917 resultados para Least-squares support vector machine


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Sequential minimal optimization (SMO) is quite an efficient algorithm for training the support vector machine. The most important step of this algorithm is the selection of the working set, which greatly affects the training speed. The feasible direction strategy for the working set selection can decrease the objective function, however, may augment to the total calculation for selecting the working set in each of the iteration. In this paper, a new candidate working set (CWS) Strategy is presented considering the cost on the working set selection and cache performance. This new strategy can select several greatest violating samples from Cache as the iterative working sets for the next several optimizing steps, which can improve the efficiency of the kernel cache usage and reduce the computational cost related to the working set selection. The results of the theory analysis and experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the training time, especially on the large-scale datasets.


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Making decision usually occurs in the state of being uncertain. These kinds of problems often expresses in a formula as optimization problems. It is desire for decision makers to find a solution for optimization problems. Typically, solving optimization problems in uncertain environment is difficult. This paper proposes a new hybrid intelligent algorithm to solve a kind of stochastic optimization i.e. dependent chance programming (DCP) model. In order to speed up the solution process, we used support vector machine regression (SVM regression) to approximate chance functions which is the probability of a sequence of uncertain event occurs based on the training data generated by the stochastic simulation. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps: (1) generate data to estimate the objective function, (2) utilize SVM regression to reveal a trend hidden in the data (3) apply genetic algorithm (GA) based on SVM regression to obtain an estimation for the chance function. Numerical example is presented to show the ability of algorithm in terms of time-consuming and precision.


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Plasminogen (Pg), the precursor of the proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzyme of blood, is converted to the active enzyme plasmin (Pm) by different plasminogen activators (tissue plasminogen activators and urokinase), including the bacterial activators streptokinase and staphylokinase, which activate Pg to Pm and thus are used clinically for thrombolysis. The identification of Pg-activators is therefore an important step in understanding their functional mechanism and derives new therapies.


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Novelty detection arises as an important learning task in several applications. Kernel-based approach to novelty detection has been widely used due to its theoretical rigor and elegance of geometric interpretation. However, computational complexity is a major obstacle in this approach. In this paper, leveraging on the cutting-plane framework with the well-known One-Class Support Vector Machine, we present a new solution that can scale up seamlessly with data. The first solution is exact and linear when viewed through the cutting-plane; the second employed a sampling strategy that remarkably has a constant computational complexity defined relatively to the probability of approximation accuracy. Several datasets are benchmarked to demonstrate the credibility of our framework.


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The recent upsurge in microbial genome data has revealed that hemoglobin-like (HbL) proteins may be widely distributed among bacteria and that some organisms may carry more than one HbL encoding gene. However, the discovery of HbL proteins has been limited to a small number of bacteria only. This study describes the prediction of HbL proteins and their domain classification using a machine learning approach. Support vector machine (SVM) models were developed for predicting HbL proteins based upon amino acid composition (AC), dipeptide composition (DC), hybrid method (AC + DC), and position specific scoring matrix (PSSM). In addition, we introduce for the first time a new prediction method based on max to min amino acid residue (MM) profiles. The average accuracy, standard deviation (SD), false positive rate (FPR), confusion matrix, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) were analyzed. We also compared the performance of our proposed models in homology detection databases. The performance of the different approaches was estimated using fivefold cross-validation techniques. Prediction accuracy was further investigated through confusion matrix and ROC curve analysis. All experimental results indicate that the proposed BacHbpred can be a perspective predictor for determination of HbL related proteins. BacHbpred, a web tool, has been developed for HbL prediction.


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During the petroleum well drilling operation many mechanical and hydraulic parameters are monitored by an instrumentation system installed in the rig called a mud-logging system. These sensors, distributed in the rig, monitor different operation parameters such as weight on the hook and drillstring rotation. These measurements are known as mud-logging records and allow the online following of all the drilling process with well monitoring purposes. However, in most of the cases, these data are stored without taking advantage of all their potential. On the other hand, to make use of the mud-logging data, an analysis and interpretationt is required. That is not an easy task because of the large volume of information involved. This paper presents a Support Vector Machine (SVM) used to automatically classify the drilling operation stages through the analysis of some mud-logging parameters. In order to validate the results of SVM technique, it was compared to a classification elaborated by a Petroleum Engineering expert. © 2006 IEEE.


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Due to the increased incidence of skin cancer, computational methods based on intelligent approaches have been developed to aid dermatologists in the diagnosis of skin lesions. This paper proposes a method to classify texture in images, since it is an important feature for the successfully identification of skin lesions. For this is defined a feature vector, with the fractal dimension of images through the box-counting method (BCM), which is used with a SVM to classify the texture of the lesions in to non-irregular or irregular. With the proposed solution, we could obtain an accuracy of 72.84%. © 2012 AISTI.


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The use of mobile robots turns out to be interesting in activities where the action of human specialist is difficult or dangerous. Mobile robots are often used for the exploration in areas of difficult access, such as rescue operations and space missions, to avoid human experts exposition to risky situations. Mobile robots are also used in agriculture for planting tasks as well as for keeping the application of pesticides within minimal amounts to mitigate environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features. Such features are then submitted to a support vector machine in order to find out the most appropriate route. The overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is to develop a real time robot control system to be embedded into a hardware platform. In this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route. © 2012 IEEE.


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Delineating brain tumor boundaries from magnetic resonance images is an essential task for the analysis of brain cancer. We propose a fully automatic method for brain tissue segmentation, which combines Support Vector Machine classification using multispectral intensities and textures with subsequent hierarchical regularization based on Conditional Random Fields. The CRF regularization introduces spatial constraints to the powerful SVM classification, which assumes voxels to be independent from their neighbors. The approach first separates healthy and tumor tissue before both regions are subclassified into cerebrospinal fluid, white matter, gray matter and necrotic, active, edema region respectively in a novel hierarchical way. The hierarchical approach adds robustness and speed by allowing to apply different levels of regularization at different stages. The method is fast and tailored to standard clinical acquisition protocols. It was assessed on 10 multispectral patient datasets with results outperforming previous methods in terms of segmentation detail and computation times.


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El análisis de imágenes hiperespectrales permite obtener información con una gran resolución espectral: cientos de bandas repartidas desde el espectro infrarrojo hasta el ultravioleta. El uso de dichas imágenes está teniendo un gran impacto en el campo de la medicina y, en concreto, destaca su utilización en la detección de distintos tipos de cáncer. Dentro de este campo, uno de los principales problemas que existen actualmente es el análisis de dichas imágenes en tiempo real ya que, debido al gran volumen de datos que componen estas imágenes, la capacidad de cómputo requerida es muy elevada. Una de las principales líneas de investigación acerca de la reducción de dicho tiempo de procesado se basa en la idea de repartir su análisis en diversos núcleos trabajando en paralelo. En relación a esta línea de investigación, en el presente trabajo se desarrolla una librería para el lenguaje RVC – CAL – lenguaje que está especialmente pensado para aplicaciones multimedia y que permite realizar la paralelización de una manera intuitiva – donde se recogen las funciones necesarias para implementar el clasificador conocido como Support Vector Machine – SVM. Cabe mencionar que este trabajo complementa el realizado en [1] y [2] donde se desarrollaron las funciones necesarias para implementar una cadena de procesado que utiliza el método unmixing para procesar la imagen hiperespectral. En concreto, este trabajo se encuentra dividido en varias partes. La primera de ellas expone razonadamente los motivos que han llevado a comenzar este Trabajo de Investigación y los objetivos que se pretenden conseguir con él. Tras esto, se hace un amplio estudio del estado del arte actual y, en él, se explican tanto las imágenes hiperespectrales como sus métodos de procesado y, en concreto, se detallará el método que utiliza el clasificador SVM. Una vez expuesta la base teórica, nos centraremos en la explicación del método seguido para convertir una versión en Matlab del clasificador SVM optimizado para analizar imágenes hiperespectrales; un punto importante en este apartado es que se desarrolla la versión secuencial del algoritmo y se asientan las bases para una futura paralelización del clasificador. Tras explicar el método utilizado, se exponen los resultados obtenidos primero comparando ambas versiones y, posteriormente, analizando por etapas la versión adaptada al lenguaje RVC – CAL. Por último, se aportan una serie de conclusiones obtenidas tras analizar las dos versiones del clasificador SVM en cuanto a bondad de resultados y tiempos de procesado y se proponen una serie de posibles líneas de actuación futuras relacionadas con dichos resultados. ABSTRACT. Hyperspectral imaging allows us to collect high resolution spectral information: hundred of bands covering from infrared to ultraviolet spectrum. These images have had strong repercussions in the medical field; in particular, we must highlight its use in cancer detection. In this field, the main problem we have to deal with is the real time analysis, because these images have a great data volume and they require a high computational power. One of the main research lines that deals with this problem is related with the analysis of these images using several cores working at the same time. According to this investigation line, this document describes the development of a RVC – CAL library – this language has been widely used for working with multimedia applications and allows an optimized system parallelization –, which joins all the functions needed to implement the Support Vector Machine – SVM - classifier. This research complements the research conducted in [1] and [2] where the necessary functions to implement the unmixing method to analyze hyperspectral images were developed. The document is divided in several chapters. The first of them introduces the motivation of the Master Thesis and the main objectives to achieve. After that, we study the state of the art of some technologies related with this work, like hyperspectral images, their processing methods and, concretely, the SVM classifier. Once we have exposed the theoretical bases, we will explain the followed methodology to translate a Matlab version of the SVM classifier optimized to process an hyperspectral image to RVC – CAL language; one of the most important issues in this chapter is that a sequential implementation is developed and the bases of a future parallelization of the SVM classifier are set. At this point, we will expose the results obtained in the comparative between versions and then, the results of the different steps that compose the SVM in its RVC – CAL version. Finally, we will extract some conclusions related with algorithm behavior and time processing. In the same way, we propose some future research lines according to the results obtained in this document.


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Promiscuous human leukocyte antigen (HLA) binding peptides are ideal targets for vaccine development. Existing computational models for prediction of promiscuous peptides used hidden Markov models and artificial neural networks as prediction algorithms. We report a system based on support vector machines that outperforms previously published methods. Preliminary testing showed that it can predict peptides binding to HLA-A2 and -A3 super-type molecules with excellent accuracy, even for molecules where no binding data are currently available.