooms for this study. Thus, it is clear that much remains to be done so that Mathematics Education can contribute to the learning and development of all students, and among those actions the teacher continuing education is recommended
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article aims to discuss reports brought by the teacher the early years of public school in the training course in Gender and Diversity in School (GDS), with regard to the prejudices of gender and sexual diversity. The GDS training course was offered in 2009 and 2010, by the Open University of Brazil (UAB), in cooperation agreement with the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). In São Paulo the training centers were distributed in 09 municipalities. The course GDS was inserted in the modality teacher continuing education elementary education from the public schools, in the semipresencial way, and it was divided into five thematic modules: diversity, gender, sexuality and sexual orientation, race / ethnicity. In this article, we present the analysis of the memorials written by / the teacher / participants of the 1st GDE course, polo Jau, in the state of São Paulo, that link the learning which was experienced in the course. Were obtained reports about conflicts arising from the dissonance of personal beliefs and professional responsibilities; involvement of the life’s history of the teacher in his performance in the school (subjectivities); transposition of conceptual errors built out of school, between other aspects. It could be observed that the course has destabilized these teachers with some questions about their certainties. The difficulty in changing and transforming concepts and prejudices about sexual and gender diversity was clarified during the course. The course enabled the educators the contact with contemporary questions, reflect on their attitudes and conceptions of education, which can help to transform their practices in school, providing new perspectives on the issue of sexuality
This work is intended to promote a reflection about the forms of work in groups for continuous training of teachers. Based on the hypothesis that the groups of study / discussion of specific topics in physics can have very effects significant and recommended by the literature, we based on the propositions of the educator José Contreras Domingo about autonomy of teachers and we does a report of an experience with group of continuing education in which they succeeded in developing the characteristics of autonomy of teachers in a job with physics teachers who participate in a group of study / discussion of topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics. In this way presents arguments relating the autonomy of teachers with the teacher continuing education and presents the report of a group of training teachers of physics who works along these lines.
Esta pesquisa investiga dois professores de Física do ensino médio com grande experiência em sala de aula e frequentadores dos cursos de formação continuada da USP ministrado pelo Instituto de Física no período das férias. Estes professores participam ativamente das atividades mensais propostas pelo grupo de trabalho desses cursos e são profissionais de certo modo implicados com seu processo de aprendizagem e formação. Eles foram acompanhados em um curso ministrado durante o período de férias e em reuniões mensais no Instituto de Física da USP de São Paulo. Utilizamos a metodologia da pesquisa qualitativa, coletando os dados a partir de observações destes professores em diversos contextos e de entrevistas semiestruturadas baseadas em suas histórias de vida. Um dos objetivos da pesquisa foi, à luz da psicanálise, utilizando o autor Wilfred Ruprecht Bion como referencial teórico, compreender as relações que os professores estabelecem com as atividades experimentais e como lidam com as frustrações que estas atividades evocam. Compreendendo esta relação, investigamos qual seria o papel da formação continuada nesta relação dos professores com as atividades experimentais. Propusemos uma organização em categorias para descrever as trajetórias destes dois professores, mostrando de um modo geral como eles lidam com as frustrações, ora enfrentando-as, ora fugindo delas. A partir da observação e entrevistas em ambiente de formação continuada, nosso segundo objetivo foi fazer uma reflexão de como os cursos de formação continuada estão atuando para dar suporte ao professor que busca os cursos e que na maioria das vezes está em um estado de dependência ao invés de ter a autonomia pressuposta pelos formadores. Percebemos que os formadores de uma maneira geral não estão servindo de continentes para as frustrações e angústias provenientes das experiências emocionais dos professores que surgem do contato com as atividades experimentais. Desta forma concluímos que devemos repensar os cursos de formação continuada para que possam contemplar as subjetividades do professor.
Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.