974 resultados para Lipase EC
A ação inibitória dos organofosforados sobre as esterases, por ser específica, pode ser empregada como um eficiente biomarcador da exposição de seres vivos aos organofosforados. A inibição da acetilcolinesterase (AChE; EC provoca acúmulo do neurotransmissor acetilcolina nas fendas sinápticas colinérgicas, o que pode resultar na morte do indivíduo. Outra atividade também afetada por organofosforados é a da enzima carboxilesterase (CarbE; EC CarbE estão envolvidas na fase I da biotransformação de xenobióticos e atuam como captadoras (scavengers) de organofosfatos, incluindo os formados pela biotransformação dos organofosforados. As CarbE estudadas até hoje se ligam com maior velocidade aos organofosfatos do que as colinesterases. Por isto se admite que CarbE possam diminuir, por captação estequiométrica, a ligação tóxica de moléculas de organofosfatos às acetilcolinesterases das sinapses colinérgicas e das placas motoras dos músculos. Experimentos realizados em nosso laboratório mostraram que a atividade da CarbE está aproximadamente 50% menor no soro e no fígado de pacus submetidos à hipoxia. Por causa disso, em razão de uma possível diminuição da capacidade captadora da CarbE, decidimos verificar se o pacu em hipoxia seria mais sensível aos agrotóxicos organofosforados. Para este propósito foram colocados seis pacus divididos em dois tanques. No primeiro tanque, os animais foram submetidos a 24 horas de hipoxia seguidos por mais 4 horas de exposição ao organofosforado metilparation em duas concentrações diferentes (0,02 ou 0,01 mg / L). No segundo tanque os animais permaneceram em normoxia durante o mesmo período de 24 horas e depois foram expostos ao metilparation como no primeiro tanque. As atividades da AChE ensaiada com acetiltiocolina, a da butirilcolinesterase (BChE) ensaiada com butiriltiocolina e a da CarbE ensaiada com p-nitrofenilacetato foram avaliadas no soro, fígado, cérebro, músculo e coração dos pacus. Houve redução de aproximadamente 35% da atividade de CarbE no soro dos pacus submetidos a 24 horas de hipoxia. Uma queda de 85% na atividade de CarbE do soro foi observada nos animais que sofreram hipoxia e subsequente exposição a 0,02 mg de metilparation por litro. Com metilparation a 0,01 mg/L a diminuição observada foi de 48,2%. No músculo dos pacus expostos a 0,02 mg/L, as atividades de AChE e BChE cairam pela metade quando os mesmos foram submetidos à hipoxia quando comparados a animais que permaneceram em normoxia. Nos diversos tecidos dos pacus expostos a 0,01 mg/L de metilparation não observamos diferenças significativas nas atividades de AChE, BChE ou CarbE. Concluímos que a duplicação da concentração de metilparation de 0,01 para 0,02 mg/L levou à atividade residual de CarbE do soro de 51,8% para 15%. A ausência de mudanças nas atividades das esterases dos tecidos de animais expostos a 0,01 mg/L entre os grupos hipoxia e normoxia deve ter ocorrido porque a concentração de organofosforado não foi suficiente para superar a primeira barreira de proteção das esterases séricas e atingir os tecidos. Mas, no experimento com 0,02 mg/L de metilparation, as inibições de AChE e de BChE no músculo dos animais em hipoxia podem ser explicadas pela diminuição da atividade de CarbE do soro dos pacus.
Background Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC (DPPIV) is a serine peptidase involved in cell differentiation, adhesion, immune modulation and apoptosis, functions that control neoplastic transformation. Previous studies have demonstrated altered expression and activity of tissue and circulating DPPIV in several cancers and proposed its potential usefulness for early diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and principal findings The activity and mRNA and protein expression of DPPIV was prospectively analyzed in adenocarcinomas, adenomas, uninvolved colorectal mucosa and plasma from 116 CRC patients by fluorimetric, quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Results were correlated with the most important classic pathological data related to aggressiveness and with 5-year survival rates. Results showed that: 1) mRNA levels and activity of DPPIV increased in colorectal neoplasms (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01); 2) Both adenomas and CRCs displayed positive cytoplasmic immunostaining with luminal membrane reinforcement; 3) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was lower in CRC patients than in healthy subjects (Mann-U test, p<0.01); 4) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was associated with worse overall and disease-free survivals (log-rank p<0.01, Cox analysis p<0.01). Conclusion/significance 1) Up-regulation of DPPIV in colorectal tumors suggests a role for this enzyme in the neoplastic transformation of colorectal tissues. This finding opens the possibility for new therapeutic targets in these patients. 2) Plasmatic DPPIV is an independent prognostic factor in survival of CRC patients. The determination of DPPIV activity levels in the plasma may be a safe, minimally invasive and inexpensive way to define the aggressiveness of CRC in daily practice.
围绕论文题目“电化学SPR生物传感器的研究及应用”,我们将SPR传感金膜同时用作电化学研究的界面,在自行组建的电化学SPR (EC-SPR)池中进行了相关的EC-SPR研究。 本论文研究工作的主要内容包括以下几个方面: 1. 发展了一种电化学薄化控制SPR金膜厚度,优化SPR信号的方法。这种方法主要是利用在较高电位下金与氯离子发生络合反应使SPR金膜表面的金部分溶解进入溶液从而达到薄化金基底的目的。通过调节溶液中氯离子的浓度和电化学扫描的次数,可以现场调控SPR基底的金膜厚度。我们用这种处理过的金膜进行了生物分子的吸附试验,结果证明了这种处理过的金膜适用于一般的SPR分析。 2. 采用湿化学镀膜法结合光刻法制备SPR金膜微阵列,拟将用于SPR成像分析。这种方法属于湿化学法制备SPR金膜微阵列,主要是在胶体金纳米粒子的自组装膜上刻蚀出金纳米粒子的微阵列,然后用湿化学法生长出合适的金微阵列。这种方法对制备条件要求比较简单,在制备纳米金微阵列的过程中腐蚀时间比较好控制,同时催化生长出新的金面。重复试验证实了这种方法能够制备出稳定的,尺寸可控的金微阵列,有望用于SPR成像系统研究生物分子相互作用。 3. 在SPR金膜表面利用电沉积法制备了超薄的壳聚糖薄膜,并将之应用于生物分子相互作用的研究。通过一步电沉积的方法制备了超薄的壳聚糖修饰的SPR金基片,并研究了几种常见蛋白与壳聚糖薄膜的非特异性作用,进一步用鼠IgG和抗鼠IgG作为一个典型的例子研究了壳聚糖修饰膜的生物相容性。试验表明壳聚糖修饰膜有好的生物相容性。 4. 首次提出利用生物催化沉积金属纳米粒子放大SPR信号测定小分子的方法。生物小分子抗坏血酸能够还原银离子,使其在金纳米表面沉积形成金属银原子。银原子的沉积将会极大地增强SPR信号,从而实现SPR光谱对小分子抗坏血酸浓度的放大测定。每次测定后,通过电化学剥脱Ag原子,SPR芯片的表面能够完全再生。同时,剥脱的银原子的量也能够被电化学测定,这也实现了抗坏血酸的间接电化学测定。 5. 结合电化学和SPR技术表征了DNA/Zr4+多层膜在金膜表面的生长过程,并研究了这种多层膜与细胞色素c的相互作用。SPR技术被用于测定 (DNA/ Zr4+)1双层中DNA单层的有效膜厚,及其表面覆盖率。利用红外反射光谱和X-射线光电子能谱表征这种多层膜的组成。通过EC-SPR方法,这种多层膜和细胞色素c的相互作用被进一步分析。结果表明这种多层膜不仅增强了细胞色素c的固定量,而且保持了细胞色素c的生物活性。 6. 利用EC-SPR技术测定了聚苯胺支撑的双层磷脂膜中的酶促反应。通过泡囊融合法在聚苯胺表面形成HRP掺杂的磷脂双层膜。这种磷脂双层膜能够很好的保存膜内的辣根过氧化酶(HRP)的活性,同时,这种膜允许质子的跨膜传输,能够提供聚苯胺和HRP在双氧水存在下反应所需的质子,实现酶促开关控制聚苯胺氧化还原态的变化,通过SPR检测这种聚苯胺膜的氧化还原态的变化,从而达到利用SPR测定酶底物小分子的目的。 7. 开展了适配子(aptamer)的EC-SPR研究。利用亚甲基兰为外在电化学探针分子,我们设计了一种简单的、可再生的电化学方法测定小分子腺苷。结果表明这种方法对腺苷的检测具有较高的灵敏性和选择性。这种设计思路有望进一步用于构建一个可再生的SPR传感器平台,用于研究适配子与蛋白质相互作用。
围绕论文题目“纳米结构界面组装及电化学SPR研究”,我们将SPR与电化学技术有机的结合起来,建立了电化学SPR(EC-SPR)技术,开展了相关的EC-SPR研究工作。同时,在一些特殊纳米结构的界面组装方面进行了创新研究。本论文研究工作的主要内容和创新点表现在以下几个方面:1.首次成功地将纳米粒子自组装膜模板与化学镀金技术相结合成功地用于湿化学法制备SPR响应基片,攻克国际上仅用物理法制备SPR镀金片的局限和困难,为SPR技术的进一步普及奠定了一定的基础。2.此外,还成功地将纳米粒子自组装膜模板与化学镀金技术相结合,制备了Au(III)单晶纳米岛阵列薄膜及电极。3.在国内率先将电化学和表面等离子体共振(SPR)光谱技术相结合,构建了EC-SPR仪器操作系统;并将此技术用于现场原位表征和研究导电聚合物薄膜和生物大分子(DNA和电活性蛋白质分子)纳米结构组装体的光电特性。4. 首次合成并报道了纳米粒子模板法制备中空的银/金表面钉状双金属纳米粒子,及其在水和空气界面受扩散受限聚集控制的二维介观分形聚集。丰富和拓展了纳米粒子二维分形聚集的研究。5.将欠电位沉积电化学方法拓展用于表面微加工。实验结果表明,对化学镀制备的多晶金SPR响应基片进行连续的银欠电位沉积与溶出电化学处理,不仅可以改善金膜表面的粗糙度,还能对表面的原子进行结构重排,使其具有An(III)的电化学响应特征;SPR信号对SPR响应金膜表面的原子排列非常灵敏。6.将欠电位沉积电化学法用于新颖的纳米催化剂设计,首次制备了铂原子单层沉积的纳米金单层膜并成功地用于4电子氧催化还原反应。大基于纳米受限环境下水的特殊性质(不挥发性)的启示,成功地进行了DDAB表面活性剂泡囊和环状多金属氧酸盐(POM)纳米簇的仿生超分子模板界面静电组装。
围绕论文题目“电化学SPR研究及形貌可控的纳米结构合成”,我们将SPR传感膜同时用作电化学研究的界面,开展了相关的EC-SPR研究工作。同时,在一些可控纳米结构的合成与表征方面进行了创新研究。 本论文研究工作的主要内容和创新点表现在以下几个方面:1.生物分子模板生长法为构建具有特定功能的新颖材料提供了新的途径。报道了一种基于固定的DNA为模板通过电化学途径合成DNA-聚苯胺复合物的方法。在这种条件下,目标生物分子能保持其天然结构和生物活性,能用于构建功能多样性的导电聚合物结构。2.首次用溶液中溶解氧现场原位还原产生的活性氧中间体作氧化剂,在蒸镀的金膜电极上阴极极化合成聚苯胺(PANI)。聚苯胺膜的厚度可很容易地在分子水平的尺度上控制,其表面形貌对金膜表面层原子的结晶取向非常敏感。在多晶金电极上可得到岛型的纳米结构,而在单晶Au(111)电极上则聚合得到超薄膜。3.在金电极表面电化学聚合形成的导电聚合物聚吡咯(PPy)膜被用作双层磷脂 膜(BLMs)的新的支撑体。PPy膜支撑的双层脂膜的形成依赖于所用脂分子的化学结构,在一定程度上PPy膜支撑的双层脂膜类似于传统的双层脂膜结构,在脂膜结构的内外两侧保持着水介质环境。PPy膜支撑的双层磷脂膜可很方便地用于仿生膜研究。4.采用光刻法构建SPR阵列传感器的金膜点阵列,拟将来用于SPR成像分析。把正型光刻胶旋涂于SPR金片表面,紫外光通过自制掩模曝光后,用碱液显 影。然后采用选择性化学刻蚀暴露出的金膜,最后用剥离液去掉未曝光的光 胶层,从而构建所需的金膜点阵列,点的大小和间距可方便地由掩模来控制。用壳聚糖为例进行了金膜点阵列的表面修饰与组装。点阵列间的玻璃表面能 抑制亲水性和疏水性分子的吸附,这在SPR成像分析及高通量筛选方面将非常有用。5.在生物学上,生物大分子或有机体通常能调节及控制生物/无机杂化材料和晶 体的形貌及组装,这个过程被称为生物矿化。我们报导了基于生物小分子,L一氨基酸的金纳米结构的生物合成。在没有表面活性剂及硬模板存在下,天冬氨酸能直接还原氯金酸生成大量的厚度小于30nm的金纳米盘,该纳米盘为单晶结构,主要晶面为{111},特征形貌为平均边长为590nm的对称六角形以及平均边长为840nm的去顶角三角形纳米晶体。6.苯胺及其衍生物作为模型化合物被用于有意图地构建金属纳米材料。苯胺还原氯金酸生成金核直径38nm壳gnm的核/壳结构的球形纳米粒子,3-氨基苯甲酸(3-ABA)调制生成厚度为20nm边长为105nm的形状规则的金纳米片,4一氨基苯甲酸(4-ABA)指导生成直径为18nm长度为微米级的纳米线结构,2一氨基苯磺酸(2-ABS)能调节生成直径为13.7nln长度可达几十微米的“之”字形的金纳米线,而1-(4-氨基苯基)乙二胺-N,N,N',N'-四乙酸(4-ABEDTA)能还原氯金酸并相应控制生成结构完好由平均直径为19nm的金球形纳米粒子连接的线结构并进一步组织成纳米分形网络结构,表明苯胺环上取代基的种类和位置对金属纳米结构形貌的调节有直接影响。
土壤微生物(Soil microbes)是生态系统的重要组成部分,它参与土壤中复杂有机物质的分解和再合成,也参与C、N、S、P等的循环。土壤酶(Soil enzyme)是土壤中具有生物活性的蛋白质,它与微生物一起推动着土壤的生物化学过程,并在树木营养物质的转化中起着重要的作用。鉴于土壤微生物和土壤酶对环境变化的敏感性,它们在CO2浓度和温度升高时的反应将在很大程度上影响森林生态系统的结构和功能。因此,要全面评价大气CO2浓度和温度升高对整个生态系统的影响,有必要对CO2浓度和温度升高条件下的土壤微生物的反应进行深入的研究与探讨。本文应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究了川西亚高山岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)根际、非根际土壤微生物数量,红桦(Betula albosinensis)根际微生物数量以及根际、非根际土壤酶活性对大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度+350±25μmol·mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度+2.0±0.5℃,ET)升高及两者同时升高(ECT)的响应。结果表明: 1) EC和ET显著增加岷江冷杉根际微生物数量,但不同微生物种类对EC和ET的反应有所差异。6、8和10月,岷江冷杉根际微生物数量与对照(CK)相比,EC处理的根际细菌数量分别增加了35%、164%和312%,ET处理增加了30%、115%和209%;EC和ET处理对根际放线菌和根际真菌数量影响不显著。ECT处理的根际放线菌数量分别增加了49%、50%和96%,根际真菌数量增加了151%、57%和48%;而ECT对根际细菌数量影响不显著。EC、ET和ECT处理对岷江冷杉土壤微生物总数的根际效应明显,其R/S值分别为1.93、1.37和1.46(CK的R/S值为0.81)。 2) 红桦根际微生物数量对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。生长季节(5~10月),高密度的红桦根际细菌数量与CK 相比,EC的根际细菌数量分别增加28%、33%、423%、65%、43%和79%,而低密度的红桦根际细菌数量增加不显著。ET能显著增加根际细菌数量(7~10月),其中高密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了377%、107%、35%、22%,而低密度的根际细菌数量分别增加了27%、27%、64%、48%;ECT对两个密度水平下根际细菌数量均未产生有显著的影响。高、低密度的红桦根际放线菌和根际真菌数量与 CK 相比,EC显著增加了低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量,而对高密度的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度的红桦根际放线菌数量均未产生显著影响。EC和ET对高低密度的根际真菌数量也无显著影响,而ECT却显著增加了高低密度的根际真菌数量。 3) EC、ET和ECT处理的低密度红桦根际微生物(细菌、放线菌和真菌)数量没有显著高于或低于高密度根际微生物数量,表明短期内密度对红桦根际微生物数量不产生影响。 4) 不同种类的氧化还原酶对EC、ET和ECT的响应不同。5~10月,EC的红桦根际过氧化氢酶活性是CK 的1.44、1.06、1.11、1.10、1.12和1.24倍,差异显著(6月除外);ET和ECT处理根际过氧化氢酶活性无显著增加。EC的红桦根际多酚氧化酶活性比CK显著增加;ET的根际多酚氧化酶活性显著高于CK(8月除外)。ECT的根际多酚氧化酶活性高于CK,差异不显著。EC的根际脱氢酶活性分别增加了46%、40%、133%、48%、17%和26%,差异显著。5~7月,ET和ECT的根际脱氢酶活性高于CK的脱氢酶活性,而8~9月则相反,差异性均不显著。 5) EC、ET和ECT对不同种类的水解酶的影响不同。EC能显著增加红桦根际脲酶活性,5~10月分别增加了29%、42%,、70%、67%、59%和57%。ET和ECT 对根际脲酶活性未产生显著影响。EC显著提高根际转化酶活性,5、6和9月EC的根际转化酶活性分别比CK高51%、42%和40%。5和10月,ET的根际转化酶活性低于CK,而其余月份却高于CK,但均具有显著性差异。ECT的根际转化酶活性与CK的根际转化酶活性有显著性差异(9月除外),5、6和7月的根际转化酶活性分别提高了94%、198%和67%。 6) 与CK相比,EC、ET和ECT的非根际土壤微生物数量以及非根际土壤酶活性均无显著提高。EC、ET和ECT的过氧化氢酶、脲酶的根际效应明显,而多酚氧化酶和脱氢酶根际效应不明显。EC和ECT的转化酶根际效应明显,而ET的转化酶根际效应不明显。 It is well known that atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature are increasing as a consequence of human activities. In past decades, considerable efforts had been put into investigating the effects of climate change on processes of forest ecological system. In general, studies had been mainly focused on the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant physiology and development, litter quality, and soil microorganisms. Studies showed that there was variation in the responses of root development and below-ground processes to climate between different plant communities. Since the concentration of CO2 in soil was much higher (10~50 times) than in the atmosphere, increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 may not directly in fluence below ground processes. Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana, as the dominated tree species of subalpine dark coniferous forest in the western Sichuan province, which play an important role in the structure and function of this kind of forest ecosystem. In our study, effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (350±25μmol·mol-1), increased temperature (2.0±0.5℃) and both of the two on the number of rhizospheric microbe and rhizospheric enzyme activity were studied by the independent and enclosed-top chamber’ system under high-frigid conditions. Responses of rhizospheric bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi number of Betula albosinensis and Abies faxoniana under different densities(high density with 84 stems·m-2, low density with 28 stems·m-2 ), and rhizospheric enzyme activity of Betula albo-sinensis to elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature were analyzed and discussed. The results are as the following, 1) In comparion with the control, the numbers of rhizospheric bacteria of Abies faxoniana were increased by 35%, 164% and 312% significantly in June, August and October respectively of EC, and were increased by 30%, 115% and 209% respectively of ET.However the effect of EC and ET on rhizospheric actinomycetes and fungi was not significant. The number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of ECT were increased significantly by 49%, 50% and 96% respectively, and the increment of rhizospheric fungi were 151%, 57% and 48% respectively .The effect of ECT on rhizospheric bacteria was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of soil microbe for all treatments was significant, with the R/S of 1.93, 1.27 and 1.46 for EC, ET and ECT, respectively. 2) Treatment EC improved the number of rhizospheric bacteria of Betula albosinensis under high density significantly in comparison with the control, over the growing season, the greatest increment of rhizospheric bacteria was from July. However, EC had no effect on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under low density. Except May and June, treatment ET improved the number of rhizospheric signifcantly. The effect of treatment ECT on the number of rhizospheric bacteria under different densities was not significant. Of treatment EC, the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes of Betula albosinensis under low density were increased significantly, however, treatment EC did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes under high density. Simultaneously, treatment ET and ECT did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric actinomycetes. Finally, in treatment ECT, the number of rhizospheric fungi under high density were increased significantly, however treatment EC and ET did not stimulate the number of rhizospheric fungi under different densities. 3) Of treatment EC, ET and ECT, the number of rhizospheric microbe of Betula albosinensis under low density were not more or fewer than that of microbe under hign density along the growing season, which showed that plant density had no effect on the nmber of microbe. 4) From May to October, 2004,rhizospheric catalase activity of Betula albosinensis of treatment EC was 1.44, 1.06, 1.11, 1.10, 1.12 and 1.24 times as treatment CK respectively, and the difference was statistically significant(except June). Treatment ET and ECT did not increase rhizospheric catalase activity significantly. In treatment EC, the rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity was higher than treatment CK significantly. The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ET was higher than CK significantly (except August). The rhizospheric pohyphenol oxidase activity of treatment ECT was higher than CK, but the difference was not statistically significant. Over the growing period, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity were increased 46%, 40%, 133%, 48%, 17% and 26% respectively by treatment EC, and the difference was statistically significant. From May to July, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity in treatment ET and ECT was higher than CK, but from August to October, the rhizospheric dehydrogenase activity was lower than CK, the difference was not significant. 5) Treatment EC increased rhizospheric urease activity significantly, from May to October, rhizospheric urease activity were increased 29%, 42%, 70%, 67%, 59% and 57% respectively by EC. Treatment ET and ECT had no effect on rhizospheric urease activity. Treatment EC improved rhizospheric invertase activity significantly, in May, June and September, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment EC were increased 51%, 42% and 40% in comparison with the control. Except May and October, the rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ET was markly higher than CK. The rhizospheric invertase activity of treatment ECT was significantly different from CK (except September), in May, June and July treatment ECT increased rhizospheric invertase activity by 94%, 198% and 67% respectively. 6) In comparison with the control, treatment EC, ET, and ECT had no effect on the number of non-rhizospheric microbe and non-rhizospheric enzyme activity. Rhizospheric effect of catalase and urease for all treatments was significant, but rhizospheric effect of pohyphenol oxidase and dehydrogenase was not significant. Rhizospheric effect of invertase of EC and ECT was significant, but rhizospheric effect of invertase of ET was not significant.
20 0 4年曾报道过利用4 0 Ca + 92 Mo融合蒸发反应产生了近质子滴线新核素12 9Pm ,并首次观测到它 (EC + β+)衰变产生的能量为 99keV的γ射线 .为了进一步确认上述指认 ,以下提供了三方面的新证据 :1)在 16 4— 190MeV能量范围内测量了 99keV衰变γ射线的激发函数 ;2 )进行了交叉反应36 Ar + 96 Ru的实验 ,观察到了相同的 99keV衰变γ射线 ;3)用Woods SaxonStrutinsky方法计算了12 9Pm的核势能面 ,其基态自旋宇称被预言为 5 / 2 - ,所以12 9Pm的 (EC + β+)衰变有利于馈送到子核12 9Nd的 5 / 2 - 的低位态 ,这也与前期报道相符 .
A new method for prolidase (PLD, EC activity assay was developed based on the determination of proline produced from enzymatic reaction through capillary electrophoresis (CE) with tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(11) [Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)] electrochemiluminescence detection (ECL). A detection limit of 12.2 fmol (S/N = 3) for proline, corresponding to 1.22 x 10(-8) units of prolidase catalyzing for 1 min was achieved. PLD activity determined by CE-ECL method was in agreement with that obtained from the classical Chinard's one. CE-ECL showed its powerful resolving ability and selectivity as no sample pretreatmentwas needed and no interference existed. The clinical utility of this method was successfully demonstrated by its application to assay PLD activity in the serum of diabetic patients in order to evaluate collagen degradation in diabetes mellitus (DM). The results indicated that enhanced collagen degradation occurred in DM.
Cairns, A. J., Gallagher, J. A. (2004). Absence of turnover and futile cycling of sucrose in leaves of Lolium temulentum L.: implications for metabolic compartmentation. Planta, 219 (5), 836-846. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008
Eppin has two potential protease inhibitory domains: a whey acid protein or four disulfide core domain and a Kunitz domain. The protein is also reported to have antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Eppin and its whey acid protein and Kunitz domains were expressed in Escherichia coli and their ability to inhibit proteases and kill bacteria compared. The Kunitz domain inhibits elastase (EC to a similar extent as intact eppin, whereas the whey acid protein domain has no such activity. None of these fragments inhibits trypsin (EC or chymotrypsin (EC at the concentrations tested. In a colony forming unit assay, both domains have some antibacterial activity against E. coli, but this was not to the same degree as intact eppin or the two domains together. When bacterial respiratory electron transport was measured using a 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide assay, eppin and its domains caused an increase in the rate of respiration. This suggests that the mechanism of cell killing may be partly through the permeablization of the bacterial inner membrane, resulting in uncoupling of respiratory electron transport and consequent collapse of the proton motive force. Thus, we conclude that although both of eppin’s domains are involved in the protein’s antibacterial activity, only the Kunitz domain is required for selective protease inhibition.
The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8 is formed by branched pentasaccharide repeat units that contain N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc), L-fucose (Fuc), D-galactose (Gal), D-mannose (Man), and 6-deoxy-D-gulose (6d-Gul). Its biosynthesis requires at least enzymes for the synthesis of each nucleoside diphosphate-activated sugar precursor; five glycosyltransferases, one for each sugar residue; a flippase (Wzx); and an O-antigen polymerase (Wzy). As this LPS shows a characteristic preferred O-antigen chain length, the presence of a chain length determinant protein (Wzz) is also expected. By targeted mutagenesis, we identify within the O-antigen gene cluster the genes encoding Wzy and Wzz. We also present genetic and biochemical evidence showing that the gene previously called galE encodes a UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-4-epimerase (EC required for the biosynthesis of the first sugar of the O-unit. Accordingly, the gene was renamed gne. Gne also has some UDP-glucose-4-epimerase (EC activity, as it restores the core production of an Escherichia coli K-12 galE mutant. The three-dimensional structure of Gne was modeled based on the crystal structure of E. coli GalE. Detailed structural comparison of the active sites of Gne and GalE revealed that additional space is required to accommodate the N-acetyl group in Gne and that this space is occupied by two Tyr residues in GalE whereas the corresponding residues present in Gne are Leu136 and Cys297. The Gne Leu136Tyr and Cys297Tyr variants completely lost the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-4-epimerase activity while retaining the ability to complement the LPS phenotype of the E. coli galE mutant. Finally, we report that Yersinia Wzx has relaxed specificity for the translocated oligosaccharide, contrary to Wzy, which is strictly specific for the O-unit to be polymerized.
UDP-galactose 4-epimerase (GALE; EC; UniProt: Q14376) catalyses the interconversion of UDP-galactose and UDP-glucose (figure 1a). In the majority of eukaryotes studied to date, the enzyme is also able to interconvert UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDP-GalNAc) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) (figure 1b). The first of these reactions occurs as part of the Leloir pathway, which converts galactose into the glycolytic intermediate glucose 6-phosphate. Both reactions are important in the maintenance of UDP-monosaccharide pools and, consequently, in supplying raw materials for the glycosylation of proteins and lipids. The enzyme has attracted considerable research interest because mutations in the corresponding gene are associated with the genetic disease type III galactosemia (OMIN #230350). There is also some interest in using the enzyme as a biocatalyst to interconvert its substrates and related UDP-monosaccharides.
This report describes the partial purification and the characteristics of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC from an amphibian source. Toad kidney microsomes were solubilized with sodium deoxycholate and further purified by sodium dodecyl sulphate treatment and sucrose gradient centrifugation, according to the methods described by Lane et al. [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7197--7200], Jørgensen [(1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 356, 36--52] and Hayashi et al. [(1977) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 482, 185--196]. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase preparations with specific activities up to 1000 mumol Pi/mg protein per h were obtained. Mg2+-ATPase only accounted for about 2% of the total ATPase activity. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed three major protein bands with molecular weights of 116 000, 62 000 and 26 000. The 116 000 dalton protein was phosphorylated by [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of sodium but not in the presence of potassium. The 62 000 dalton component stained for glycoproteins. The Km for ATP was 0.40 mM, for Na+ 12.29 mM and for K+ 1.14 mM. The Ki for ouabain was 35 micron. Temperature activation curves showed two activity peaks at 37 degrees C and at 50 degrees C. The break in the Arrhenius plot of activity versus temperature appeared at 15 degrees C.
The membrane organization of the alpha-subunit of purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase ((Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphate phosphorylase, EC and of the microsomal enzyme of the kidney of the toad Bufo marinus was compared by using controlled trypsinolysis. With both enzyme preparations, digestions performed in the presence of Na+ yielded a 73 kDa fragment and in the presence of K+ a 56 kDa, a 40 kDa and small amounts of a 83 kDa fragment from the 96 kDa alpha-subunit. In contrast to mammalian preparations (Jørgensen, P.L. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 401, 399-415), trypsinolysis of the purified amphibian enzyme led to a biphasic loss of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity in the presence of both Na+ and K+. These data could be correlated with an early rapid cleavage of 3 kDa from the alpha-subunit in both ionic conditions and a slower degradation of the remaining 93 kDa polypeptide. On the other hand, in the microsomal enzyme, a 3 kDa shift of the alpha-subunit could only be produced in the presence of Na+. Our data indicate that (1) purification of the amphibian enzyme with detergent does not influence the overall topology of the alpha-subunit but produces a distinct structural alteration of its N-terminus and (2) the amphibian kidney enzyme responds to cations with similar conformational transitions as the mammalian kidney enzyme. In addition, anti alpha-serum used on digested enzyme samples revealed on immunoblots that the 40 kDa fragment was better recognized than the 56 kDa fragment. It is concluded that the NH2-terminal of the alpha-subunit contains more antigenic sites than the COOH-terminal domain in agreement with the results of Farley et al. (Farley, R.A., Ochoa, G.T. and Kudrow, A. (1986) Am. J. Physiol. 250, C896-C906).
Malate synthase (MS; EC, an enzyme specific to the glyoxylate cycle, was studied in cotyledons of dark-grown soybean (Glycine max L) seedlings with light and electron microscopy techniques. Immunogold localization confirmed biochemical evidence that MS from soybean is a glyoxysomal matrix enzyme.