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Neuregulin-1 (Nrg-1)(1) gene has been considered as a schizophrenia susceptibility gene. In order to observe the association of Nrg-1 gene with schizophrenia, the study was designed to investigate the effect of anti-psychotic treatment on the Nrg-1 mRNA e


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Food and feeding, condition factor, breeding periods, growth and size at first maturity of a small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea (P.) in Lake Victoria are determined. Fishing gears and methods that have been used in the exploitation of the species and could be harmful to the fishery are outlined. Management measures leading to possible sustainable exploitation of the fishery are suggested. Adult R. argentea feed on zooplankton during daytime. Juveniles feed on planktonic early instars of lakefly larvae. Although the species breeds throughout the year, two breeding peaks were observed during the drier months of August and December January. Least breeding was observed in the rainy months of April-May and October November. Fishes from the open water station at Bugaia showed higher numbers of breeding individuals than those from inshore areas. The mean monthly condition factor of fish from Napoleon Gulf confirmed breeding peaks as obtained from the number of fish with ripe gonads. The species showed a mean instantaneous growth rate (K) of 1.75 and attains length infinity (Lx) of 54mm. Females of the species in these waters show a reduced size at maturity as compared to ten years ago when exploitation of the species was at minimal levels. The males have however not changed much.


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本文选用经过实验验证的碱基序列 ,用简化的方式 ,构建了被水分子和镁离子修饰的核酸序列的分子模型 ,应用分子力学模拟方法对序列进行能量优化 ,对优化后序列的构象参数、成键状况和能量数据等进行了分析。对tRNAHHis GUG的识别特性作了初步的探索 ,得到了和实验结果相近的结论。此外 ,还从能力学的角度讨论了溶剂 -溶质 -溶剂相互作用形成的网状氢键网络对核酸结构稳定性的影响 ,探讨了非Crick_WatsonGU、UU配对的能力学特征并存在于被水分子和镁离子修饰的核酸序列中的GU、UU配对情况。


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There were large losses of exotic species Elodea nuttallii during summer in eutrophic lakes of the middle and lower reaches of the Yanatze River, China. To investigate the main causes, the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was studied and compared with that of native species Ceratopkyllum demersum by using an aquaria system in the laboratory. Under 4500 lx light intensity and 12-h L/12-h D cycle, E. nuttallii cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution at 39 degrees C showed a positive growth rate during the first 15 days, and the growth rate was higher than that at 35 degrees C. But after 15 days, the growth rates became negative for those cultured both at 39 and 35 degrees C. However, the growth rate was positive for more than 20 days for those cultured at 25 degrees C. Under the same conditions, the growth rate, productivity and chlorophyll content of E. nuttallii were significantly higher than that of C. demersum. Heat tolerance of E. nuttallii was also stronger than that of C. demersum. The optimal temperature for the growth of the two plants depended on the experimental period: both plants grew at an optimal rate at higher temperature if the experimental period was short; nevertheless the plants achieved optimal growth at a lower temperature if the experiment was conducted for a longer period. At the same light intensity, the heat tolerance of C. demersum in tap water with sediment was markedly stronger than that of E. nuttallii at 39 degrees C. Average growth rate of C. demersum was 4.5 times higher than that of E. nuttallii within 25 days. The positive growth period lasted for less than 25 days for E. nuttallii and for more than 25 days for C. demersum. When they were cultured in 1/5 Hoaglands solution and in tap water with sediment, the growth rate of C. demersum increased from 0.4 to 79.4 mg/d.g fresh weight (FW) within 20 days. E. nuttallii increased from 8.3 to 24.4 mg/d-g FW within 20 days. Both grew better in tap water with sediment than in 1/5 Hoaglands solution. The results demonstrated that the nutritional status of the water other than the high temperature affected the heat tolerance of E. nuttallii during summer. E. nuttallii has great ecological safe risk in China.


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We report a direct observation of excitonic polaron in InAs/GaAs quantum dots using the photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. We observe that a new peak s' emerges below the s-shell which has anomalous temperature dependence emission energy. The peak s' anticrosses with s at a certain temperature, with a large anticrossing gap up to 31 meV. The behavior of the new peak, which cannot be interpreted using Huang-Rhys model, provides a direct evidence for strong coupling between exciton and LO phonons, and the formation of the excitonic polaron. The strong coupling between exciton and phonons opens a way to coherently control the polaron states.


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It is revealed from first-principles calculations that polarization-induced asymmetric distribution of oxygen vacancies plays an important role in the insulating behavior at p-type LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. The formation energy of the oxygen vacancy (V-O) is much smaller than that at the surface of the LaAlO3 overlayer, causing all the carriers to be compensated by the spontaneously formed V-O's at the interface. In contrast, at an n-type interface, the formation energy of V-O is much higher than that at the surface, and the V-O's formed at the surface enhance the carrier density at the interface. This explains the puzzling behavior of why the p-type interface is always insulating but the n-type interface can be conducting.


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In this paper, the spectral relation between the master and the frequency-locked slave laser (FLSL) is investigated by the conventional technique of optical intensity modulation and optical heterodyne. Experimentally, we demonstrate that under complete and stable locking condition, the lightwave of the FLSL and the sidebands of the master laser produced by the optical intensity modulation are perfectly coherent (frequency coherence). Referring to our recent studies, the lightwave of the master laser and its corresponding sidebands are also perfectly coherent. Additionally, the spectral structures of two perfectly coherent lightwaves are identical in the level of wave train. Therefore, we indirectly verify that the spectral structures of the FLSL and the master laser are identical in the level of wave train.


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An improved peak power method for measuring frequency responses of photodetectors in a self-heterodyne system consisting of a distributed Bragg reflector laser is proposed. The time-resolved spectrum technique is used to measure the peak power of the beat signal and the intrinsic linewidth of heat signal for calibration. The experimental results show that the impact of the thermal-induced frequency drift, which is the main reason for producing an error in measurement by conventional peak power method and spectrum power method, can be removed.


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Using a first-principles method, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of grain boundaries (GBs) in polycrystalline CdTe and the effects of copassivation of elements with far distinct electronegativities. Of the two types of GBs studied in this Letter, we find that the Cd core is less harmful to the carrier transport, but is difficult to passivate with impurities such as Cl and Cu, whereas the Te core creates a high defect density below the conduction band minimum, but all these levels can be removed by copassivation of Cl and Cu. Our analysis indicates that for most polycrystalline systems copassivation or multipassivation is required to passivate the GBs.


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Hexagonal nanopillars with a single InGaAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) were fabricated on a GaAs (111) B substrate by selective-area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The standard deviations in diameter and height of the nanopillars are about 2% and 5%, respectively. Zincblende structure and rotation twins were identified in both the GaAs and the InGaAs layers by electron diffraction. The excitation-power-density-dependent micro-photoluminescence (mu-PL) of the nanopillars was measured at 4.2, 50, 100 and 150 K. It was shown that, with increasing excitation power density, the mu-PL peak's positions shift to a higher energy, and their intensity and width increase, which were rationalized using a model that includes the effects of piezoelectricity, photon-screening and band-filling. It was also revealed that the rotation twins significantly reduce the diffusion length of the carriers in the nanopillars, compared to that in the regular semiconductors.


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Lattice constants, elasticity, band structure and piezoelectricity of hexagonal wideband gap BexZn1-xO ternary alloys are calculatedusing firstprinciples methods. The alloys' lattice constants obey Vegard's law well. As Be concentration increases, the bulk modulus and Young's modulus of the alloys increase, whereas the piezoelectricity decreases. We predict that BexZn1-xO/GaN/substrate (x = 0.022) multilayer structure can be suitable for high-frequency surface acoustic wave device applications. Our calculated results are in good agreement with experimental data and other theoretical calculations. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Origin of polarization sensitivity of photonic wire waveguides (PWWs) is analysed and the effective refractive indices of two different polarization states are calculated by the three-dimensional full-vector beam propagation method. We find that PWWs are polarization insensitive if the distribution of its refractive index is uniform and the cross section is square. An MRR based on such a polarization-insensitive PWW is fabricated on an 8-inch silicon-on-insulator wafer using 248-nm deep ultraviolet lithography and reactive ion etching. The quasi-TE mode is resonant at 1542.25 nm and 1558.90 nm, and the quasi-TM mode is resonant at 1542.12 nm and 1558.94 nm. The corresponding polarization shift is 0.13 nm at the shorter wavelength and 0.04 nm at the longer wavelength. Thus the fabricated device is polarization independent. The extinction ratio is larger than 10 dB. The 3 dB bandwidth is about 2.5 nm and the Qvalue is about 620 at 1558.90 nm.


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Tetragonal PbTiO3 under uniaxial stress along the c-axis is investigated from first-principles. The structural parameters, polarization, and squares of the lowest optical phonon frequencies for E(1TO) and A(1)(1TO) modes at Gamma show abrupt changes near a stress sigma(c) of 1.04 GPa, which is related to the dramatic change of elastic constant c(33) resulting from the uniaxial stress applied along the c-axis. We also find that the uniaxial compressive stress could enhance the piezoelectric stress coefficients, whereas the uniaxial tensile stress could enhance the piezoelectric strain coefficients. It is also found that when the magnitude of uniaxial compressive stress sigma(33) is greater than 12 GPa, PbTiO3 is transformed to the paraelectric tetragonal phase.


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We designed and fabricated a four-channel reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer based on silicon photonic wire waveguide, which is controlled through the thermo-optic effect. The effective footprint of the device is about 1000 x 500 mu m(2). The minimum insertion loss including the transmission loss and coupling loss is about 10.7 dB. The tuning bandwidth is about 17 nm, the average tuning efficiency about 6.11 mW/nm and the tuning speed about 24.5 kHz. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.