985 resultados para Leg Cuts


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PURPOSE: Currently, many pre-conditions are regarded as relative or absolute contraindications for lumbar total disc replacement (TDR). Radiculopathy is one among them. In Switzerland it is left to the surgeon's discretion when to operate if he adheres to a list of pre-defined indications. Contraindications, however, are less clearly specified. We hypothesized that, the extent of pre-operative radiculopathy results in different benefits for patients treated with mono-segmental lumbar TDR. We used patient perceived leg pain and its correlation with physician recorded radiculopathy for creating the patient groups to be compared. METHODS: The present study is based on the dataset of SWISSspine, a government mandated health technology assessment registry. Between March 2005 and April 2009, 577 patients underwent either mono- or bi-segmental lumbar TDR, which was documented in a prospective observational multicenter mode. A total of 416 cases with a mono-segmental procedure were included in the study. The data collection consisted of pre-operative and follow-up data (physician based) and clinical outcomes (NASS form, EQ-5D). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted with patients' self-indicated leg pain and the surgeon-based diagnosis "radiculopathy", as marked on the case report forms. As a result, patients were divided into two groups according to the severity of leg pain. The two groups were compared with regard to the pre-operative patient characteristics and pre- and post-operative pain on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and quality of life using general linear modeling. RESULTS: The optimal ROC model revealed a leg pain threshold of 40 ≤ VAS > 40 for the absence or the presence of "radiculopathy". Demographics in the resulting two groups were well comparable. Applying this threshold, the mean pre-operative leg pain level was 16.5 points in group 1 and 68.1 points in group 2 (p < 0.001). Back pain levels differed less with 63.6 points in group 1 and 72.6 in group 2 (p < 0.001). Pre-operative quality of life showed considerable differences with an 0.44 EQ-5D score in group 1 and 0.29 in group 2 (p < 0.001, possible score range -0.6 to 1). At a mean follow-up time of 8 months, group 1 showed a mean leg pain improvement of 3.6 points and group 2 of 41.1 points (p < 0.001). Back pain relief was 35.6 and 39.1 points, respectively (p = 0.27). EQ-5D score improvement was 0.27 in group 1 and 0.41 in group 2 (p = 0.11). CONCLUSIONS: Patients labeled as having radiculopathy (group 2) do mostly have pre-operative leg pain levels ≥ 40. Applying this threshold, the patients with pre-operative leg pain do also have more severe back pain and a considerably lower quality of life. Their net benefit from the lumbar TDR is higher and they do have similar post-operative back and leg pain levels as well as the quality of life as patients without pre-operative leg pain. Although randomized controlled trials are required to confirm these findings, they put leg pain and radiculopathy into perspective as absolute contraindications for TDR.


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Ideally, reconstruction of lower extremity soft tissue defects includes not only an esthetically pleasing 3-dimensional shape and solid anchoring to the underlying structures to resist shear forces, but should also address the restoration of sensation. Therefore, we present a prospective study on defect reconstruction of the lower leg and ankle to evaluate the role of sensate free fasciocutaneous lateral arm flap and the impact of sensory nerve reconstruction. Thirty patients were allocated randomly to the study group (n = 15) that obtained end-to-side sensate coaptation using the lower lateral cutaneous brachial nerve to the tibial nerve using the epineural window technique, or to the control group reconstructed without nerve coaptation. At 1-year follow-up the patients were evaluated for pain sensation, thermal sensibility, static and moving 2-point discrimination, and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests. Data from both groups were compared and statistically analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test and the Fisher exact test. Flaps of the study group reached a static and moving 2-point discrimination and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests nearly equal to the contralateral leg area and significantly better than flaps of the control group. Donor damage morbidity of the tibial nerve did not occur. To our point of view resensation should be carried out by end-to-side neurorrhaphy to the tibial nerve because of the superior restoration of sensibility.


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During ODP Leg 123, abundant and well-preserved Neocomian radiolarians were recovered at Site 765 (Argo Abyssal Plain) and Site 766 (lower Exmouth Plateau). Assemblages are characterized by the numerical dominance of a small number of non-tethyan forms and by the scarcity of tethyan taxa. Remarkable contrasts exist between radiolarian assemblages extracted from claystones of Site 765 and reexamined DSDP Site 26 1, and faunas recovered from radiolarian sand layers, only found at Site 765. Clay faunas are unusual in their low diversity of apparently ecologically tolerant (or solution resistant?), ubiquist species, whereas sand faunas are dominated by non-tethyan taxa. Comparisons with Sites 766 and 26 1, as well as sedimentological observations, lead to the conclusion that this faunal contrast resulted from a difference in provenance, rather than from hydraulic sorting or selective dissolution. The ranges of 27 tethyan taxa from Site 765 were compared to the tethyan radiolarian zonation by Jud (1992) by means of the Unitary Associations Method. This calculation allows to directly date the Site 765 assemblages and to estimate the amount of truncation of ranges for tethyan taxa. Over 70% of the already few tethyan species of Site 765, have truncated ranges during the Valanginian-Hauterivian. Radiolarian assemblages recovered from claystones at Sites 765 and 261 in the Argo Basin apparently reflect restricted oceanic conditions during the latest Jurassic-Barremian. Neither sedimentary facies nor faunal associations bear any resemblance to what we know from typical tethyan sequences. We conclude that the Argo Basin was paleoceanographically separated from the Tethys during the Late Jurassic and part of the Early Cretaceous by its position at higher paleolatitudes and/or by enclosing land masses. Assemblages recovered from radiolarian sand layers are dominated by non-tethyan species that are interpreted as circumantarctic. Their first appearance in the late Berriasian-early Valanginian predates the oceanization of the Indo-Australian breakup (M11, late Valanginian), but coincides with a sharp increase in margin-derived pelagic turbidites. The Indo-Australian rift zone and the adjacent margins must have been submerged deeply enough to allow an intermittent influx of circumantarctic cold water into the Argo Basin, creating increased bottom current activity. Cold-water radiolarians carried into the Argo Basin upwelled along the margin, died, and accumulated in radiolarite layers due to winnowing by bottom currents. High rates of faunal change and the sharp increase of bottom current activity are thought to be synchronous with possible pronounced late Berriasian-early Valanginian lowstands in sea level. Hypothetically, both phenomena might have been.caused by a tendency to glaciation on the Antarctic-Australian continent, which was for the first time isolated from the rest of Gondwana by oceanic seaways as a result of Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sea-floor spreading. The absence of most typical tethyan radiolarian species during the Valanginian-Hauterivian is interpreted as reflecting a time of strong influx of circumantarctic cold water following oceanization (M11) and rapid spreading between Southeast India and West Australia. The reappearance and gradual abundance/diversity increase of tethyan taxa, along with the still dominant circumantarctic species are thought to result from overall more equitable climatic conditions during the Barremian-early Aptian and from the establishment of an oceanic connection with the Tethys Ocean during the early Aptian.


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A 77-year-old man with a 5-year history of mycosis fungoides (MF) who had received several lines of therapy, including intravenous courses of Methotrexate (MTX) for the past 2 years, went on to develop several ulcerated cutaneous nodules on the left leg. Biopsy revealed diffuse sheets of EBV-positive large B cells (CD20+ CD30 ± IgM Lambda), with an angiocentric distribution and a monoclonal IGH gene rearrangement. Although the pathological features were diagnostic for an EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), several possibilities could be considered for assignment to a specific entity: EBV-positive DLBCL of the elderly, methotrexate-induced lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD), lymphomatoid granulomatosis, or the more recently described EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer. The development of EBV+ lymphoproliferations has been reported in two other patients with MF under MTX, and occurred as skin lesions of the leg in one of these and in the current case, which may question the relatedness to primary cutaneous DLCBL, leg-type.


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A survey of the leg exocrine glands in the termite workers of 16 species of the families Kalotermitidae and Termitidae was carried out through scanning electron microscope. Glandular openings were not found in the legs of Anoplotermes sp., Ruptitermes sp. (Apicotermitinae, Termitidae) or Glyptotermes planus (Kalotermitidae), but they are present, spread over the ventral surface of the first, second and third tarsomeres of other Termitidae such as Armitermes euamignathus, Cornitermes cumulans, Nasutitermes coxipoensis, Rhynchotermes nasutissimus, Syntermes nanus, Embiratermes festivellus (Nasutitermitinae), Amitermes beaumonti, Hoplotermes amplus, Microcerotermes sp., Neocapritermes opacus, Orthognathotermes sp., Spinitermes brevicornutus and Termes sp. (Termitinae). The pores are usually isolated but they can also be grouped inside a round depression. The occurrence of leg exocrine glands in the family Termitidae is reported for the first time.


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Does fiscal consolidation lead to social unrest? Using cross-country evidencefor the period 1919 to 2008, we examine the extent to which societies becomeunstable after budget cuts. The results show a clear correlation between fiscalretrenchment and instability. Expenditure cuts are particularly potent infueling protests; tax rises have only small and insignificant effects. We test ifthe relationship simply reflects economic downturns, using a recently-developedIMF dataset on exogenous expenditure shocks, and conclude that this is not thecase. While autocracies and democracies show broadly similar responses to budgetcuts, countries with more constraints on the executive are less likely to seeunrest after austerity measures. Growing media penetration does not strengthenthe effect of cut-backs on the level of unrest. We also find that austerity episodesthat result in unrest lead to quick reversals of fiscal policy.


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Summary Aims.-To explore whether fatigue-induced changes in spring-mass behavior during a 5000m self-paced run varied according to the runner's training status. Methods and results.-Six highly- and six well-trained triathletes completed a 5000m time trial. Running velocity and vertical stiffness decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with fatigue, whereas leg stiffness remained constant. None of these parameters displayed a significant interaction between fatigue and training status, despite vertical stiffness being higher (P < 0.05) in highly-trained triathletes. Conclusions.-During a 5000m self-paced run, impairments in leg-spring behavior that occur with fatigue are not affected by athletes' training status. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Objectifs.-Étudier, chez des athlètes de niveaux différents, les modifications de raideur mécanique liées à l'apparition de la fatigue lors d'une course de 5000 m. Synthèse des faits.-Six triathlètes très entraînés et six autres bien entraînés ont réalisé une course de 5000 m. La vitesse de course et la raideur verticale diminuaient significativement (p < 0,05) avec la fatigue, alors que la raideur de la jambe demeurait inchangée. Aucune interaction entre la fatigue et le niveau d'entraînement n'a été détectée, malgré des niveaux de raideur verticale plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez les sujets les mieux entraînés.


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Using the lens of positive organizational ethics, we theorized that empathy affects decisions in ethical dilemmas that concern the well-being of not only the organization but also other stakeholders. We hypothesized and found that empathetic managers were less likely to comply with requests by an authority figure to cut the wages of their employees than were non-empathetic managers. However, when an authority figure requested to hold wages constant, empathy did not affect wage cut decisions. These findings imply that empathy can serve as a safeguard for ethical decision making in organizations during trying times without generally undermining organizational effectiveness. We conclude by discussing the implications of our research.


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Despite the key importance of altered oceanic mantle as a repository and carrier of light elements (B, Li, and Be) to depth, its inventory of these elements has hardly been explored and quantified. In order to constrain the systematics and budget of these elements we have studied samples of highly serpentinized (>50%) spinel harzburgite drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Fifteen-Twenty Fracture zone, ODP Leg 209, Sites 1272A and 1274A). In-situ analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry reveals that the B, Li and Be contents of mantle minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) remain unchanged during serpentinization. B and Li abundances largely correspond to those of unaltered mantle minerals whereas Be is close to the detection limit. The Li contents of clinopyroxene are slightly higher (0.44-2.8 mu g g(-1)) compared to unaltered mantle clinopyroxene, and olivine and clinopyroxene show an inverse Li partitioning compared to literature data. These findings along with textural observations and major element composition obtained from microprobe analysis suggest reaction of the peridotites with a mafic silicate melt before serpentinization. Serpentine minerals are enriched in B (most values between 10 and 100 mu g g(-1)), depleted in Li (most values below I mu g g(-1)) compared to the primary phases, with considerable variation within and between samples. Be is at the detection limit. Analysis of whole rock samples by prompt gamma activation shows that serpentinization tends to increase B (10.4-65.0 mu g g(-1)), H2O and Cl contents and to lower Li contents (0.07-3.37 mu g g(-1)) of peridotites, implying that-contrary to alteration of oceanic crust-B is fractionated from Li and that the B and Li inventory should depend essentially on rock-water ratios. Based on our results and on literature data, we calculate the inventory of B and Li contained in the oceanic lithosphere, and its partitioning between crust and mantle as a function of plate characteristics. We model four cases, an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere with almost no igneous crust, and a Semail-type lithosphere with a thick igneous crust, both at I and 75 Ma, respectively. The results show that the Li contents of the oceanic lithosphere are highly variable (17-307 kg in a column of I m x I m x thickness of the lithosphere (kg/col)). They are controlled by the primary mantle phases and by altered crust, whereas the B contents (25-904 kg/col) depend entirely on serpentinization. In all cases, large quantities of B reside in the uppermost part of the plate and could hence be easily liberated during slab dehydration. The most prominent input of Li into subduction zones is to be expected from Semail-type lithosphere because most of the Li is stored at shallow levels in the plate. Subducting an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere would mean only very little Li contribution from the slab. Serpentinized mantle thus plays an important role in B recycling in subduction zones, but it is of lesser importance for Li. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.