814 resultados para Left-hemisphere Stroke
Jusqu'à récemment, les patients souffrant d'épilepsie réfractaire aux traitements médicamenteux étaient destinés à un avenir incertain. Le recours à la chirurgie comme traitement alternatif offre l'espoir de mener un jour une vie normale. Pour déterminer si un patient peut bénéficier d’une intervention chirurgicale, une évaluation complète est cruciale. Les méthodes d’évaluation préchirurgicale ont connu des progrès importants au cours des dernières décennies avec le perfectionnement des techniques d’imagerie cérébrale. Parmi ces techniques, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR), aussi connue sous le nom d’imagerie optique, présente de nombreux avantages (coût, mobilité du participant, résolution spatiale et temporelle, etc.). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de développer un protocole d'évaluation préchirurgicale de la mémoire. Une tâche de mémoire verbale incluant l’encodage, le rappel immédiat et le rappel différé de listes de mots a été administrée à dix adultes sains lors d’un enregistrement en imagerie optique. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent l’activation bilatérale des aires préfrontales antérieures et dorsolatérales ainsi que des aires temporales antérieures et moyennes. Les aires préfrontales et temporales antérieures semblent modulées par les différents processus mnésiques et la position du rappel dans le temps. La première fois qu’une liste est rappelée, l’activité hémodynamique est plus élevée que lors des rappels subséquents, et ce, davantage dans l’hémisphère gauche que dans l’hémisphère droit. Cette étude constitue la première étape dans le processus de validation du protocole à des fins cliniques auprès de patients épileptiques.
Une variété d’opérations cognitives dépend de la capacité de retenir de l’information auditive pour une courte période de temps. Notamment l’information auditive prend son sens avec le temps; la rétention d’un son disparu permet donc de mieux comprendre sa signification dans le contexte auditif et mène ultimement à une interaction réussite avec l’environnement. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier l’activité cérébrale reliée à la rétention des sons et, ce faisant, parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de bas niveau de la mémoire à court-terme auditive. Trois études empiriques se sont penchées sur différents aspects de la rétention des sons. Le premier article avait pour but d’étudier les corrélats électrophysiologiques de la rétention des sons variant en timbre en utilisant la technique des potentiels reliés aux événements. Une composante fronto-centrale variant avec la charge mnésique a été ainsi révélée. Dans le deuxième article, le patron électro-oscillatoire de la rétention a été exploré. Cette étude a dévoilé une augmentation de l’amplitude variant avec la charge mnésique dans la bande alpha pendant la rétention des sons ainsi qu’une dissociation entre l’activité oscillatoire observée pendant la rétention et celle observée pendant la présentation des sons test. En démontrant des différentes modulations des amplitudes dans la bande alpha et la bande beta, cette étude a pu révéler des processus distincts mais interdépendants de la mémoire à court-terme auditive. Le troisième article a davantage visé à mieux connaître les structures cérébrales soutenant la rétention de sons. L’activité cérébrale a été mesurée avec la magnétoencéphalographie, et des localisations des sources ont été effectuées à partir de ces données. Les résultats ont dévoilé l’implication d’un réseau cérébral contenant des structures temporales, frontales, et pariétales qui était plus important dans l’hémisphère droit que dans l’hémisphère gauche. Les résultats des études empiriques ont permis de souligner l’aspect sensoriel de la mémoire à court-terme auditive et de montrer des similarités dans la rétention de différentes caractéristiques tonales. Dans leur ensemble, les études ont contribué à l’identification des processus neuronaux reliés à la rétention des sons en étudiant l’activité électromagnétique et l’implication des structures cérébrales correspondantes sur une échelle temporelle fine.
L’épilepsie bénigne à pointes centrotemporales (EPCT) est la forme la plus fréquente des épilepsies idiopathiques chez l’enfant (Fastenau et al., 2009). Le pronostic de ces patients est bon, notamment en raison de la rémission spontanée de cette épilepsie à l’adolescence; toutefois plusieurs études suggèrent la présence de troubles cognitifs et de spécificités neuroanatomiques. Il n’existe pas actuellement de consensus sur les liens entre leurs troubles cognitifs et leurs particularités neuroanatomiques et neurofonctionnelles. Dans cette thèse, notre but est de préciser le profil des enfants ayant une épilepsie bénigne à pointes centro-temporales, en investiguant les caractéristiques des patients à plusieurs niveaux: cognitif, fonctionnel, structurel. La thèse est composée de quatre articles, dont deux articles empiriques. Notre premier article a pour objectif de recenser les difficultés cognitives et affectives rapportées par les études s’intéressant aux caractéristiques des enfants ayant une épilepsie bénigne. Bien qu’une certaine variabilité soit retrouvée dans la littérature, cette revue démontre qu’une histoire d’épilepsie, même bénigne, peut être un facteur de risque pour le développement cognitif et socio-affectif des enfants. Notre revue de littérature a indiqué des troubles particuliers du langage chez ces enfants, mais aucune étude n’avait auparavant investigué spécifiquement la compréhension de lecture chez les enfants ayant une EPCT, une compétence essentielle dans le cheminement scolaire des enfants. Ainsi, nous avons développé une tâche novatrice de compréhension de lecture de phrases en imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), adaptée à la population pédiatrique. Dans notre second article, nous avons validé cette tâche auprès d’enfants sains et nous avons mis en évidence une mobilisation des régions cérébrales généralement engagées dans des tâches langagières chez l’enfant sain, y compris les régions impliquées dans le traitement sémantique (Berl et al., 2010; Blumenfeld, Booth et Burman, 2006). Le troisième article de cette thèse rapporte notre investigation du réseau cérébral activé durant cette nouvelle tâche de compréhension de lecture de phrases en IRMf chez les enfants ayant une EPCT. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces derniers ont recours à l’activation d’un réseau cérébral plus large, présentant des similarités avec celui retrouvé chez les enfants dyslexiques. Par ailleurs, l’activation du striatum gauche, structure généralement associée à la réalisation de processus cognitifs complexes est uniquement retrouvée chez les enfants épileptiques. Étant donné que les enfants ayant une EPCT obtiennent des performances à la tâche d’IRMf équivalentes à celles des enfants sains, il est possible d’émettre l’hypothèse que ces différences d’activations cérébrales soient adaptatives. L’étude des relations entre les résultats neuropsychologiques, la performance à la tâche et les activations cérébrales a mis en évidence des prédicteurs différents entre les deux groupes d’enfants, suggérant qu’ils ne s’appuient pas exactement sur les mêmes processus cognitifs pour réussir la tâche. De plus, nous avons réalisé un travail d’intégration des diverses méthodologies utilisées dans les études en imagerie pondérée en diffusion chez l’enfant épileptique, ce qui constitue le quatrième article de cette thèse. Nous rapportons les diverses applications de cette méthode dans la caractérisation des anomalies structurelles subtiles de la matière blanche chez les enfants épileptiques en général. Les différentes méthodologies employées, les enjeux, et les biais potentiels relatifs aux traitements des données de diffusion y sont discutés. Enfin, pour mieux comprendre l’origine et les marqueurs de cette épilepsie, nous avons étudié les spécificités structurelles des cerveaux des enfants ayant une EPCT à l’aide d’analyses sur les données d’imagerie par résonnance magnétique. Aucune différence n’a été mise en évidence au niveau de la matière grise entre les cerveaux d’enfants sains et ceux ayant une EPCT. À l’inverse, nous rapportons des différences subtiles au niveau de la matière blanche dans notre population d’enfants épileptiques, avec une diminution de l’anisotropie fractionnelle (FA) au niveau temporal inférieur/moyen de l’hémisphère gauche, ainsi que dans l’hémisphère droit dans les régions frontales moyennes et occipitales inférieures. Ces résultats suggèrent la présence d’altérations de la matière blanche subtiles et diffuses dans le cerveau des enfants ayant une EPCT et concordent avec ceux d’autres études récentes (Ciumas et al., 2014).
Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. However, other studies (Kanske & Kotz, 2007) also suggest that visual word recognition differ in function of emotional valence. In this context, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of retention level upon recognition memory processes for negative and neutral words. Sample consisted of 15 right-handed undergraduate portuguese students with normal or corrected to normal vision. Portuguese concrete negative and neutral words were selected in accordance to known linguistic capabilities of the right hemisphere. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. Eye movements were continuously monitored with a Tobii T60 eye-tracker that showed no significant differences in fixations to negative and neutral words. Reaction times in word recognition suggest an overall advantage of negative words in comparison to the neutral words. Further analysis showed faster responses for negative words than for neutral words when were recognised at longer retention intervals for left-hemisphere encoding. Electrophysiological data through event related potentials revealed larger P2 amplitude over centro-posterior electrode sites for words studied in the left hemifield suggesting a priming effect for right-hemisphere encoding. Overall data suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of negative and neutral words.
Previous investigations comparing auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) to words whose meanings infants did or did not comprehend, found bilateral differences in brain activity to known versus unknown words in 13-month-old infants, in contrast with unilateral, left hemisphere, differences in activity in 20-month-old infants. We explore two alternative explanations for these findings. Changes in hemispheric specialization may result from a qualitative shift in the way infants process known words between 13 and 20 months. Alternatively, hemispheric specialization may arise from increased familiarity with the individual words tested. We contrasted these two explanations by measuring ERPs from 20-month-old infants with high and low production scores, for novel words they had just learned. A bilateral distribution of ERP differences was observed in both groups of infants, though the difference was larger in the left hemisphere for the high producers. These findings suggest that word familiarity is an important factor in determining the distribution of brain regions involved in word learning. An emerging left hemispheric specialization may reflect increased efficiency in the manner in which infants process familiar and novel words. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Decoding emotional prosody is crucial for successful social interactions, and continuous monitoring of emotional intent via prosody requires working memory. It has been proposed by Ross and others that emotional prosody cognitions in the right hemisphere are organized in an analogous fashion to propositional language functions in the left hemisphere. This study aimed to test the applicability of this model in the context of prefrontal cortex working memory functions. BOLD response data were therefore collected during performance of two emotional working memory tasks by participants undergoing fMRI. In the prosody task, participants identified the emotion conveyed in pre-recorded sentences, and working memory load was manipulated in the style of an N-back task. In the matched lexico-semantic task, participants identified the emotion conveyed by sentence content. Block-design neuroimaging data were analyzed parametrically with SPM5. At first, working memory for emotional prosody appeared to be right-lateralized in the PFC, however, further analyses revealed that it shared much bilateral prefrontal functional neuroanatomy with working memory for lexico-semantic emotion. Supplementary separate analyses of males and females suggested that these language functions were less bilateral in females, but their inclusion did not alter the direction of laterality. It is concluded that Ross et al.'s model is not applicable to prefrontal cortex working memory functions, that evidence that working memory cannot be subdivided in prefrontal cortex according to material type is increased, and that incidental working memory demands may explain the frontal lobe involvement in emotional prosody comprehension as revealed by neuroimaging studies. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that when bilinguals named pictures or read words aloud, in their native or nonnative language, activation was higher relative to monolinguals in 5 left hemisphere regions: dorsal precentral gyrus, pars triangularis, pars opercularis, superior temporal gyrus, and planum temporale. We further demonstrate that these areas are sensitive to increasing demands on speech production in monolinguals. This suggests that the advantage of being bilingual comes at the expense of increased work in brain areas that support monolingual word processing. By comparing the effect of bilingualism across a range of tasks, we argue that activation is higher in bilinguals compared with monolinguals because word retrieval is more demanding; articulation of each word is less rehearsed; and speech output needs careful monitoring to avoid errors when competition for word selection occurs between, as well as within,language.
Although there is evidence that exact calculation recruits left hemisphere perisylvian language systems, recent work has shown that exact calculation can be retained despite severe damage to these networks. In this study, we sought to identify a “core” network for calculation and hence to determine the extent to which left hemisphere language areas are part of this network. We examined performance on addition and subtraction problems in two modalities: one using conventional two-digit problems that can be easily encoded into language; the other using novel shape representations. With regard to numerical problems, our results revealed increased left fronto-temporal activity in addition, and increased parietal activity in subtraction, potentially reflecting retrieval of linguistically encoded information during addition. The shape problems elicited activations of occipital, parietal and dorsal temporal regions, reflecting visual reasoning processes. A core activation common to both calculation types involved the superior parietal lobule bilaterally, right temporal sub-gyral area, and left lateralized activations in inferior parietal (BA 40), frontal (BA 6/8/32) and occipital (BA 18) regions. The large bilateral parietal activation could be attributed to visuo-spatial processing in calculation. The inferior parietal region, and particularly the left angular gyrus, was part of the core calculation network. However, given its activation in both shape and number tasks, its role is unlikely to reflect linguistic processing per se. A possibility is that it serves to integrate right hemisphere visuo-spatial and left hemisphere linguistic and executive processing in calculation.
In humans, both language and fine motor skills are associated with left-hemisphere specialization, whereas visuospatial skills are associated with right-hemisphere specialization. Individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) show a profile of deficits and strengths that involves these lateralized cognitive functions. Here we test the hypothesis that regions implicated in these functions are atypically rightward lateralized in individuals with ASC and, that such atypicality is associated with functional performance. Participants included 67 male, right-handed adults with ASC and 69 age- and IQ-matched neurotypical males. We assessed group differences in structural asymmetries in cortical regions of interest with voxel-based analysis of grey matter volumes, followed by correlational analyses with measures of language, motor and visuospatial skills. We found stronger rightward lateralization within the inferior parietal lobule and reduced leftward lateralization extending along the auditory cortex comprising the planum temporale, Heschl's gyrus, posterior supramarginal gyrus, and parietal operculum, which was more pronounced in ASC individuals with delayed language onset compared to those without. Planned correlational analyses showed that for individuals with ASC, reduced leftward asymmetry in the auditory region was associated with more childhood social reciprocity difficulties. We conclude that atypical cerebral structural asymmetry is a potential candidate neurophenotype of ASC
It has been postulated that autism spectrum disorder is underpinned by an ‘atypical connectivity’ involving higher-order association brain regions. To test this hypothesis in a large cohort of adults with autism spectrum disorder we compared the white matter networks of 61 adult males with autism spectrum disorder and 61 neurotypical controls, using two complementary approaches to diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. First, we applied tract-based spatial statistics, a ‘whole brain’ non-hypothesis driven method, to identify differences in white matter networks in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Following this we used a tract-specific analysis, based on tractography, to carry out a more detailed analysis of individual tracts identified by tract-based spatial statistics. Finally, within the autism spectrum disorder group, we studied the relationship between diffusion measures and autistic symptom severity. Tract-based spatial statistics revealed that autism spectrum disorder was associated with significantly reduced fractional anisotropy in regions that included frontal lobe pathways. Tractography analysis of these specific pathways showed increased mean and perpendicular diffusivity, and reduced number of streamlines in the anterior and long segments of the arcuate fasciculus, cingulum and uncinate—predominantly in the left hemisphere. Abnormalities were also evident in the anterior portions of the corpus callosum connecting left and right frontal lobes. The degree of microstructural alteration of the arcuate and uncinate fasciculi was associated with severity of symptoms in language and social reciprocity in childhood. Our results indicated that autism spectrum disorder is a developmental condition associated with abnormal connectivity of the frontal lobes. Furthermore our findings showed that male adults with autism spectrum disorder have regional differences in brain anatomy, which correlate with specific aspects of autistic symptoms. Overall these results suggest that autism spectrum disorder is a condition linked to aberrant developmental trajectories of the frontal networks that persist in adult life.
Evidence exists that both right and left hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the right visual hemifield and only right hemisphere attentional mechanisms are mobilized when attention is directed to the left visual hemifield. This arrangement might lead to a rightward bias of automatic attention. The hypothesis was investigated by testing male volunteers, wherein a ""location discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 1 and 3) and a ""location and shape discrimination"" reaction time task (Experiments 2 and 4) were used. Unilateral (Experiments 1 and 2) and unilateral or bilateral (Experiments 3 and 4) peripheral visual prime stimuli were used to control attention. Reaction time to a small visual target stimulus in the same location or in the horizontally opposite location was evaluated. Stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) were 34, 50, 67, 83 and 100 ms. An important prime stimulus attentional effect was observed as early as 50 ms in the four experiments. In Experiments 2, 3 and 4, this effect was larger when the prime stimulus occurred in the right hemifield than when it occurred in the left hemifield for SOA 100 ms. In Experiment 4, when the prime stimulus occurred simultaneously in both hemifields, reaction time was faster for the right hemifield and for SOA 100 ms. These results indicate that automatic attention tends to favor the right side of space, particularly when identification of the target stimulus shape is required. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There is evidence that automatic visual attention favors the right side. This study investigated whether this lateral asymmetry interacts with the right hemisphere dominance for visual location processing and left hemisphere dominance for visual shape processing. Volunteers were tested in a location discrimination task and a shape discrimination task. The target stimuli (S2) could occur in the left or right hemifield. They were preceded by an ipsilateral, contralateral or bilateral prime stimulus (S1). The attentional effect produced by the right S1 was larger than that produced by the left S1. This lateral asymmetry was similar between the two tasks suggesting that the hemispheric asymmetries of visual mechanisms do not contribute to it. The finding that it was basically due to a longer reaction time to the left S2 than to the right S2 for the contralateral S1 condition suggests that the inhibitory component of attention is laterally asymmetric.
Purpose: To obtain cerebral perfusion territories of the left, the right. and the posterior circulation in humans with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and robust delineation. Materials and Methods: Continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) was implemented using a dedicated radio frequency (RF) coil. positioned over the neck, to label the major cerebral feeding arteries in humans. Selective labeling was achieved by flow-driven adiabatic fast passage and by tilting the longitudinal labeling gradient about the Y-axis by theta = +/- 60 degrees. Results: Mean cerebral blood flow (CBF) values in gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) were 74 +/- 13 mL center dot 100 g(-1) center dot minute(-1) and 14 +/- 13 mL center dot 100 g(-1) center dot minute(-1), respectively (N = 14). There were no signal differences between left and right hemispheres when theta = 0 degrees (P > 0.19), indicating efficient labeling of both hemispheres. When theta = +60 degrees, the signal in GM on the left hemisphere, 0.07 +/- 0.06%, was 92% lower than on the right hemisphere. 0.85 +/- 0.30% (P < 1 x 10(-9)). while for theta = -60 degrees, the signal in the right hemisphere. 0.16 +/- 0.13%, was 82% lower than on the contralateral side. 0.89 +/- 0.22% (P < 1 x 10(-10)). Similar attenuations were obtained in WM. Conclusion: Clear delineation of the left and right cerebral perfusion territories was obtained, allowing discrimination of the anterior and posterior circulation in each hemisphere.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudos introduziram novo método para avaliação da pré-carga, baseado na análise da variação da pressão sistólica (VPS) durante ventilação artificial. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar se a VPS e sua derivada delta down (ddown) são indicadoras precoces de hipovolemia e guias de reposição volêmica com solução hiperosmótica e hiperoncótica. MÉTODO: Doze cães foram submetidos a sangramentos parciais de 5% da volemia até se atingir 20% da volemia (14 ml.kg-1). Antes (controle) e após cada sangramento foram realizadas análises hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e sangüíneas. Após, os cães foram submetidos à reposição com solução de NaCl a 7,5% em dextran 70 a 3,75% (SHD) (4 ml.kg-1) e novas análises dos atributos estudados foram realizadas aos 5 e 30 minutos após a reposição. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial média diminuiu durante o sangramento e aumentou após a reposição, sem retornar aos valores do controle. As pressões da artéria pulmonar e do átrio direito (PAD) diminuíram antes e aumentaram após a reposição para valores semelhantes aos do controle. A pressão da artéria pulmonar ocluída (PAPO) diminuiu após o primeiro sangramento e manteve-se em valores abaixo aos do controle, mesmo após a reposição. O índice cardíaco não se alterou, mas aumentou após a reposição, para valores superiores aos do controle. O índice sistólico (IS) diminuiu antes e aumentou após a reposição, em níveis superiores aos do controle. Os índices de resistência vascular sistêmica (IRVS) e pulmonar (IRVP) não se alteraram antes, mas diminuíram após a reposição, com o IRVS em níveis inferiores aos do controle, e o IRVP em níveis semelhantes aos do controle. Os índices de trabalho sistólico dos ventrículos direito (ITSVD) e esquerdo (ITSVE) diminuíram durante o sangramento, mas aumentaram após a reposição, com o ITSVD em níveis superiores aos do controle e o ITSVE em níveis semelhantes aos do controle. A VPS e ddown aumentaram progressivamente durante o sangramento e diminuíram após a reposição, mas mantendo-se em valores superiores aos do controle. As maiores correlações de VPS e ddown foram com IS, PAPO, PAD e ITSVE. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições empregadas, a VPS e sua derivada ddown são indicadoras precoces de hipovolemia e guias sensíveis de reposição volêmica com SHD.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diversos modelos experimentais têm sido utilizados para ilustrar as alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas que ocorrem durante o choque hemorrágico. O objetivo da pesquisa é o de observar os comportamentos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos que acontecem em um modelo seqüencial e progressivo de choque hemorrágico no cão, verificando quais índices alteram-se mais precocemente. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em 13 cães sob anestesia venosa total com pentobarbital sódico, em normoventilação e previamente esplenectomizados. Os animais não foram hidratados e a velocidade do sangramento foi ditada pela pressão arterial em que o animal se encontrava. Os atributos estudados foram divididos em hemodinâmicos (freqüência cardíaca - FC, pressão arterial média - PAM, índice de resistência vascular sistêmica - IRVS, índice sistólico - IS, índice cardíaco - IC, índice de choque - I.choque, índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo - ITSVE, pressão capilar pulmonar - PCP, pressão venosa central - PVC) e metabólicos (saturação venosa mista - SvO2, pressão venosa de oxigênio - PvO2, transporte de oxigênio - DO2, consumo de oxigênio - VO2, extração de oxigênio - TEO2, lactato sérico). A coleta de dados e os atributos foram estudados em 6 momentos distintos, sendo M1, o momento controle e os outros momentos correspondentes a decréscimos gradativos de 10% da volemia calculada para cada animal. RESULTADOS: A hemorragia determinou diminuição significativa da FC somente em M6; queda da PAM, IC, IS e ITSVE a cada momento estudado; discreta alteração da PVC e PCP em cada momento; diminuição da PvO2 e da SvO2 nos momentos estudados; redução do DO2, estabilização do VO2 e elevação da TEO2 nos momentos; o índice de choque apresentou elevação até M3, diminuição em M4 e nova elevação até M6; o IRVS elevou-se até M6, ficou inalterado em M5 e apresentou diminuição significativa em M6; o lactato apresentou elevações a partir de M5 e M6. CONCLUSÕES: Considerou-se que a pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão venosa central e pressão capilar pulmonar não refletem o real estado volêmico dos cães no nosso modelo experimental e que o transporte, consumo e a taxa de extração de oxigênio são parâmetros úteis na determinação da reversibilidade e prognóstico do choque hemorrágico.