934 resultados para Length-weight relationship


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The present study reports length-weight relationships for seven native freshwater fish species (Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Prochilodus brevis, Leporinus piau, Cichlasoma orientale, Crenicichla menezesi, and Pimelodella gracilis) captured in a semiarid Brazilian reservoir located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.


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The length weight relationship of three benthic bivalves namely, Senilia (= Anadara) senilis (bloody cockle), Tagelus adansonii (knife clam), Tellina nymphalis (soft shell clam) from the Andoni Flats were determined. The bivalves which are of ecological importance were obtained from the intertidal areas of the Andoni Flats. Shell lengths of the bivalves were measured and corresponding dry weight measurements were also taken. The data obtained were then subjected to regression analysis using the FAO-ICLARM Fish Stock Assessment Tools (FiSAT). The length weight relationships obtained from the FiSAT analysis indicated isometric growth for Senilia (= Anadara) senilis, with slope (b) value of 2.942; positive allometric growth for Tagelus adansonii, with a ‘b’ value of 3.395 and negative allometric growth for Tellina nymphalis with ‘b’ value of 2.633. KEYWORDS: bivalves, length-weight, isometric growth, allometric growth, cockle, clam.


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A determinação da relação do peso úmido (WT) pela largura cefalotorácica (CW) do caranguejo U. cordatus e a análise da dinâmica temporo-sazonal do fator de condição foram realizadas com machos e fêmeas coletados mensalmente no período de 1998/2000, em Iguape (SP). A relação WT/CW foi determinada por análise de regressão, enquanto o fator de condição foi determinado individualmente para cada animal, bem como pela média mensal e sazonal para cada sexo. A relação WT/CW evidenciou um crescimento isométrico nos machos e alométrico negativo nas fêmeas, indicando que os machos atingem um peso corpóreo superior ao das fêmeas para um mesmo tamanho de referência. Tal fato está associado ao maior crescimento e peso dos quelípodos do macho. As médias do fator de condição das fêmeas foram maiores que as dos machos. Os menores valores do fator de condição ocorreram durante a primavera e verão, atingindo os maiores níveis durante o outono e inverno.


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The parameters of the length-weight relationship of the form W = aLb are presented for 51 species of commercially important marine fishes and shellfishes caught along the southern coast of Karnataka, India. Samples from commercial (trawl, purse seines, gill nets) and artisanal gears were taken during August 1999 to May 2001. The ‘b’ value ranged between 1.942 and 3.616 with a mean of 2.80, standard deviation of 0.32, and mode of 3.


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) are presented for 37 fish species, belonging to 17 families, caught during a demersal trawl survey over the period December 1995 to March 1998 in the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=a L super(b) were computed for 46 species caught in a series of demersal trawl hauls over the period 1995-1997 in the Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia.


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Parameters of the length-weight relationship are presented for 85 fish species from the marine and estuarine regions of the central Brazilian coast (latitude 13° to 23° S). Three different methods were used. A non-linear iterative process using the quasi-Newton algorithm yielded a better fit for all data sets analyzed. The length-weight allometry coefficient b estimated from standard length data tended to be lower than from total length data. The difference between these estimates was significant for some species.


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The present study reports the length-weight relationship of 11 species of baitfish from the pole and line fishery at Minicoy and S. delicatulus from the fishery at Agatti, Bangaram and Perumal Par.


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Parameters a and b of the length (L)-weight (W) relationship W = a · Lb are presented for 17 commercial bivalve species collected from the southwest coastal waters of Korea. Estimates of b varied between 2.44 (Atrina pinnata japonica) and 3.31 (Scaphara broughtonii) with a mean of 2.891 (± 0.212). A total of 2 107 specimens were analyzed for this study. The length-weight relationship was isometric in most of the species.


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) were estimated for 24 species of soft bottom demersal fishes caught on the continental shelf off Jalisco and Colima states, Mexico. The estimates of b ranged from 2.74 to 3.33. The mean of the b values is 3.02 with a standard deviation of 0.15.


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W = aL super(b) were computed for 40 species from tables/graphs presented in E. Balon's Fishes of Lake Kariba, Africa.


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The seasonally oscillating growth parameters and length-weight relationships for Scomber japonicus caught in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador, were determined based on length-frequency data from 1989 to 1996, using the FiSAT software package of Gayanilo et al. (1996). Estimates of growth parameters are in general agreement with previous studies on the same species. Results also imply that the growth of Scomber japonicus slows down during the cold season by approximately 50% with respect to the average growth. The mean value of the power b is significantly larger than 3, indicating that the model of allometric growth should be used for the length-weight relationship and calculation of the condition factor.


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Estimates of length-weight relationship in Otolithes cuvieri justify separate equations for males (log W =-5.0100+3.1365 log L) and females (log W =-5.2000+3.1006 log L). Relative condition factor "Kn" was found to be 0.877-1.946 in males and 0.879-1.328 in females. High "Kn" values during March to September at 180-220 mm TL in either sexes are indicative of the maturation of gonads. Separate equations for length-weight relationship are also justified for males (log W = -5.1126 + 3.0690 log L) and females (log W = -5.6400 + 3.3070 log L) of Johnius elongatus . "Kn" values were found to be 0.924-1.894 for males and 0.894-1.087 for females. High "Kn" values during January-May and August-September at 130 mm TL onward are indicative of gonadal maturation.


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During the present study, 107 specimens of Atlantoraja castelnaui, 188 of A. platana, and 770 of A. cyclophora, were obtained by commercial vessels operating in Southeastern Brazil from March 2005 to April 2006. Males of A. castelnaui ranged from 17.9-111.0 cm and females from 17.4-116.0 cm total length. Males of A. platana ranged from 13.1-70.0 cm and females from 12.5-76.0 cm total length. Males of A. cyclophora ranged from 13.3-58.5 cm and females from 11.5-68.0 cm total length. Length-weight curves were sexually dimorphic in the three species. The analysis of the angular coefficient (b) demonstrated that growth (in weight) in relation to length was allometric (b>3) in males of A. castelnaui and A. platana, while isometric (b = 3) in females of these species. Conversely, growth of A. cyclphora was isometric in males, while in females it was allometric (b>3). The condition factor varied significantly throughout the year only in females of A. castelnaui.


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The blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi, a deep-water squaloid shark, is globally widespread in temperate and tropical waters, but there is little available information about its biology owing to its relative rarity of capture and taxonomic confusion with its sibling species Etmopterus pusillus. Specimens used in this study were collected from July to December 2004 as by-catch in the commercial deepwater trawl fishery targeting red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea in the southwestern Atlantic. We examined 55 specimens (22 males and 33 females) ranging in total length (TL) from 31.5 to 73 cm and in total weight from 103 to 1600 g. Length-weight relationships were explored for each sex and significant differences were found in the slope coefficients of the male and female regressions. The size at maturity for each sex was evaluated fitting a logistic regression. Females matured at larger sizes than males, with estimated sizes at first maturity of 56.0 cm TL for females and 45.1 cm TL for males. The present study provides important preliminary information about E. bigelowi that can be incorporated in risk assessment and stock assessment models, essential for efficient management practices aimed at avoiding overexploitation of these vulnerable deep-sea sharks.