996 resultados para Laaninen, Timo: Se on ihan Matti
Yksi LP-levyjulkaisun Kamarihanuri : Finnish chamber music for the accordeon ([S.l.] : Suomen Harmonikkainstituutti, p1983, Finnish Accordeon Institute FAILP-1) alkuperäisistä äänitysnauhoista. Useita ottoja Kesäpäiviä-teoksen kahdesta ensimäisestä osasta.
Sibelius-Akatemian konserttisarja kevät 1980. Julkinen kenraaliharjoitus la 16.2. klo 14.
Dental oxide ceramics have been inspired by their biocompability and mechanical properties which have made durable all-ceramic structures possible. Clinical longevity of the prosthetic structures is dependent on effective bonding with luting cements. As the initial shear bond strength values can be comparable with several materials and procedures, long-term durability is affected by ageing. Aims of the current study were: to measure the shear bond strength of resin composite-to-ceramics and to evaluate the longevity of the bond; to analyze factors affecting the bond, with special emphasis on: the form of silicatization of the ceramic surface; form of silanization; type of resin primer and the effect of the type of the resin composite luting cement; the effect of ageing in water was studied regarding its effect to the endurance of the bond. Ceramic substrates were alumina and yttrium stabilized zirconia. Ceramic conditioning methods included tribochemical silicatization and use of two silane couplings agents. A commercial silane primer was used as a control silane. Various combinations of conditioning methods, primers and resin cements were tested. Bond strengths were measured by shear bond strength method. The longevity of the bond was generally studied by thermocycling the materials in water. Additionally, in one of the studies thermal cycling was compared with long-term water storaging. Results were analysed statistically with ANOVA and Weibull analysis. Tribochemical treatment utilizing air pressure of 150 kPa resulted shear bond strengths of 11.2 MPa to 18.4 MPa and air pressure of 450 kPa 18.2 MPa to 30.5 MPa, respectively. Thermocycling of 8000 cycles or four years water storaging both decreased shear bond strength values to a range of 3.8 MPa to 7.2 MPa whereas initial situation varied from 16.8. Mpa to 23.0 MPa. The silane used in studies had no statistical significance. The use of primers without 10-MDP resulted spontaneous debonding during thermocycling or shear bond strengths below 5 MPa. As conclusion, the results showed superior long-term bonding with primers containing 10-MDP. Silicatization with silanizing showed improved initial shear bond strength values which considerably decreased with ageing in water. Thermal cycling and water storing for up to four years played the major role in reduction of bond strength, which could be due to thermal fatigue of the bonding interface and hydrolytic degradation of the silane coupled interface.
Työssä tarkastellaan finanssijärjestelmää, sen toimijoita ja sääntelyä sekä vuonna 2007 alkanutta finanssikriisiä. Työ alkaa tutustumisella alan peruskäsitteisiin, jotka luovat pohjan kahden seuraavan luvun ymmärtämiselle. Työssä esitellään Suomen finanssivalvonnan (Fiva) määräykset liittyen finanssiyrityksien sääntelyyn. Fivan määräykset perustuvat Baselin säädöskokoelmaan, joka säätelee koko Euroopan finanssisektoria. Työssä on tarkoitus pohtia, ovatko säädökset riittävän tiukat, sillä ne eivät ole pystyneet estämään Irlannin kaltaisia kriisejä. Työssä myös pohditaan valvonnan ja moraalikadon merkitystä finanssisektorilla. Työssä tarkastellaan Kreikan, Irlannin ja Islannin ongelmia. Nämä kolme tarkasteltavaa maata ovat kärsineet pahiten Euroopassa tapahtuneesta finanssikriisistä. Maiden ongelmana on ollut holtiton velanotto, joka päättyi lamaan. Islannissa pankkisektori pelasi uhkarohkeaa peliä lainaamalla suuria summia ulkomaan valuutassa ja yrittämällä valloittaa Eurooppaa. Tämä toiminta päättyi Islannin kannalta kuitenkin lähes katastrofaalisesti. Kreikassa ei ole noudatettu EU:n vakaussopimusta ja valtion budjetti on ollut alijäämäinen useana vuonna. Irlannissa talous kasvoi vahvasti vuoteen 2008, jonka jälkeen asuntokupla puhkesi ja maa ajautui suuriin ongelmiin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan Sofia Pankin tapausta. Sofia Pankki oli ainoa suomalainen pankki, joka meni konkurssiin finanssikriisin aikana. Baselin sopimukset ovat muuttuneet kriisin aikana ja tulevat muuttumaan tulevaisuudessakin. Pankinjohtajien huimat palkkiot ovat saaneet osakseen suurta kritiikkiä. Niiden taustalla on kannustus riskienottamiseen, jotka johtivat finanssikriisiin.
In this study we discuss the atomic level phenomena on transition metal surfaces. Transition metals are widely used as catalysts in industry. Therefore, reactions occuring on transition metal surfaces have large industrial intrest. This study addresses problems in very small size and time scales, which is an important part in the overall understanding of these phenomena. The publications of this study can be roughly divided into two categories: The adsorption of an O2 molecule to a surface, and surface structures of preadsorbed atoms. These two categories complement each other, because in the realistic case there are always some preadsorbed atoms at the catalytically active surfaces. However, all transition metals have an active d-band, and this study is also a study of the in uence of the active d-band on other atoms. At the rst part of this study we discuss the adsorption and dissociation of an O2 molecule on a clean stepped palladium surface and a smooth palladium surface precovered with sulphur and oxygen atoms. We show how the reactivity of the surface against the oxygen molecule varies due to the geometry of the surface and preadsorbed atoms. We also show how the molecular orbitals of the oxygen molecule evolve when it approaches the di erent sites on the surface. In the second part we discuss the surface structures of transition metal surfaces. We study the structures that are intresting on account of the Rashba e ect and charge density waves. We also study the adsorption of suphur on a gold surface, and surface structures of it. In this study we use ab-initio based density functional theory methods to simulate the results. We also compare the results of our methods to the results obtained with the Low-Energy-Electron-Difraction method.
Patients treated in intensive care units require sedation and analgesia. However, sedative drugs also have potential adverse effects, and there is no single ideal sedativeanalgesic drug for these patients. Dexmedetomidine is an apha2-adrenoceptor agonist licenced for sedation of intensive care patients and patients undergoing surgery and other invasive procedures. Several routes of parenteral administration (intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intranasal) have been utilized. In the present series of studies, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intranasally administered dexmedetomidine as well as the gastrointestinal effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine were determined in healthy volunteers. Pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during long lasting, high-dose infusions were characterized in intensive care patients. The bioavailability of intranasal dexmedetomidine was relatively good (65%), but interindividual variation was large. Dexmedetomidine significantly inhibited gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit. In intensive care patients, the elimination half-life of dexmedetomidine was somewhat longer than reported for infusions of shorter duration and in less ill patients or healthy volunteers. Dexmedetomidine appeared to have linear pharmacokinetics up to the studied dose rate of 2.5 μg/kg/h. Dexmedetomidine clearance was decreasing with age and its volume of distribution was increased in hypoalbuminaemic patients, resulting in a longer elimination half-life and context-sensitive half-time. Intranasally administered dexmedetomidine was efficacious and well tolerated, making it appropriate for clinical situations requiring light sedation. The clinical significance of the gastrointestinal inhibitory effects of dexmedetomidine should be further evaluated in intensive care patients. The possibility of potentially altered potency and effect duration should be taken into account when administering dexmedetomidine to elderly or hypoalbuminaemic patients.