641 resultados para Lacanian Psychoanalysis


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This paper intends to discuss the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking under the prism of the “unbinding” theory – earlier conceived by the psychoanalyst Andre Green –, linking it to some theories proposed by Hal Foster, art historian and art critic, where we can find the lacanian “real” as the linking concept. One could say, in this linkage made here, that both authors are dealing, in a very particular way, with a question that refers to the theory of the real (as it was conceived by Jacques Lacan), even in the case of Green it is not referred directly; Green’s theory, however, seems to discuss some kind of a regredience that could be linked to the death drive. Accessing the psychoanalytical dispositive, and using it as it is appropriated to the (art) object to be interpreted, Foster, for example, advances in both the field of aesthetic reflection and in the more specific field of psychoanalysis. It should be noted that Foster’s reflection refers strictly to the post-pop images, observed mainly in the 1990’s photography. Thus, I think that this intersection between aesthetics and psychoanalysis might allow us to shed some light on a new art reading possibility towards a “non-applied” psychoanalytical paradigm, which, in my opinion, seems to be an appropriate way to understand some of the contemporary art production.


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This work intends to investigate the use of psychoanalytical theory within the aesthetic and critical contemporary art field. To this purpose, it focuses on two philosophers who have become significant in our time: the art critic Hal Foster and the art historian Georges Didi-Huberman. This study aims to show how far the concepts generated in psychoanalytic praxis allowed interpretations that disrupt the traditional aesthetics field. This type of analysis is possible once we abandon the paradigm of “applied psychoanalysis”, which is still current in non-clinical setting. Finally, the proposal wants to argue that the category of the amorphous may clarify certain aesthetic experiences that range from the modernity of art through postmodernity.


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This paper focuses first on cultural syncretism, used to characterize Brazilian culture. The other aspect of this socially and racially blended culture is the unfinished assimilation of liberalism in politics and the economy, which defines Brazilian society. The increased assimilation and dissemination of psychology may be linked with these in cultural and social aspects. During the military period (1964-1974) the major expansion in university-level studies in psychology contributed ideologically to the dissemination of psychology throughout Brazilian society. This introduced a type of psychology that was related primarily to clinical practice and developed in opposition to social work practice. This paper examines the ideological bases for this conflict between clinical and social work. Criteria for understanding the cultural dissemination of psychoanalysis are then discussed, and it is argued that cultural incorporation of psychoanalysis involves the development of discourse complexes to reflect particular aspects of Brazilian society. The criteria (a non-totalitarian society and the displacement of a magical and religious interpretation of mental disturbance by psychiatric interpretation) are evaluated in relation to the peculiarities of Brazilian syncretism. The paper argues that cultural syncretism and the incomplete assimilation of liberal ideology must be included as criteria in understanding the particular cultural incorporation of psychoanalysis in Brazil.


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ADOLESCENCE AND DRUG USE THROUGH THE LENS OF PSYCHOANALYSIS: SUFFERING AND ECSTASY IN THE PASSAGE The purpose of this study is to reflect upon the psychological factors of adolescent drug addiction according to a psychoanalytic perspective. First we consider adolescence as a social-historical category and then we discuss the psychoanalytic understanding of the adolescent transition. This theoretical path builds the approach that considers drug use as a phenomenon that serves as a passage ritual to contemporary adolescence. This phenomenon is modulated by the drive organization, which determines how the individual will take ownership of the use of psychoactive substances. We conclude that the substance use may function as a buffer-object, activated to deal with the structural fragility of the contemporary affective bonds.


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Up to the present day, Sabina Spielrein has been seen as a means to deeper understanding of Freud and Jung and, in particular, the relationship between these two “great men”. This is also the reason why her scholarly achievements after her 1912 essay "Destruction as the Cause of Coming Into Being” are hardly taken into account. This study shows that Spielrein's main research work was in the areas of child analysis and developmental psychology—that is, beyond the work and the persons of Freud and Jung—and that she made numerous significant contributions to the field, so many of them ahead of her time.


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Esta pesquisa aponta alguns dos efeitos subjetivos e estratégias singulares de resistência frente à desigualdade racial no nosso país, abordando as vicissitudes de inscrição no laço social de mulheres negras e pobres. É fruto de uma intervenção clínico-política com um grupo de adolescentes em uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental de São Paulo na qual foi se evidenciando, para nós, a necessidade de cada um desses adolescentes de defender intransigentemente a honra e o valor de suas mães frente aos outros membros do grupo. Tanto pelo seu excesso como pela sua repetição, essa situação nos sugeria um mal-estar e um não dito referido às configurações familiares e à posição destas mulheres nesta comunidade escolar, que nos levou a escutá-las. Tomando a indicação freudiana de que a psicologia individual seria também psicologia social e a formulação lacaniana de que podemos considerar o Inconsciente como sendo a Política, acreditamos ser indispensável escutar o sujeito levando em consideração o Outro, entendido tanto do ponto de vista sócio-histórico, como libidinal. Isso significa que não poderíamos escutar estas mulheres sem considerar o campo de desigualdades sociais e raciais no qual estavam inscritas discursivamente, o que nos exigiu uma interlocução fundamental tanto com pesquisas da antropologia social e da sociologia, como da história. A fala destas mulheres foi nos revelando que, além de outras identificações contingentes, o fato de serem reconhecidas e se reconhecerem como mulheres negras era um elemento fundamental nas suas vivências cotidianas. Uma vez que nosso passado escravista não teria sido suficientemente lembrado e admitido, alguns traços se fariam presentes através de uma transmissão simbólica, pelos subterrâneos da cultura, de uma posição de servidão a elas atribuída. Permaneceria de uma forma atualizada e insidiosa uma divisão racializada da nossa sociedade, ancorada na herança de uma cisão entre a mulher mundana cujo corpo seria visto como um corpo de gozo, mas sem valor social, a mucama, e a que seria valorizada socialmente à custa de um corpo assexuado, casta e educada, esposa do senhor de escravos. Apesar de tantos avanços, as conquistas femininas das últimas décadas não seriam totalmente estendidas a essas mulheres, negras e pobres, que seguiriam, frequentemente, apresentando no imaginário social um corpo ao qual se atribuiria a capacidade de satisfazer os desejos mais inconfessáveis de um homem à custa de ser visto como propriedade e domínio deste. A atitude racista se faria presente em relação a elas, entendida como o ato de segregação do gozo inadmitido de um sujeito no corpo de um outro, ou ainda, como Lacan apontou, impondo a um outro, seu modo de gozo. Mais do que uma identidade das mulheres negras, consideramos fundamental conceber a particularidade de um laço que se estabeleceria na relação com elas, na medida em que seu corpo seria capaz de despertar e revelar a relação do sujeito com o mais íntimo e insuportável de si mesmo: ela seria a estrangeira frente a um homem, por ser mulher; e seria estrangeira frente a uma mulher ou homem branco, por ser negra. A sua condição de estrangeira a deixaria assim como figura paradigmática de um Outro sexo, um sexo Outro, um gozo Outro, recaindo sobre ela as reações mais violentas de extirpação desse gozo. As estratégias de como manter o que seria próprio do gozo feminino não balizado pelo gozo fálico, posto que seria suplementar a ele frente a essa injunção de segregação e depreciação, seriam sempre singulares. Apresentamos um caso clínico, Silvana, apontando suas estratégias de resistência frente a um discurso social que a desqualificaria tentando lhe impor um estreitamento de sua vida erótica e sua redução a um modo único de gozo


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The following dissertation is framed by the psychoanalytic line of thought inaugurated by Sigmund Freud and rethought by Jacques Lacan. The starting point of this work is the notion of repetition, which finds its utmost reason in what Freud called compulsive repetition. The idea of repetition, besides being called by Lacan as one of the foundations of Psychoanalysis, articulates a series of theoretical landmarks which, in turn, constitute Psychoanalysis’ own arguments – whether linked to clinical practice or articulated around metapsychological reflection of the psychoanalytical field. This dissertation is gravitates around four specific theoretical moments: two Freudian ones and two Lacanian ones. The latter taking place during the period called “The return to Freud”, which comprises the period from 1953 to 1964. In this period, the postfreudian developments deviate from Freudian theory, as well as the psychoanalytic method, which is reviewed by poststructuralism. Altogether, the four moments being analyzed are: in Freud, the “repetition linked to the act” in 1914, and the “repetition as such” developed in Beyond the Pleasure Principle in 1920.In Lacan, the theory of “the insistence of the signifier” from 1955 and what he later named as the “failed encounter with the real” in 1964...


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Introduction includes bibliography.


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Includes bibliography.


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This paper examines the ways in which subject identity obtains in either philosophical or psychoanalytical theory, which subject may be duplicated—and disclosed—in literary narratives via their principles and ideas. ^ The technique has a double approach. First, the thesis examines subject formation in (and by) language, through psychoanalysis as it draws upon abiding mythic resources, phenomenological methods and aims (e.g., the subject as consciousness intending its object), and the existentialist turn. It then brings these ideas and principles to bear upon an analysis of literary works as cultural expressions of these identities. ^ Beginning with scientific and philosophical referents (as opposed to the somewhat ‘inclusive’ analysis of, for example, the New Criticism or explication de texte), allows for alternative readings not previously available to either author or reader. ^ Access to extra-literary sources, theories, and ideas enables a ‘reading’ of the subject on a par with one existing in the Life-World. ^