996 resultados para Lattice Constant


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In situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (ECSTM) and an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) have been employed to follow the adsorption/desorption processes of phenanthraquinone (PQ sat. in 0.1 mol l(-1) HClO4, solution) accompanied with an electrochemical redox reaction on the Au electrode. The result shows that: (1) the reduced form PQH(2) adsorbed at the Au electrode and the desorption occurred when PQH(2) was oxidized to PQ; (2) the adsorption process initiates at steps or kinks which provide high active sites on the electrode surface for adsorption, and as the potential shifts to negative, a multilayer of PQH(2) may be formed at the Au electrode; (3) the reduced PQH(2) adsorbed preferentially in the area where the tip had been scanned continually; this result suggests that the tip induction may accelerate the adsorption of PQH(2) on the Au(111) electrode. Two kinds of possible reason have been discussed; (4) high resolution STM images show the strong substrate lattice information and the weak monolayer adsorbate lattice information simultaneously. The PQH(2) molecules pack into a not perfectly ordered condensed physisorbed layer at potentials of 0.1 and 0.2 V with an average lattice constant a = 11.5 +/- 0.4 Angstrom, b = 11.5 +/- 0.4 Angstrom, and gamma = 120 +/- 2 degrees; the molecular lattice is rotated with respect to the substrate lattice by about 23 +/- 2 degrees. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Carbon supported PtSn alloy and PtSnOx particles with nominal Pt:Sn ratios of 3:1 were prepared by a modified polyol method. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray microchemical analysis were used to characterize the composition, size, distribution, and morphology of PtSn particles. The particles are predominantly single nanocrystals with diameters in the order of 2.0-3.0 nm. According to the XRD results, the lattice constant of Pt in the PtSn alloy is dilated due to Sn atoms penetrating into the Pt crystalline lattice. While for PtSnOx nanoparticles, the lattice constant of Pt only changed a little. HRTEM micrograph of PtSnOx clearly shows that the change of the spacing of Pt (111) plane is neglectable, meanwhile, SnO2 nanoparticles, characterized with the nominal 0.264 nm spacing of SnO2 (10 1) plane, were found in the vicinity of Pt particles. In contrast, the HRTEM micrograph of PtSn alloy shows that the spacing of Pt (111) plane extends to 0.234 nm from the original 0.226 nm. High resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (HR-EDS) analyses show that all investigated particles in the two PtSn catalysts represent uniform Pt/Sn compositions very close to the nominal one. Cyclic voltammograms (CV) in sulfuric acid show that the hydrogen ad/desorption was inhibited on the surface of PtSn alloy compared to that on the surface of the PtSnOx catalyst. PtSnOx catalyst showed higher catalytic activity for ethanol electro-oxidation than PtSn alloy from the results of chronoamperometry (CA) analysis and the performance of direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs). It is deduced that the unchanged lattice parameter of Pt in the PtSnOx catalyst is favorable to ethanol adsorption and meanwhile, tin oxide in the vicinity of Pt nanoparticles could offer oxygen species conveniently to remove the CO-like species of ethanolic residues to free Pt active sites. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the structural effects produced by the quantization of vibrational degrees of freedom in periodic crystals at zero temperature. To this end we introduce a methodology based on mapping a suitable subspace of the vibrational manifold and solving the Schrödinger equation in it. A number of increasingly accurate approximations ranging from the quasiharmonic approximation (QHA) to the vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) method and the exact solution are described. A thorough analysis of the approximations is presented for model monatomic and hydrogen-bonded chains, and results are presented for a linear H-F chain where the potential-energy surface is obtained via first-principles electronic structure calculations. We focus on quantum nuclear effects on the lattice constant and show that the VSCF is an excellent approximation, meaning that correlation between modes is not extremely important. The QHA is excellent for covalently bonded mildly anharmonic systems, but it fails for hydrogen-bonded ones. In the latter, the zero-point energy exhibits a nonanalytic behavior at the lattice constant where the H atoms center, which leads to a spurious secondary minimum in the quantum-corrected energy curve. An inexpensive anharmonic approximation of noninteracting modes appears to produce rather good results for hydrogen-bonded chains for small system sizes. However, it converges to the incorrect QHA results for increasing size. Isotope effects are studied for the first-principles H-F chain. We show how the lattice constant and the H-F distance increase with decreasing mass and how the QHA proves to be insufficient to reproduce this behavior.


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This paper explores the potential of germanium on sapphire (GeOS) wafers as a universal substrate for System on a Chip (SOC), mm wave integrated circuits (MMICs) and optical imagers. Ge has a lattice constant close to that of GaAs enabling epitaxial growth. Ge, GaAs and sapphire have relatively close temperature coefficients of expansion (TCE), enabling them to be combined without stress problems. Sapphire is transparent over the range 0.17 to 5.5 µm and has a very low loss tangent (a) for frequencies up to 72 GHz. Ge bonding to sapphire substrates has been investigated with regard to micro-voids and electrical quality of the Ge back interface. The advantages of a sapphire substrate for integrated inductors, coplanar waveguides and crosstalk suppression are also highlighted. MOS transistors have been fabricated on GeOS substrates, produced by the Smart-cut process, to illustrate the compatibility of the substrate with device processing. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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By employing the embedded-atom potentials of Mei et ai.[l], we have calculated the dynamical matrices and phonon dispersion curves for six fee metals (Cu,Ag,Au,Ni,Pd and Pt). We have also investigated, within the quasiharmonic approximation, some other thermal properties of these metals which depend on the phonon density of states, such as the temperature dependence of lattice constant, coefficient of linear thermal expansion, isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure, Griineisen parameter and Debye temperature. The computed results are compared with the experimental findings wherever possible. The comparison shows a generally good agreement between the theoretical values and experimental data for all properties except the discrepancies of phonon frequencies and Debye temperature for Pd, Pt and Au. Further, we modify the parameters of this model for Pd and Pt and obtain the phonon dispersion curves which is in good agreement with experimental data.


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We have calculated the thermodynamic properties of monatomic fcc crystals from the high temperature limit of the Helmholtz free energy. This equation of state included the static and vibrational energy components. The latter contribution was calculated to order A4 of perturbation theory, for a range of crystal volumes, in which a nearest neighbour central force model was used. We have calculated the lattice constant, the coefficient of volume expansion, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, the adiabatic and the isothermal bulk modulus, and the Gruneisen parameter, for two of the rare gas solids, Xe and Kr, and for the fcc metals Cu, Ag, Au, Al, and Pb. The LennardJones and the Morse potential were each used to represent the atomic interactions for the rare gas solids, and only the Morse potential was used for the fcc metals. The thermodynamic properties obtained from the A4 equation of state with the Lennard-Jones potential, seem to be in reasonable agreement with experiment for temperatures up to about threequarters of the melting temperature. However, for the higher temperatures, the results are less than satisfactory. For Xe and Kr, the thermodynamic properties calculated from the A2 equation of state with the Morse potential, are qualitatively similar to the A 2 results obtained with the Lennard-Jones potential, however, the properties obtained from the A4 equation of state are in good agreement with experiment, since the contribution from the A4 terms seem to be small. The lattice contribution to the thermal properties of the fcc metals was calculated from the A4 equation of state, and these results produced a slight improvement over the properties calculated from the A2 equation of state. In order to compare the calculated specific heats and bulk moduli results with experiment~ the electronic contribution to thermal properties was taken into account~ by using the free electron model. We found that the results varied significantly with the value chosen for the number of free electrons per atom.


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We have presented a Green's function method for the calculation of the atomic mean square displacement (MSD) for an anharmonic Hamil toni an . This method effectively sums a whole class of anharmonic contributions to MSD in the perturbation expansion in the high temperature limit. Using this formalism we have calculated the MSD for a nearest neighbour fcc Lennard Jones solid. The results show an improvement over the lowest order perturbation theory results, the difference with Monte Carlo calculations at temperatures close to melting is reduced from 11% to 3%. We also calculated the MSD for the Alkali metals Nat K/ Cs where a sixth neighbour interaction potential derived from the pseudopotential theory was employed in the calculations. The MSD by this method increases by 2.5% to 3.5% over the respective perturbation theory results. The MSD was calculated for Aluminum where different pseudopotential functions and a phenomenological Morse potential were used. The results show that the pseudopotentials provide better agreement with experimental data than the Morse potential. An excellent agreement with experiment over the whole temperature range is achieved with the Harrison modified point-ion pseudopotential with Hubbard-Sham screening function. We have calculated the thermodynamic properties of solid Kr by minimizing the total energy consisting of static and vibrational components, employing different schemes: The quasiharmonic theory (QH), ).2 and).4 perturbation theory, all terms up to 0 ().4) of the improved self consistent phonon theory (ISC), the ring diagrams up to o ().4) (RING), the iteration scheme (ITER) derived from the Greens's function method and a scheme consisting of ITER plus the remaining contributions of 0 ().4) which are not included in ITER which we call E(FULL). We have calculated the lattice constant, the volume expansion, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk modulus, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, and the Gruneisen parameter from two different potential functions: Lennard-Jones and Aziz. The Aziz potential gives generally a better agreement with experimental data than the LJ potential for the QH, ).2, ).4 and E(FULL) schemes. When only a partial sum of the).4 diagrams is used in the calculations (e.g. RING and ISC) the LJ results are in better agreement with experiment. The iteration scheme brings a definitive improvement over the).2 PT for both potentials.


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We have calculated the equation of state and the various thermodynamic properties of monatomic fcc crystals by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy derived in the high temperature limit for the quasiharmonic theory, QH, and the lowest-order (cubic and quartic), 'A2, anharmonic terms of the perturbation theory, PT. The total energy in each case is obtained by adding the static energy. The calculation of the thermal properties was carried out for a nearest-neighbour central-force model of the fcc lattice by means of the appropriate thermodynamic relations. We have calculated the lattice constant, the thermal expansion, the coefficient of volume expansion, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, and the Griineisen parameter, for the rare-gas solids Kr and Xe, and gold. Morse potential and modified Morse potential were each used to represent the atomic interaction for the three fcc materials. For most of the calculated thermodynamic properties from the QH theory, the results for Kr and Xe with the modified Morse potential show an improvement over the results for the Morse potential when compared with the experimental data. However, the results of the 'A 2 equation of state with the modified Morse potential are in good agreement with experiment only in the case of the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure. For Au we have calculated the lattice contribution from the QH and 'A 2 PT and the electronic contribution to the thermal properties. The electronic contribution was taken into account by using the free electron model. The results of the thermodynamic properties calculated with the modified Morse potential were similar to those obtained with the Morse potential. U sing the minimized equation of state we also calculated the Mossbauer recoilless fraction for Kr and Xe and the Debye-Waller factor (DWF) for Pb, AI, eu, Ag, and Au. The Mossbauer recoilless fraction was obtained for the above two potentials and Lennard-Jones potential. The L-J potential gives the best agreement with experiment for Kr. No experimental data exists for Xe. At low temperature the calculated DWF results for Pb, AI, and eu show a good agreement with experimental values, but at high temperature the experimental DWF results increase very rapidly. For Ag the computed values were below the expected results at all temperatures. The DWF results of the modified Morse potential for Pb, AI, eu and Ag were slightly better than those of the Morse potential. In the case of Au the calculated values were in poor agreement with experimental results. We have calculated the quasiharmonic phonon dispersion curves for Kr, Xe, eu, Ag, and Au. The calculated and experimental results of the frequencies agree quite well for all the materials except for Au where the longitudinal modes show serious discrepancies with the experimental results. In addition, the two lowest-order anharmonic contributions to the phonon frequency were derived using the Green's function method. The A 2 phonon dispersion curves have been calculated only for eu, and the results were similar to those of the QH dispersion curves. Finally, an expression for the Griineisen parameter "( has been derived from the anharmonic frequencies, and calculated for these materials. The "( results are comparable with those obtained from the thermodynamic definition.


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Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles (x=0-1) were synthesized by wet chemical co-precipitation techniques. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were effectively utilized to investigate the different structural parameters. The elemental analysis was conducted using energy-dispersive spectrum and inductively coupled plasma analysis. The magnetic properties such as magnetization and coercivity were measured using vibrating sample magnetometer. The observed magnetization values of the nanoparticles were found to be lower compared to the bulk counterpart. The magnetization showed a gradual decrease with zinc substitution except for a small increase from x=0.2 to 0.3. The Curie temperature was found to be enhanced in the case of ferrites in the nanoregime. The variation in lattice constant, reduced magnetization values, variation of magnetization with zinc substitution, the presence of a net magnetic moment for the zinc ferrite and the enhancement in Curie temperature in Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 all provide evidence to the existence of a metastable cation distribution together with possible surface effects at the nanoregime.


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The results of the investigation of the magnetic and structural properties of the alloy system Fe0.75–xSi0.25Sbx, where x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, and 0.25 synthesized by mechanical alloying followed by heat treatment are described. The x-ray diffraction reveals that all samples crystallize in the DO3-type cubic phase structure. Substituting Fe by Sb led to a de-crease in the lattice constant and the unit cell volume. The magnetic properties are investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer and show that all the samples are ferromagnetically ordered at room temperature. The Curie temperature is found to decrease linearly from (850 ± 5) K for the parent alloy to (620 ± 5) K for the alloyith x = 0.25. The satura-tion magnetizations at room temperature and at 100 K are found to decrease with increasing the antimony concentration. The above results indicate that Sb dissolves in the cubic structure of this alloy system.


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In this paper, we report the surprising formation of square-based facetted islands with linear dimension of the order of 500 nm upon dewetting of a Cr multilayer onW(100).We show that these square islands are composed of inclined facets surrounding a depressed center such that the facet slopes inward with the outer edges of the islands thicker than the centers. The islands’ shapes do not represent traditional equilibrium crystal shapes as expected for a Wulf construction. In situ UV and x-ray photoelectron emission microscopy allied to spatially resolved spectroscopy throws considerable light on the nature of the dewetting and shows that the metal surface between the islands remains covered by a thin pseudomorphic wetting layer of ∼1 ML. Low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopies allow quantification of facet slopes, and we identify a predominance of tilted Cr(100) facets ±5◦ off of the substrate normal bound by (210) planes at ∼26◦. The epitaxial Cr islands adopt the bulk Cr lattice constant but are tilted with respect to the surface normal.We suggest that the Cr crystallite tilting creates a vicinal-like interface structure that determines the island morphology


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Bulk polycrystalline samples in the series Ti1+xS2 (x = 0 to 0.05) were prepared using high temperature synthesis from the elements and spark plasma sintering. X-ray structure analysis shows that the lattice constant c expands as titanium intercalates between TiS2 slabs. For x=0, a Seebeck coefficient close to -300 μV/K is observed for the first time in TiS2 compounds. The decrease in electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient that occurs upon Ti intercalation (Ti off stoichiometry) supports the view that charge carrier transfer to the Ti 3d band takes place and the carrier concentration increases. At the same time, the thermal conductivity is reduced by phonon scattering due to structural disorder induced by Ti intercalation. Optimum ZT values of 0.14 and 0.48 at 300K and 700K, respectively, are obtained for x=0.025.


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Nanocrystalline Pd-Co alloys were obtained by electrodeposition from an ammoniacal chloride bath. The influence of the crystallite size and the residual stress on the magnetic properties of the alloys was investigated. The residual stress increased as the applied current density was increased. It was associated to the high nucleation rate during electrodeposition and correlated to the lattice strain, estimated from the XRD patterns. Also from the XRD patterns the average crystallite size and the lattice constant were determined by Scherrer's and Rietveld's methods, respectively. Both parameters were directly influenced by the applied current density. Magnetic properties such as coercivity, remanence, saturation magnetization and squareness showed strong dependence on the residual stress and crystallite size. Coercivity higher than 1 kOe was achieved when a high current density was applied. High coercivity was attributed to the presence of residual stress and to the small crystallite size of deposits. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The possibility of mechanochemical synthesis of the lead magnesium niobate (PMN) powders of the composition Pb(Mg(1/3)Nb(2/3))O(3) in iron vials was investigated. According to X-ray and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of the obtained powder mixtures, milling in iron vials resulted in incorporation of Fe and formation of PFN of composition Pb(Fe(1/2)Nb(1/2))O(3) simultaneously with formation of PMN. Relative amounts of PMN and PFN were determined based on values of Curie temperature and lattice constant of perovskite phase. Although only 1 wt pct of Fe was incorporated, a stoichiometry of the system was significantly changed, resulting in formation of pyrochlore phase and excess MgO. Single-phase perovskite was obtained when the excess of PbO and Nb(2)O(5) was added during mechanochemical synthesis. Because the dielectric properties were worse than expected, the alternative ways for improvement of dielectric properties were tried and discussed.


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