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tRNA-derived RNA fragments (tRFs) are 19mer small RNAs that associate with Argonaute (AGO) proteins in humans. However, in plants, it is unknown if tRFs bind with AGO proteins. Here, using public deep sequencing libraries of immunoprecipitated Argonaute proteins (AGO-IP) and bioinformatics approaches, we identified the Arabidopsis thaliana AGO-IP tRFs. Moreover, using three degradome deep sequencing libraries, we identified four putative tRF targets. The expression pattern of tRFs, based on deep sequencing data, was also analyzed under abiotic and biotic stresses. The results obtained here represent a useful starting point for future studies on tRFs in plants. © 2013 Loss-Morais et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Objectives To describe the intervention protocol for the first multilevel ecological intervention for physical activity in retirement communities that addresses individual, interpersonal and community influences on behavior change. Design A cluster randomized controlled trial design was employed with two study arms: a physical activity intervention and an attention control successful aging condition. Setting Sixteen continuing care retirement communities in San Diego County. Participants Three hundred twenty older adults, aged 65 years and older, are being recruited to participate in the trial. In addition, peer leaders are being recruited to lead some study activities, especially to sustain the intervention after study activities ceased. Intervention Participants in the physical activity trial receive individual, interpersonal and community intervention components. The individual level components include pedometers, goal setting and individual phone counseling. The interpersonal level components include group education sessions and peer-led activities. The community level components include resource audits and enumeration, tailored walking maps, and community improvement projects. The successful aging group receives individual and group attention about successful aging topics. Measurements The main outcome is light to moderate physical activity, measured objectively by accelerometry. Other objective outcomes included physical functioning, blood pressure, physical fitness, and cognitive functioning. Self report measures include depressive symptoms and health related quality of life. Results The intervention is being delivered successfully in the communities and compliance rates are high. Conclusion Ecological Models call for interventions that address multiple levels of the model. Previous studies have not included components at each level and retirement communities provide a model environment to demonstrate how to implement such an intervention.


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We provide the first molecular phylogeny of the clerid lineage (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Thanerocleridae) within the superfamily Cleroidea to examine the two most recently-proposed hypotheses of higher-level classification. Phylogenetic relationships of checkered beetles were inferred from approximately ~5,000nt of both nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA (28S, 16S, and 12S) and the mitochondrial protein-coding gene COI. A worldwide sample of ~70 genera representing almost a quarter of generic diversity of the clerid lineage was included and phylogenies were reconstructed using Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood approaches. Results support the monophyly of many proposed subfamilies but were not entirely congruent with either current classification system. The subfamilial relationships within the Cleridae are resolved with support for three main lineages. Tillinae are supported as the sister group to all other subfamilies within the Cleridae, whereas Thaneroclerinae, Korynetinae and a new subfamily formally described here, Epiclininae subf. n, form a sister group to Clerinae + Hydnocerinae.


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To determine if breed differences in susceptibility to trichostrongyloid and lungworm infection exist, two groups of weaner deer containing seven red deer and red deer X wapiti F1 hybrids were compared using faecal egg counts and faecal larval counts. All animals were run on the same pasture at the same time and treated with the same anthelmintics at the same time. Results indicated that there were significant differences between red deer and red deer X wapiti hybrids, with red deer having higher faecal lungworm counts and red deer X wapiti hybrids having significantly higher faecal egg counts. It is likely that these differences were due to breed. Differences in the efficacy of anthelmintic treatments were also noted between the two groups, with oral oxfendazole being less effective at reducing faecal lungworm counts in red deer X wapiti hybrids than red deer.


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Objective: Individuals with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) often note driving as a difficult task. This study’s aims were to (1) compare, while driving, neck motor performance, mental effort, and fatigue in individuals with chronic WAD against healthy controls and (2) investigate the relationships of these variables and neck pain to self-reported driving difficulty in the WAD group. Design: This study involved 14 participants in each group (WAD and control). Measures included self-reported driving difficulty and measures of neck pain intensity, overall fatigue, mental effort, and neck motor performance (head rotation and upper trapezius activity) while driving a simulator. Results: The WAD group had greater absolute path of head rotation in a simulated city area and used greater mental effort (P = 0.04), but there were no differences in other measures while driving compared with the controls (all P Q 0.05). Self-reported driving difficulty correlated moderately with neck pain intensity, fatigue level, and maximum velocity of head rotation while driving in the WAD group (all P G 0.05). Conclusions: Individuals with chronic WAD do not seem to have impaired neck motor performance while driving yet use greater mental effort. Neck pain, fatigue, and maximum head rotation velocity could be potential contributors to self-reported driving difficulty in this group.


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We propose the use of optical flow information as a method for detecting and describing changes in the environment, from the perspective of a mobile camera. We analyze the characteristics of the optical flow signal and demonstrate how robust flow vectors can be generated and used for the detection of depth discontinuities and appearance changes at key locations. To successfully achieve this task, a full discussion on camera positioning, distortion compensation, noise filtering, and parameter estimation is presented. We then extract statistical attributes from the flow signal to describe the location of the scene changes. We also employ clustering and dominant shape of vectors to increase the descriptiveness. Once a database of nodes (where a node is a detected scene change) and their corresponding flow features is created, matching can be performed whenever nodes are encountered, such that topological localization can be achieved. We retrieve the most likely node according to the Mahalanobis and Chi-square distances between the current frame and the database. The results illustrate the applicability of the technique for detecting and describing scene changes in diverse lighting conditions, considering indoor and outdoor environments and different robot platforms.


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The rehabilitation programs of bone-anchorage prostheses relying either on the OPRA (Integrum, Sweden) or the ILP (Orthodynamics, Germany) fixation involve some forms of static load bearing exercises (LBE). So far, most of biomechanical studies of these static LBEs focused on the direct measurements of the actual forces and moments applied on the OPRA fixation of individuals with transfemoral amputation (TFA). To date, the proof-of-concept of an apparatus to conduct these kinetic measurements has been presented, along with some preliminary data. The understanding of the kinetic data is essential to improve rehabilitation programs as well as the design of upcoming loading frames. However, kinetic information alone is difficult to interpret without concomitant kinematic data. The purpose of this preliminary study was to introduce a qualitative analysis describing the different body postures during LBE for a group of TFAs.


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The theory for time-resolved, pump-probe, photoemission spectroscopy and other pump-probe experiments is developed. The formal development is completely general, incorporating all of the nonequilibrium effects of the pump pulse and the finite time width of the probe pulse, and including possibilities for taking into account band structure and matrix element effects, surface states, and the interaction of the photoexcited electrons with the system leading to corrections to the sudden approximation. We also illustrate the effects of windowing that arise from the finite width of the probe pulse in a simple model system by assuming the quasiequilibrium approximation.


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With the extension of the work of the preceding paper, the relativistic front form for Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism is developed and shown to be particularly suited to the description of paraxial waves. The generators of the Poincaré group in a form applicable directly to the electric and magnetic field vectors are derived. It is shown that the effect of a thin lens on a paraxial electromagnetic wave is given by a six-dimensional transformation matrix, constructed out of certain special generators of the Poincaré group. The method of construction guarantees that the free propagation of such waves as well as their transmission through ideal optical systems can be described in terms of the metaplectic group, exactly as found for scalar waves by Bacry and Cadilhac. An alternative formulation in terms of a vector potential is also constructed. It is chosen in a gauge suggested by the front form and by the requirement that the lens transformation matrix act locally in space. Pencils of light with accompanying polarization are defined for statistical states in terms of the two-point correlation function of the vector potential. Their propagation and transmission through lenses are briefly considered in the paraxial limit. This paper extends Fourier optics and completes it by formulating it for the Maxwell field. We stress that the derivations depend explicitly on the "henochromatic" idealization as well as the identification of the ideal lens with a quadratic phase shift and are heuristic to this extent.


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In this work, we theoretically examine recent pump/probe photoemission experiments on the strongly correlated charge-density-wave insulator TaS2.We describe the general nonequilibrium many-body formulation of time-resolved photoemission in the sudden approximation, and then solve the problem using dynamical mean-field theory with the numerical renormalization group and a bare density of states calculated from density functional theory including the charge-density-wave distortion of the ion cores and spin-orbit coupling. We find a number of interesting results: (i) the bare band structure actually has more dispersion in the perpendicular direction than in the two-dimensional planes; (ii) the DMFT approach can produce upper and lower Hubbard bands that resemble those in the experiment, but the upper bands will overlap in energy with other higher energy bands; (iii) the effect of the finite width of the probe pulse is minimal on the shape of the photoemission spectra; and (iv) the quasiequilibrium approximation does not fully describe the behavior in this system.


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Since 1989, researchers with the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) in Queensland, Australia, have successfully used controlled low-water exchange green-water cultures to rear the larvae of estuarine fishes and crustaceans through to metamorphosis. High survivals and excellent fry condition have been achieved for several commercially important endemic species produced for various projects. They include barramundi or sea bass, Lates calcarifer, Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata, dusky flathead, Platycephalus fuscus, sand whiting, Sillago ciliata, red sea bream or snapper, Pagrus auratus, banana prawn, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, and others. The consistent success of our standardised and relatively simple approach at different localities has led to it being incorporated into general fingerling production practices at several establishments in Australia. Although post-metamorphosis rearing methods have differed for each species investigated, due to various biological and behavioural traits and project requirements, these larval rearing methods have been successful with few species-specific modifications. Initially modelled on the Taiwanese approach to rearing Penaeids in aerated low-water exchange cultures, the approach similarly appears to rely on a beneficial assemblage of micro-organisms. Conceptually, these micro-organisms may include a mixture of the air-borne primary invaders of pure phytoplankton cultures when exposed to outdoor conditions. Whilst this would vary with different sites, our experiences with these methods have consistently been favourable. Mass microalgal cultures with eco-physiological youth are used to regularly augment larval fish cultures so that rearing conditions simulate an exponential growth-phase microalgal bloom. Moderate to heavy aeration prevents settlement of particulate matter and encourages aerobic bacterial decomposition of wastes. The green-water larval rearing approach described herein has demonstrated high practical utility in research and commercial applications, and has greatly simplified marine finfish hatchery operations whilst generally lifting production capacities for metamorphosed fry in Australia. Its potential uses in areas of aquaculture other than larviculture are also discussed.


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The stiletto fly subfamily Agapophytinae is diverse and species rich in Australasia, with numerous undescribed species. A new species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton, A. monticola sp. nov., is described from females collected in montane localities in eastern Australia. Eight new species of Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg are also described, raising the total number of known species to 18. Five new species, B. affinis sp. nov., B. apluda sp. nov., B. bapsis sp. nov., B. webbi sp. nov. and B. zwicki sp. nov., all have a distinctive, forward-protruding head with antennae on a raised tubercle. Two other new species, B. argentea sp. nov. and B. jefferiesi sp. nov., are closely related to B. segnis (White), with very similar shaped male genitalia and body shape. An eighth species, B. lambkinae sp. nov., is closely related to B. clamosis Winterton & Skevington. Bonjeania and Acraspisoides are diagnosed and revised keys to species presented. An unusual new therevid, Vomerina humbug gen. et sp. nov., is also described and figured based on a series of males from New South Wales. This new genus likely represents the sister taxon to Bonjeania.


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The relationship between the parameters in a description based on a mesoscale free energy functional for the concentration field and the macroscopic properties, such as the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant, are examined for an asymmetric lamellar phase where the mass fractions of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts are not equal. The difference in the mass fractions is incorporated using a cubic term in the free energy functional, in addition to the usual quadratic and quartic terms in the Landau–Ginsburg formulation. The relationship between the coefficient of the cubic term and the difference in the mass fractions of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is obtained. For a lamellar phase, it is important to ensure that the surface tension is zero due to symmetry considerations. The relationship between the parameters in the free energy functional for zero surface tension is derived. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is diffuse, it is found that the bending and compression moduli, scaled by the parameters in the free energy functional, do increase as the asymmetry in the bilayer increases. When the interface between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts is sharp, the scaled bending and compression moduli show no dependence on the asymmetry in the bilayer. The ratio of the permeation constant in between the water and bilayer in a molecular description and the Onsager coefficient in the mesoscale description is O(1) for both sharp and diffuse interfaces and it increases as the difference in the mass fractions is increased.


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Climate change is emerging as the single greatest threat to coral-reef ecosystems.The most immediate impacts will be a loss of diversity and changes to fish community composition and may lead to eventual declines in abundance and productivity of key fisheries species. A key component of this research is to assess effects of projected changes in environmental conditions (temperature and ocean acidity) due to climate change on reproduction, growth and development of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardis).Ultimately, this research will fill key knowledge gaps about climate change impacts on larger fishes, which are fundamental to optimizing resilience-based management, and in turn improve the adaptive capacity of industries and communities along the Great Barrier Reef.