990 resultados para Ley natural
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Granzyme (Gzm) B-deficient mice obtained by gene targeting were used to assess the role of Gzm B in the mechanisms used by natural killer (NK) and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells to destroy target cells. Gzm B-/- NK cells, LAK cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) all are defective in their ability to rapidly induce DNA fragmentation/apoptosis in susceptible target cells. This defect can be partially corrected with long incubation times of effector and target cells. Moreover, Gzm B-/- NK cells (but not CTL or LAK cells) exhibit a defect in 51Cr release from susceptible target cells. This 51Cr release defect in Gzm B-deficient NK cells is also not overcome by prolonged incubation times or high effector-to-target cell ratios. We conclude that Gzm B plays a critical and nonredundant role in the rapid induction of DNA fragmentation/apoptosis by NK cells, LAK cells, and CTL. Gzm B may have an additional role in NK cells (but not in CTL or LAK cells) for mediating 51Cr release.
The Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha develops from the approval of the Spanish Constitution a whole executive and legislative branch to implement its policies on environmental protection. The new legislation (Law 9/1999, of 26 May) has pursued the conservation and the integral protection of the natural elements of the territory demanding to new criteria as such the environmental quality of ecosystems or the exceptional landscape. The spread and the declaration of new natural spaces have caused a double geographical and territorial model. First, natural spaces located in rural mountainous areas with depopulation and aging problems. And second, natural spaces situated in areas densely populated
La utilización del gas natural en Colombia se remonta al descubrimiento de los campos de Santander. Con excepción de los campos de gas libre, el gas asociado fue considerado en elpaís como un subproducto de la explotación del crudo, y era quemado en las teas (un tipo de antorcha) de los campos petroleros. Desde 1961, la conciencia sobre el valor del gas seempieza a plasmar en la legislación, y es por primera vez a través de la Ley 10 de 1961, que se prohíbe de forma explícita su quema, posteriormente se ratifica mediante el decreto 1873de 1973. En 1973 se inicia la construcción en la Costa Atlántica del primer gasoducto para atender las necesidades del sector industrial para esa zona del país, extendiéndose a todos sus departamentos. Con el objeto de sustituir energéticos de alto costo, en 1986 se estableció el primer plan nacional de uso general del gas natural, llamado «Programa de gas para el cambio». El bajo volumen de reservas de esa época y la coyuntura en que se desenvolvían los energéticos, los cualesestaban subsidiados, limitaron el desarrollo de este plan. En 1990 surge una vez más la necesidad de crear la cultura del gas. Conel documento oficial «Lineamientos del cambio», se da pie para que se adelanten una serie de estudios, los cuales confirman los beneficios económicos que se derivarían para el país a partir de la utilización de este combustible...
Marcos Molina, arriero natural de Fredonia. Restrepo. 1985.
Colombia se ha comprometido a nivel internacional a realizar acciones que conduzcan al país hacia el desarrollo sostenible, específicamente a proteger los recursos naturales. En línea con esta apuesta, la presente investigación propone la construcción de la Reserva Natural El Chuval, en el municipio El Retén, Magdalena. Para la construcción de dicha Reserva se realiza un diagnóstico que indica las principales características del Chuval, se identifican posibles riesgos para la conservación de sus valores ambientales, y se complementa el análisis con una propuesta de manejo que se enmarca en la metodología de Agendas Ambientales Locales desarrollada por la ONU. Pese a que el municipio es consciente de la relevancia ambiental del Chuval, aún no se han tomado decisiones definitivas para proteger esta zona, razón por la cual, la presente investigación busca llenar un vacío en el ordenamiento territorial del municipio, que fortalezca la protección de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.
Exhaust emissions from thirteen compressed natural gas (CNG) and nine ultralow sulphur diesel in-service transport buses were monitored on a chassis dynamometer. Measurements were carried out at idle and at three steady engine loads of 25%, 50% and 100% of maximum power at a fixed speed of 60 kmph. Emission factors were estimated for particle mass and number, carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen for two types of CNG buses (Scania and MAN, compatible with Euro 2 and 3 emission standards, respectively) and two types of diesel buses (Volvo Pre-Euro/Euro1 and Mercedez OC500 Euro3). All emission factors increased with load. The median particle mass emission factor for the CNG buses was less than 1% of that from the diesel buses at all loads. However, the particle number emission factors did not show a statistically significant difference between buses operating on the two types of fuel. In this paper, for the very first time, particle number emission factors are presented at four steady state engine loads for CNG buses. Median values ranged from the order of 1012 particles min-1 at idle to 1015 particles km-1 at full power. Most of the particles observed in the CNG emissions were in the nanoparticle size range and likely to be composed of volatile organic compounds The CO2 emission factors were about 20% to 30% greater for the diesel buses over the CNG buses, while the oxides of nitrogen emission factors did not show any difference due to the large variation between buses.
John Frazer's architectural work is inspired by living and generative processes. Both evolutionary and revolutionary, it explores informatin ecologies and the dynamics of the spaces between objects. Fuelled by an interest in the cybernetic work of Gordon Pask and Norbert Wiener, and the possibilities of the computer and the "new science" it has facilitated, Frazer and his team of collaborators have conducted a series of experiments that utilize genetic algorithms, cellular automata, emergent behaviour, complexity and feedback loops to create a truly dynamic architecture. Frazer studied at the Architectural Association (AA) in London from 1963 to 1969, and later became unit master of Diploma Unit 11 there. He was subsequently Director of Computer-Aided Design at the University of Ulter - a post he held while writing An Evolutionary Architecture in 1995 - and a lecturer at the University of Cambridge. In 1983 he co-founded Autographics Software Ltd, which pioneered microprocessor graphics. Frazer was awarded a person chair at the University of Ulster in 1984. In Frazer's hands, architecture becomes machine-readable, formally open-ended and responsive. His work as computer consultant to Cedric Price's Generator Project of 1976 (see P84)led to the development of a series of tools and processes; these have resulted in projects such as the Calbuild Kit (1985) and the Universal Constructor (1990). These subsequent computer-orientated architectural machines are makers of architectural form beyond the full control of the architect-programmer. Frazer makes much reference to the multi-celled relationships found in nature, and their ongoing morphosis in response to continually changing contextual criteria. He defines the elements that describe his evolutionary architectural model thus: "A genetic code script, rules for the development of the code, mapping of the code to a virtual model, the nature of the environment for the development of the model and, most importantly, the criteria for selection. In setting out these parameters for designing evolutionary architectures, Frazer goes beyond the usual notions of architectural beauty and aesthetics. Nevertheless his work is not without an aesthetic: some pieces are a frenzy of mad wire, while others have a modularity that is reminiscent of biological form. Algorithms form the basis of Frazer's designs. These algorithms determine a variety of formal results dependent on the nature of the information they are given. His work, therefore, is always dynamic, always evolving and always different. Designing with algorithms is also critical to other architects featured in this book, such as Marcos Novak (see p150). Frazer has made an unparalleled contribution to defining architectural possibilities for the twenty-first century, and remains an inspiration to architects seeking to create responsive environments. Architects were initially slow to pick up on the opportunities that the computer provides. These opportunities are both representational and spatial: computers can help architects draw buildings and, more importantly, they can help architects create varied spaces, both virtual and actual. Frazer's work was groundbreaking in this respect, and well before its time.