781 resultados para Limestone


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Experimental etch/leach of Carboniferous Limestone gravels on a laboratory time-scale has demonstrated that 234U 238U activity ratios (AR's) greater than the radiochemical equilibrium value may be generated on short time-scales. The molar U/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios show that both U and Mg are leached preferentially relative to Ca whereas the molar U/Mg ratio is only slightly greater than that of the rock matrix. The generation of enhanced AR's is attributed to a two-stage process in which the limestone surface is dissolved by zero-order etch and silicate minerals so released are subjected to first-order chemical leach of U and Mg. The implications of these results for the production of enhanced AR's in Carboniferous Limestone groundwater are discussed. It is suggested that chemical leaching or exchange of U between groundwater and its particulate load or at the aquifer fluid-solid interface is an important mechanism controlling AR changes as groundwater migrates beyond a redox boundary. AR's for dissolved U in groundwater are more probably related to chemical equilibria than to groundwater age. © 1993.


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Aggregates were historically a low cost commodity but with communities and governmental agencies reducing the amount of mining the cost is increasing dramatically. An awareness needs to be brought to communities that aggregate production is necessary for ensuring the existing infrastructure in today’s world. This can be accomplished using proven technologies in other areas and applying them to show how viable reclamation is feasible. A proposed mine reclamation, Douglas Township quarry (DTQ), in Dakota Township, MN was evaluated using Visual Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) model. The HELP is commonly employed for estimating the water budget of a landfill, however, it was applied to determine the water budget of the DTQ following mining. Using an environmental impact statement as the case study, modeling predictions indicated the DTQ will adequately drain the water being put into the system. The height of the groundwater table will rise slightly due to the mining excavations but no ponding will occur. The application of HELP model determined the water budget of the DTQ and can be used as a viable option for mining companies to demonstrate how land can be reclaimed following mining operations.


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Community dynamics in a calcareous grassland (Mesobrometum) in Egerkingen (Jura mountains, Switzerland) were investigated for 53 non-woody species in 25 1-m2 plots over 6 years. 50 0.0 1-m2 subplots per plot were recorded. The derived variables were spatial frequency, temporal frequency, frequency fluctuation, turnover, and cumulative frequency (each species), and cumulative species richness (all species). Spectra for 53 species of all variables were different for the two investigated spatial scales (0.0 1 m2, 1 m2). The comparison with other investigations of similar grass lands showed that the behaviour of some species is specific for this type of vegetation in general (e.g. Achillea millefolium, Arrhenatherum elatius, Bromus erectus ), but most species behaved in a stand-specific way, i.e. they may play another (similar or completely different) role in another grassland stand. Six spatio-temporal patterns were defined across species. To understand community dynamics, not only the dynamics of mobility but also of frequency fluctuations and spatial distribution of the species are fundamental. In addition, the understanding of temporal behaviour of all species present should be included. Averages always hide important information of vegetation dynamics, as was shown by the present investigation.


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In the Philipsburg district, in western Montana a low arch of a Paleozoic limestones has been cut and deformed on the east and a south sides by a small batholith of Tertiary granodiorite. The manganese deposits are confined to an area of about 2 square miles underlain by sedimentary rocks and adjacent to the granodiorite body. The ore, chiefly pyrolusite, was apparently derived from rhodochrosite that was abundant in the veins and had replaced the adjacent limestones. The oxide ore is found chiefly within 600 feet of the surface, though one small body was mined at a depth of 700 feet. Commonly these bodies are aggregates of nodules or spheroids that range in size from that of an egg to that of a coconut or larger. In some places they show an irregular texture somewhat like that of a sponge, and in others the material composing them is loose and friable and apparently structureless. Psilomelane is the principal constituent of many of the nodules, in which it forms layers that alternate with softer oxides.


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Limestone from Unit VI (857.1-859.15 meters below seafloor) collected at Site 1118 contains a planktonic foraminiferal fauna indicating a latest Miocene to early Pliocene age. Globorotalia tumida is recorded in Sample 180-1118A-68R-4, 46-48 cm, indicating an early Pliocene (N18) age at this level (J. Resig, pers. comm., 2000). Based on their known range in the western Papuan Basin, the presence of (rare) Lepidocyclina and common Amphistegina in some samples suggests that abundant shallow-water bioclastic debris present in these limestones may be reworked from older, possibly middle or early late Miocene sediments. Four samples were selected for whole-rock strontium isotopic analysis to further investigate this possibility. A petrographic examination of samples analyzed was also conducted.